School Name | Code |
A P Agri Univ | 900307 |
A. R. T. Technical Col | 029188 |
A. T. E. S. Tech School | 008439 |
A.B.A. | 901166 |
AGA Khan University | 901655 |
Abadan Inst of Tech | 900382 |
Aberdeen Univ | 900650 |
Abilene Chrstn U Dallas | 004999 |
Abilene Chrstn University | 003537 |
Abraham Baldwin Agrl C | 001541 |
Academy of Aeronautics | 002665 |
Academy of Agriculture | 901179 |
Academy of Eng & Arch | 900626 |
Academy of Medicine | 901737 |
Academy of Music | 900027 |
Academy of Music & Drama | 900028 |
Academy of the New Church | 003228 |
Acadia Univ | 900054 |
Accademia Delle Belle Art | 900402 |
Adams State College | 001345 |
Adelaide Univ of | 900014 |
Adelphi University | 002666 |
Adirondack Cmty College | 002860 |
Adl Mgmt Ed Institute | 029021 |
Adrian College | 002234 |
Adventis Educ Coll | 900297 |
Aegean Univ Med School | 900627 |
Aels College Univ | 900118 |
Aero-Space Institute | 001627 |
Agnes Scott College | 001542 |
Agr Inst of Kuban | 901021 |
Agra University of | 901095 |
Agri College of Rezayeh | 900308 |
Ahmedabad Univ | 900309 |
Aiken Technical College | 010056 |
Aims Community College | 007582 |
Ain Shams Univ | 900188 |
Air Force Inst Technology | 003009 |
Air Force,CC of the | 012308 |
Airlangga Univ Sch of Med | 900843 |
Aix Marseilles Univ | 900203 |
Akron All Campuses,U of | 012310 |
Akron Central Off,U of | 012311 |
Akron Main Campus,U of | 003123 |
Akron Wayne Gen-Tech C,U | 010818 |
Al Fateh University | 902146 |
Al-Azhar Univ. | 901154 |
Al-Balqa Applied University | 902168 |
Ala Luth Acad and College | 010554 |
Alabama A & M University | 001002 |
Alabama Christian College | 001003 |
Alabama State University | 001005 |
Alabama in Birmingham,U | 001052 |
Alabama in Huntsville,U | 001055 |
Alameda,College of | 008306 |
Alas Juneau-Dgls CC,U of | 001065 |
Alaska Anchorage CC,U of | 001064 |
Alaska Bible College | 029117 |
Alaska Ketchikan CC,U of | 001067 |
Alaska Pacific University | 001061 |
Alaska Sitka CC,U of | 001069 |
Albany Business College | 004749 |
Albany College Pharmacy | 002885 |
Albany Junior College | 001543 |
Albany Law School | 002886 |
Albany Medical College | 002887 |
Albany State College | 001544 |
Albemarle,College of the | 002917 |
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Med Univ | 901978 |
Alberta Univ | 900055 |
Alberto Univ of | 900856 |
Albertus Magnus College | 001374 |
Albion College | 002235 |
Albright College | 003229 |
Albuquerque,University of | 002662 |
Alcorn State University | 002396 |
Alderson Broaddus College | 003806 |
Alexander City State JC | 001007 |
Alexandria Univ of | 900189 |
Alfred Adler Inst Chicago | 029049 |
Alfred U All Campuses | 008775 |
Alfred U Central Office | 007961 |
Alfred University | 002668 |
Algeria Tech Univ of | 900766 |
Alicante Universidad de | 901073 |
Alice Lloyd College | 001951 |
Aligarh Muslim Univ | 900310 |
All India Inst Med Scienc | 901148 |
Allahabad Agric Ins | 900311 |
Allahabad Univ of | 900806 |
Allan Hancock College | 001111 |
Allegany Cmty College | 002057 |
Allegheny Co All Cam,CC | 008809 |
Allegheny Co Alleg Cam,CC | 004051 |
Allegheny Co Boyce Cam,CC | 004052 |
Allegheny Co Cen Off,CC | 003231 |
Allegheny Co South Cam,CC | 007184 |
Allegheny College | 003230 |
Allen Co Cmty Jr College | 001901 |
Allen University | 003417 |
Alleppey Medical Coll of | 900312 |
Alliance College | 003232 |
Alliant International Univ | 901834 |
Allntwn C Snt Fran Desals | 003986 |
Alma College | 002236 |
Alpena Community College | 002237 |
Alvernia College | 003233 |
Alverno College | 003832 |
Alvin Community College | 003539 |
Amarillo College | 003540 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts | 007465 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts-W | 012447 |
Amer Bapt C of Abt Sem | 010460 |
Amer Bapt Sem of West | 001120 |
Amer Grad Sch of Mgmt | 001070 |
Amer Samoa Cmty Coll | 900001 |
Amer Sch Off Guatemala | 900290 |
Amer Sch of Classical Stu | 900282 |
American Academy of Art | 001628 |
American C Puerto Rico | 011941 |
American C of Commerce | 011947 |
American College | 029018 |
American College | 900204 |
American College in Switz | 900608 |
American Consv Theatre | 029134 |
American Consv of Music | 001629 |
American Institute Bus | 003963 |
American Intrnatl College | 002114 |
American River College | 009552 |
American Technological U | 011854 |
American Univ Inst | 900205 |
American Univ at Cairo | 900190 |
American University | 001434 |
American Unv of the Caribbean | 901863 |
Americas Univ of | 900853 |
Amherst College | 002115 |
Amsterdam Univ | 900489 |
Anatomisches Inst | 900029 |
Ancilla Domini College | 001784 |
Anderson College | 001785 |
Anderson College | 003418 |
Andhra Christian College | 900313 |
Andhra Med College | 900314 |
Andhra Medical College | 902038 |
Andover College | 009292 |
Andover Junior College | 008173 |
Andover Newton Theol Sch | 002116 |
Andrew College | 001545 |
Andrews University | 002238 |
Angelina College | 006661 |
Angelo State University | 003541 |
Angers Univ of | 900899 |
Ankara Univ | 900628 |
Anna Maria College | 002117 |
Annaba Univ of | 900824 |
Annamalai Univ | 900315 |
Anne Arundel Cmty College | 002058 |
Annhurst College | 001375 |
Anoka-Ramsey Cmty College | 002332 |
Anson Technical College | 007985 |
Antelope Valley College | 001113 |
Antilliam College | 900535 |
Antillian College | 005019 |
Antioch University | 008795 |
Antiuguia Univ of | 900159 |
Antonelli Sch Photography | 007430 |
Antwerp Univ | 900037 |
Appalachian Bible College | 007544 |
Appalachian St University | 002906 |
Aquinas College | 002239 |
Aquinas Inst of Theology | 001632 |
Aquinas JC All Campuses | 008975 |
Aquinas JC Cen Office | 008974 |
Aquinas JC at Milton | 004073 |
Aquinas JC at Newton | 008072 |
Aquinas Junior College | 003477 |
Arabian Gulf University | 902142 |
Arapahoe Cmty College | 001346 |
Arch Assoc School of Arch | 900651 |
Arch Inst Univ of London | 900652 |
Aristotelian Univ of Salo | 900283 |
Arizona C of the Bible | 029142 |
Arizona State University | 001081 |
Arizona Western College | 001071 |
Arizona,University of | 001083 |
Ark Medl Sci Campus,U of | 001109 |
Ark at Little Rock,U of | 001101 |
Arkansas All Cam,U of | 008703 |
Arkansas Baptist College | 001087 |
Arkansas C Technology | 029189 |
Arkansas Central Off,U of | 008008 |
Arkansas College | 001088 |
Arkansas Main Campus,U of | 001108 |
Arkansas Pine Bluff,U of | 001086 |
Arkansas State U All Cam | 008701 |
Arkansas State U Beebe Br | 001091 |
Arkansas State U Cen Off | 008006 |
Arkansas State U Main Cam | 001090 |
Arkansas Tech University | 001089 |
Arkansas-Monticello,U of | 001085 |
Armstrong College | 001115 |
Armstrong State College | 001546 |
Art Academy of Cincinnati | 003011 |
Art Ctr College of Design | 001116 |
Art Inst Ft Lauderdale | 010195 |
Art Inst Philadelphia | 008350 |
Art Institute Atlanta | 029187 |
Art Institute Pittsburgh | 007470 |
Arts & Sciences Coll | 900837 |
Arts Er Metiers Engr Sch | 900895 |
Arts et Meters Engr Sch | 900922 |
Aryamehr Univ | 900383 |
Asahikawa Medical College | 901967 |
Asbury College | 001952 |
Asbury Theological Sem | 001953 |
Asheboro College | 007814 |
Ashevl Buncombe Tech C | 004033 |
Ashland College | 003012 |
Ashland Community College | 029206 |
Asian Inst of Tech | 900803 |
Asnuntuck Cmty College | 011150 |
Assemblies God Grad Sch | 012120 |
Assiut University | 900191 |
Assocd Beth Rivkah Schs | 011208 |
Assumption C for Sisters | 002595 |
Assumption College | 002118 |
Assumption Univ | 900056 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900473 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900504 |
Ateneo de Manila | 900524 |
Athenaeum of Ohio | 003013 |
Athens Natl Univ of Medic | 900284 |
Athens Sch of Eco & Bus | 900285 |
Athens State College | 001008 |
Athens Univ | 900286 |
Atlanta Christian College | 001547 |
Atlanta College of Art | 001549 |
Atlanta Junior College | 012165 |
Atlanta University | 001551 |
Atlantic Christian C | 002908 |
Atlantic Cmty College | 002596 |
Atlantic Union College | 002119 |
Atlantic,College of the | 011385 |
Atlantico Univ | 900836 |
Auburn U All Campuses | 008695 |
Auburn U Central Office | 008317 |
Auburn U Main Campus | 001009 |
Auburn U at Montgomery | 008310 |
Augsburg College | 002334 |
Augusta College | 001552 |
Augustana College | 001633 |
Augustana College | 003458 |
Auraria Joint Library | 029104 |
Aurora College | 001634 |
Austin College | 003543 |
Austin Community College | 002335 |
Austin Community College | 012015 |
Austin Peay St University | 003478 |
Austin Presb Theol Sem | 003544 |
Australian Natl Univ | 900015 |
Automa de Nuevo Leon | 900828 |
Autonama de Santo Domingo | 900182 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900474 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900475 |
Autonomade de Baja Ca Uni | 900792 |
Averett College | 003702 |
Avila College | 002449 |
Azusa Pacific College | 001117 |
Babson College | 002121 |
Bachillerato Humanito Mod | 900002 |
Bacone College | 003147 |
Baghdad Univ of | 900436 |
Baghdad Veterinary Coll | 900958 |
Bahia Blanca Coll | 900004 |
Bahia Blanca Natl Coll of | 900003 |
Bainbridge Junior College | 011074 |
Bais Binyomin Academy | 029120 |
Bais Yaakov Seminary | 011188 |
Baker Junior College Bus | 004673 |
Baker University | 001903 |
Bakersfield College | 001118 |
Baldwin-Wallace College | 003014 |
Ball State University | 001786 |
Balliol Col Oxford Univ | 900653 |
Baltimore Hebrew College | 002060 |
Baltimore,Cmty College of | 002061 |
Baltimore,University of | 002102 |
Banaras Hindu Univ | 900893 |
Banaras Inst of Tech | 900274 |
Bangalore Medical College | 900316 |
Bangladesh Univ Engr/Tech | 900867 |
Bangledish Agri Univ | 900636 |
Bangor Theological Sem | 002035 |
Bank Street College of Ed | 002669 |
Bapt Bible C of Denver | 029152 |
Bapt Bible College of Pa | 002670 |
Bapt College at Chastn | 003419 |
Baptist Bible College | 013208 |
Bapuji Dental College | 902066 |
Barat College | 001635 |
Barber-Scotia College | 002909 |
Barcelona Univ | 900579 |
Bard College | 002671 |
Bareilly College | 900317 |
Barkatulah University | 901979 |
Barnard College | 002708 |
Baroda Med Coll | 900318 |
Barrington College | 003400 |
Barry College | 001466 |
Barstow College | 001119 |
Bartlesville Wesleyan C | 003151 |
Barton Co Cmty College | 004608 |
Basel Univ | 900609 |
Basic Inst Technology | 012044 |
Basrah Univ of | 900800 |
Bassist College | 007819 |
Bates College | 002036 |
Bath University | 901108 |
Bauder C Specizing Car Ed | 011599 |
Bauder Fashion College | 009784 |
Bauder Fashion College | 010328 |
Bauder Finishing Car C | 011574 |
Bauman Mvtu | 900730 |
Bay Path Junior College | 002122 |
Bay State JC of Bus | 003965 |
Bay de Noc Cmty College | 002240 |
Bay-Valley Tech | 029182 |
Bayamon Cen Univ | 900536 |
Bayamon Cen University | 010015 |
Baylor College Dentistry | 004948 |
Baylor College Medicine | 004949 |
Baylor University | 006967 |
Bayreuth Univ of | 900834 |
Be'er Shmuel Talmud Acad | 004761 |
Beacon College | 029026 |
Beal College | 005204 |
Beaufort Co Cmty College | 008558 |
Beaufort Tech College | 009910 |
Beaver Co,Cmty College of | 006807 |
Beaver College | 003235 |
Becker JC All Institution | 029075 |
Becker JC System Office | 029076 |
Becker JC-Leicester | 002159 |
Becker JC-Worcester | 002123 |
Beckley College | 003807 |
Bedford College Univ of L | 900654 |
Bee County College | 003546 |
Beigng Inst of Phys Ed | 901043 |
Beijing Foreign Lang Inst | 901012 |
Beijing Inst Foreign Trad | 901107 |
Beijing Inst of Ag Mecha | 900138 |
Beijing Medical University | 901451 |
Beijing Polytech Univ | 901153 |
Beirut American Univ | 900466 |
Beirut College for Women | 900467 |
Belgrade Univ of | 900750 |
Belhaven College | 002397 |
Bellarmine College | 001954 |
Belleville Area College | 001636 |
Bellevue Cmty College | 003769 |
Bellevue College | 009743 |
Belmont Abbey College | 002910 |
Belmont College | 003479 |
Belmont Technical College | 009941 |
Beloit College | 003835 |
Belzer Yesh-Machzikei Sem | 011991 |
Bemidji State U | 002336 |
Benardes Hindu Univ | 900319 |
Benedict College | 003420 |
Benedictine College | 010256 |
Bengbu Medical College Chi | 901572 |
Benjamin Franklin Univ | 001435 |
Bennett College | 002911 |
Bennington College | 003682 |
Bentley College | 002124 |
Berea College | 001955 |
Berean Institute | 007826 |
Bergen Community College | 004736 |
Berhampur University | 901081 |
Berk-Claremont New York | 007394 |
Berkeley School,The | 007421 |
Berkeley School,The | 007502 |
Berkeley School-Hicksvl | 009076 |
Berklee College of Music | 002126 |
Berkshire Christian C | 002127 |
Berkshire Cmty College | 002167 |
Bern Univ | 900610 |
Berry College | 001554 |
Besancon | 900206 |
Beth Hatalmud Rab C | 011922 |
Beth Hmdrsh Shaarei Yosh | 011192 |
Beth Jacob Hebrew Tchrs C | 004767 |
Beth Joseph Rab Seminary | 004775 |
Beth Mdrash Eyun Hatalmud | 011668 |
Beth Medrash Emek Halacha | 011992 |
Beth Medrash Govoha | 007947 |
Beth Rochel Seminary | 029168 |
Bethany Bible College | 001121 |
Bethany College | 001904 |
Bethany College | 003808 |
Bethany Lutheran College | 002337 |
Bethany Nazarene College | 003149 |
Bethany Theological Sem | 001637 |
Bethany-Nthn Bapt Jt Lib | 029014 |
