IV.I. Freedom of Speech Policy
Chancellor’s Memorandum
CM-66 – Freedom of Speech and Expression (CM-66; December 18, 2018 https://www.lsuhsc.edu/administration/cm/CM-66.pdf)
LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans (LSUHSC-NO) is fully committed to the principle that the free expression of ideas among students, faculty, staff, and visitors is fundamental to education, discovery, and dissemination of knowledge. Supporting this culture of freedom of speech includes a responsibility to allow expression of all ideas and opinions, including, without limitation, those which some may find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive, and to welcome all people into the discussion.
Policy Statement
In accordance with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, with Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution of Louisiana, with other applicable laws and regulations, and with LSU Permanent Memorandum 79 - Freedom of Speech and Expression (PM-79) (https://www.lsuhsc.edu/administration/pm/PM-79.pdf), all students, faculty, and staff at LSUHSC-NO, along with visitors lawfully present on campus, are free to discuss any topic, assemble, and/or engage in spontaneous expressive activity as long as such discussion, assembly, or activity is not unlawful and does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the LSUHSC-NO. Outdoor areas on campus that are generally accessible to the majority of students, faculty, and staff are deemed traditional public areas under state law that are open on the same terms to any speaker.
Due to the compact nature of its campus, LSUHSC-NO reserves the right to impose limitations on the time, manner, and place of expressive activities on groups of any size, without regards towards the content of the views expressed, for the purposes of ensuring:
- The safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors.
- The free speech rights of all parties.
- The unimpeded flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on campus or into campus facilities.
- The undisrupted continuance of the normal activities of the educational mission.
Policy Administration
All definitions and policy requirements of LSU PM-79 are hereby incorporated into this LSUHSC-NO campus policy, which will be administered and enforced by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the University Police, and such other campus officials as may be designated by the Chancellor.
Information about this policy shall be included in the LSUHSC-NO Faculty Handbook, the LSUHSC-NO Catalog Bulletin, annual training required of all students, faculty and staff, and in any other forms of publication that LSUHSC-NO may deem necessary to ensure wide understanding of the campus support for free speech and expression.
Visitors to the campus and all others violating this policy regarding time, place, and manner of speech and demonstration shall be subject to immediate eviction or removal from the campus without further warning by University Police and may be subject to appropriate legal action.
Any person aggrieved by a violation of this policy may file a written appeal of the decision or action to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs within fourteen (14) calendar days of the decision or action. Students may file an appeal in accordance with Chancellor’s Memorandum #56 – Student Responsibilities and Rights. Faculty may file an appeal in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Faculty Handbook. Staff may file an appeal with the Employee Relations section of Human Resources Management. The LSUHSC-NO shall reply in writing within fourteen days of receipt of the appeal, unless, for good cause, additional time is needed to ascertain all pertinent facts. The decision of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the appeal shall be final.
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