IV.H.12. Visiting House Officers Participation in Patient Care Activities
IV.H.12. Visiting House Officers Participation in Patient Care Activities
Visiting House Officers rotations are one month in duration and must not exceed three months per academic year.
Visiting House Officers must:
- Provide a letter from the LSUHSC department informing the GME office of the status of the visiting House Officer which includes the following:
- Full name of visiting House Officer
- Start and end date visiting House Officer's training (not to exceed one month)
- Paragraph stating what the training will include (for example, participating in clinics, scrubbing in Surgery, attending various academic conferences connected with the program) and the sites where the House Officer will rotate (see attached sample)
- Paragraph stating there is no re-numeration or salary offered and that any costs incurred, including transportation, all living expenses and mandatory health insurance is the visiting House Officer's responsibility (see attached sample)
- Approval of rotation with signature line for Chairman, Program Director, Director of Graduate Medical Education, and visiting House Officer
- Once the letter is signed by all parties, copies are sent to Medical Education Office at the rotation site for privileges and the Vice Chancellor's Office for malpractice issues. The GME Office keeps a copy, and the original is returned to the program.
- Provide a valid Louisiana Medical permit/license before the rotation begins. Visiting House Officers must contact the LSBME at (504) 568-6820 to obtain information on getting a temporary permit to practice medicine in LA. This process takes several months, so it should be initiated as soon as the visiting House Officer decides he/she wants to come to LA. A copy of the license/permit should be attached to the letter noted in Step 1.
- Provide a valid ECFMG certificate, if he/she is a Foreign Medical Graduate; A copy should be attached to the letter noted in Step 1.
- Obtain a visiting ID badge from HRM. The Program should contact HRM for instructions for the procedure to obtain a visiting ID.
- Submit a Participating Site Appointment for Visiting House Officer Form to the GME Office for approval.
, multiple selections available,
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