Transfer Without Promotion Spreadsheet
Form Name: | Transfer Spreadsheet - House Officer not promoting |
Completed By: | Program Coordinator |
Used When: | The Transfer without Promotion Spreadsheet is submitted in March every year to prepare for the New Academic Year. |
Purpose: | The purpose of the Transfer without Promotion Spreadsheet is for the GME Coordinator to provide Human Resources with a Master list of House Officers Transferring and Not Promoting for the New Academic Year. Human Resources will manually enter the House Officer's correct training program verify the correct house officer level is in PeopleSoft for the new Academic Year. The Master Spreadsheet will include the names and House Officer level of the House Officers Transferring and Not Promoting to a different training program at LSUHSC-N.O. (such as a Surgery HO 1 switching to, or Matched to a Medicine HO 1 position). |
Direct Questions To: | Yolanda Lundsgaard |
Form Link: | Transfer Spreadsheet |
Instructions for Completing the Transfer Without Promotion Spreadsheet
The Program Coordinator in the Program the House Officer is transferring to will print and submit the signed Transfer without Promotion spreadsheet(s) to the GME Coordinator listed above.
First the House Officer's Training Program and House Officer Level must be correct in New Innovations. Program Coordinator's review the House Officer's information in New Innovations to confirm or update if needed.
The Transfer without Promotion Spreadsheet(s), that includes the data in New Innovation, may be downloaded from the GME Online Appointment Forms system, and can be printed when selecting "Print Transfer Spreadsheet"
If the Training Program has more than one House Officer Transferring without Promoting from different training Programs for the new academic year, a separate Transfer without Promoting spreadsheet will print for these House Officers when the Print Transfer Spreadsheet is selected, (i.e. a spreadsheet for a Surgery HO 1 resident transferring to Medicine-N.O. as a HO 1 will print, and a separate spreadsheet for a Psychiatry HO 1 transferring to Medicine-N.O. as a HO 1 will print.).
Print Spreadsheets in Portrait Format
Spreadsheets should be signed by all parties and submitted to the GME Coordinator listed above.
Places This Form is Referenced
Transfer Without Promotion Spreadsheet (Forms & Documents)
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