IV.L. Immunization and Vaccinations Policy
Incoming House Officers are required to provide proof of the following Immunizations / Vaccinations as conditions of employment:
- TB/PPD skin test or blood test within 4 months prior to start date
- Rubella immunity proven by titer or documentation of two injections of MMR vaccine
- Mumps immunity proven by titer or documentation of two injections of MMR vaccine
- Measles immunity proven by titer or documentation of two injections of MMR vaccine
- Varicella (chickenpox) immunity proven by titer, two injections of varicella vaccine, or reliable history of past varicella infection
- Hepatitis B immunity proven by proof of antibodies to Hepatitis B or documentation of Hepatitis B vaccine
- Td/Tdap vaccination within the past 10 years
Continuing House Officers are required to provide ongoing documentation of the following immunizations to continue employment and be appointed to the next House Officer level:
- Annual TB/PPD skin test or blood test
- Maintenance of Td/Tdap vaccination as needed
Annual TB test results must be turned in on the specified School of Medicine TB form with the House Officer Agreement of Appointment/Contract. The Student Health Department monitors all vaccination records.
Health requirements are subject to change in accordance to applicable federal and state laws and regulations as well as Health Science Center policies and requirements of Affiliated Entities (rotation sites). House Officers are expected to comply with these requirements.
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