IV.C. Sexual Harassment / Discrimination Policy (CM49)
Chancellor’s Memorandum
CM-49 – Sexual Harassment / Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination (CM-49, July 21, 2021 https://www.lsuhsc.edu/administration/cm/cm-49.pdf)
LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans (“LSUHSC-NO”) is committed to providing a professional work environment that maintains equality, dignity, and respect for all members of its community. In keeping with this commitment, LSUHSC-NO prohibits discriminatory practices, including sex and gender based harassment and discrimination, including Sexual Misconduct (e.g. sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, retaliation, etc.). Any sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical or environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Sexual harassment is illegal under federal, state and local laws. It is defined as any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or
- The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment; or
- The conduct effectively denies a person equal access to an education program or activity.
Examples of behavior that constitute sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
- Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions;
- Derogatory, vulgar, or graphic written or oral statements regarding one's sexuality, gender or sexual experience;
- Unnecessary touching, patting, pinching or attention to an individual's body;
- Physical assault;
- Unwanted sexual compliments, innuendo, suggestions or jokes;
- The display of sexually suggestive pictures or objects.
Any member of the LSUHSC-NO community, who has a workplace sexual harassment complaint against a supervisor, co-worker, visitor, faculty member, or other person, has the right and obligation to bring the problem to the attention of LSUHSC-NO. Any employee, including any person that is both a student and an employee at LSUHSC-NO, who has knowledge of sex or gender-based harassment or discrimination, including Sexual Misconduct, must file a report with the Title IX Coordinator. Any supervisor who witnesses such conduct or receives a complaint from an employee or student must report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. An employee who fails to promptly make a report without good cause or, with the intent to harm or deceive, knowingly makes a report that is false, shall be terminated, in accordance with R.S. 17:3399.13.3.
Any student, faculty and/or staff member, who believes he or she has been sexually harassed, should immediately report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. Any recipient of a complaint involving sex or gender-based harassment and discrimination must similarly and immediately notify the Title IX Coordinator.
The Title IX Coordinator for LSUHSC-NO can be contacted at:
LSUHSC-NO Title IX Coordinator Academic Affairs
Resource Center-433 Bolivar Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
The Title IX Coordinator will conduct procedures in accordance with Permanent Memorandum (“PM”) 73 (https://lsu.edu/administration/policies/pmfiles/pm-73.pdf) for all complaints received related to sex or gender-based harassment and discrimination. Human Resource Management (“HRM”), in collaboration with the Chief of Staff, will assist the Title IX Coordinator, as necessary, in cases that involve an employee and/or a person that is both an employee and a student, in accordance with the policy contained in the following LSUHSC-NO publications: Faculty Handbook, University‘s Academic Catalog/Bulletin, and/or Residents and Fellows Policies and Procedures.
Actions taken to investigate and resolve sexual harassment complaints will be conducted confidentially to the extent practicable and appropriate in order to protect the privacy of persons involved. An investigation may include interviews with the parties involved in the incident, and if necessary, with individuals who may have observed the incident or conduct or who have other relevant knowledge. The individuals involved in the complaint will be notified of the results of the investigation. Faculty, staff, and students have an obligation to cooperate with the Title IX Coordinator and HRM in any investigation.
There will be no discrimination or retaliation against any individual who makes a good faith sexual harassment complaint, even if the investigation produces insufficient evidence to support the complaint. There will be no discrimination or retaliation against any other individual who participates in the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. If the investigation substantiates the complaint, appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action will be swiftly pursued.
For additional details regarding the policy and procedures related to Sex and Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination, including Sexual Misconduct, please refer to PM 73. LSUHSC-NO will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all members of the LSUHSC-NO community are familiar with this policy. Questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.
Nothing in this CM supersedes LSU Permanent Memorandum 73.
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