Change Source of Funds are Submitted electronically in PeopleSoft Change in Source of Funds CSOF. Below are Instructions if a Paper PER 3 is required. See CSOF Training Guide

Change Source of Funds are Submitted electronically in PeopleSoft Change in Source of Funds CSOF. Below are Instructions if a Paper PER 3 is required. See CSOF Training Guide

All fields highlighted in red are required.  Click on the field name in the instructions below to view each field.

House Officer’s EMPLID. May be looked up in New Innovations under Personnel Data; or on BOM and EOM reports.
PeopleSoft Position Number.  May be looked up in New Innovations under Personnel Data.  It begins with 3 0’s followed by 5 digits, i.e. 00012345.
Enter Last Name, and First name as it appears in PS, Middle initial is optional
Should be the House Officer’s current title, i.e. “House Officer 3”
Medicine for Medical School Programs; Dental for Dental School Programs
Department Name and add Program name, i.e., Medicine-Cardiology


The code that identifies the Department and sometimes Section.  It begins with “NO” and is followed by 7 digits.  It can be found in the House Officer’s personnel record, in PS, and on the Appointment PER 2,  i.e. NO1496456.  The full list of department codes is also available here.

Enter any specific information regarding the action for the PER 3, i.e. specific dates, account numbers, and percent of effort to correct. The information is used to make the corrections noted on the End Of Month report in Resident Scheduler and MUST be as detailed and specific as possible to make the Resident Scheduler corrections.

Place an X in the box

Enter an “X” in this box.  This is the Action for submitting the PER 3.
  • Effective –  Enter the beginning date to change the account number/combo code, or the beginning date of the applicable pay period. (i.e. if the dates to change are October 3rd to October 6th, enter either October 3rd (beginning date of changes) or enter October 1st (beginning date of pay period).)
  • Funds End Date – Enter the Ending date of the account number/combo code correction or the ending date of the applicable pay period.  (i.e. if the the change is for October 5, 11, 20, and 26, enter October 26 (the last day to change) or October 31 (the last day of the pay period).)
  • Rate of Pay
    • to $ - Enter the House Officer’s hourly rate of pay
      • Enter an “X” in the “Hourly” box.
    • Percent of full time – Enter 100 for 100%,
    • On the basis of
      • Period of Appt - Enter an “X” in the “From” and “To” boxes

 Enter the applicable Chart fields for the Present Amount and Proposed Amount. 

  • Present Amount Rows – enter the chart fields that were entered in Resident Scheduler/the incorrect Account Number/combo code.  The Present Amount column should represent the exact amount that was charged to the applicable chart field for the period to correct.  The listing of multiple chart fields can be included.  The present amount can be calculated with the following formula:
    • (Number of Days) x (8 hours) x (Hourly Salary) x (% Dist as a decimal).
      • For example, 5 days at 20% with an hourly salary of $19.98:  5 x 8 x 19.98 x .20 = $159.84
    • % Dist  - Enter 100% unless the % distribution for the Chart Field(s) is not 100% (i.e. 50% on each chart field or 60%, 20% and 20% between 3 chart fields).
  • Proposed amount Rows - enter the chart fields that should have been entered in Resident Scheduler/the correct Account Number/combo code.  The Proposed Amount columns must clearly indicate the distribution amount that is expected and it must equal the total of the Present Amount columns.  The listing of multiple chart fields can be included.
      • The present amount can be calculated with the following formula:(Number of Days) x (8 hours) x (Hourly Salary) x (% Dist as a decimal).
    • % Dist  - Enter 100% unless the % distribution for the Chart Field(s) is not 100%, i.e. 50% on each chart field or 60%, 20% and 20% between 3 chart fields.


Some source of funds changes may require a separate spreadsheet attached to the PER 3 to list the detailed changes required.  It may be because of multiple accounts, various percent of effort changes for a single or multiple days, or multiple house officers changing from the same account(s) for the same month.  The Spreadsheet should include the House Officer(s) name(s); Empl ID(s); dates for the change; account(s) to change from and to; and/or percent of effort change if not 100%.  If a spreadsheet is completed, attach one copy of the spreadsheet after the first page of the PER 3-Original and after the last page of the PER 3.

A spreadsheet is available here.

  • Initiating Officer – Department Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager or designee signs and dates as the Initiating Officer
  • Initials – some Departments require the Coordinator that processed the PER 3 to initial and date in the first space
  • Scan Final To - Should include appropriate contact's email address to receive PER 3 once HR has approved

Once Completed and signed, send the PER 3 to the GME Office.

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