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Terminating House Officers include House Officers graduating from the training program, House Officers transferring to a program not at LSU, House Officers resigning from the program, House officer terminated from program

titleInstructions - Documents for Terminating House Officers


DOCUMENTS FOR TERMINATING HOUSE OFFICERS - Graduating, Transferring to a program not at LSU, Resignation, Termination

Note: If a House Officer is not completing training/terminating June 30, and will continue in the program for July 1, he/she must be listed on the Appointment Form as a “Holdover” status.  The Data on the Appointment Form auto-populates on the form from New Innovations and includes: House Officer name, level, dates of training, and status for the Academic Year.  These House Officers are Off-Cycle and the Program Coordinator MUST submit the documents listed under "Documents to be Submitted for Off-Cycle Terminations to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME Office at the time graduating/completing training.


DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED for June 30 TERMINATIONS - Program Coordinators send documents to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME office:

  1. Termination Spreadsheet: Program Coordinator submits signed House Officer Termination Spreadsheet listing House Officers terminating on June 30. (Auto populated form printed from the GME Online Appointment Form System).


       The Spreadsheet MUST be submitted if the spreadsheet was submitted to GME and a house officer will no longer be in the training program after June 30.  This spreadsheet does not have to be submitted if the termination is after June 30. 

  2. END-of-the Month Report:  Terminating House Officers MUST sign or submit an Email response certifying their June rotation information on the EOM report before graduating/leaving.
    1. If the House Officer will not be able to certify the EOM Report printed at the end of the Month, House Officers can sign a copy of the June BOM Report and the program coordinator will submit the pages of the June BOM Report with the June EOM report.
  3. PER 3 if Applicable:
    1. Electronic PER 3:  (ePAF Termination PER 3). The electronic PER 3 ePAF, is not required for house officers graduating June 30.  These house Officers will be included in the batch termnation process; but if the process has run and the house officer was not inlcuded, then the ePAF termination PER 3 is needed.
      1. Program Coordinator requests Business Manager to initiate the ePAF Termination PER 3 to Terminate the House Officer if:
        1. House Officer is transferring, effective July 1, to a training program at another Institution (not LSU) and not completing all years of the LSU categorical program.
        2. House Officer Resigns, effective July 1.   Attach resignation letter to electronic PER 3.
        3. House Officer will not be in the program July 1, and was not included in the Automated Batch Termination process.  (If not sure, contact Yolanda Lundsgaard)
    2. Paper PER 3s: Program Coordinator submits a paper PER 3 to terminate a House Officers with a Gratis Appointment  (These are House Officers that are paid by the Military, paid directly by the VA, or paid directly by another funding source).
  4. Employee Separation EMail:   Program Coordinator Emails the name(s) of the House Officers terminating June 30 to the HRM Employees Separating from University email address:; and copy Yolanda Lundsgaard in GME Office.  The Email  This Email isis only required if  if submitting paper terminating PER 3s and for House Officers that are included on the June 30 Termination Spreadsheet.   Program Coordinators can send the June 30 Termination Spreadsheet to the employee separation email.   Do not send the email if the department business manager submitted an electronic ePAF Termination PER 3.   Program Coordinator Emails the name(s) of the House Officers terminating June 30 to the HRM Employees Separating from University email address:; and copy Yolanda Lundsgaard in GME Office.  
  5. Appointment Form:  An updated appointmentt form is needed if the house officer was inlcuded on the last form submitted to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME office.
  6. GME Data Sheet MUST be updated and included in the GME Program Exit Packet.  If House Officer's training dates changed during the time he/she was in the program, including dates on LOA that changed the House Officer's training dates.  The updated GME Data Sheet must include the correct training dates and LOA dates noted.  
  7. GME Program Exit Packet - completed by coordinators and due 30 days after departure.  Packet includes listing of paperwork needed to be sent to the GME office (implemented in June 2009).
  8. LSBME - Program Coordinator must notify LSBME of House Officer’s that have  graduated/resigned/terminated from the training program.  Send name, Program name, and date of separation from the training program to LSBME .  
  9. Rotation Sites - Hospital GME or Academic Affairs Office - Program Coordinator must notify the rotatiion site hospital's GME or Academic Affairs Office if the program was notified of the house officer's resignation/termination after May 1.   

DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR OFF-CYCLE TERMINATIONS - Program Coordinators send documents to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME office:

  1. Off-Cycles & Exceptions List:  Program   This signed list is only needed for Off-Cycles & Exceptions known at the beginning of the New Academic Year.  The signed list is not needed once the new Academic Year begins for Off-Cycles & Exceptions that occur during the year that were not known before the new Academic year began.  Program Coordinator submits the signed Off-Cycles & Exceptions List Off-Cycles & Exceptions List of House Officers that are terminating off-cycle, not June 30, (Auto-populated list printed from the GME Online Appointment Form System. This signed list is only needed for Off-Cycles & Exceptions known at the beginning of the New Academic Year.  The list is not needed for Off-Cycles & Exceptions that occur during the year that were not known before the year began 
  2. Resident Scheduler - House Officer CANNOT be scheduled in resident scheduler for dates after the house officer's last day on Active paid or LOA/LWOP status.  Program Coordinator deletes the record(s) in Resident Scheduler to avoid overpayment to the House Officer.
  3. End-of-The Month Report - Terminating House Officers MUST sign or submit an email response certifying their rotation for their last month or time in the Training Program, before graduating/ leaving.
  4. PER 3 

    1. Electronic ePAF Termination PER 3:  Program Coordinator requests Business Manager initiate the electronic ePAF Termination PER 3, 

    2. Paper PER 3:  Program Coordinator submits a paper PER 3 If the House Officer has a gratis appointment.  

  5. Employee Separation EMail Program Coordinator sends an Email with  The Email is not needed for electronic ePAF Termination PER 3s.  ONLY if a paper PER 3 is the EMail submitted to HRM Employees Separating from University Email address:, copy Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME Office.    Program Coordinator includes in the Eamail: the House Officers' termination information (name, HO level, Program name and last day work and effective date), ONLY if a paper PER 3 is submitted to HRM Employees Separating from University Email address:, coy  

  6. New Innovations:  The House Officer's training dates MUST be updated with the House Officers updated last day in the progrm. This Must be done as soon as the last day is known.
  7. Appointment Form:  An Updated Appointment form MUST be downloaded, printed, signed and submitted to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME Office.  The Email is not needed for electronic ePAF Termination PER 3s.  After the updated training date has been entered in New Innovations, this form can be downloaded the next day.  The form is found on the 
  8. GME Data Sheet:  An Updated GME Data Sheet  MUST be updated and included in the GME Program Exit Packet.  If House Officer's training dates changed during the time he/she was in the program, including dates on LOA that changed the House Officer's training dates.  The updated GME Data Sheet must include the correct training dates and LOA dates noted.

  9. GME Program Exit Packet - completed by coordinators and due 30 days after departure.  Packet includes listing of paperwork needed to be sent to the GME office (implemented in June 2009).

  10. LSBME - Program Coordinators must notify LSBME of House Officer’s graduation/resignation/termination from training program.  Send name, Program name, date of separation to LSBME.

  11. Rotation Sites - Hospital GME or Academic Affairs Office - Program Coordinator must notify the rotatiion site hospital's GME or Academic Affairs Office that the House officer is not longer in the training program, include the effective date.   


Verify the House Officer is NOT scheduled/assigned in PS-RTS for July or dates after termination date.

 Update the Biographical Data in New Innovations (Forwarding address; training dates; other items that should be completed in database). 

  1. Confirm Medical Records clearance from all training sites (hospitals) – House Officer should not have any delinquent charts at any training facilities.

  2. All Check-out requirements completed at UMCNO and other Hospitals; for Training Program and for GME – if check-out is required when rotation/training completed at each site.

NOTE: For PER 3s, The House Officer's c.o.b last day in training program or last day to be paid or last day on LOA is not the effective Termination date, the effective Termination date is the day after the house Officer's last day in program, last day to be paid or last day on on LOA.  For example:  a June 30, termination date would have the termination effective date July 1,  the last cob worked/last day to be paid/last day on LOA,  is June 30.  if you have questions, contact Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME Office.
