Wellness Resources

Wellness Resources




Campus Assistance Program

LSUHSC Wellness Committee

LSUHSC Psychiatry Department

In light of the developing COVID-19 pandemic, the LSUHSC Psychiatry department will be offering virtual Psychological First Aid groups to support medical personnel. Groups will be free, brief (1 hour), and focused on reducing initial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to foster short- and long-term adaptive functioning and coping. Groups will be divided to include either staff only, faculty only, or residents only to encourage open communication among group members. Each group will be limited to 15 members with two co-facilitators. We will be offering groups throughout the week and on weekends. 

Please click this link to sign up. (Step-by-step instructions below.) Note: Your name and email address are needed to coordinate the groups, but your information will not be seen by other group members. Thank you for all the work you are doing for our community! We look forward to supporting you! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Rajo, UMC Trauma Psychologist, at erajo@lsuhsu.edu or Erin McBurney, Trauma Recovery LCSW at erin.mcburney@lcmchealth.org

 Sign Up instructions: 

  1. Click 

here to go to the sign up page.   

  1. Select the “Sign Up” button on the right for the group you are interested in attending. 

  1. Click the “Submit and Sign Up” button at the bottom of the screen. 

  1. Enter your name and email address. 

  1. Click “Sign Up Now” to register for the group. 

An email with instructions for accessing our video group meeting (using online Zoom video) will be sent to you prior to the group start time.

 If all group slots are currently filled, check back later today or tomorrow. Groups will be continuously added to the schedule until a recurring group schedule is established.


Free access to Headspace w/ a NPI number: https://www.headspace.com/health-covid-19

  • If you don't know your NPI number, just google "your name NPI"

Facebook Groups:

Lives of Doctors Wives
AMA Alliance
AMA Alliance Young Physicians Network
Sig O's of MDs and Dos
Nurturing Medical Marriages


https://physicianfamily.com/medical-marriage - Contains books and podcasts by medical marriage experts. Parenting, and self-care, are also major topics.
Podcasts: https://marriedtodoctors.com/covid-19-and-physician-families/ Released March 16, 2020
Marriedtodoctors.com with podcasts listed on site.
Journal Articles:
Male Spouses of Women Physicians: Communication, Compromise, and Carving Out Time - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4238294/

Message Boards:



LSU GME Knowledge Base

Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.