Physician Imparement Policy
House Officers who work at University are expected to report to work in a fit and safe condition. A House Officers who is taking prescription medication(s) and/or who has an alcohol, drug, psychiatric or medical condition(s) that could impair the House Officer's ability to perform in a safe manner must contact the Louisiana State Medical Society's Physicians' Health Program, whose mission is to assist and advocate for physicians who are impaired or potentially impaired as approved by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. If a House Officer knows of a physician or colleague who House Officer reasonably believes may be impaired or potentially impaired, House Officer may report that physician to the Physicians' Health Program.
A House Officer who is reasonably believed to be impaired or potentially impaired, but refuses to avail him/herself of assistance shall be reported to the Campus Assistance Program and/or the Physicians' Health Program for evaluation.
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