INQUIRE Schedule by Resident
Entering Schedules with INQUIRE Schedule by Resident
Step 1: Log into the current version of the PeopleSoft PS Launcher (See PS Resident Scheduler System Instructions on how to log into Citrix → PeopleSoft PS Launcher → Inquire → Schedule by Resident)
Step 2: Log into Resident Scheduler:
Navigation = LSUHSC Process → Resident Scheduler → Inquire → Schedule by Resident
Insert Diagram A
Step 3: Select Schedule by Resident
Insert Diagram B
Note: Do not click on the "Back arrow button" in Citrix/PS/Resident Scheduler, click on the "cookie crumbs" of navigation selections at the top of the scree, i.e. LSUHSC Processes or Resident Scheduler or Inquire or Schedule by Resident depending on which screen needed.
Insert Diagram C
Step 4: Begin Scheduling the Residents
Navigation = LSUHSC Process → Resident Scheduler → Inquire → Schedule by Resident
A snapshot of all Schedules for one Resident can be viewed by using the Inquire-Schedule by Resident Option.
Step 1: Enter Employee ID (Emplid) or Name on the Search Page
- . Employee ID – System generated id assigned to each resident. You must enter leading 0’s for this field.
- · Name – Enter Last,First (no space after comma) Partial names are allowed
- · Last Name – Enter all or part of the Last Name
- Can also search using House Officer Level (1-10), and/or Location Code (Full or partial value)
Note: If Search by House Officer Level, also include the Location code, all House Officers at the searched level will appear for the programs, including terminated House Officers. If only Search by House Officer level the result will list ALL house officers in PS at that level including terminated House Officers.
Step 2: Click on the Search Button
Insert Diagram D
After Clicking on the Search Button, If Searching by the House Officer’s Last name and there is more than one House Officer with the same last name all House Officers with that last name will be listed.
Insert Diagram E
Step 3: Select the Name of the House Officer to schedule for the month.
Step 4: Once selected, all scheduled data for the Resident is displayed, sorted by the From date. To view the detail of an individual schedule item, click the details hyperlink.
Insert Diagram F
The Detail tab allows the same features as the data entry Schedule by Resident page. When the Schedule by Resident Page is opened, the most recent schedule for the resident is displayed
Step 4: click the ‘+’ button. A new page, pre-filled with data from the previous schedule will be displayed. All fields except the “From” and ‘To’ dates will be brought forward from the previous row/record/schedule. The From Date field will contain the current day’s date, the “to” date field will be blank
- · Delete Schedule - To delete a Schedule, click the ‘-‘ button. The schedule deleted will be removed when the Save button is pressed. Be sure to click on the “Save” button to delete the schedule, if not, there will be an Over-assigned error message when entering a schedule with the same dates as the deleted record/schedule.
Note: When a schedule is displayed for a locked timeframe, the fields will be grayed and no data can be entered in the fields. Contact the GME Office regarding locked schedules. If all fields are grayed except the To: Date, and a change is needed, the date may be adjusted back to the last date locked. i.e. if “to” date = 10/31 and RTS is not locked and Payroll has not run for 10/16-31, the date can be changed to 10/15 and the remainder of the October Record/Schedule can be entered.
Insert Diagram G
Step 5: Enter, Change or leave the data in these Required Fields
- · From – The From date will have the current day’s date, over-write it with the schedule entering date, if applicable
- · To – the Schedule End date
- · Action - Active or one of the Leave Types, i.e. Vacation, Sick, Education, etc.
- · Facility - 2 or 3 digit Work Location – Identifies the Hospital and should match the Combo Code/Account Number. (Exceptions are Grant or Department Account Numbers)
- · Work DeptID - 2 digit Department ID. It is the Department within the Facility Work Location, (Department, not Section, i.e. Medicine not Cardiology)
- · Combo Code – Financial Chartstring used for salary (also called Account Code or Account Number)
- · % Effort – Percent of an 8 hour day if not 100% (can be 100% on one Account number or various percent on multiple accounts but must equal 100% each day of the month).
These fields are Display Only Fields , they are set and cannot be changed by Coordinator
- · Job Code / HO Level – Display only, shows job code at time of schedule.
- · Paying Acct – Flag for external sites paying resident, value is set by Account Code Setup
- · Chart field Details – Defines the financials chart string
This is an optional field – data can be entered by Coordinator
- · Comment – Text field for comments regarding the schedule. Coordinators can enter comments regarding Schedule for rotation, etc.
Insert Diagram H
Step 6: Click on the “Save” button (at the bottom left of the page) once updates are made and all fields are entered to schedule the resident for the month.
Note: All fields except the Comment field are required. If you are unsure of a value, such as the Facility, click on the magnifying glass next to the field, for a list to select from. Once the Account code field is selected, the Chart Field Details will be displayed under the “Combo Code” box.
Step 7: To schedule more residents, click on “Return to Search” at the bottom of the record next to the Save button. Then follow steps 1 – 5 again for Begin Scheduling the Residents and repeat until all House Officers are scheduled for the Month.
Insert Diagram I
To log out of PeopleSoft, click the Sign Out hyperlink on the Right hand side of any Page.
Insert Diagram J
Warning Messages: Update to record is allowed
Emplid [Emplid] schedule [start date] to [end date] will go over the leave limit of [No of days] days
Review the resident’s leave request. Scheduling this leave will result in the resident taking more leave than allowed. Contact the GME office for assistance.
Emplid [Emplid] schedule [start date] to [end date] will have jobcode change from [Jobcode] to [NewJobCode]
The page is displaying the resident’s current job code (House Officer Level). When the schedule is saved for the specified time period, the house officer level will be different than the one on the page. If the HO level should be the same as the one displayed, contact HR to review the resident’s record.
Rows of outstanding data from your previous session will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
Before navigating to another page from Schedule by Location page, click the “Process Now” button to save the schedules.
Error Messages Update to record is not allowed
Combo Cd [Combo Code] or Acct_Cd [Account Code] inactive between [start date] and [end date]
The Account code selected is not valid. The account code may have been inactivated by accounting services. Select the Account code by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Account code field and select a valid account code from the list. If the Account Code is not in the list, please contact Accounting Services or the GME Office.
ACTION [action code] inactive between [start date] and [end date]
The action code selected is not allowed. Click on the magnifying glass next to the Action field for a list of allowable values. If the value you need is not in the list, contact the GME office for assistance.
All fields need data
All fields are required for schedule record.
Cannot assign a paying account code to paygroup: [Paygroup code]
A resident that is assigned to a paygroup other than NBR cannot be assigned to a paying account. Please contact the GME Office or Accounting Services for assistance in assigning the correct account code.
Cannot change schedule earlier than prior fiscal year
GME Office is allowed to make history schedule changes for a maximum of 2 complete fiscal years. Changes are allowed for the current fiscal year and all of the previous fiscal year.
Cannot cross fiscal year
Check the start and end dates to ensure that dates are correct and do not cross a fiscal year.
To create a schedule that crosses into the next fiscal year, create two separate schedules with the first schedule Ending on June 30th and the second schedule beginning on July 1st.
Cannot determine fiscal year
Check the start and end dates to ensure that dates are correct and do not cross a fiscal year.
Cannot find HO Level from jobcode [Jobcode]
The House Officer level table needs to be updated. Please send the error message to ‘PS HR Development’.
Cannot process any schedule on or before [Date]
Resident coordinators should contact the GME Office to arrange for the schedule correction. Schedule changes are not allowed after the schedule is locked by the GME Office or once payroll has been run.
GME Office updates are not allowed once payroll has started. The GME Office should contact Payroll to arrange for schedule corrections.
Change in paygroup between [start date] and [end date]
A schedule that spans a time frame where a resident is in two or more pay groups is not allowed. Please enter two separate schedules for this resident. For assistance, contact the GME office.
Dept [Department code] inactive between [start date] and [end date]
The Department code selected is not allowed. Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Department field for a list of allowable values. If the Department you need is not in the list, contact the GME Office.
Duplicate Start Date schedule
One or more schedules with the same start date already exist for this resident. Review existing schedules for accuracy.
Employee status not always active or in valid paygroup between [start date] and [end date]
During the schedule period, HR has either terminated or modified the pay group for this resident. Modify the schedule using the appropriate time frame when the resident is active or is in a pay group allowed by Resident Tracking. Please contact HR or the GME Office for assistance.
Emplid [Emplid] > rcd < [Empl_Rcd] > job record does not exist before [Start Date]
Residents must have an active job record for the time period being scheduled. Contact GME or HR for assistance.
Emplid < [Emplid] > Rcd < [Empl_Rcd] > Total %effort ([Total Effort]) is over 100 on [Date]
Adding the schedule will result in scheduling the resident over 100% for the date specified. Review the Percent Effort field and alter the existing schedules to ensure the total percent effort is not over 100%.
End Date cannot be less than Start Date
Check the start and end dates for valid values. End date must be a later date than the start date.
Enter Start Date first
Enter the Schedule start date. Other fields on the page will have list box values displayed based on start date.
Error...Negative %effort [Percent Effort]
Correct the percent effort field. Only positive amounts are allowed
Error...Cannot find existing Day record to delete [Date]
This is an internal System error. Please report the Emplid and date of schedule to ‘PS HR Development’.
Facility [Facility code] inactive between [start date] and [end date]
The Facility code selected is not allowed. Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Facility field for a list of allowable values. If the Facility you need is not in the list, contact the GME Office.
Fac/Dept [Facility / Department] inactive between [start date] and [end date]
The Facility and Department combination specified is not allowed. Please first select the Facility by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Facility field. Then click the magnifying glass next to the Department and select the appropriate department from the list. If the department or facility needed is not in the list, please contact the GME Office.
From Date cannot be greater than Thru Date
The starting date of the schedule cannot be greater then the ending date.
Invalid Empl Rcd
Pager Override page error. Enter a valid Empl Record number for this employee.
Jobcode changes between [start date] and [end date]
During the schedule period, the House Office Level (Jobcode) has been changed by HR. Two separate schedules will need to be created. For assistance, contact the GME Office.
Must enter either a Run ID or a pay calendar specification
Enter a valid Pay Run ID to run the Load Time and Labor Data process. Also required to remove resident hours from Time and Labor.
Percent effort cannot have decimal numbers
Decimal values are not allowed. Only zeros are allowed after the decimal point. Example, 40% = 40 or 40.00
The dates and the status are required
To enter a pager override, enter the Start and End dates and Pager Status field.
Total allotment does not match
When entering the number of house officers at each level, the total must match the Allotment Total.
Total %effort [Percent Effort Total] is over 100 on [Date]
Adding the schedule will result in scheduling the resident over 100% for the date specified. Review the existing schedules for the Date specified.
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