Blog from February, 2020

Program Coordinator Workshop Agenda

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


I. Lauren Rabalais – UMCNO Academic Affairs

a.       Jasmine Williams, Office Coordinator in Academic Affairs - Primary contact for provisioning requests, meal card distribution, call room card distribution

b.       Meal Cards – in December, Café at UMC quit keying in card numbers for meal cards. Direct questions about this to the Academic Affairs office for replacements.

c.       UMCNO is going to be hosting it’s first ever Resident Appreciation Week, in conjunction with Thanks a Resident day on February 28. The week will take place March 2 -7. Activities will take place all week long, please send this information out to your residents. Some activities include free coffee, free yogurt, dinner, spa day, coffee talks for open discussion/forum with A-Council members.

d.       Best way to contact the Academic Affairs office:

II.  James Milligan, Dr. Randy Roig and Dr. Irene Grundy - VA

a.       VA paperwork

 i.      TQCVL – important reason for this, when a trainee is on it this allows them to be appointed to the VA without compensation employee. Employees of federal government cannot be sued for actions that are done on behalf of the government. It is imperative that residents/fellows are listed on TQCVL. Visiting medical students can also be included on this, but still a good idea to communicate to Crystal Cruz about this.

ii.      Coordinator Tracker – bottom of tracker has 2 tabs, one says New Residents the other says Returning Residents. One column says VA Rotation – this means the day that the resident/fellow is going to rotate at the VA. This allows the GME office to prioritize when the resident is rotating there. For returning residents, they should be re-doing their Refresher TMS Training. This is due every year. IF accounts are inactive, residents/coordinators can email James Milligan for reactivation. Once the Coordinator Tracker is completed, email EXCEL VERSION to James Milligan.

iii.      If resident has PIV Card that is expiring, this should be noted on the Coordinator Tracker. VA can prioritize when the card should be reissued. The ID cards have the expiration date noted at the top corner.

iv.      For out of town residents, it is possible to get fingerprinted at a remote location. This is included in handouts and instructions are included. New Orleans SON and SOI codes are included that they would have to give to facility.

v.      Educational leave is approved for the VA, will approve up to 5 days per trainee per year for conferences, etc. A form needs to be completed before going to the conference.

vi.      Start dates should be more accurate for when they are going to physically be at the VA as opposed to blanket July 1 start date.

vii.      Two main things to process application: Fingerprints and TMS Training.

viii.      Emails: and – contact if you are unsure who your program’s site directors are. The site directors are approving schedule changes, educational leave, etc.

ix.      Returning Resident Applications – Due by 4/1/2020 – this consists of TMS Training and Returning Sheet.

x.      New Resident Applications – Due by 5/1/2020 – this consists of applications, TQCVLs, TMS Training

xi.      VA in Baton Rouge is not different from VA New Orleans, all fingerprinting is done in New Orleans. Arrangements should be made for residents to have everything cleared in New Orleans for anyone going to VA Baton Rouge.

xii.      Route all hard copy packets to GME Office and it will be sent to James on your behalf.

xiii.      Coordinator Tracker, TQCVL, Applications can be sent electronically to James directly but copy Yolanda/GME Office.

 III.  Dr. Becky Frey

a.       ACGME Distance Learning Portal –please encourage PDs and residents to create accounts to access content.

i.      2019 Common Program Requirements – all requirements are citable beginning 2020.

ii.      The Distance Learning Portal is great for faculty development opportunities.

iii.      Interactive E-book for Common Program Requirements. Outlines requirements and provides guidance on how to tackle individual requirements. Specific areas to look at: Supervision, Diversity, Transitions of Care, Wellbeing

iv.      Brown bag lunches for Program Directors will introduce this E-book, for PDs ONLY.

b.       ACGME Surveys have opened. Review schedule to ensure you know when faculty and residents get survey. Program coordinator initiates survey, do not send out until residents/faculty are met with to discuss areas of concern to get everyone on same page when completing survey. New questions include wellbeing, diversity, supervision.

c.       ACGME Record Retention policies – we are expecting you to maintain these records. Do not throw this away.

d.       Applicant Terms and Conditions of Employment – by FRIDAY, send this out again to every person who has interviewed with your program. Just let them know this is an institutional requirement that it be sent.

e.       Annual Program Evaluation process and documentation is under review. Feedback from some coordinators will be solicited. There is not much that can be minimized, but will reach out to some coordinators to participate for feedback on this.

IV. Treva Lincoln

a. EQuIP

i.      QI Forum – Call for Submissions have been made. Please forward to your residents/fellows/faculty to ensure they participate in this event on June 4, 2020!

ii.      QI vs IRB – early discussions to develop a tool to make a determine in conjunction with LSU IRB and UMCNO IRB if a project is Quality Improvement versus Research. Please look for more information on this topic as it is made available and please encourage your residents/faculty to use this tool when it is.

b. Record Retention Policy – is posted on the Office of Compliance and also on the Knowledge Base in the Policies and Procedures section. This will begin to be rolled out as the meetings cover relevant topics.

i.      We are going to outline a process for destroying records. We will ask that the request for destroying be sent to GME and on your behalf we will send to VCAF, which will send to Secretary Of State. This is to ensure no files are being destroyed that actually need to stay housed within the program or within GME.

c. CLER Faculty Reps - Please send faculty names to Treva and/or Dr. Frey ASAP that should be included in CLER meetings. We do not know when the site visit will be, but this will help us in planning efforts when we get our short notice.

V. Ashley Walker

a.       Orientation Schedule – dates are listed on the bottom of the agenda.

b.       AMA Modules – a reminder to stay on top of residents completing these.

c.       Drug Testing

          i.      RN Expertise Refresher Training – March 24 at 10am

          ii.      List of new coordinators who need Username and Password

         iii.      Chain of Custody forms distributed. More will be available at a later date.

d.       Diploma Order Information – this information is available on the Knowledge Base. This will likely be due in March.

VI. Yolanda Lundsgaard

a.    Academic Year Changeover – all below are still being collected as usual.

 i.      Appointment Forms – any changes to residents schedule needs an updated appointment form.

        ii.      Promotions

        iii.      Terminations

- Send Separation email – this needs to be sent to LSUHSC New Orleans Employee Separation group email that is listed in the Global. Email is in Knowledge Base.

-Per 3’s – only if this is a gratis appointment, if they are terminating off cycle. There is supposed to be an electronic process, but nothing has been communicated to us yet.

-End Of Month Report – be sure June report is signed before they leave. It must be attached to the report htat all other house officers sign.

 iv.      Off cycle – if being promoted they will be listed twice. If off cycle and being terminated they will only be listed once.

-Per 3’s – gratis need a per 3, off cycle need a per 3

v.      Faculty Appointments – Yolanda needs to know who will be starting a Faculty Appointment July 1 or later. This can be flagged so title is the only thing changing. If faculty is being changed in August or September, this has to be treated as a termination. Separation email needs to be sent but include in email to NOT terminate email.

      vi.      Transfers

-Faculty Becoming House Officer Checklist – this is in the Knowledge Base. Some faculty that start fellow, most commonly Chief Resident in Medicine or Peds that is going into a fellowship program. This should be followed in these situations. Per 3 is needed for termination, Per 2 is needed for appointment. If tax form is needing to be changed, the individual can send this in.

-Internal Transferring House Officer Checklist – exists on Knowledge Base.

-External Transfers/Post Match Offers – Anyone who is not accepted in Match/SOAP. There is a template on the Knowledge Base that should be used for these individuals, signature line for Program Director has been added. This needs to be submitted to us and approved by Dr. Hilton BEFORE the offer is made.

     vii.      New Hires

-Appointment Packets

-HRM New Hire Packet

a.  **E-Verify I-9 – GME office will take care of new hires in the system. We will need your new hire to come to our office with the identification so we will have that to upload into the system. There will be some exceptions: out of town programs, or anyone who is not an LSU employee. GME will discuss this separately with those programs. The deadline is 3 days after the start date. Licensing Day will be handling ~60 people. After that – new hire packets will not be held up for this process. New Hire packet will be routed without the I9 form, whenever resident is here we will capture this information. This could be done at department orientations, when they take their ID photos, etc. Orientation is a last resort on June 30. Only have until JULY 6 to complete this process.

                       i.      Encourage ALL: passport, license and social security card to be brought to GME.

b.       Background Check

                    i.      Send updated Applicant Information Sheet to all interviewees by Friday, February 21

                     ii.      We were not able to get attestation on exemption from background checks for new hires. Background checks will be completed like all other employees (HR will be doing these – but departments will be charged).

-Hospital Onboarding Packets – once these are all received, they will be uploaded to the Knowledge Base. These are also completed when resident begins working on their New Hire Paperwork.

-Site Directors must be notified of resident on sick leave, educational leave or annual leave. This needs to match up to invoices to avoid discrepancies.

-Malpractice Forms – these are to be submitted to GME office and it will be forwarded to Cynthia Scott. This is for anyone that is going to be in the program in the new academic year.

c.       NRMP Match Reminders – Rank Order Authorization list is February 26 (day after Mardi Gras). We sent out the request to PDs that the list is certified prior to this date to avoid conflicts with anyone out of the office. Any updates can be made but will require a recertification. Reminder to not contact any house officers until after they have opened their envelope on March 20 (Match Day.

d.       Licensing Day – March 23 on 6th Floor of Lions. Looking for volunteers to help us with this day.

e.       Paperwork Submission Deadlines – has information for when everything is due and upcoming. This will be distributed at March coordinator meeting.

VII.  Chris Callac

a. Incoming House Officer Imports into New Innovations - For anyone who has had their Match (if you use NRMP or ERAS) – if they are marked as Will Start, Chris can import them once he is notified. These will need to be manually added for anyone not in ERAS.

b. Demographic Info Update in New Innovations – Chris will send out sheet that has information for basic demographic information we need. Let him know when this is complete.

c. Confirm GME Rotation Sites for 2020-2021 – please confirm these! There is an option to import data from last year – review to ensure it is accurate and submit this way if there are no changes. Also can be done manually. This needs to be done PRIOR to Match Day. Link will be coming from an email from Chris.


Welcome Nikki Chatelain from ENT as our OME Coordinator!


Next Coordinator meeting – DATE CHANGE: MARCH 10, 2020 at 10:30 AM


Highlight of events:

  • February 26, 2020 – NRMP Rank Order List Deadline

  • March 16, 2020 – NRMP – Match Week

  • March 10, 2020 at 10:30 am– Coordinator Meeting

  • March 20, 2020 – NRMP – Match Day

  • March 23, 2020 – LSU Licensing Day

  • April 17, 2020 – Daniels Lecture – William McDade, MD, PhD

  • April 21, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

  • May 19, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

  • June 4, 2020 – QI Forum

  • June 24 – 25, 2020 – EPIC Training

  • June 26, 2020 – UMCNO Orientation

  • June 29, 2020 – BR Orientation

  • June 30, 2020 – LSU Incoming House Officer Orientation