Appointment Packet – GME Forms

Appointment Packet – GME Forms

GME-A - Health Requirements New hire house officers are required to provide proof of Immunizations/Vaccinations listed on the Health Requirement form as conditions of employment.
GME-B – Annual TB Test – all house officers are required to submit annual TB test results to the GME Office
GME-C - House Officer Agreement of Appointment (Contract) The House Officer Agreement of Appointment outlines the terms and conditions of the House Officer's appointment to the LSU Training Program.
The Agreement auto-populates the Program information and the House Officer's information from the data in New Innovations.

Print the Auto-populated Agreement

Verify the following in the agreement: training dates; house officer level; and salary. Incorrect data must be corrected in NI and the agreement re-printed with the correct information.

Coordinators CANNOT sign for the House Officer, Program Director or Department head, even with their signature authority. Each person must sign the agreement

Submit the signed Agreement to the GME Office for the Dean of Academic Affairs' signature

Agreements that have been submitted but must be revised, coordinators correct the data in NI and submit the revised agreement to the GME Office.

GME-D -House Officer Manual form The House Officer Manual outlines policies; and the terms and conditions of the House Officer's appointment to the LSU Training Program.
The House Officer signs the House Officer Manual form certifying receipt of the House Officer Manual, and returns the form to the Coordinator

Coordinators submit the signed House Officer Manual form to the GME Office

GME-E -Driver's License and Driving form The Annual Driver Safety Record with the House Officer's Driver's License attached is required from all House Officers.
The House Officer completes the form and attaches a copy of their Driver's License. If he/she does not have a Louisiana driver's license, they MUST request their Driver Safety record form the DMV in the State listed on the driver's license

Coordinators submit the form and copy of the Driver's License to the GME Office

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