Outgoing House Officers

 Fair treatment through a judicial system, especially regarding house officer entitlement.

Sample Probation Template

Provides the GME office with final necessary information to ensure accurate files are kept on former residents.

GME Data Sheet

LSU Personal Data Change Form

Procedure Log Summary

Duty Hour Compliance Report

Sample Final Completion Letter Template

Actions Required to Terminate House Officers

Instructions - Documents for Terminating House Officers

PER 3, ePAF (electronic Personnel Action Form/PER 3)

Check PeopleSoft Resident Scheduler Assignment to Ensure Non-payment Past Termination Date or while on LOA

Employee Separation e-mail

Educational Record - see House Officer Portfolio

Graduation Planning

Certificates of completion/diplomas for House Officers completing their program are handled by the University Registrar.

The Certificate_Order_Form.xls should be completed and submitted to registrar@lsuhsc.edu.  The expected turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks.

For House Officers completing on June 30th, orders should be submitted by May 1st to ensure delivery before program graduation banquets.

For questions or issues with certificate orders, contact the registrars office
LSU GME Knowledge Base

Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.