Bethel C & Sem All Cam | 009060 |
Bethel C & Sem Cen Office | 002338 |
Bethel College | 001787 |
Bethel College | 001905 |
Bethel College | 003480 |
Bethel College | 009058 |
Bethel Theol Seminary | 009059 |
Bethune Cookman College | 001467 |
Bharathidasan Univ | 901057 |
Bharati Vidyapeeth University | 902087 |
Bhopal Vishwavidwalaya | 901028 |
Bidhanchandra Agr Univ | 900955 |
Big Bend Cmty College | 003770 |
Big Sky Bible College | 029108 |
Biola College | 001122 |
Birkbeck College | 900655 |
Birla Inst of Tech | 900886 |
Birla Institute | 900765 |
Birmingham Sthn College | 001012 |
Birmingham Univ | 900656 |
Bishop College | 003548 |
Bishops Univ | 900057 |
Bismarck Junior College | 002988 |
Black Hawk C All Campuses | 008726 |
Black Hawk C Central Off | 008318 |
Black Hawk C East Campus | 007538 |
Black Hawk C Quad-Cities | 001638 |
Black Hills State College | 003459 |
Blackburn College | 001639 |
Blackfeet Cmty College | 029194 |
Blackhawk Technical Inst | 005390 |
Bladen Technical Inst | 007987 |
Blantons Junior College | 010478 |
Blinn College | 003549 |
Bloomfield College | 002597 |
Bloomsburg State College | 003315 |
Blue Hills Reg Tech Inst | 005523 |
Blue Mountain College | 002398 |
Blue Mtn Cmty College | 003186 |
Blue Ridge Cmty College | 006819 |
Blue Ridge Technical C | 009684 |
Bluefield College | 003703 |
Bluefield State College | 003809 |
Bluffton College | 003016 |
Board State Acad Awards | 029171 |
Bob Jones University | 003421 |
Boca Raton,College of | 001505 |
Bochum Univ of | 900246 |
Bogazigi Univ | 900629 |
Bogor Arg Univ | 901046 |
Boise State University | 001616 |
Bologna Medical Univ | 900403 |
Bologna Univ | 900404 |
Bombay Univ of | 900320 |
Bonn Univ | 900247 |
Booker T Washington Bus C | 004461 |
Bordeaux Med Faculte Univ | 900207 |
Boricua College | 013029 |
Borromeo College of Ohio | 003017 |
Bose Institute | 900321 |
Bosphorous Univ | 900630 |
Bossier Parish CC | 012033 |
Boston College | 002128 |
Boston Consv of Music | 002129 |
Boston State College | 002182 |
Boston University | 002130 |
Bouwcentrum | 901041 |
Bowdoin College | 002038 |
Bowie State College | 002062 |
Bowling Green Bus C | 010625 |
Bowling Grn St U All Cam | 008796 |
Bowling Grn St U Cen Off | 008032 |
Bowling Grn St U Firelds | 007856 |
Bowling Grn St U Main Cam | 003018 |
Bradford College | 002132 |
Bradford Univ of | 900960 |
Bradley University | 001641 |
Brainerd Cmty College | 002339 |
Bramson Ort Tech Inst | 029180 |
Brandeis University | 002133 |
Brandon Univ of | 900058 |
Brandywine C of Widener U | 001427 |
Braunschweig Tech Univ of | 900954 |
Brazosport College | 007857 |
Bremen Univ of | 900812 |
Brenau College | 001556 |
Brescia College | 001958 |
Brevard Cmty College | 001470 |
Brevard College | 002912 |
Brevet Tech Superieur | 900933 |
Brewer State Jr College | 009134 |
Brewton-Parker College | 001557 |
Briar Cliff College | 001846 |
Briarwood College | 009407 |
Bridgeport Engr Institute | 001377 |
Bridgeport,University of | 001416 |
Bridgewater College | 003704 |
Bridgewater State College | 002183 |
Brigham Young U All Cam | 012305 |
Brigham Young U Cen Off | 012306 |
Brigham Young U Main Cam | 003670 |
Brigham Young U-Hawa Cam | 001606 |
Brighton College of Art | 900657 |
Brisk Rabbinical College | 029017 |
Bristol College | 009237 |
Bristol Community College | 002176 |
Bristol Univ | 900658 |
British Broadcasting Trai | 900659 |
British Columbia Univ | 900059 |
Brookdale Cmty College | 008404 |
Brookhaven College | 029150 |
Brooklyn Law School | 002677 |
Brooks College | 011246 |
Brooks Institute | 001123 |
Brookside College | 900979 |
Broome Community College | 002862 |
Broward Cmty College | 001500 |
Brown Institute | 029196 |
Brown University | 003401 |
Brunel University | 900988 |
Brunswick Junior College | 001558 |
Brussels Free Univ | 900038 |
Brussels Univ | 900039 |
Bryan College | 003536 |
Bryant C Business Admin | 003402 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 002678 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 012470 |
Bryn Mawr College | 003237 |
Bucharest Poly Tech Inst | 900846 |
Buckingham Univ of | 900956 |
Bucknell University | 003238 |
Bucks County Cmty College | 003239 |
Budapest Univ of | 900299 |
Buena Vista College | 001847 |
Buenos Aires Univ of | 900005 |
Bulgaria St Conversatory | 901049 |
Bunker Hill Cmty College | 011210 |
Burdwan Univ | 900322 |
Burlington College | 012183 |
Burlington County College | 007730 |
Burundi Univ | 900891 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 001906 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 003240 |
Butler University | 001788 |
Butte College | 008073 |
Byelorussia State University | 901738 |
C of William and Mary | 003705 |
CBN | 029353 |
CC Allegheny Co North Cam | 029101 |
CC North Central U Cen | 029240 |
CUNY Bernard Baruch C | 004766 |
CUNY Boro of Manhattan CC | 002691 |
CUNY Bronx Cmty College | 002692 |
CUNY Brooklyn College | 002687 |
CUNY C of Staten Island | 029040 |
CUNY City College | 002688 |
CUNY Grad Sch & U Center | 004063 |
CUNY Hostos Cmty College | 008611 |
CUNY Hunter College | 002689 |
CUNY John Jay C Crim Just | 002693 |
CUNY Kingsborough CC | 002694 |
CUNY La Guardia CC | 010051 |
CUNY Lehman College | 007022 |
CUNY Medgar Evers College | 010097 |
CUNY New York City Tech C | 002696 |
CUNY Queens College | 002690 |
CUNY Queensborough CC | 002697 |
CUNY York College | 004759 |
Cabrillo College | 001124 |
Cabrini College | 003241 |
Caen Univ | 900208 |
Caguas City College | 008902 |
Caguas City College | 900537 |
Cairo Univ | 900192 |
Cal Baptist College | 001125 |
Cal College Arts & Crafts | 001127 |
Cal College Podiatric Med | 001135 |
Cal Hastings C Law,U of | 003947 |
Cal Inst of Asian Studies | 012154 |
Cal Inst of Technology | 001131 |
Cal Lutheran College | 001133 |
Cal Poly St U-Sn Luis Ob | 001143 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc All Cam | 010302 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Cen Off | 010301 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Fresno | 011881 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Los Ang | 010013 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Sn Dego | 011117 |
Cal Sch Psyc Berkeley | 009844 |
Cal St College-Bakersfld | 007993 |
Cal St College-Stanislaus | 001157 |
Cal St U & C Sys All Inst | 008705 |
Cal St U & C System Off | 001136 |
Cal State C-Sn Bernardino | 001142 |
Cal State Poly U-Pomona | 001144 |
Cal State U-Chico | 001146 |
Cal State U-Dominguez Hls | 001141 |
Cal State U-Fresno | 001147 |
Cal State U-Fullerton | 001137 |
Cal State U-Hayward | 001138 |
Cal State U-Long Beach | 001139 |
Cal State U-Los Angeles | 001140 |
Cal State U-Northridge | 001153 |
Cal State U-Sacramento | 001150 |
Cal Sysw Admin Cen Off, U | 001311 |
Cal Western School of Law | 013106 |
Cal-Berkeley,U of | 001312 |
Cal-Davis,U of | 001313 |
Cal-Los Angeles,U of | 001315 |
Cal-Riverside,U of | 001316 |
Cal-San Diego,U of | 001317 |
Cal-San Francisco,U of | 001319 |
Cal-Santa Barbara,U of | 001320 |
Cal-Santa Cruz,U of | 001321 |
Calcutta Univ | 900324 |
Calcutta Univ of | 900323 |
Caldas Univ of | 900160 |
Caldwell CC and Tech Inst | 004835 |
Caldwell College | 002598 |
Calgary Univ of | 900060 |
Calicut Medical College I | 901573 |
California Christian C | 029089 |
California Coast Univ | 901177 |
California Inst of Arts | 001132 |
California Maritime Acad | 001134 |
California State College | 003316 |
Calumet College | 001834 |
Calvary Bible College | 002450 |
Calvin College | 002241 |
Calvin College Joint Lib | 008357 |
Calvin Theological Sem | 002242 |
Cambridge Univ | 900660 |
Camden County College | 006865 |
Cameron University | 003150 |
Campbell University | 002913 |
Campbellsville College | 001959 |
Can Tho Univ | 900325 |
Canada College | 006973 |
Canadian Bible School | 900061 |
Canal Zone College | 900523 |
Canisius College | 002681 |
Canterbury Univ | 900501 |
Canyons,College of the | 008903 |
Cape Cod Cmty College | 002168 |
Cape Fear Technical Inst | 005320 |
Capetown Univ of | 900574 |
Capital City Jr College | 029122 |
Capital University | 003023 |
Capitol Inst Technology | 001436 |
Carabobo Univ of | 900945 |
Cardinal Glennon College | 002451 |
Cardinal Newman College | 029130 |
Cardinal Stritch College | 003837 |
Caribbean Ctr Adv Studies | 029063 |
Caribbean U College | 012525 |
Carl Albert Jr College | 003176 |
Carl G Jung Inst | 900611 |
Carl Sandburg College | 007265 |
Carleton College | 002340 |
Carleton Univ | 900062 |
Carlos Albizu University | 901989 |
Carlow College | 003303 |
Carnegie-Mellon U | 003242 |
Carol Davila Univ of Med & Phm | 901876 |
Carroll College | 002526 |
Carroll College | 003838 |
Carson-Newman College | 003481 |
Carteret Technical Inst | 008081 |
Carthage College | 003839 |
Casco Bay College | 008431 |
Case Western Reserve U | 003024 |
Casoscari Inst Architettu | 900405 |
Casper College | 003928 |
Castle Junior College | 009245 |
Castleton State College | 003683 |
Catania Delgi Studi Univ | 900406 |
Catawba College | 002914 |
Catawba Valley Tech C | 005318 |
Catholic Faculties of Lyo | 900209 |
Catholic Theol Union | 009232 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 003936 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 900538 |
Catholic U of America | 001437 |
Catholic Univ Guayama UC | 900541 |
Catholic Univ Mayaguez | 900542 |
Catholic Univ at Aquadill | 900539 |
Catholic Univ at Arecibo | 900540 |
Catholic Univ of Nijmegen | 900490 |
Catholic Univ of Paris | 900210 |
Catholics Madre Maestra U | 900790 |
Catholique de Louest Univ | 900211 |
Catolica de Chile Univ of | 900154 |
Catonsville Cmty College | 002063 |
Cayuga Co Cmty College | 002861 |
Cazenovia College | 002685 |
Cecil Community College | 008308 |
Cecils Junior College | 010264 |
Cedar Crest College | 003243 |
Cedar Valley College | 029065 |
Cedarville College | 003025 |
Cen Carolina Tech C | 005449 |
Cen Chrstn C of the Bible | 029144 |
Cen City Business Inst | 009409 |
Cen Nebr Tech CC Cen Off | 029008 |
Cen New Eng College Techn | 010306 |
Cen Pa Business School | 010494 |
Cen Piedmont Cmty College | 002915 |
Cen Tech Cmty C Area | 029007 |
Cen Yesh Tom Tmimim Lubvz | 004776 |
Centenary C of Louisiana | 002003 |
Centenary College | 002599 |
Center for Degree Studies | 004049 |
Center for Early Ed | 001160 |
Centeral TV University | 901011 |
Central Amer Health Sciences | 901972 |
Central Arizona College | 007283 |
Central Arkansas,U of | 001092 |
Central Baptist College | 001093 |
Central Baptist Theol Sem | 001907 |
Central Bible College | 002452 |
Central College | 001908 |
Central Community College | 004720 |
Central Conn St College | 001378 |
Central Fla Cmty College | 001471 |
Central Florida, U of | 003954 |
Central Leather Res Inst | 900326 |
Central Luzon State Univ | 901167 |
Central Me Voc-Tech Inst | 005276 |
Central Methodist College | 002453 |
Central Mich University | 002243 |
Central Mo St University | 002454 |
Central Nebr Tech College | 900502 |
Central Ohio Technical C | 011046 |
Central Oreg Cmty College | 003188 |
Central Sch of Speech & D | 900661 |
Central South Inst Mining | 900984 |
Central South University | 902170 |
Central State University | 003026 |
Central State University | 003152 |
Central Texas College | 004003 |
Central U of Iowa | 001850 |
Central Univ Educator | 900186 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900739 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900740 |
Central Va Cmty College | 004988 |
Central Wash University | 003771 |
Central Wesleyan College | 003422 |
Central Wyoming College | 007289 |
Central YMCA Cmty College | 001644 |
Centralia College | 003772 |
Centre College of Ky | 001961 |
Centre Detudes Secondaire | 900293 |
Centre Univ Mediterranean | 900212 |
Cerritos College | 001161 |
Cerro Coso Cmty College | 010111 |
Ceu Law Sch Univ of Nan | 900213 |
Ceylon Univ of | 900137 |
Chabot College | 001162 |
Chadron State College | 002539 |
Chaffey College | 001163 |
Chamberlayne Jr College | 002138 |
Chaminade U of Honolulu | 001605 |
Champlain College | 003684 |
Chang Chun Coll Optics & | 900989 |
Chapman College | 001164 |
Charles Co Cmty College | 002064 |
Charles Univ | 900174 |
Charleston, U of | 003818 |
Charleston,College of | 003428 |
Chas S Mott Cmty College | 002261 |
Chatfield College | 010880 |
Chatham College | 003244 |
Chattahoochee Valley CC | 012182 |
Chattanooga St Tech CC | 003998 |
Chekiang University | 900783 |
Chemeketa Cmty College | 003218 |
Chemical Tech College of | 900175 |
Chen-Kung Univ | 900935 |
Chengdu Polytech Inst | 900976 |
Chesapeake College | 004650 |
Chesterfld-Marlboro Tech | 007602 |
Chestnut Hill College | 003245 |
Cheyney State College | 003317 |
Chgo C Osteopathic Med | 001657 |
Chgo Conservatory College | 001658 |
Chicago Sch Prof Psyc | 029230 |
Chicago State University | 001694 |
Chicago Theological Sem | 001661 |
Chicago,University of | 001774 |
Chihuahua Univ of | 900476 |
Chile Univ Inter Amer Stu | 900156 |
Chile Univ of | 900155 |
China Agricultural Univ | 901056 |
China Pharmaceutical Univer | 901497 |
China Textile Univ | 901163 |
Chinese Academy of Medicine | 901201 |
Chinese Culture Coll of | 900771 |
Chinese Univ of Hong Kong | 900972 |
Chipola Junior College | 001472 |
Chon-nam Natl University | 901069 |
Chongquing University | 901852 |
Chowan College | 002916 |
Christ College Irvine | 029059 |
Christ Seminary-Seminex | 012459 |
Christ the King Seminary | 012854 |
Christ's College | 900662 |
Christian Bros College | 003482 |
Christian Heritage C | 012031 |
Christian Medical College | 901574 |
Christian Theological Sem | 001789 |
Christopher Newport C | 003706 |
Chrysler Inst of Engr | 800012 |
Chu Vanan Saigon | 900745 |
Chulachomklao Mil Acad | 900823 |
Chulalongkarn Univ of | 900782 |
Chung Cheng Inst Tech | 901044 |
Chung Chi College | 900295 |
Chung Hsing Natl Univ | 900139 |
Chung Hsing Natl Univ | 900637 |
Chung Yuan Christian Coll | 900140 |
Chung Yuan Christian Coll | 900638 |
Chung-Kung University | 901039 |
Chungbuk National Univer | 900457 |
Church Div Sch of Pacific | 001165 |
Cienes | 900157 |
Cincin Clermnt Gen-Tech,U | 010805 |
Cincin Raymnd Walters C,U | 004868 |
Cincinnati All Cam,U of | 008805 |
Cincinnati Bible Seminary | 003029 |
Cincinnati Central Off,U | 008039 |
Cincinnati Main Cam,U of | 003125 |
Cincinnati Tech College | 010345 |
Circleville Bible College | 003030 |
Cisco Junior College | 003553 |
Citadel Military C of SC | 003423 |
Citrus College | 001166 |
City C Chgo City-Wide C | 029050 |
City C Chgo Kennedy-King | 001654 |
City C Chgo Malcolm X C | 001650 |
City C Chgo Olive-Harvey | 009767 |
City C Chgo Truman C | 001648 |
City C Chicago Daley C | 001649 |
City C Chicago Loop C | 001652 |
City C Chicago Wright C | 001655 |
City Col of London Polyte | 900663 |
City College | 013022 |
City College Sn Francisco | 001167 |
City U of NY Sys All Inst | 008776 |
City U of NY System Off | 002686 |
Clackamas Cmty College | 004878 |
Claflin College | 003424 |
Claremont Graduate School | 001169 |
Claremont Men's College | 001170 |
Claremont U Ctr Sys Off | 001168 |
Claremont U Sys All Inst | 008706 |
Claremore Junior College | 003168 |
Clarendon College | 003554 |
Claretville College | 800006 |
Clarion St C Venango Cam | 003319 |
Clarion State C All Cam | 009234 |
Clarion State C Cen Off | 003318 |
Clarion State C Main Cam | 009235 |
Clark Co Cmty College | 010362 |
Clark College | 001559 |
Clark College | 003773 |
Clark College | 029124 |
Clark Technical College | 004852 |
Clark University | 002139 |
Clarke College | 001852 |
Clarke College | 002400 |
Clarkson College of Techn | 002699 |
Clatsop Community College | 003189 |
Clayton Junior College | 008976 |
Clearwater Christian C | 001473 |
Cleary College | 002246 |
Clemson University | 003425 |
Clermont-Ferrand Univ of | 900214 |
Cleveland C Jewish Stdies | 012838 |
Cleveland Chiropractic C | 029127 |
Cleveland Chiropractic C | 029183 |
Cleveland Inst of Art | 003982 |
Cleveland Inst of Music | 003031 |
Cleveland St Cmty College | 003999 |
Cleveland St University | 003032 |
Cleveland Tech College | 008082 |
Clinton Community College | 001853 |
Clinton Community College | 006787 |
Clinton Junior College | 004923 |
Cloud Co Cmty College | 001909 |
Cmty College Rhode Island | 003408 |
Cntr Csta CC All Inst | 008707 |
Coahoma Junior College | 002401 |
Coast CC Sys All Inst | 008711 |
Coast CC System Office | 008220 |
Coastal Carolina CC | 008084 |
Coastline Cmty College | 029027 |
Cochise College | 001072 |
Coe College | 001854 |
Coffeyvl Cmty College | 001910 |
Cogswell College | 001177 |
Coker College | 003427 |
Col of Lit & Foreign La | 900384 |
Colby College | 002039 |
Colby Community College | 001911 |
Colby-Sawyer College | 002572 |
Colegio Cesar Chavez | 003202 |
Colegio Odonntologico Colombia | 901995 |
Colegio U Del Turabo | 012841 |
Colegio de Mexico | 900477 |
Coleman College | 009273 |
Colg Roch-Bexley-Crozer | 009766 |
Colgate University | 002701 |
Colicut Univ of | 900964 |
Coll of Home Science | 901034 |
College Osteo Med Pacific | 029133 |
College for Human Service | 009769 |
College of Agriculture | 900327 |
College of Engineering | 901001 |
Colo Colo Springs,U of | 004509 |
Colo Hlth Sci Center,U of | 004508 |
Colo Mtn College Cen Off | 006948 |
Colo Mtn College East Cam | 009008 |
Colo Mtn College West Cam | 004506 |
Colo Technical College | 010148 |
Colo at Denver,U of | 006740 |
Cologne Univ of | 900248 |
Colorado College | 001347 |
Colorado Mountain C | 009007 |
Colorado Northwestern CC | 001359 |
Colorado School of Mines | 001348 |
Colorado State University | 001350 |
Colorado Women's College | 001351 |
Colorado at Boulder,U of | 001370 |
Columbia Basin CC | 003774 |
Columbia Bible College | 003429 |
Columbia Christian C | 003190 |
Columbia College | 001665 |
Columbia College | 002456 |
Columbia College | 003430 |
Columbia College | 007707 |
Columbia College | 029221 |
Columbia Junior C | 004922 |
Columbia Natl Univ of | 900161 |
Columbia St Cmty College | 003483 |
Columbia Theological Sem | 001560 |
Columbia U All Campuses | 008778 |
Columbia U Central Off | 007963 |
Columbia U Main Division | 002707 |
Columbia U Tchrs College | 003979 |
Columbia Union College | 002067 |
Columbia-Greene CC | 006789 |
Columbian Sch of Engr | 900763 |
Columbus C Art and Design | 003039 |
Columbus College | 001561 |
Columbus Technical Inst | 006867 |
Combs College of Music | 003248 |
Comenius Univ Bratislava | 901947 |
Comite Patronage Etud Etr | 900215 |
Commenius University | 902135 |
Commerce College | 900385 |
Complutense de Madrid Uni | 901092 |
Compton Cmty College | 001188 |
Concepcion Univ of | 900791 |
Conception Sem College | 002467 |
Concord College | 003810 |
Concordia C at Moorhead | 002346 |
Concordia C-Saint Paul | 002347 |
Concordia College | 001666 |
Concordia College | 002247 |
Concordia College | 002709 |
Concordia College | 003191 |
Concordia College | 003842 |
Concordia Luth College | 003557 |
Concordia Seminary | 002457 |
Concordia Tchrs College | 002541 |
Concordia Theological Sem | 001667 |
Conn All Campuses,U of | 008718 |
Conn Central Office,U of | 007997 |
Conn Health Center,U of | 009030 |
Connecticut College | 001379 |
Connors State College | 003153 |
Cons Baptist Theol Sem | 001352 |
Conservatory of Music PR | 010819 |
Contra Costa CC Sys Off | 001189 |
Contra Costa College | 001190 |
Converse College | 003431 |
Cooke County College | 003558 |
Cooper Union | 002710 |
Copenhagen Univ | 900178 |
Copiah-Lincoln Jr College | 002402 |
Coppin State College | 002068 |
Corcoran School of Art | 011950 |
Cordoba Med Sch Natl Univ | 900007 |
Cordoba Natl Univ of | 900006 |
Cornel U Endowed Colleges | 002711 |
Cornell College | 001856 |
Cornell U All Campuses | 008779 |
Cornell U Central Office | 007964 |
Cornell U Medical Center | 004762 |
Cornell U Statutory C | 011693 |
Corning Community College | 002863 |
Cornish Institute | 012315 |
Corpus Christi Oxford Uni | 900664 |
Corpus Christi State U | 011161 |
Costa Rica Univ | 900167 |
Cosumnes River College | 007536 |
Cottey College | 002458 |
Cottolica Del Searo Cuor | 900407 |
County College of Morris | 007729 |
Covenant College | 003484 |
Covenant Theological Sem | 004707 |
Cowley Co Cmty College | 001902 |
Crafton Hills College | 009272 |
Craiova University | 901739 |
Cranbrook Academy of Art | 002248 |
Crandall College | 010196 |
Cranfield Inst of Tech | 900665 |
Craven Community College | 008086 |
Creighton University | 002542 |
Crosier Seminary | 002349 |
Crowder College | 002459 |
Crowley's Ridge College | 001095 |
Cthdl C Immac Conception | 002682 |
Ctr for Creative Studies | 006771 |
Cty Colleges Chgo All Cam | 008727 |
Cty Colleges Chgo Cen Off | 001647 |
Cucenca Universidad de | 901040 |
Cuesta College | 001192 |
Culinary Inst of America | 007304 |
Culver-Stockton College | 002460 |
Cumberland College | 001962 |
Cumberland College Tenn | 003485 |
Cumberland County College | 002601 |
Curry College | 002143 |
Curtis Institute of Music | 003251 |
Cuyahoga CC Dist Cen Off | 003040 |
Cuyahoga CC District | 008797 |
Cuyahoga CC Eastern Cam | 010288 |
Cuyahoga CC Metro Cam | 007103 |
Cuyahoga CC Western Cam | 004053 |
Cuyamaca College | 029246 |
Cypress College | 001193 |
Czechoslovak Acad of Sci | 900852 |
D A U College | 900328 |
D Ingeieur Laboratoire | 900216 |
D'Youville College | 002712 |
D-Q University | 010229 |
D.Y. Patil Medical College | 902141 |
Dabney S Lancaster CC | 004996 |
Dacca Univ | 900047 |
Daemen College | 002808 |
Dailian Inst Chem & Physi | 901008 |
Dakota State College | 003463 |
Dakota Wesleyan U | 003461 |
Dalhousie Univ of | 900063 |
Dallas Baptist College | 003560 |
Dallas Bible College | 010668 |
Dallas Christian College | 006941 |
Dallas Co CC Dist Allinst | 009331 |
Dallas Co CC Dist Sys Off | 003561 |
Dallas Theol Seminary | 003562 |
Dallas,University of | 003651 |
Dalton Junior College | 003956 |
Damascus Med Sch | 900607 |
Dana College | 002543 |
Daniel Hale Williams U | 029037 |
Daniel Webster College | 004731 |
Danville Area Cmty C | 001669 |
Danville Cmty College | 003758 |
Dar Es Salaam University | 901047 |
Darkei No'am Rabbinical C | 029247 |
Darmstadt T H | 900249 |
Dartmouth College | 002573 |
Davenport College of Bus | 002249 |
David Lipscomb College | 003486 |
Davidson Co Cmty College | 002919 |
Davidson College | 002918 |
Davis Junior College | 004855 |
Davis and Elkins College | 003811 |
Dawson Community College | 002529 |
Dayanand Medical Coll | 900329 |
Dayton,University of | 003127 |
Daytona Bch Cmty College | 001475 |
De Anza College | 004480 |
De Bordeaur | 900986 |
De Manila University | 900525 |
De Sales Hall Sch Theo | 012029 |
De Sao Paulo Univ | 901006 |
Dean Inst Technology | 009186 |
Dean Junior College | 002144 |
Debrecen Medical University | 901948 |
Deccan College of Med Science | 902002 |
Deep Springs College | 001194 |
Defiance College | 003041 |
Degli Studi University | 901060 |
Dekalb Community College | 001562 |
Del Mar College | 003563 |
Del Tech & CC All Cam | 009050 |
Del Tech & CC Cen Office | 008074 |
Del Tech & CC Stanton Cam | 011387 |
Del Tech & CC Sthn Cam | 007053 |
Del Tech & CC Terry Cam | 011727 |
Del Tech & CC Wilmington | 012179 |
Del Valle Univ | 900162 |
Delaware Co,Cmty College | 007110 |
Delaware State College | 001428 |
Delaware Vly C Sci & Agr | 003252 |
Delaware,University of | 001431 |
Delft Univ of Tech | 900491 |
Delgado Cmty College | 004626 |
Delhi Univ | 900330 |
Delourdes College | 001670 |
Delta College | 002251 |
Delta State University | 002403 |
Democrition Univ of | 900760 |
Denison University | 003042 |
Denmark Tech Univ | 900179 |
Denmark Technical College | 005363 |
Denseignement Gen et Prof | 900064 |
Denver All Cam,CC of | 009758 |
Denver Auraria Cam,CC of | 009542 |
Denver Central Off,CC of | 009757 |
Denver North Campus,CC of | 007933 |
Denver Red Rocks Cam,CC | 009543 |
Denver,University of | 001371 |
Depaul University | 001671 |
Depauw University | 001792 |
Derech Ayson Rab Seminary | 012010 |
Des Moines Area CC | 008735 |
Desales College | 800016 |
Desert,College of the | 001182 |
Detroit Bible College | 002252 |
Detroit C of Bus Admin | 002253 |
Detroit College of Law | 002254 |
Detroit Inst Technology | 002257 |
Detroit,University of | 002323 |
Devi Ahilya University | 902092 |
Devry Inst Technology | 009224 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 001672 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 008322 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 010139 |
Dhaka Univ of | 900832 |
Di Bella Arts Academy | 900408 |
Diablo Valley College | 001191 |
Dickinson College | 003253 |
Dickinson School of Law | 003254 |
Dickinson State College | 002989 |
Dijon Univ | 900217 |
Dillard University | 002004 |
Diplom Ubersetzer | 901038 |
District One Tech Inst | 005304 |
Divine Word College | 001858 |
Dixie College | 003671 |
Do Rio G Univ | 901005 |
Doane College | 002544 |
Dodge Cty Cmty College | 001913 |
Dohuk University | 902148 |
Dolores Coll of | 900169 |
Dominica Univ of | 900181 |
Dominican C of Blauvelt | 002713 |
Dominican C of San Rafael | 001196 |
Dominican House Studies | 012803 |
Dominican Sch Phil & Theo | 001296 |
Don Bosco College | 002602 |
Don Bosco Technical Inst | 009158 |
Donnelly College | 001914 |
Dordt College | 001859 |
Doshisha Univ | 900438 |
Douglass College | 800008 |
Dow Medical Coll | 900507 |
Dowling College | 002667 |
Dr Martin Luther College | 002361 |
Drake University | 001860 |
Draughon's College | 005202 |
Draughon's JC Business | 004933 |
Draughon's JC Business | 013039 |
Draughon's Jr College | 004932 |
Draughons JC Business | 004934 |
Drew University | 002603 |
Drexel University | 003256 |
Droit Faculte de | 900860 |
Dropsie University,The | 003257 |
Drury College | 002461 |
Dublin Univ College | 900194 |
Dubuque,University of | 001891 |
Duke University | 002920 |
Dull Knife Memorial C | 029193 |
Dumaine Univ | 900218 |
Dundalk Cmty College | 009935 |
Duns Scotus College | 002258 |
Dupage,College of | 006656 |
Duquesne University | 003258 |
Durham College | 004836 |
Durham Technical Inst | 005448 |
Durham Univ | 900666 |
Dutchess Cmty College | 002864 |
Dyersburg St Cmty College | 006835 |
Dyke College | 003043 |
E Africa Univ | 900648 |
E M Arudt-Gym | 900250 |
E-Sermi College of | 900966 |
E. N. Charles Buls | 901121 |
EDP C of Puerto Rico | 029044 |
Earlham College | 001793 |
East Anglia Univ of | 900667 |
East Ark Cmty College | 012260 |
East Carolina University | 002923 |
East Central Jr College | 002404 |
East Central Mo Dist JC | 008862 |
East Central Okla State U | 003154 |
East China Inst of Chem E | 900141 |
East China Normal Univ | 900142 |
East Los Angeles College | 001222 |
East Miss Junior College | 002405 |
East Stroudsbg St College | 003320 |
East Tenn St University | 003487 |
East Texas Bapt College | 003564 |
East Texas St University | 003565 |
East Univ of the | 900526 |
Eastern Arizona College | 001073 |
Eastern Baptist Theol Sem | 003260 |
Eastern Christian College | 029192 |
Eastern College | 003259 |
Eastern Conn St College | 001425 |
Eastern Ill University | 001674 |
Eastern Ky University | 001963 |
Eastern Me Voc-Tech Inst | 005277 |
Eastern Mich University | 002259 |
Eastern Montana College | 002530 |
Eastern NM U All Campuses | 008772 |
Eastern NM U Main Campus | 002651 |
Eastern NM U Roswell | 002661 |
Eastern Nazarene College | 002145 |
Eastern Nm U Central Off | 008239 |
Eastern Okla St College | 003155 |
Eastern Oregon St College | 003193 |
Eastern Utah,College of | 003676 |
Eastern Va Medl School | 010338 |
Eastern Wash University | 003775 |
Eastern Wyoming College | 003929 |
Eastfield College | 008510 |
Eastman Sch of Music | 800015 |
Eberhard-Karls Univ | 900251 |
Eckerd College | 001487 |
Ecole Jacques Legoq | 900219 |
Ecole Nat Sup Telecomm | 900859 |
Ecole Normale Jacques-Car | 900065 |
Ecole Normale Supericure | 900220 |
Ecole de Gymnastique at Reedu | 902008 |
Ecuador Central Univ | 900187 |
Eden Theological Seminary | 002462 |
Eden-Webster Jt Libraries | 010670 |
Edgecliff College | 003111 |
Edgecombe Tech College | 008855 |
Edgewood College | 003848 |
Edinboro State College | 003321 |
Edinburgh Univ | 900668 |
Edison Community College | 001477 |
Edison State Cmty College | 012270 |
Edmonds Community College | 005001 |
Edmondson Jr College | 004935 |
Edward Waters College | 001478 |
Ehime University | 902022 |
Eindhoven Tech Univ | 900492 |
Einshams Univ | 900193 |
Eisenhower College | 002716 |
El Camino College | 001197 |
El Centro College | 004453 |
El Paso Co Cmty College | 010387 |
El Reno Junior College | 003156 |
Elec Techn Institute | 009343 |
Electronic Institute | 004886 |
Electronic Institutes | 029197 |
Elgin Community College | 001675 |
Elizabeth City State U | 002926 |
Elizabeth Seton College | 002717 |
Elizabethtown Cmty C | 029207 |
Elizabethtown College | 003262 |
Ellsworth Cmty College | 001862 |
Elmhurst College | 001676 |
Elmira College | 002718 |
Elon College | 002927 |
Elphinstone College | 900331 |
Emanuel Co Junior College | 010997 |
Embry-Riddle Aeron U | 001479 |
Emerson College | 002146 |
Emmanuel College | 001563 |
Emmanuel College | 002147 |
Emmanuel Sch Ministries | 029132 |
Emmanuel Sch of Religion | 012547 |
Emory University | 001564 |
Emory and Henry College | 003709 |
Empire St Univ | 800001 |
Emporia State University | 001927 |
Endicott College | 002148 |
Engineering School | 901100 |
Engr Univ of Lahore | 900877 |
Engr University Sgo | 900990 |
Ensenanza Inst 2 | 900170 |
Enset of Tunis | 901022 |
Enterprise St Jr College | 001015 |
Enva Alfort Natl Ver Sch | 901099 |
Eotuos University | 901118 |
Epis Theol Sem Southwest | 003566 |
Episcopal Divinity School | 002149 |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | 901898 |
Erevan State Univ | 900920 |
Erie CC All Campus | 029248 |
Erie CC City Campus | 010684 |
Erie CC North Campus | 002865 |
Erie CC South Campus | 012427 |
Erlangent-Nuremberg Univ | 900252 |
Erskine C and Seminary | 003432 |
Escola de Engenhaia Maua | 900831 |
Escuela Co de Ingonieria | 900784 |
Escuela Columbiana De Medicina | 902120 |
Escuela de Comercio | 900168 |
Essex Agrl-Tech Inst | 011157 |
Essex Community College | 002070 |
Essex County College | 007107 |
Essex Univ of | 900669 |
Estn Iowa CC Dist All Cam | 008737 |
Estn Iowa CC Dist Cen Off | 004075 |
Estn Mennonite C and Sem | 003708 |
Estn Shore Cmty College | 003748 |
Estudios Superiores de Mo | 900478 |
Etudes Francaises Inst | 900221 |
Eureka College | 001678 |
Europe College | 900040 |
European Inst Business Ad | 900222 |
European Studies Inst of | 900223 |
Evangel College | 002463 |
Evangelical Sch Theo | 029237 |
Evangelical Seminary of P | 900543 |
Evansville,University of | 001795 |
Everett Cmty College | 003776 |
Evergreen State College | 008155 |
Evergreen Valley College | 012452 |
Ewha Womens Univ | 900458 |
Exeter Univ Univ | 900670 |
Fac Mixte de Med et de Ph | 900224 |
Fac de Veterinaria | 901004 |
Fachhochschule,Univ of | 900917 |
Faculdade Notre Dame | 901168 |
Facultad de Medicina De-M | 900580 |
Faculte de Medicine de Pa | 900225 |
Faculty of Medicine | 900746 |
Fairfield University | 001385 |
Fairleigh Dcksn U All Cam | 008770 |
Fairleigh Dcksn U Cen Off | 008222 |
Fairmont State College | 003812 |
Faith Bapt Bible College | 007121 |
Faith Theological Sem | 003264 |
Far Eastern Univ | 900527 |
Farlgh Dcksn Madison Cam | 004738 |
Farlgh Dcksn Teaneck Cam | 002607 |
Farlgh Dcksn U Edw Wms C | 002605 |
Farlgh Dcksn U Rutherfd | 002604 |
Fash Inst Design & Merch | 011112 |
Fashion & Clothing Tech C | 900671 |
Fashion Inst Technology | 002866 |
Faulkner State Jr College | 001060 |
Fayetteville Tech Inst | 007640 |
Fayettevl St University | 002928 |
Feather River College | 008597 |
Feather River College | 900066 |
Fed Da Bahia | 900052 |
Fed Santa-Martech Inst | 900889 |
Federal University-Rio De J | 901269 |
Fejian Agri College | 900826 |
Felician College | 001680 |
Felician College | 002610 |
Fergus Falls Cmty College | 002352 |
Ferguson College | 900948 |
Ferrara Univ | 900391 |
Ferris State College | 002260 |
Ferrum College | 003711 |
Fielding Institute | 029092 |
Findlay College | 003045 |
Finger Lakes,Cmty College | 007532 |
Firat University | 902005 |
Fisher Junior College | 002150 |
Fisk University | 003490 |
Fitchburg State College | 002184 |
Five Towns College | 012633 |
Fla Agricultural & Mech U | 001480 |
Fla Atlantic University | 001481 |
Fla Jr College Jacksonvl | 001484 |
Flagler College | 007893 |
Flaming Rainbow U | 029155 |
Flathead Vly Cmty College | 006777 |
Flinders University | 901909 |
Florence Darlington Tech | 003990 |
Florence Univ Cent Cult S | 900409 |
Florida Beacon College | 012632 |
Florida College | 001482 |
Florida Inst Technology | 001469 |
Florida International U | 009635 |
Florida Keys Cmty College | 001485 |
Florida Memorial College | 001486 |
Florida Southern College | 001488 |
Florida State University | 001489 |
Florida,University of | 001535 |
Floyd Junior College | 009507 |
Fontbonne College | 002464 |
Foothill College | 001199 |
Foothl-Deanza CC All Inst | 009049 |
Foothl-Deanza CC Sys Off | 009020 |
Fordham University | 002722 |
Foreigners Univ for | 900410 |
Forest Inst Prof Psych | 029239 |
Forsyth Sch Dentl Hygnsts | 003967 |
Forsyth Technical Inst | 005317 |
Fort Hays St University | 001915 |
Fort Lauderdale College | 008146 |
Fort Lewis College | 001353 |
Fort Steilacoom CC | 005000 |
Fort Valley State College | 001566 |
Fort Wayne Bible College | 001797 |
Fort Wright C Holy Names | 003777 |
Fourth Military Medical Univ | 902108 |
Fox Valley Tech Inst | 009744 |
Framingham State College | 002185 |
Francais Letranger Inst D | 900226 |
Francis Marion College | 009226 |
Franciscan Sch Theology | 011792 |
Frank Phillips College | 003568 |
Frankfort Univ | 900253 |
Franklin College Indiana | 001798 |
Franklin Inst of Boston | 002151 |
Franklin Pierce College | 002575 |
Franklin Pierce Law Ctr | 029109 |
Franklin University | 003046 |
Franklin and Marshall C | 003265 |
Frederick Cmty College | 002071 |
Free Reformed Univ | 900493 |
Free Univ of Berlin | 900254 |
Free Will Baptist Bible C | 003491 |
Freed-Hardeman College | 003492 |
Freeman Junior College | 003462 |
Freiburg Univ | 900255 |
Freie Universitat | 901085 |
Fremdsprachenschule | 901086 |
French Fac Med St Joseph | 900468 |
Fresno City College | 001307 |
Fresno Pacific College | 001253 |
Fribourg Univ | 900612 |
Friends Bible College | 001917 |
Friends University | 001918 |
Friends World College | 008125 |
Friendship College | 003433 |
Frostburg State College | 002072 |
Ft Scott Cmty College | 001916 |
Fu Berlin Klinikum Steg | 900256 |
Fu-Jen Catholic Univ | 900753 |
Fudan University | 900991 |
Fujian Agr College | 901062 |
Fujian Agricultural Col | 901176 |
Fujian Normal Univ | 900950 |
Fuller Theological Sem | 001200 |
Fullerton College | 001201 |
Fulton-Montgomery CC | 002867 |
Fundacion Ed Sys Office | 029078 |
Fundacion Educativa All | 029077 |
Furman University | 003434 |
Furo-Cho,Chikusa | 900924 |
G S Medical College | 900332 |
Ga Inst Techn All Cam | 008723 |
Ga Inst Techn Central Off | 007999 |
Ga Inst Techn-Sthn Tech | 001570 |
Ga Inst of Techn Main Cam | 001569 |
Ga Southwestern College | 001573 |
Gadsden State Jr College | 001017 |
Gainesville Jr College | 001567 |
Gakushuin University | 901133 |
Gallaudet College | 001443 |
Galveston College | 006662 |
Ganado,College of | 010878 |
Gandha Medical College | 900333 |
Gannon University | 003266 |
Garden City Community C | 001919 |
Gardner-Webb College | 002929 |
Garland Co Cmty College | 012105 |
Garrett Community College | 010014 |
Garrett-Evangelcl Theol | 012303 |
Gaston College | 002973 |
Gateway Tech Inst All Cam | 010883 |
Gateway Tech Inst Cen Off | 010882 |
Gateway Tech Inst-Kenosha | 007288 |
Gateway Tech Inst-Racine | 005299 |
Gavilan College | 001202 |
Gem City College | 012056 |
General Motors Institute | 002262 |
General Theological Sem | 002726 |
Genesee Community College | 006782 |
Geneva College | 003267 |
Geneva Univ | 900613 |
Gent Medical Univ | 900041 |
Gent Univ of | 900968 |
Geo C Wallace St CC-Dothn | 001018 |
Geo C Wallace St CC-Selma | 009980 |
Geological Sci Coll of | 900900 |
George Fox College | 003194 |
George Mason University | 003749 |
George Peabody C Teachers | 003493 |
George Wash University | 001444 |
George Williams College | 001683 |
Georgetown College | 001964 |
Georgetown University | 001445 |
Georgia College | 001602 |
Georgia Military College | 001571 |
Georgia Southern College | 001572 |
Georgia State University | 001574 |
Georgia,University of | 001598 |
Georgian Court College | 002608 |
Germanna Cmty College | 008660 |
Gettysburg College | 003268 |
Ghana Unin of | 900281 |
Giessen Univ | 900257 |
Glasgow Univ | 900672 |
Glassboro State College | 002609 |
Glen Cove Bible College | 029131 |
Glen Oaks Cmty College | 002263 |
Glendale Cmty College | 001076 |
Glendale Cmty College | 001203 |
Glenville State College | 003813 |
Gloucester County College | 006901 |
Goa Medical College | 900334 |
Goddard College | 003686 |
Godfrey Huggins Univ, Zimbabwe | 901740 |
Gogebic Community College | 002264 |
Golden Gate Bapt Seminary | 001204 |
Golden Gate University | 001205 |
Golden Vly Luth College | 007123 |
Golden West College | 001206 |
Goldey Beacom College | 001429 |
Gonzaga University | 003778 |
Gordon College | 002153 |
Gordon Junior College | 001575 |
Gordon-Conwell Theol Sem | 009747 |
Goshen Biblical Seminary | 009749 |
Goshen College | 001799 |
Goteborg Univ | 900599 |
Goteburg Eco and Bus Adm | 900598 |
Gottingen Univ | 900258 |
Goucher College | 002073 |
Gouind Dallabh Pant Univ | 901037 |
Govern Col for Women | 900336 |
Govern Col of Medicine | 900335 |
Government Engr College | 900815 |
Government Medical Coll | 900337 |
Governors St University | 009145 |
Govt Isamina Science Colleg | 901250 |
Grace Bible College | 002265 |
Grace C of the Bible | 002547 |
Grace College | 001800 |
Grace Theol Seminary | 029227 |
Graceland College | 001866 |
Grad Inst of Inter Studie | 900614 |
Grad Theol Un Jt Library | 010672 |
Graduate Theol Union | 001207 |
Grahm Junior College | 002136 |
Grambling State U | 002006 |
Granada Univ | 900581 |
Grand Canyon College | 001074 |
Grand Rapids Bapt C & Sem | 002266 |
Grand Rapids Jr College | 002267 |
Grand Rapids Sch Bible | 012312 |
Grand Valley St Colleges | 002268 |
Grand View College | 001867 |
Grant Medical Sch | 900338 |
Gratz College | 004058 |
Grays Harbor College | 003779 |
Grayson Co Junior College | 003570 |
Graz Univ | 900030 |
Great China University | 900858 |
Great Falls,College of | 002527 |
Great Lakes Bible College | 002269 |
Greater Hartford CC | 007635 |
Greater New Haven Tech C | 029170 |
Green Mountain College | 003687 |
Green River Cmty College | 003780 |
Greenfield Cmty College | 002169 |
Greensboro College | 002930 |
Greenville College | 001684 |
Greenville Tech College | 003991 |
Grenoble Univ of | 900227 |
Greorian Univ | 901129 |
Griffin College | 010934 |
Grinnell College | 001868 |
Groningen Univ of | 900944 |
Grossmont College | 001208 |
Grove City College | 003269 |
Gruss Girls Seminary | 029145 |
Guadalajara Univ | 900479 |
Guam Univ of | 900292 |
Guam,University of | 003935 |
Guanajuato Univ of | 900480 |
Guangdong Medical College | 902093 |
Guangxi Agricultural Coll | 901016 |
Guangzhou Medical College | 901575 |
Guelph Univ of | 900067 |
Guilford College | 002931 |
Guilford Technical Inst | 004838 |
Gujarat Univ of | 901048 |
Gulbarga University | 901741 |
Gulf Coast Bible College | 006942 |
Gulf Coast Cmty College | 001490 |
Gunma Unv Sch of Med | 901175 |
Guntur Medical College | 901664 |
Gustavus Adolphus College | 002353 |
Gwynedd-Mercy College | 003270 |
Hace Hepe Univ Fac Dent | 900631 |
Hacettepe Univ School of Medic | 901912 |
Hadar Hatorah Rab Sem | 004791 |
Hagerstown Junior College | 002074 |
Hahnemann Medl C and Hosp | 003271 |
Haifa Univ | 900395 |
Haigazian College | 900469 |
Haile Selassie Univ | 900199 |
Haiti State Univ | 900294 |
Halifax Cmty College | 007986 |
Hamburg Univ of | 900259 |
Hamilton C Joint Lib | 009254 |
Hamilton College | 002728 |
Hamilton College | 012294 |
Hamline University | 002354 |
Hampden-Sydney College | 003713 |
Hampshire College | 004661 |
Hampton Institute | 003714 |
Han Yang Univ of | 900744 |
Hangzhou Univ of | 900931 |
Hankuk Univ of Foreign St | 900459 |
Hannibal-Lagrange College | 009089 |
Hanover College | 001801 |
Harbin University | 901173 |
Harbing | 900992 |
Harcum Junior College | 003272 |
Hardbarger JC Business | 004839 |
Hardin-Simmons University | 003571 |
Harding Grad Sch Religion | 004081 |
Harding U All Cam | 001097 |
Harding U Cen Off | 008007 |
Harding U Main Cam | 010311 |
Harford Community College | 002075 |
Harold R. Yeary Jt Lib | 029061 |
Harriman College | 002800 |
Harrington Institute | 029153 |
Harris-Stowe State C | 002466 |
Harrisburg Area CC | 003273 |
Hartford College Women | 001386 |
Hartford Graduate Center | 002804 |
Hartford Sem Foundation | 001387 |
Hartford St Tech College | 001388 |
Hartford,University of | 001422 |
Hartnell College | 001209 |
Hartwick College | 002729 |
Harvard University | 002155 |
Harvey Mudd College | 001171 |
Haskell Indian Jr College | 010438 |
Hastings College | 002548 |
Hatfield Polytechnic | 900673 |
Havana Univ of | 900171 |
Haverford College | 003274 |
Hawaii Honolulu CC,U of | 001612 |
Hawaii Kapiolani CC,U of | 001613 |
Hawaii Kauai CC,U of | 001614 |
Hawaii Leeward CC,U of | 004549 |
Hawaii Loa College | 004548 |
Hawaii Maui CC,U of | 001615 |
Hawaii Pacific College | 007279 |
Hawaii Sys Off U of | 007885 |
Hawaii Windward CC,U of | 010390 |
Hawaii at Hilo,U of | 029020 |
Hawaii at Manoa,U of | 001610 |
Hawkeye Inst Technology | 004595 |
Haywood Technical Inst | 008083 |
Hazard Community College | 029219 |
Heald Engr College | 001210 |
Heat and Mass Transfer Inst | 901987 |
Hebei Ag. Univ. | 901151 |
Hebei Medical University | 901576 |
Hebrew College | 002157 |
Hebrew Theol College | 001685 |
Hebrew Union C All Cam | 008798 |
Hebrew Union C Cal Branch | 004055 |
Hebrew Union C Cen Office | 008033 |
Hebrew Union C Main Cam | 003047 |
Hebrew Union C NY Branch | 004054 |
Hebrew Univ | 900396 |
Hebrew Univ at Hadassahm | 900397 |
Heed University | 012257 |
Hefei Polytech Univ | 901082 |
Heidelberg College | 003048 |
Heidelberg Univ | 900260 |
Heilangjiang Reclamation | 900981 |
Helen Lauge Gymnasium | 900261 |
Hellenic C-Holy Cross Sch | 002154 |
Helsinki Univ of | 900200 |
Helwan Univ | 900871 |
Henan University | 901076 |
Henderson Cmty College | 029208 |
Henderson Co Jr College | 003572 |
Henderson St University | 001098 |
Hendrix College | 001099 |
Henerietta Szold Inst | 900398 |
Henry Ford Cmty College | 002270 |
Hepei Banking School | 901007 |
Herbert H Lehman College | 800003 |
Heriot-Watt Univ | 901070 |
Herkimer Co Cmty College | 004788 |
Hesser College | 004729 |
Hesston College | 001920 |
Hibbing Community College | 002355 |
High Point College | 002933 |
Highland Cmty College | 001681 |
Highland Cmty College | 001921 |
Highland Pk Cmty College | 002271 |
Highline Cmty College | 003781 |
Hilbert College | 002735 |
Hill Junior College | 003573 |
Hillsborough Cmty College | 007870 |
Hillsdale College | 002272 |
Hillsdl Free Will Bapt C | 010266 |
Hinds Junior College | 002407 |
Hiram College | 003049 |
Hiroshima University | 900865 |
Hiwassee College | 003494 |
Hlth Sci-Chgo Medl Sch,U | 001659 |
Hobart-Wm Smith Colleges | 002731 |
Hocking Technical College | 007598 |
Hofstra University | 002732 |
Hokkaido University | 900439 |
Hollins College | 003715 |
Holliston Junior College | 029073 |
Holmes Junior College | 002408 |
Holy Apostles College | 001389 |
Holy Cross Junior College | 007263 |
Holy Cross,College of the | 002141 |
Holy Family College | 003275 |
Holy Family College | 012313 |
Holy Names College | 001183 |
Holy Redeemer College | 007732 |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Sem | 002733 |
Holyoke Community College | 002170 |
Hong Kong Univ of | 900296 |
Hongkong Baptist Coll | 900938 |
Honnold Joint Library | 006729 |
Hood College | 002076 |
Hope College | 002273 |
Hopei Teachers College | 901113 |
Hopkinsville Cmty College | 029209 |
Horeb Seminary | 029179 |
Horry-Georgetown Tech C | 004925 |
Hospital Clinico Barcelon | 900582 |
Houghton College | 002734 |
Housatonic Regional CC | 004513 |
Houston All Campuses,U of | 011720 |
Houston Bapt University | 003576 |
Houston Cen Office,U of | 011721 |
Houston Clear Lake City,U | 011711 |
Houston Community College | 010633 |
Houston Victoria Campus,U | 013231 |
Howard C at Big Spring | 003574 |
Howard Community College | 008175 |
Howard Payne University | 003575 |
Howard University | 001448 |
Huazhong Agr Univ | 901098 |
Huazhung Agr College | 901093 |
Hubei Medical University | 901577 |
Hudson Co CC Commission | 012954 |
Hudson Vly Cmty College | 002868 |
Hull Univ of | 900674 |
Humanistic Psyc Inst | 029178 |
Humboldt State U | 001149 |
Humphreys College | 001212 |
Hunan Medical University | 901742 |
Huntingdon College | 001019 |
Huntington College | 001803 |
Huron College | 003464 |
Husson College | 002043 |
Huston-Tillotson College | 003577 |
Hutchinsn Cmty College | 001923 |
Hyderabad Univ of | 900861 |
Ibero Americana Univ | 900481 |
Idaho State University | 001620 |
Idaho,College of | 001617 |
Idaho,University of | 001626 |
Ife Univ of | 900809 |
Iliff School of Theology | 001354 |
Ill Benedictine College | 001767 |
Ill Chicago Circle,U of | 001776 |
Ill College Podiatric Med | 001690 |
Ill College of Optometry | 001689 |
Ill Eastern CC System Off | 009135 |
Ill Estn CC Frontier CC | 029085 |
Ill Estn CC Olney Cen C | 001742 |
Ill Estn CC Sys All Inst | 009136 |
Ill Estn CC Wabash Vly C | 001779 |
Ill Estn Lincoln Trail C | 009786 |
Ill Medl Ctr Chgo,U of | 003960 |
Ill Urbana Campus,U of | 001775 |
Ill Wesleyan University | 001696 |
Illinois All Cam,U of | 008729 |
Illinois Central College | 006753 |
Illinois Central Off,U of | 008001 |
Illinois College | 001688 |
Illinois Inst Technology | 001691 |
Illinois State University | 001692 |
Illinois Technical C | 029190 |
Illinois University of | 800004 |
Illinois Vly Cmty College | 001705 |
Immaculata College | 003276 |
Immaculate Conception Sem | 002611 |
Immaculate Heart College | 001213 |
Imperial College of Sci & | 900675 |
Imperial Valley College | 001214 |
Incarnate Word College | 003578 |
Ind Nthn Grad Sch Mgmt | 001806 |
Ind Voc Tech C All Cam | 008546 |
Ind Voc Tech C Cen Off | 009916 |
Ind Voc Tech C Northeast | 009926 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Cen Ind | 009917 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Columbus | 010038 |
Ind Voc Tech C-East Cen | 013146 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Kokomo | 010041 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Lafayette | 010039 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Nth Cen | 008423 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Nthwst | 013145 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Southeast | 013144 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Southwest | 009925 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Sthcen | 010109 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Whitewater | 013140 |
Ind Voc Tech-Wabash Vly | 008547 |
Ind-Purdue U Fort Wayne | 001812 |
Ind-Purdue U Indianapolis | 001813 |
Independence Community C | 001924 |
India Institute of Chem Tech | 901980 |
Indian Agri Res Inst | 900339 |
Indian Hills CC | 008736 |
Indian Hls CC Cen Off | 008298 |
Indian Hls CC-Centerville | 001849 |
Indian Hls CC-Ottumwa | 008403 |
Indian Inst Ag | 900340 |
Indian Inst of Science | 900341 |
Indian Inst of Tech | 900342 |
Indian Inst of Tech | 901032 |
Indian Inst of Tech Bomba | 900343 |
Indian Inst of Tech Kanpu | 900344 |
Indian River Cmty College | 001493 |
Indian School of Mines | 900345 |
Indian Statistical Inst | 900905 |
Indian Valley Colleges | 011730 |
Indiana Cen University | 001804 |
Indiana Inst Technology | 001805 |
Indiana St U Evansvl Cam | 001808 |
Indiana State U All Cam | 001807 |
Indiana State U Cen Off | 009562 |
Indiana State U Main Cam | 009563 |
Indiana U All Campuses | 008731 |
Indiana U Bloomington | 001809 |
Indiana U Central Office | 008002 |
Indiana U Northwest | 001815 |
Indiana U Southeast | 001817 |
Indiana U at Kokomo | 001814 |
Indiana U at South Bend | 001816 |
Indiana U of Pennsylvania | 008810 |
Indiana University East | 001811 |
Indo China Univ | 900747 |
Ingenius Univ Los Andes | 900786 |
Inha University | 901031 |
Innsbruck Univ of | 900031 |
Inst Agronimique & Vet Md | 901128 |
Inst American Indian Arts | 011011 |
Inst Comercial de PR JC | 011940 |
Inst D'etudes Comm | 900937 |
Inst Del Vedado | 900172 |
Inst Elec Technology | 008425 |
Inst St Marie-Arlon | 901106 |
Inst Tecnico Comercial JC | 029125 |
Inst Textile Technology | 003717 |
Inst de Estudios Superior | 900183 |
Inst for Adv Stdies Hum | 008915 |
Inst for Engl Speaking St | 900600 |
Inst of Design and Constr | 012107 |
Inst of Food & Nut of I | 900386 |
Inst of Informatics | 901078 |
Inst of Polytech-Kankan | 901158 |
Inst of Post Grad Med | 900346 |
Inst of Social Studies | 900494 |
Inst of Tech and Science | 901036 |
Inst. Molecular Bio & Gen | 901227 |
Inst. Physical Education | 901135 |
Inst. of Genetics & Select. | 901499 |
Instit de Ciencias de la Salud | 901844 |
Institue of Agriculture | 901150 |
Institute Med Sciences | 900347 |
Institute Paper Chemistry | 005010 |
Institute de Hautes | 900228 |
Institute of Biochemistry | 901498 |
Institute of Ind Chemistr | 900411 |
Institute of Medicine | 900051 |
Institute of Microbiology | 901744 |
Institute of Technology | 901052 |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias | 902032 |
Insurance,College of | 002702 |
Inter Amer San German Cam | 003938 |
Inter Amer San German Cam | 900544 |
Inter Amer U Aguadila Br | 900545 |
Inter Amer U Aguadilla Br | 003939 |
Inter Amer U Arecibo Br | 005026 |
Inter Amer U Arecibo Br | 900546 |
Inter Amer U Barnquits Br | 005027 |
Inter Amer U Barnquits Br | 900547 |
Inter Amer U Bayamon Br | 005028 |
Inter Amer U Bayamon Br | 900548 |
Inter Amer U Fajardo Br | 010763 |
Inter Amer U Guayama Br | 010764 |
Inter Amer U Hato Rey Cam | 900549 |
Inter Amer U Metro Cam | 003940 |
Inter Amer U PR All Cam | 008839 |
Inter Amer U PR Cen Off | 008242 |
Inter Amer U PR Cen Off | 900551 |
Inter Amer U Ponce Br | 005029 |
Inter Amer U Ponce Br | 900550 |
Inter Amer U Ramey C | 900552 |
Inter Amer Univ Law Sch | 900553 |
Interamericana Univ of | 900808 |
Interboro Institute | 008435 |
Intermountain Bible C | 029090 |
International Business C | 004579 |
International College | 010385 |
International Fine Arts C | 008878 |
International Medical and Tech | 902094 |
Intr Christian Univ | 900440 |
Intratl Inst World U | 005031 |
Intrdenominatl Theol Ctr | 001568 |
Inupiat U of the Arctic | 029016 |
Inver Hills Cmty College | 009740 |
Iona College | 002737 |
Iowa Central CC | 001865 |
Iowa Lakes CC Cen Off | 010358 |
Iowa Lakes CC North Ctr | 010359 |
Iowa Lakes CC South Ctr | 010224 |
Iowa Lakes Cmty C | 001864 |
Iowa State U Sci & Techn | 001869 |
Iowa Wesleyan College | 001871 |
Iowa Western Cmty College | 008739 |
Iowa,University of | 001892 |
Iran Univ of Med Sciences | 901919 |
Iranian Inst Advan Acct | 900787 |
Ireland Natl Univ of | 900195 |
Isfahan Univ Sch Med | 900387 |
Islamic Studies Inst of | 900068 |
Isothermal Cmty College | 002934 |
Istanbul Tech Univ | 900632 |
Italian Republic Univ of | 900412 |
Itasca Community College | 002356 |
Itawamba Junior College | 002409 |
Ithaca College | 002739 |
Itt Educ Services | 007326 |
Itt Tech Inst | 008329 |
Itt Tech-Bus Inst | 007329 |
Itt Technical Institute | 009088 |
J S univ of Baroda | 901090 |
J Sargeant Reynolds CC | 003759 |
J W Groethe Universitat | 901084 |
JLN Medical College Ajmer- | 901580 |
Jabalpur Univ | 900882 |
Jackson Community College | 002274 |
Jackson St Cmty College | 004937 |
Jackson State University | 002410 |
Jacksonville College | 003579 |
Jacksonville University | 001495 |
Jacksonvl St University | 001020 |
Jadavpur Univ | 900348 |
Jagellonian Univ | 900511 |
Jain College | 900349 |
James Cook Univ | 900016 |
James Madison University | 003721 |
James Sprunt Tech College | 007687 |
Jamestown Cmty College | 002869 |
Jamestown College | 002990 |
Jamestwn Business College | 008495 |
Jarvis Christian College | 003637 |
Jassik Art School | 900300 |
Javeriana Univ | 900163 |
Jawaharlal Nehru Ag Univ | 900350 |
Jawaharlal Nehru Tech Uni | 900995 |
Jawal Univ of | 900910 |
Jefferson Cmty College | 002870 |
Jefferson Cmty College | 029211 |
Jefferson College | 007102 |
Jefferson College | 011600 |
Jefferson Davis State JC | 001021 |
Jefferson St Jr College | 001022 |
Jefferson Technical C | 007275 |
Jeonbug Natl Univ | 900970 |
Jersey City State College | 002613 |
Jesuit School of Theology | 010333 |
Jesuit-Mccormick Jt Lib | 029181 |
Jewish Theol Sem America | 002740 |
Jia Mu Si Medical College | 901578 |
Jiangsu Agricultural Coll | 901014 |
Jiao Tong Univ | 900772 |
Jiling Univ of | 900807 |
Jimma Inst of Health Scienc | 901579 |
Jimmy Swaggart Bible Coll | 901171 |
Jinan Univ | 900971 |
Jinzhou Medical College | 901745 |
Jipmer Medical | 901859 |
Johannes Gutenberg | 900262 |
John A Gupton College | 008859 |
John A Logan College | 008076 |
John Brown University | 001100 |
John C Calhoun St CC | 001013 |
John Carroll University | 003050 |
John F Kennedy University | 004484 |
John Marshall Law School | 001698 |
John Tyler Cmty College | 004004 |
John Wesley College | 002309 |
John Wesley College | 029055 |
John Wood Cmty College | 012813 |
Johns Hopkins University | 002077 |
Johnsn C Smith University | 002936 |
Johnsn Co Cmty College | 008244 |
Johnson & Wales College | 003404 |
Johnson Bible College | 003495 |
Johnson State College | 003688 |
Johnston Technical C | 009336 |
Joint Inst Nuclear Res | 900941 |
Joint University Library | 006816 |
Joliet Junior College | 001699 |
Jones Co Junior College | 002411 |
Jones College All Cam | 008719 |
Jones College Central Off | 008236 |
Jones College Jacksonvl | 001497 |
Jones College Orlando | 001499 |
Jordan College | 029091 |
Jordan Univ of | 900850 |
Jorge Tadeo Lozano | 900767 |
Jos Univ of | 900870 |
Judaism,University of | 002741 |
Judson Baptist College | 003195 |
Judson College | 001023 |
Judson College | 001700 |
Juilliard School,The | 002742 |
Juiz de Flora Univ of | 900053 |
Juniata College | 003279 |
Juntendo Univ Med Sch | 900441 |
Justusliebig,Univ | 900919 |
Jyvaskylan Normaalilyseo | 900201 |
Kagawa Univ Medical School | 901966 |
Kagoshima University | 901019 |
Kaiserslautern Univ | 900936 |
Kakatiya Medical College | 901581 |
Kalamazoo College | 002275 |
Kalamazoo Valley CC | 006949 |
Kalo Tilburg Acad | 900884 |
Kalyani Univ | 900351 |
Kanazawa Univ | 900442 |
Kangiuenn Natl | 900778 |
Kangwon National University | 901646 |
Kankakee Cmty College | 007690 |
Kanpur University of | 901096 |
Kans Medical Center,U of | 004605 |
Kansai Med Univ | 900443 |
Kansas All Campuses,U | 029001 |
Kansas Central Office,U | 029002 |
Kansas City Art Institute | 002473 |
Kansas City C Osteo Med | 002474 |
Kansas City Kans Cmty C | 001925 |
Kansas Main Campus,U of | 001948 |
Kansas Newman College | 001939 |
Kansas St U Agr & App Sci | 001928 |
Kansas Technical Inst | 004611 |
Kansas Wesleyan | 001929 |
Kaohsiung Med Col | 900639 |
Karachi Univ of | 900951 |
Karin University | 901088 |
Karl Franzens Univ | 900032 |
Karlsruhe Univ of | 900975 |
Karnatah Univ | 900352 |
Karolinski Inst Med & Sur | 900601 |
Kaser El Aini Sch of Med | 900845 |
Kasetsart Univ | 900623 |
Kashmir Univ | 900353 |
Kaskaskia College | 001701 |
Kasturbia Medical College | 900354 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007398 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007481 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007507 |
Katholieke Univ Te Louvai | 900042 |
Kean C of New Jersey | 002622 |
Kearney State College | 002551 |
Keele Univ of | 900676 |
Keguruan Inst Ilmu P | 900305 |
Kehilath Yakov Rab Sem | 010549 |
Keio University | 901051 |
Keller Grad School Mgmt | 029086 |
Kellogg Community College | 002276 |
Kemper Military Sch and C | 002475 |
Kendall College | 001703 |
Kendall Sch of Design | 007618 |
Kennesaw College | 001577 |
Kenrick Seminary | 002476 |
Kent St Ashtabula Reg Cam | 003052 |
Kent St E Liverpl Reg Cam | 003056 |
Kent St Stark Co Reg Cam | 003054 |
Kent St Trumbull Reg Cam | 003064 |
Kent St Tuscaraws Reg Cam | 003062 |
Kent St U Salem Reg Cam | 003061 |
Kent State U All Campuses | 008799 |
Kent State U Cen Office | 008034 |
Kent State U Main Campus | 003051 |
Kent Univ at Cantebury | 900677 |
Kentucky C Technology | 007550 |
Kentucky CC System,U of | 006724 |
Kentucky Southern College | 800021 |
Kentucky State University | 001968 |
Kentucky System Office, U | 008011 |
Kentucky Wesleyan College | 001969 |
Kentucky,University of | 001989 |
Kenyon College | 003065 |
Kerala Univ of | 900355 |
Kettering C Medical Arts | 007035 |
Keuka College | 002744 |
Keystone Junior College | 003280 |
Kfartyun Univ of | 900904 |
Kharagpur | 900758 |
Khartaum Univ of | 900872 |
Kiel Univ of | 900263 |
Kilgore College | 003580 |
Kilpauk Medical College I | 901582 |
King Abochulaziz Univ | 900892 |
King College | 003496 |
King Edward Medical College | 901456 |
King Mongkut's Inst Tech | 900805 |
King's C-Charlotte | 002937 |
King's College | 002745 |
King's College | 003282 |
King's College-Raleigh | 004840 |
Kings College | 900678 |
Kings River Cmty College | 001308 |
Kirksvl College Osteo Med | 002477 |
Kirkwood Cmty College | 004076 |
Kirtland Cmty College | 007171 |
Kishwaukee College | 007684 |
Knox College | 001704 |
Knoxville Business C | 004938 |
Knoxville College | 003497 |
Knubly Sch of Greek Civil | 900287 |
Kobe University | 901110 |
Koen Vu Univ | 900811 |
Kon-Kuk University | 900946 |
Korea Adv Inst Sci Tech | 900925 |
Korea Univ | 900460 |
Korean Union Coll | 900461 |
Kossuth Univ | 901117 |
Krakow Academy of Music | 900512 |
Kuban State Medical University | 902088 |
Kuopio University of | 901013 |
Kurnool Medical College K | 901500 |
Kurukshetra University | 901042 |
Kurume Univ School of Medicine | 901913 |
Kutztown State College | 003322 |
Kuwait Univ Medical School | 901746 |
Ky Christian College | 001965 |
Ky Jr College Business | 010489 |
Kyoto Perfectural Med Uni | 900848 |
Kyoto Univ | 900444 |
Kyung-Hee Univ | 900820 |
Kyungpook Natl Univ | 900462 |
Kyushu Univ of | 900875 |
La Grange College | 001578 |
La Plata Natl Univ | 900008 |
La Roche College | 003987 |
La Salle College | 003287 |
La St U Medical Center | 002014 |
La State U Alexandria | 002011 |
La State U Eunice | 002012 |
La State U Shreveport | 002013 |
La State U Sys Office | 002009 |
La State U and A&M C | 002010 |
La State U-Law Center | 800013 |
Lab Inst of Merchandising | 007466 |
Labette Cmty College | 001930 |
Laboure Junior College | 006324 |
Lackawanna Junior College | 003283 |
Ladycliff College | 002747 |
Lafayette College | 003284 |
Lafayette College | 011195 |
Laiyang Univ of China | 901170 |
Lake City Cmty College | 001501 |
Lake County,College of | 007694 |
Lake Erie College | 003066 |
Lake Forest College | 001706 |
Lake Forest School Mgmt | 029244 |
Lake Land College | 007644 |
Lake Michigan College | 002277 |
Lake Region Jr College | 002991 |
Lake Superior St College | 002293 |
Lake Tahoe Cmty College | 012907 |
Lake-Sumter Cmty College | 001502 |
Lakehead Univ | 900069 |
Lakeland C Bus and Fash | 004534 |
Lakeland Cmty College | 006804 |
Lakeland College | 003854 |
Lakeshore Technical Inst | 005297 |
Lakewood Cmty College | 006774 |
Lamar Community College | 001355 |
Lamar University | 003581 |
Lambton College | 900070 |
Lambuth College | 003498 |
Lancaster Bible College | 003285 |
Lancaster Theological Sem | 003286 |
Lancaster Univ of | 900679 |
Landbouw Hogesch Wagen | 900915 |
Lander College | 003435 |
Lane College | 003499 |
Lane Community College | 003196 |
Laney College | 001266 |
Langston University | 003157 |
Lansing Community College | 002278 |
Lanzhou Univ of | 900769 |
Laramie Co Cmty College | 009259 |
Laredo Junior College | 003582 |
Laredo State University | 009651 |
Lasell Junior College | 002158 |
Lassen College | 001217 |
Lateran Univ | 900847 |
Latin Amer Stu Univ of Lo | 900680 |
Latter-Day Saints Bus C | 003672 |
Laurentian Univ | 900071 |
Lausanne Univ Imede Mgt D | 900616 |
Lausanne Univ of | 900615 |
Laval Univ | 900821 |
Lavel Univ | 900072 |
Lawrence Inst Technology | 002279 |
Lawrence University | 003856 |
Lawson State Cmty College | 001059 |
Le Moyne College | 002748 |
Le Moyne-Owen College | 003501 |
Lebanese Univ | 900470 |
Lebanon Valley College | 003288 |
Lee College | 003500 |
Lee College | 003583 |
Leeds Univ | 900681 |
Lees Junior College | 001970 |
Lees-Mcrae College | 002939 |
Lehigh Co Cmty College | 006810 |
Lehigh University | 003289 |
Leicester Univ of | 900682 |
Leiden Univ of | 900495 |
Leland College | 800022 |
Leningrad State Univ | 900731 |
Leningrad Univ of | 900732 |
Lenoir Cmty College | 002940 |
Lenoir-Rhyne College | 002941 |
Lesley College | 002160 |
Lethbridge Community Coll | 900073 |
Letourneau College | 003584 |
Lewis C Business | 003968 |
Lewis University | 001707 |
Lewis and Clark CC | 010020 |
Lewis and Clark College | 003197 |
Lewis-Clark St College | 001621 |
Lexington Tech Institute | 029210 |
Lexington Theol Seminary | 001971 |
Liaoning Inst Fin & Econ | 901066 |
Liaquat University Medical | 902041 |
Libera Univ Degli Di Urba | 900413 |
Liberia Univ of | 900894 |
Liberty Baptist College | 010392 |
Libya Univ of | 900471 |
Liege Univ of | 900043 |
Life Bible College | 012630 |
Life Chiropractic College | 029107 |
Lillie Univ | 900229 |
Lima Technical College | 010027 |
Limestone College | 003436 |
Lincoln Christian College | 001708 |
Lincoln College | 001709 |
Lincoln Land Cmty College | 007170 |
Lincoln Mem University | 003502 |
Lincoln Technical Inst | 029200 |
Lincoln University | 002479 |
Lincoln University | 003290 |
Lincoln University | 006975 |
Lindenwood Colleges,The | 002480 |
Lindsey Wilson College | 001972 |
Linfield College | 003198 |
Linn-Benton Cmty College | 006938 |
Litekaria de Granda Univ | 900583 |
Liverpool Univ of | 900683 |
Livingston University | 001024 |
Livingstone College | 002942 |
Lock Haven State College | 003323 |
Lockyear College | 004580 |
Lodz College of Music | 900513 |
Logan C of Chiropractic | 004703 |
Loma Linda University | 001218 |
Lomax-Hannon JC | 001025 |
Lon Morris College | 003585 |
London College of Printin | 900684 |
London Film School Ltd | 900685 |
London Sch of Economics | 900686 |
London Univ of | 900687 |
Long Beach City College | 001219 |
Long Is C Hosp Sch Nurs | 029118 |
Long Is Sem Jewish Stdies | 011993 |
Long Is U All Campuses | 008780 |
Long Is U Brooklyn Center | 004779 |
Long Is U C W Post Center | 002754 |
Long Is U Central Office | 002751 |
Long Is U Schwartz C Phar | 004774 |
Long Is U Southampton Ctr | 002755 |
Longview Cmty College | 009140 |
Longwood College | 003719 |
Longxi Ag Tech Inst | 901136 |
Lorain Co Cmty College | 003068 |
Loras College | 001873 |
Lord Fairfax Cmty College | 008659 |
Loretto Heights College | 001356 |
Los Andes Univ | 900164 |
Los Andes Univ of | 900813 |
Los Ang C of Chiropractic | 001229 |
Los Ang CC Sys All Inst | 008709 |
Los Ang Harbor College | 001224 |
Los Ang Pierce College | 001226 |
Los Ang Southwest College | 007047 |
Los Ang Tr Tech College | 001227 |
Los Ang Valley College | 001228 |
Los Angeles Bapt College | 001220 |
Los Angeles CC System Off | 001221 |
Los Angeles City College | 001223 |
Los Angeles Mission C | 012550 |
Los Medanos College | 010340 |
Los Rios CC Sys All Inst | 008710 |
Los Rios CC System Off | 001231 |
Loughborough Univ of Tech | 900688 |
Louis Pasteur Univ | 900230 |
Louisburg College | 002943 |
Louisiana College | 002007 |
Louisiana St U All Inst | 008745 |
Louisiana Tech University | 002008 |
Louisville School of Art | 010425 |
Louisville Tech Institute | 012088 |
Louisville,University of | 001999 |
Louisvl Presb Theol Sem | 001974 |
Lourdes College | 003069 |
Louvain Univ of | 900044 |
Lowell,University of | 002161 |
Lower Columbia College | 003782 |
Loyola College | 002078 |
Loyola College | 900074 |
Loyola Marymount U | 011649 |
Loyola U in New Orleans | 002016 |
Loyola U of Chicago | 001710 |
Loyola Univ Chicago | 900414 |
Loyola Univ Cntr for Libe | 900415 |
Loyola-Notre Dame Jt Lib | 009638 |
Lubbock Christian College | 003586 |
Lucknow Univ | 900356 |
Ludwigs-Maximilians Univ | 901157 |
Lugansk State Medical Univ | 901921 |
Lulea Univ of | 900982 |
Lund Univ | 900602 |
Lurleen B Wallace St JC | 008988 |
Luth Bible Inst Seattle | 029019 |
Luth Sch Theology Chicago | 001712 |
Luth Theol Sem Gettysburg | 003291 |
Luther College | 001874 |
Luther Nthwstn Sem Jt Lib | 029140 |
Luther Rice Seminary | 012857 |
Luther Theological Sem | 002357 |
Lutheran Theol Sem Phila | 003292 |
Lutheran Theol Sthn Sem | 003437 |
Luzerne Co Cmty College | 006811 |
Lycee A Mohamed Univ | 901020 |
Lycee Aek | 900977 |
Lycoming College | 003293 |
Lynchburg College | 003720 |
Lyndon State College | 003689 |
Lyon Univ of | 900231 |
Lyons Technical Inst | 007827 |
M. P. Shah Medical College | 901583 |
M.E.D. Univ of Engr | 901015 |
M.S. Ramaiah Medical College | 901750 |
MA Hendra College Patiala | 901502 |
Maastricht University | 901998 |
Macalester College | 002358 |
Maccormac College | 001716 |
Machzikei Hadath Rab C | 013026 |
Macmurray College | 001717 |
Macomb Co CC All Cam | 008319 |
Macomb Co CC Cen Office | 002281 |
Macomb Co CC-Center Cam | 004681 |
Macomb Co CC-South Campus | 008906 |
Macon Junior College | 007728 |
Madison Area Tech College | 004007 |
Madison Business College | 003859 |
Madisonville Cmty College | 029213 |
Madonna College | 002282 |
Madras Christian College | 900357 |
Madras Univ of India | 900358 |
Madrid Univ of | 900584 |
Madurai Medical College I | 901501 |
Magill Univ | 900075 |
Magsay E Ramon Col of Med | 900528 |
Mahadevappa Rampure Med Colleg | 902042 |
Maharishi Intrnatl U | 011113 |
Mahatma Gandhi Inst of Med Sci | 901858 |
Mahidol Univ | 900844 |
Mahrarja Sayajirao Instit | 900874 |
Maine All Campuses,U of | 008746 |
Maine Central Office,U of | 008012 |
Maine Maritime Academy | 002044 |
Maine at Augusta,U of | 006760 |
Maine at Farmington,U of | 002040 |
Maine at Fort Kent,U of | 002041 |
Maine at Machias,U of | 002055 |
Maine at Orono,U of | 002053 |
Mainland,College of the | 007096 |
Mainz University of | 901009 |
Makevere Univ | 900649 |
Malaysia Univ of | 900755 |
Mallinckrodt College | 001718 |
Malone College | 003072 |
Manatee Junior College | 001504 |
Manatuwa University of | 901064 |
Manchester Cmty College | 001392 |
Manchester College | 001820 |
Manchester Univ of | 900689 |
Manchstr Ryl Infrmry Sch Nursg | 902171 |
Mangalore Univ | 900881 |
Manhattan Chrstn College | 001931 |
Manhattan College | 002758 |
Manhattan School of Music | 002759 |
Manhattanville College | 002760 |
Manila Univ | 900529 |
Manipal Inst of Tech | 901035 |
Manitoba Univ | 900076 |
Mankato State University | 002360 |
Mannes College of Music | 002762 |
Manor Junior College | 003294 |
Mansfield State College | 003324 |
Mansourah University | 901087 |
Maple Woods Cmty College | 009139 |
Maria College of Albany | 002763 |
Maria Regina College | 002764 |
Marian C of Fond Du Lac | 003861 |
Marian College | 001821 |
Marianopolis College | 900077 |
Maricopa Co CC Sys Office | 001075 |
Maricopa Tech CC | 008303 |
Marietta College | 003073 |
Marin,College of | 001178 |
Marion College | 001822 |
Marion Military Institute | 001026 |
Marion Technical College | 010736 |
Marist College | 002765 |
Marlboro College | 003690 |
Marquette University | 003863 |
Mars Hill College | 002944 |
Marshall University | 003815 |
Marshalltwn Cmty College | 001875 |
Martin Center College | 029175 |
Martin College | 003504 |
Martin Community College | 007988 |
Mary Baldwin College | 003723 |
Mary College | 002992 |
Mary Hardin-Baylor, U of | 003588 |
Mary Holmes College | 002412 |
Mary Immaculate Seminary | 003295 |
Mary Washington College | 003746 |
Marycrest College | 001876 |
Marygrove College | 002284 |
Maryknoll Sch of Theology | 002767 |
Maryland All Cam,U of | 009553 |
Maryland C Art and Design | 029116 |
Maryland Med Secrl School | 007662 |
Maryland Sys All Inst,U | 008751 |
Maryland System Off,U of | 007959 |
Maryland Univ Athens Cmps | 900288 |
Maryland Univ Far East Di | 900640 |
Maryland Univ Munich Camp | 900264 |
Marylhurst C Learning | 003199 |
Marymount College | 002768 |
Marymount College Kansas | 001932 |
Marymount College of Va | 003724 |
Marymount Manhattan C | 002769 |
Marymount Palos Verdes C | 010474 |
Maryville C-Saint Louis | 002482 |
Maryville College | 003505 |
Marywood College | 003296 |
Mass All Campuses,U of | 008755 |
Mass Amherst Campus,U of | 002221 |
Mass Bay Cmty College | 002171 |
Mass Board CC All Inst | 008752 |
Mass Board Reg CC Sys Off | 002166 |
Mass Boston Campus,U of | 002222 |
Mass C Phar-Hlth Sci | 002165 |
Mass Central Office,U of | 008017 |
Mass College of Art | 002180 |
Mass Inst of Technology | 002178 |
Mass Maritime Academy | 002181 |
Mass Medl Sch-Worcester,U | 009756 |
Mass St College Sys Off | 002179 |
Mass State C Sys All Inst | 008753 |
Massasoit Cmty College | 002177 |
Massey University | 900879 |
Mater Dei College | 002771 |
Mattatuck Cmty College | 006982 |
Maulana Azad Med Coll | 900838 |
Maulana Azad Medical Colleg | 901584 |
Mayland Technical C | 011197 |
Mayo Medical School | 011732 |
Maysville Cmty College | 029214 |
Mayville State College | 002993 |
McCarrie Sch Hlth Sci | 011587 |
McCook Community College | 002552 |
McDowell Technical Inst | 008085 |
McNeese State University | 002017 |
McPherson College | 001933 |
Mccormick Theological Sem | 001721 |
Mcgill Univ | 900078 |
Mchenry County College | 007691 |
Mcintosh College | 004730 |
Mckendree College | 001722 |
Mckenzie College | 004002 |
Mclennan Cmty College | 003590 |
Mcmaster Univ | 900079 |
Mcmurry College | 003591 |
Md Balt Prof Schools,U of | 002104 |
Md Baltimore Co Cam,U of | 002105 |
Md College Park Cam,U of | 002103 |
Md Inst College of Art | 002080 |
Md University College,U | 011644 |
Md-Eastern Shore,U of | 002106 |
Me at Presque Isle,U of | 002033 |
Meadvl-Lombard Theol Sch | 001723 |
Med & Dent of NJ Newark,C | 002620 |
Med Coll of Virginia | 800005 |
Med Inst Minnesota | 007619 |
Medaille College | 002777 |
Medical College Rohtak | 901748 |
Medical College Trivandrum, In | 901749 |
Medical College of Ga | 001579 |
Medical College of Wis | 008296 |
Medical College, Mumbai, India | 901747 |
Medical Faculty Ludwig | 900265 |
Medical Sch of Budapest | 900301 |
Medical University of Lublin | 902133 |
Medical University of SC | 003438 |
Medicina de Valladolid Fa | 900585 |
Medicine Hat College | 900080 |
Medicine et Phharmacie Fa | 900232 |
Medl College Ohio-Toledo | 007737 |
Medl College of Pa,The | 003398 |
Meerut Univ | 900359 |
Meharry Medical College | 003506 |
Melbourne Univ of | 900017 |
Melodyland Sch Theology | 029064 |
Memorial University | 901471 |
Memphis Academy of Arts | 003507 |
Memphis State University | 003509 |
Memphis Theological Sem | 010529 |
Mendocino College | 011672 |
Menlo College | 001236 |
Mennonite Bib Sem Jt Lib | 010673 |
Mennonite Biblical Sem | 001823 |
Mennonite Brthren Bib Sem | 010368 |
Mennonite-Pacific Jt Lib | 029012 |
Merced College | 001237 |
Mercer Co Cmty College | 004740 |
Mercer U All Campuses | 008724 |
Mercer U Central Office | 008000 |
Mercer U Main Campus | 001580 |
Mercer U Sthn School Phar | 001593 |
Mercer U in Atlanta | 008419 |
Mercy College | 002772 |
Mercy College of Detroit | 002286 |
Mercyhurst College | 003297 |
Meredith College | 002945 |
Meridian Junior College | 002413 |
Merrill-Palmer Institute | 002287 |
Merrimack College | 002120 |
Merritt College | 001267 |
Mes Torah Vodaath Sem | 007264 |
Mesa College | 001358 |
Mesa Community College | 001077 |
Mesabi Community College | 004009 |
Mesivta Estn Pkwy Rab Sem | 009633 |
Mesivtha Tifereth Jer Amr | 003974 |
Messiah College | 003298 |
Methodist College | 002946 |
Methodist Theol Sch Ohio | 003075 |
Metro CC Adminv All Inst | 009138 |
Metro CC Adminv Sys Off | 009137 |
Metropolitan St College | 001360 |
Metropolitan State U | 010374 |
Metropolitan Technical CC | 012586 |
Mexico Univ of | 900482 |
Mg Sci Inst Gujarat Univ | 900839 |
Miami Christian College | 012314 |
Miami U Hamilton Campus | 003079 |
Miami U Middletown Campus | 003080 |
Miami Univ Oxford Cam | 007104 |
Miami University All Cam | 008800 |
Miami University Cen Off | 003077 |
Miami,University of | 001536 |
Miami-Dade Cmty College | 001506 |
Miami-Jacobs JC Business | 003076 |
Mich Christian College | 002288 |
Michael J Owens Tech C | 005753 |
Michigan All Cam,U of | 009091 |
Michigan Cen Office,U of | 002325 |
Michigan State University | 002290 |
Michigan Technological U | 002292 |
Michigan-Ann Arbor,U | 009092 |
Michigan-Dearborn,U of | 002326 |
Michigan-Flint,U of | 002327 |
Michoacana Univ Medicine | 900483 |
Micronesia Cmty Coll | 900625 |
Mid America Bapt Seminary | 029172 |
Mid Michigan Cmty College | 006768 |
Mid Plains CC | 002557 |
Mid Plains CC All Cam | 029005 |
Mid Plains CC Cen Office | 029006 |
Mid-Amer C Funeral Serv | 010618 |
Mid-America Nazarene C | 007032 |
Mid-South Bible College | 009982 |
Mid-State Technical Inst | 005380 |
Middle East Tech Univ | 900633 |
Middle Georgia College | 001581 |
Middle Tenn St University | 003510 |
Middlebury College | 003691 |
Middlebury College | 900233 |
Middlesex Cmty College | 008038 |
Middlesex Cmty College | 009936 |
Middlesex County College | 002615 |
Midland College | 009797 |
Midland Lutheran College | 002553 |
Midlands Tech College | 003993 |
Midstate College | 004568 |
Midway College | 001975 |
Midwest Christian College | 007112 |
Midwest College of Engr | 010919 |
Midwestern Bapt Theol Sem | 002485 |
Midwestern St University | 003592 |
Mie University | 901103 |
Milan Univ of | 900416 |
Miles College | 001028 |
Miles Community College | 002528 |
Military Tech Acad/Warsaw | 901165 |
Millersville St College | 003325 |
Milligan College | 003511 |
Millikin University | 001724 |
Mills College | 001238 |
Millsaps College | 002414 |
Milton College | 003865 |
Milwaukee Area Tech C | 003866 |
Milwaukee Inst Art-Design | 029113 |
Milwaukee Sch Engineering | 003868 |
Milwaukee Stratton C | 029126 |
Mimarsinan University | 900962 |
Mindanao Univ of | 900927 |
Mineral Area College | 002486 |
Ming-Chi Inst of Tech | 900887 |
Ministerial Inst and C | 009229 |
Minn CC Sys System Office | 009346 |
Minn CC System All Inst | 029068 |
Minn Mayo Grad Sch Med,U | 010337 |
Minn Mnpls Snt Paul,U of | 003969 |
Minn Tech C-Waseca,U of | 010225 |
Minneapolis C-Art Design | 002365 |
Minneapolis Cmty College | 002362 |
Minnesota All Cam,U of | 008761 |
Minnesota Bible College | 002366 |
Minnesota Cen Office,U of | 002387 |
Minnesota Duluth,U of | 002388 |
Minnesota Morris,U of | 002389 |
Minot State College | 002994 |
Mira Costa College | 001239 |
Mirrer Yeshiva Cen Inst | 004798 |
Misericordia,College | 003247 |
Miss Co Cmty College | 012860 |
Miss Delta Junior College | 002416 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC | 008763 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Cen Off | 008021 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Jackson | 002418 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Perknstn | 002420 |
Miss Gulf Cst Jeff Davis | 002419 |
Miss Industrial College | 002421 |
Miss University for Women | 002422 |
Miss Vly St University | 002424 |
Miss Wades Fash College | 010130 |
Mission College | 029128 |
Mississippi All Cam,U of | 008764 |
Mississippi Cen Off,U of | 008022 |
Mississippi College | 002415 |
Mississippi Main Cam,U of | 002440 |
Mississippi Medl Ctr,U of | 004688 |
Mississippi St University | 002423 |
Missouri Baptist College | 007540 |
Missouri Inst Technology | 002455 |
Missouri Sthn St College | 002488 |
Missouri Valley College | 002489 |
Missouri Wstn St College | 002490 |
Missouri-Columbia,U of | 002516 |
Missouri-Kansas City,U of | 002518 |
Missouri-Rolla,U of | 002517 |
Missouri-Saint Louis,U of | 002519 |
Mitchell Cmty College | 002947 |
Mitchell College | 001393 |
Mitmibai College | 900816 |
Mo Cen Admin All Cam,U of | 008767 |
Mo Cen Admin Cen Off,U of | 002515 |
Moberly Junior College | 002491 |
Mobile College | 001029 |
Modena University | 901180 |
Modesto Junior College | 001240 |
Mohave Community College | 011864 |
Mohawk Col of Applied Art | 900081 |
Mohawk Vly Cmty College | 002871 |
Mohegan Community College | 009765 |
Moi University | 902130 |
Molloy College | 002775 |
Mon Ton Univ | 900082 |
Monash Univ | 900018 |
Monmouth College | 001725 |
Monmouth College | 002616 |
Monroe Business Institute | 004799 |
Monroe Co Cmty College | 002294 |
Monroe Community College | 002872 |
Montana C Minrl Sci-Techn | 002531 |
Montana State University | 002532 |
Montana U Sys System Off | 029072 |
Montana U System All Inst | 029071 |
Montana,University of | 002536 |
Montcalm Cmty College | 002295 |
Montclair State College | 002617 |
Monterey Intrnatl Stdies | 001241 |
Monterey Pen College | 001242 |
Monterrey Univ of | 900764 |
Montevallo,University of | 001004 |
Montgomery C All Campuses | 008748 |
Montgomery C Central Off | 006911 |
Montgomery C Germantown | 029074 |
Montgomery C Rockville | 002082 |
Montgomery C Takoma Park | 002081 |
Montgomery Co Community C | 004452 |
Montgomery Tech Institute | 008087 |
Montpellier Univ of | 900234 |
Montreal Univ | 900083 |
Montreal Univ de | 900866 |
Montreat-Anderson College | 002948 |
Monufia Univ | 901155 |
Moody Bible Institute | 001727 |
Moore College of Art | 003300 |
Moorhead State University | 002367 |
Moorpark College | 007115 |
Moraine Park Tech Inst | 009256 |
Moraine Vly Cmty College | 007692 |
Moratuwa Univ of | 900940 |
Moravian College | 003301 |
Morehead State University | 001976 |
Morehouse College | 001582 |
Morgan Community College | 009981 |
Morgan State University | 002083 |
Morningside College | 001879 |
Morris Brown College | 001583 |
Morris College | 003439 |
Morris JC of Business | 029123 |
Morrison Inst of Techn | 008880 |
Morristown College | 003512 |
Morton College | 001728 |
Moscow Const Inst | 900733 |
Moscow Inst Pet Chem/Gas | 900851 |
Moscow St. Medical Institut | 901585 |
Moscow Tech Inst | 900918 |
Moscow Univ of | 900734 |
Motlow State Cmty College | 006836 |
Mount Aloysius Jr College | 003302 |
Mount Angel Seminary | 003203 |
Mount Carmel College | 900084 |
Mount Holyoke College | 002192 |
Mount Hood Cmty College | 003204 |
Mount Ida Junior College | 002193 |
Mount Marty College | 003465 |
Mount Mary College | 003869 |
Mount Mercy College | 001880 |
Mount Olive College | 002949 |
Mount Saint Alphonsus Sem | 002776 |
Mount Saint Clare College | 001881 |
Mount Saint Mary College | 002778 |
Mount San Antonio College | 001245 |
Mount Senario College | 003873 |
Mount Snt Mary's College | 001243 |
Mount Snt Mary's College | 002086 |
Mount Union College | 003083 |
Mount Vernon College | 001452 |
Mount Vernon Nazarene C | 007085 |
Mountain View College | 008503 |
Mricpa Co CC Sys All Inst | 008699 |
