ACGME Newsroom
Update 3-18-2020
Dear Members of the Graduate Medical Education Community, I and the ACGME recognize and thank the entire GME community for taking a critical role in the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By engaging the GME programs in your health system’s planning and execution of this response, you have demonstrated the value of GME in fulfilling your organization’s mission. By having faculty members, residents, and fellows engage in the care of COVID-19 patients, the GME community serves as an example of professionalism at the highest level, and one that will serve as a model to be emulated by future faculty members, residents, and fellows. The ACGME is fully aware of the tremendous burden of work each GME program faces as you prepare for this national emergency and care for these patients. During this challenging time, we want to remove as many external burdens to your programs that we can. Accordingly, we will suspend some of our activities to allow you to focus on patient care and institutional issues. The ACGME Has Suspended Accreditation-Related Activities 1. Self-Study activities, including the submission of Self-Study Summaries 2. All accreditation site visits 3. All Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program site visits 4. Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys Given your attention and commitment to patients and residents/fellows, we are suspending these routine operations to allow you to focus entirely on the needs of patients and the careful and appropriate integration of residents and fellows into that process. The ACGME Accelerates Implementation of Telemedicine Requirements The definition of Direct Supervision as part of these new telemedicine requirements includes the following classification: “the supervising physician and/or patient is not physically present with the resident and the supervising physician is concurrently monitoring the patient care through appropriate telecommunication technology.” Ultimately each specialty Review Committee will choose whether to continue to allow for this type of direct supervision with telemedicine in other situations. In no situation will a program be penalized retroactively for appropriate engagement of residents and fellows with appropriate supervision in the use of telemedicine during this crisis. Impact on Clinical Volume The visits/Case Logs of a program’s graduates who were on duty during this pandemic (particularly those in their ultimate or penultimate years) will be judiciously evaluated in light of the impact of the pandemic on that program. The program can delineate for the Review Committee how it was affected by the pandemic in the Major Changes and Other Updates section of the Annual Update. Ongoing Priorities 1. Work Hour Requirements 2. Adequate Resources and Training 3. Adequate Supervision Professionalism is one of the six Core Competencies that must be manifested by all physicians. This includes arriving fit for duty, practicing at the appropriate level of competence with appropriate supervision, and training physicians to care for patients and the public without causing harm to themselves and those they care for. Because of this, the ACGME will still expect Sponsoring Institutions and programs to maintain strict compliance to the work hour, supervision, and education/training requirements. We will be working to determine appropriate mechanisms to monitor adherence in these important areas. This crisis provides each of us with the opportunity to both enhance our profession’s commitment to serve the public in a time of greatest need, and to teach each other how to manifest the altruism, integrity, and commitment to excellence that is the core of our social contract with the public. It provides us with the chance to demonstrate what teamwork, leadership, and followership means when we work together with our nursing, pharmacy, physician assistant, respiratory care, laboratory, and other colleagues for the betterment of our patients. It gives us the opportunity to recognize and thank the many people who keep our facilities clean and safe. And it demonstrates to all how we work every single day to meet the health care needs of each individual patient, even as we serve the collective health needs of the American Public. On behalf of the ACGME Board of Directors, and the administration and staff of the ACGME, I would like to thank you all for your efforts to care for patients and the health of the public in this exceptionally challenging circumstance. We commend your professionalism to prioritize patient care while managing and minimizing the risks to the residents and fellows, your colleagues, other health care providers, and yourself. We will continue to work to find ways to support you in these life-saving efforts! Please be safe! Most sincerely, Tom Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP |
Updated 3-16-2020
ACGME Shares American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Statement regarding COVID-19
As a resource to the graduate medical education community, the ACGME is sharing the following statement from ABMS to designated institutional officials regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). The statement reads:
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and its 24 Member Boards appreciate the extraordinary efforts of our specialty medical professionals and trainees who are working tirelessly to treat and monitor those exposed to or diagnosed with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and we recognize the associated enhanced health risks and the potential for training disruptions. As with others in our community, our primary concern is for the health and wellbeing of these individuals and patients and the desire to maintain a strong and effective healthcare workforce. In most cases, specialty boards’ existing leave policies will cover training disruptions caused by quarantine, and boards are supportive of creative strategies to recognize learning opportunities that can take place during such times. In situations in which quarantine impedes completion of on-time training, boards are receptive to case-by-case discussions and do not wish to penalize trainees for situations beyond their control. We encourage those with questions to contact their respective ABMS Member Board for details and updates regarding COVID-19 related leave policies and the status of board examinations."
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