Getting Started - For New Coordinators

Getting Started - For New Coordinators

Below is a list of many of the online systems used by the GME Office, along with brief descriptions of what each system is used for and a link to detailed information and instructions.  If you have questions about how to access or use any of these systems, let me know.  Your LSU username and password should grant you access to everything.

GME Program Information

The GME office maintains contact information about all programs.  Please click here: http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/medical_education/graduate/programdatasheet/Default.aspx and confirm that the contact information for your program is correct.  Also, please enter your cell phone and home phone numbers.  These numbers will NOT be given out, but will only be used by the GME office for emergency purposes.

GME KnowledgeBase

Our GME KnowledgeBase is located at https://lsugme.atlassian.net.  Our goal for the knowledge base is to house all information that you need to do your job.  It contains all of our policies/procedures, resident newhire documentation, and many other resources.  It is still a work in progress, but this should be the first place to look for any information.  Feel free to browse through the content as you have time.   Additionally, the Navigating the Knowledge Base page has useful information for the various features of the knowledge base.

New Innovations

New Innovations is the software package chosen by the Office of Graduate Medical Education to collect and maintain resident records for ACGME accreditation and compliance purposes.  New Innovations is used for duty hour entry and monitoring, completion of evaluations, recording of case and procedure logs, and informing residents and tracking of events at which attendance is required, resident portfolios. 

General Information about New Innovations:

New Innovations

Instructions for Logging in to New Innovations:

Logging in to New Innovations

Recommended Webinars for New Coordinators:

Recommended Webinars for New Coordinators

Clinical Experience and Education Hours (Formerly Duty Hours)

Clinical Experience and Education (Formerly Duty Hours) - For Coordinators

Required Information for House Officers in New Innovations:

Required Information for House Officers in New Innovations Personnel Data

GME Pager Database

A listing of all House Officer pagers assigned to your program is available online in the GME Pager Database.  Instructions for using the are located in the KnowledgeBase at GME Pager Database

GME Calendar

The GME office maintains a calendar which contains all important dates such as Payroll Deadlines, NRMP Match Deadlines, Coordinator Meetings, and many others.  The calendar can be viewed online at:  http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/medical_education/graduate/calendar/calendar.asp.  The calendar page contains an Internet Calendar Subscription Link that can be used to add the GME Calendar as a separate calendar within Outlook.  There is also an Outlook plug-in that will put the GME calendar entries onto your personal calendar (only available for computers on campus).  Instructions for installing this plugin are in the KnowledgeBase at GME Calendar

Electronic Resident Files

The GME office maintains an electronic archive of all resident files.   Information about the system and how to access it is contained in the KnowledgeBase at GME Resident Files

Academic Year Forms

Prepopulated appointment packets, resident contracts, promote/transfer/terminate spreadsheets, medical permit renewal forms, and  resident newhire documents information are all available online in the GME Online Appointment Forms system.  Information and instructions for accessing the system are in the KnoweldgeBase at GME Online Appointment Forms

GME Rotation Sites

The GME Office maintains an updated list of which programs rotate at each of our major partner hospitals.  This list helps us to provide accurate information and House Officer lists to these facilities.  Information about using the GME Rotation Sites system is located in the KnoweldgeBase at https://lsugme.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DIRECTORY/GME+Rotation+Sites

Missing Data in New Innovations

You can easily determine what pieces of demographic data are missing from your resident records in New Innovations with the Resident Data Status system.  Information about the system is available in the KnowledgeBase at Resident Data Status.  The system will also show whether or not each House Officer has completed PECOS registration.

Resident License Check

You can view the licensure status for all House Officers in your program (including incoming House Officers) in the Resident License Check system.  This system will query the LSBME's database in real time, to show the most current license status for all trainees in a program.  Instructions are located in the KnowledgeBase at Resident License Check.

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