The GMEC convenes under the leadership of a Chairperson (DIO) and Director of AccreditationAssistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education (GME). The voting membership includes:
- The Designated Institutional Official (DIO)
- Director of AccreditationAssistant Dean for GME
- A representative group of Fellows and Residents nominated by their peers
- House Staff Association President
- A representative group of Fellowship and Residency Program Directors
- GME Coordinators
- Director of Equip – Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Program
- Coordinator of Equip
- Up to 3 Selected Program Coordinators
- UMCNO Chief Academic Office Representative
- Participating Sites Academic/GME Representative
All members are automatically voting members; alternates may participate and vote in their absence. Each voting member is expected to provide representation at 100 percent of the scheduled meetings.
The GMEC Membership is reviewed annually by the DIO and the Director of AccreditationAssistant Dean for GME.
Sub committees may be established with the approval of the GMEC to address priority topics as seen fit by the committee.
Manpower/Position Allocation. The GMEC reviews and makes recommendations to the DIO regarding allocation of training positons positions among the programs when requests are made to increase positions.
DIO annual presentation to the Executive Council and the Faculty Assembly
Newsletter from the Office of Medical Education - OMENInformation submitted in the School of Medicine Newsletter- THE PULSE
Curriculum and Evaluation, The GMEC ensures that each program provides a curriculum and evaluation system that enables residents to demonstrate achievement of ACGME general competencies, as defined in the Common and Program Requirements by: