2025-2026 VA On-Boarding Process - Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System (SLVHCS)

2025-2026 VA On-Boarding Process - Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System (SLVHCS)

   ***Pending ***  The VA Application for New Rotators, and the Fingerprinting & Photo process will be updated for the 2025-2026 Academic year soon***

NOTE:  For this document, the following definitions apply:

VA New Resident - Resident/Fellow who is one of the following:

    • New to LSUHSC-New Orleans (including Baton Rouge, Bogalusa, Kenner, Lafayette, and Lake Charles House Officers)
    • Residents/Fellows Continuing in the same LSU Training Program, but have never rotated at the SLVHCS-Louisiana
    • Rotated at the SLVHCS-Louisiana VA, during Medical School at LSUHSC-New Orleans.  VA GME Office will use the LSU Medical Student Match list to try to extend the Credentials for the LSU students that match to LSU Residency programs and update them to Resident. 
      • Resident Will need to complete the VA New Resident/Fellow Application
      • Resident Will not need fingerprinting or Photo appointment.  Resident will only need to schedule an appointment with Ms. Crystal Cruz in the VA GME Office for an updated ID card, (to extend expiration date to cover until the end of the Trainee's residency affiliation). 

VA Returning Resident - Resident/Fellow who meets the following criteria:

    • Previously rotated at the SLVHCS-Louisiana VA in the prior academic year(s) and will remain in the same program next academic year
    • Previously rotated at the SLVHCS-Louisiana VA in the prior academic year(s) but will be in a different LSU Residency/Fellowship Program

VA - Considered to be all VA facilities in Louisiana, including VA New Orleans, clinics in Baton Rouge, Slidell, Bogalusa, others in Louisiana

VA Onboarding Process - VA New and Returning Residents
  1. TQCVL & TQCVL Spreadsheet:  Prior to participating in training at a VA Facility, each health professions trainee ((HPT) Resident/Fellow), must be listed on a TQCVL to complete onboarding.  TQCVL Guide to is available to help complete the TQCVL.
    1. Program Administrator downloads and completes a TQCVL and a TQCVL Spreadsheet listing Residents/Fellows in the Program that may rotate at the VA, and attach it to the TQCVL.  The TQCVL Spreadsheet can be downloaded and printed from the GMEOnline Appointment Forms System and will auto-populate with some House officer data.  Missing House Officer data must be entered manually in the spreadsheet. 
      • Include all Residents/Fellows names on the TQCVL spreadsheet that may rotate to the VA during the Academic Year, Include all that are eligible to rotate to the VA for the Academic Year.  
      • House Officer Level is the House Officer level for the new Academic Year.
      • Check that Residents/Fellows have been screened against the Health and Human Services' list of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE), and against the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) by checking these databases (if payment is requested, contact Yolanda Lundsgaard in the LSU GME Office):
        1.  LEIE database:  https://exclusions.oig.hhs.gov/ (all Paid and WOC trainees)
        2. NPDB database: https://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/  
      • Check the boxes on the TQCVL that apply 
      • J1-Visa holders:  Include a copy of current J-1 Visa Documentation for all non-citizen trainees. if the resident/fellow is not from the U.S. (see page 2 of TQCVL)
      • Program Administrator attaches the TQCVL Spreadsheet listing Residents/Fellows, including copies of J-1 Visa or Permanent Resident Card, to the TQCVL
      • Program Director signs and dates the TQCVL and includes his/her title as Program Director.  Program Directors can sign electronically per Dr. Grundy at the February 20, 2024 Coordinator's meeting.
    2. Program Administrator submits the completed and signed TQCVL, with completed TQCVL spreadsheet, and copies of J-1 Visa and Permanent Resident Card documents, if applicable, attached to Ms. Crystal Cruz, Crystal.Cruz2@va.gov and the VA Group Emaiil: is vhanolvagmeprogram@va.gov, using the LSU Encrypted Email System by the deadline. The deadline listed on the AY 2025-2026 Paperwork Submission Timeline.  Progam Administrators should keep a copy of the TQCVL and spreadsheet that was sent to the VA.
      1. the TQCVL Excel List will be used to upload accounts for the New Rotators to register for an IAM account to complete the VA New Rotator Application.   
    3. If there are any changes to the List of Residents/Fellows on the original TQCVL Spreadsheet submitted with the TQCVL, an updated TQCVL spreadsheet must be submitted to Ms. Crystal Cruz, and the VA Group Emiail using the LSU Encrypted Email system and copy Yolanda Lundsgaard in the LSU GME Office. 
      • An updated TQCVL spreadsheet is required every time there is a change to the List of Residents/Fellows to Ms. Crystal Cruz, at the VA using the LSU encrypted Email System
      • Identify in the subject line of the encrypted Email that the attachment is an updated TQCVL Spreadsheet (list of Residents/Fellows)

  2. Coordinator Tracker:  The Coordinator Tracker provides VA staff with more detailed information for each Resident/Fellow that will rotate at the VA and is part of the VA onboarding process.
    1. Program Administrator completes the Coordinator Tracker.  The Coordinator Tracker can be downloaded and printed from the GME Online Appointment Forms System, and will auto-populate with some House Officer date.  Missing House Officer data must be entered manually in the Coordinator Tracker.
      • Include all information requested for VA New and Returning Residents/Fellows
      • it is very important to include the correct VA rotation date, if the rotation date is not known when completing the Coordinator Tracker, leave the field blank.  Do not enter July 1, as the rotation start date if the Resident/Fellow will not rotate to the VA on July 1.
    2. Program Administrator submits the completed Coordinator Tracker to Ms. Crystal Cruz, at the VA (the EXCEL version) using the LSU Encrypted Email system by the deadline.  Theh deadline is included on the AY 2025-2026 Paperwork Submission Timeline.

3. New Residents/Fellows VA Application Instructions  ***Pending ***:  Updated for Academic Year 2025-2026

NOTE:  Incoming New Residents/Fellows that will rotate to the VA during 2024-2025, that were inlcuded on the TQCVL Spreadsheet submitted with the TQCVL, will automatically receive the Email from mvi.system@va.gov to register for an IAM account to complete the VA New Rotator Application.

  •  2024 VA New Trainee Onboarding Process Checklist   The checklist includes the steps for the New VA Rotator to cmplete the VA onboarding process.
  • TMS Training-Mandatory:  The new online system will send an email to the House Officer with instructions to complete the Mandatory Training in TMS.  
  • Selective Service:  Part of the new online application asks about Selective Service but does not require confirmation, It will automatically be checked electronically through the new system.  
  • Fingerprinting & VA Photos:  Local Residents/Fellows MUST schedule a fingerprint/photo appointment with the VA GME Office vhanolgmefingerprinting@va.gov; Out-of-Town Trainiees must contact the New Orleans VA GME Manager, Ms. Crystal Cruz crystal.curz2@va.gov; and the VA Group Email:is vhanolvagmeprogram@va.gov

4. Returning Residents/Fellows  ***Pending *** Updated for Academic Year 2025-2026

a.  Program Administrator provides to the Returning Residents/Fellows the the link to the VA Returning Trainee Onboarding Application.

  •  Returning Resident/Fellow Downloads, Prints, and completes the VA Returning Trainee Onboarding Application (one page).
  • Resident/Fellow completes the mandatory TMS Refresher Training and downloads a copy of their TMS Certificate(s). TMS Registration Instructions
    • TMS Mandatory Refresher Training Certificate(s) completion date(s) must not be expired or expiring before rotation to the VA
      1. Instructions to login to TMS:  TMS Registration Instructions; enter username (personal or school email you registered with), then click Submit
      2. Certificates are valid for 1 year
      3. TMS Mandatory Refresher Training should be completed as close to the expiration date as possible to avoid expiring before rotation date
      4. Residents/Fellows can complete the TMS Mandatory Refresher Training a month before the expiration date.
      5. Residents/Fellows will lose access if they don't have a TMS Certificate(s) for the New Academic Year
    • Returning Residents/Fellows submit the completed Returning Trainee Onboarding Requirements Packet to their Program Administrator 
      1. Program Administrator reviews the packet, confirms all reqeusted information is entered on the form and all required documents are attached by the Returning Resident/Fellow (check the box confirming the TMS Training Certificate(s) attached)
      2. Program Administrator submits the completed Returning Trainee Packets to Ms. Crystal Cruz, Crystal.Cruz2@va.gov at the VA and the VA Group Email:is vhanolvagmeprogram@va.govusing the LSU Encrypted Email system
      3. Do Not hold packets waiting to receive them from all Returning residents/fellows, send completed packets after reviewing to Ms. Cruz, Crystal.Cruz2@va.gov and the VA Group Email: is vhanolvagmeprogram@va.gov, using the LSU Encrypted Email System

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