GME Track
Full Name: | GME Track |
Acronym / Abbreviation: | |
Purpose / Type: | Should be one of the following: Accreditation, Coordinator Certification, Education, GME Terminology, Government, Honorary, Hospital, Hospital Accreditation, Licensure, LSU, Other, Physician Certification, Professional Organization, Resource Guide, Service, or Training |
Contact: | |
Description: | GME Track® is a resident database and tracking system that was introduced in March 2000 to assist GME administrators and program directors in the collection and management of GME data. GME Track contains the National GME Census, which is jointly conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association and reduces duplicative reporting by replacing the AAMC and AMA's prior GME surveys. Benefits of GME Track include: |
Website: |
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LSU GME Knowledge Base
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