Mt Allison Univ | 900085 |
Mt Royal College | 900086 |
Mt Sacred Heart College | 001395 |
Mt San Jacinto College | 001246 |
Mt Snt Jos-on-the-Ohio,C | 003033 |
Mt Snt Vincent,College of | 002703 |
Mt St Bernard College | 900087 |
Mt St Vincent College | 900088 |
Mt Wachusett Cmty College | 002172 |
Mtn Empire Cmty College | 009629 |
Muhlenberg College | 003304 |
Multnomah School of Bible | 003206 |
Mundelein College | 001731 |
Munich Univ of | 900266 |
Municipal Univ of Amsterd | 900496 |
Munster Univ of | 900267 |
Murcia Univ of | 900586 |
Murray State College | 003158 |
Murray State University | 001977 |
Muscatine Cmty College | 001882 |
Museum Art School | 003207 |
Museum Fine Arts,Sch of | 004667 |
Muskegon Business College | 002296 |
Muskegon Cmty College | 002297 |
Muskingum Area Tech C | 008133 |
Muskingum College | 003084 |
Mysore Univ | 900360 |
N Country Cmty College | 007111 |
N Cupernicus Univ | 900514 |
N Hennepin Cmty College | 002370 |
N Iowa Area Cmty College | 001877 |
N Wales Univ College | 900690 |
N Y Chiropractic College | 012277 |
NC Agrl & Tech State U | 002905 |
NC All Campuses,U of | 008793 |
NC Central University | 002950 |
NC School of the Arts | 003981 |
NC State U Raleigh | 002972 |
NC Wesleyan College | 002951 |
NC at Asheville,U of | 002907 |
NC at Chapel Hill,U of | 002974 |
NC at Charlotte,U of | 002975 |
NC at Greensboro,U of | 002976 |
NC at Wilmington,U of | 002984 |
ND All Campuses,U of | 008794 |
ND Central Office,U of | 008030 |
ND Main Campus,U of | 003005 |
ND State School Science | 002996 |
ND State U All Campuses | 009266 |
ND State U Bottineau | 002995 |
ND State U Central Office | 002997 |
ND State U Main Campus | 009265 |
ND Williston Branch,U of | 003007 |
NH Keene St College,U of | 002590 |
NH Plymouth St College,U | 002591 |
NH Technical Institute | 002581 |
NH Voc-Tech C Berlin | 005291 |
NH Voc-Tech C Claremont | 007560 |
NH Voc-Tech C Laconia | 007555 |
NH Voc-Tech C Manchester | 002582 |
NH Voc-Tech C Nashua | 009236 |
NH Voc-Tech C Portsmouth | 002583 |
NJ Institute Technology | 002621 |
NM All Campuses,U of | 002663 |
NM Central Office,U of | 010312 |
NM Gallup Branch,U of | 006881 |
NM Inst of Mining & Techn | 002654 |
NM Main Campus,U of | 010313 |
NM State U Alamogordo | 002658 |
NM State U All Campuses | 008773 |
NM State U Carlsbad | 002659 |
NM State U Central Office | 007136 |
NM State U Grants Branch | 008854 |
NM State U Main Campus | 002657 |
NM State U San Juan | 002660 |
NTR University Health Sciences | 901997 |
NY College Podiatric Med | 002749 |
NY Inst Techn All Cam | 008782 |
NY Inst Techn Cen Office | 007968 |
NY Inst Techn Main Campus | 004804 |
NY Inst Techn NY Cty Cam | 002782 |
NY Sch of Interior Design | 029036 |
NY St C Ceramics Alfred U | 004750 |
Nacional Autonoma de Mexi | 900484 |
Nacional Ped Henrigue Uni | 900184 |
Nacional de Cuyo | 900009 |
Nagoya Univ | 900445 |
Nagpur Univ | 900757 |
Nairobi Univ of | 901029 |
Nairobi Univ of | 901053 |
Nalanda Medical College Pa | 901586 |
Nan Kai University | 900942 |
Nanjing Chemical Eng Inst | 901114 |
Nanjing Univ | 900797 |
Nanking Med Coll | 900143 |
Nantes Univ of | 900235 |
Nanyang Univ | 900578 |
Nanyang Univ of | 900855 |
Napa College | 001247 |
Napoli Univ of | 900961 |
Naropa Institute | 029185 |
Nash Technical Institute | 008557 |
Nashotah House | 003874 |
Nashville State Tech Inst | 008145 |
Nassau Community College | 002873 |
Nasson College | 002045 |
Nat Defense Medical Cntr | 900921 |
Natal Univ of | 900781 |
Natchez Junior College | 002425 |
Nathaniel Hawthorne C | 002578 |
National Agric Inst | 900748 |
National Business College | 003726 |
National College | 004057 |
National Technical Univ | 900957 |
National Univ | 900165 |
National Univ of Ir | 900361 |
National University | 011460 |
National University of Nort | 901587 |
Native American Educ Serv | 029135 |
Natl Cheng Kung Univ | 900641 |
Natl Chengehi Univ | 901071 |
Natl Chiao Tung Univ | 900873 |
Natl College Chiropractic | 001732 |
Natl College Ed All Cam | 010269 |
Natl College Ed Cen Off | 010268 |
Natl College Ed Main Cam | 001733 |
Natl College Ed Urban Cam | 001743 |
Natl Inst of Engr | 900967 |
Natl San Agustin Univ of | 900505 |
Natl Sch of Anth & Histor | 900485 |
Natl Taiwan Univ | 900752 |
Natl Tech Univ | 900173 |
Natl Tsing Hua Univ | 900642 |
Natl Univ of Honduras | 900298 |
Natl Univ of Rwanda | 901097 |
Navajo Community College | 008246 |
Naval Polytech Acad | 900928 |
Naval Postgraduate School | 001310 |
Navarra Medical Sch Univ | 900587 |
Navarro College | 003593 |
Nazarene Bible College | 013007 |
Nazarene Theological Sem | 002494 |
Nazareth C of Rochester | 002779 |
Nazareth College | 002298 |
Nebr Cen Admin All Inst,U | 008768 |
Nebr Cen Admin Sys Off,U | 008025 |
Nebr Christian College | 012976 |
Nebr Wesleyan University | 002555 |
Nebraska Medical Ctr,U | 006895 |
Nebraska Western College | 002560 |
Nebraska at Omaha,U of | 002554 |
Nebraska-Lincoln,U of | 002565 |
Neosho Co Cmty College | 001936 |
Ner Israel Rab College | 002087 |
Neuchates Univ de | 900617 |
Neumann College | 003988 |
Nevada Las Vegas,U of | 002569 |
Nevada Reno,U of | 002568 |
Nevada Sys All Inst,U of | 009014 |
New Brunswick Theol Sem | 002619 |
New Brunswick Univ of | 900089 |
New College of California | 010831 |
New Eng Consv of Music | 002194 |
New Eng Inst App Arts-Sci | 010781 |
New Eng Inst Technology | 007845 |
New England C Optometry | 002164 |
New England College | 002579 |
New England School of Law | 008916 |
New England Univ of | 900019 |
New Hampshire College | 002580 |
New Hampshire,U of | 002589 |
New Haven,University of | 001397 |
New Mexico Highlands U | 002653 |
New Mexico Junior College | 002655 |
New Mexico Military Inst | 002656 |
New Orleans,University of | 002015 |
New Orls Bapt Theol Sem | 002019 |
New River Cmty College | 005223 |
New Rochelle,College of | 002704 |
New Sch for Soc Research | 002780 |
New School of English | 900978 |
New School of Music | 011146 |
New South Wales Univ of | 900020 |
New York Law School | 002783 |
New York Medical College | 002784 |
New York Theol Seminary | 002674 |
New York University | 002785 |
New Zeland Univ | 900503 |
Newberry College | 003440 |
Newbury Junior College | 007484 |
Newcastle on Tyne Univ of | 900691 |
Newcombe College | 800018 |
Newfoundland Memorial Uni | 900090 |
Niagara Co Cmty College | 002874 |
Niagara University | 002788 |
Nicaragua Ntl Autononia | 900777 |
Nicaragua Univ of | 900500 |
Nice Univ of | 900822 |
Nicholas Copernicus Acad Med | 901999 |
Nicholls State University | 002005 |
Nichols College | 002197 |
Nicolet College-Tech Inst | 008919 |
Nielsen Elecs Institute | 012014 |
Nigeria Univ of | 900869 |
Niigata Univ Med & Dental Sci | 901483 |
Ningxia Agr College | 901024 |
Ningxia University | 901023 |
Nishta Med Coll | 900508 |
Nordwestdeutsche Musikaka | 900268 |
Norfolk State University | 003765 |
Normal School at Merici | 900091 |
Normandale Cmty College | 007954 |
Norte Universidad de | 901072 |
Norte Universidad del | 900868 |
North Adams State College | 002187 |
North Alabama,U of | 001016 |
North American Bapt Sem | 004056 |
North Arkansas CC | 012261 |
North Cen Bible College | 002369 |
North Cen Mich College | 002299 |
North Cen Tech College | 005313 |
North Central College | 001734 |
North Central Tech Inst | 005387 |
North East Ag College | 900144 |
North Florida Jr College | 001508 |
North Florida,U of | 009841 |
North Georgia College | 001585 |
North Greenville College | 003441 |
North Harris Co College | 011145 |
North Idaho College | 001623 |
North Lake College | 029066 |
North Park C & Theol Sem | 001735 |
North Seattle CC | 009704 |
North Shore Cmty College | 002173 |
North Texas St University | 003594 |
North West China Univ of | 900145 |
Northampton Co Area CC | 007191 |
Northampton Col of Adv Te | 900692 |
Northeast Louisiana U | 002020 |
Northeast Miss Jr College | 002426 |
Northeast Petroleum Inst | 901105 |
Northeast Technical CC | 011667 |
Northeast Univ Sch Medici | 900185 |
Northeast Wis Tech Inst | 009257 |
Northeastern Christian JC | 003307 |
Northeastern Jr College | 001361 |
Northeastern Okla State U | 003161 |
Northeastern University | 002199 |
Northern Ariz University | 001082 |
Northern Bapt Theol Sem | 001736 |
Northern Cal C Chiro | 029234 |
Northern Colorado,U of | 001349 |
Northern Ill University | 001737 |
Northern Iowa,U of | 001890 |
Northern Ky University | 009275 |
Northern Mich University | 002301 |
Northern Montana College | 002533 |
Northern Nev Cmty College | 006977 |
Northern Oklahoma College | 003162 |
Northern State College | 003466 |
Northern Va Cmty College | 003727 |
Northland Cmty College | 002385 |
Northland College | 003875 |
Northland Pioneer College | 011862 |
Northrop University | 001248 |
Northwest Bible College | 002998 |
Northwest Cmty College | 003931 |
Northwest Miss Jr College | 002427 |
Northwest Tech College | 008677 |
Northwest Tech Inst | 008267 |
Northwestern College | 001883 |
Northwestern College | 002371 |
Northwestern College | 029062 |
Northwestern Mich College | 002302 |
Northwestern Polytech Uni | 901091 |
Northwestern University | 001739 |
Northwood Inst Cen Office | 008020 |
Northwood Inst Indiana Br | 007021 |
Northwood Inst Main Cam | 004072 |
Northwood Institute | 008759 |
Norwalk Community College | 001399 |
Norwalk St Tech College | 001400 |
Norwich U All Cam | 010875 |
Norwich U Cen Off | 010874 |
Norwich U Main Cam | 003692 |
Notre Dame College | 002584 |
Notre Dame College | 003085 |
Notre Dame Md,College of | 002065 |
Notre Dame Sem Sch Theo | 002022 |
Notre Dame Univ | 900092 |
Notre Dame,College of | 001179 |
Notre Dame,University of | 001840 |
Nottingham Univ of | 900693 |
Nova Scotia Agri College | 900093 |
Nova Scotia Art & Design | 900094 |
Nova Scotia Teachers Coll | 900095 |
Nova Scotia Tech College | 900096 |
Nova University | 001509 |
Novosibirsk Medical University | 901787 |
Nthest Ala St Jr College | 001031 |
Nthest Ia Tech Institute | 004587 |
Nthest Mo St University | 002495 |
Nthestn Bible College | 002623 |
Nthestn Ill University | 001693 |
Nthestn Ohio U C Med | 029045 |
Nthestn Okla Agrl-Mech C | 003160 |
Nthn Essex Cmty College | 002174 |
Nthn Me Voc Tech Inst | 005760 |
Nthn NM Community College | 029087 |
Nthwst Ala St Jr College | 001032 |
Nthwst C Assemblies God | 003783 |
Nthwst Christian College | 003208 |
Nthwst Iowa Tech C | 004600 |
Nthwst Mo St University | 002496 |
Nthwst Nazarene College | 001624 |
Nthwstn Bus C-Tech Center | 004861 |
Nthwstn C Chiropractic | 012328 |
Nthwstn Conn Cmty College | 001398 |
Nthwstn Elecs Institute | 007353 |
Nthwstn Luth Theol Sem | 002372 |
Nthwstn Okla State U | 003163 |
Nthwstn St U of La | 002021 |
Ntl Chengchi Univ | 900768 |
Ntl Fishery Univ of Pusan | 901000 |
Ntl Univ of Mex Medi | 900486 |
Nuclear Research Institut | 900515 |
Nyack College | 002790 |
Nyingma Institute | 029083 |
O'More School of Design | 029149 |
O. S. Johnson Sch Techn | 029198 |
Oakland City College | 001824 |
Oakland Community College | 008760 |
Oakland University | 002307 |
Oakton Community College | 009896 |
Oakwood College | 001033 |
Oberlin College | 003086 |
Oblate College | 001455 |
Oblate College of Sthwst | 003595 |
Occidental College | 001249 |
Ocean County College | 002624 |
Ocean University | 901140 |
Odessa College | 003596 |
Oglala Sioux CC | 029156 |
Oglethorpe University | 001586 |
Ohel Shmuel Yeshiva | 029054 |
Ohio C Podiatric Medicine | 003088 |
Ohio Dominican College | 003035 |
Ohio Inst of Technology | 003099 |
Ohio Northern University | 003089 |
Ohio St U Agrl Tech Inst | 010687 |
Ohio State U All Campuses | 008802 |
Ohio State U Central Off | 003090 |
Ohio State U Lima Br | 003092 |
Ohio State U Main Campus | 006883 |
Ohio State U Mansfield Br | 003093 |
Ohio State U Marion Br | 003094 |
Ohio State U Newark Br | 003095 |
Ohio U All Campuses | 008803 |
Ohio U Belmont Co Branch | 003101 |
Ohio U Central Office | 008036 |
Ohio U Chillicothe Br | 003102 |
Ohio U Ironton Branch | 003103 |
Ohio U Lancaster Branch | 003104 |
Ohio U Main Campus | 003100 |
Ohio U Zanesville Branch | 003108 |
Ohio Valley College | 003819 |
Ohio Wesleyan University | 003109 |
Ohlone College | 004481 |
Ohr Hameir Theol Sem | 011984 |
Ohr Yisroel Rab College | 011669 |
Oil and Gas Institute | 900902 |
Okaloosa-Walton Junior C | 001510 |
Okayama University Medical | 901588 |
Okla C Osteo Med and Surg | 011282 |
Okla Christian College | 003165 |
Okla Health Sci Ctr,U of | 005889 |
Okla Panhandle State U | 003174 |
Okla Sch Bus Acct Law Fin | 003169 |
Okla State U All Campuses | 008806 |
Okla State U Cen Office | 008040 |
Okla State U Main Campus | 003170 |
Okla State U Tech Inst | 003171 |
Oklahoma All Cam,U of | 008807 |
Oklahoma Bapt University | 003164 |
Oklahoma Central Off,U of | 008041 |
Oklahoma City University | 003166 |
Oklahoma Cty Sthwstn C | 003180 |
Oklahoma Norman Cam,U of | 003184 |
Old Dominion University | 003728 |
Olean Business Institute | 009003 |
Olivet College | 002308 |
Olivet Nazarene College | 001741 |
Olso Univ of | 900499 |
Olympia Tech Cmty College | 005372 |
Olympic College | 003784 |
Onondaga Cmty College | 002875 |
Ontario Inst for Ed Studi | 900097 |
Ontario Vet College | 900098 |
Open Bible College | 004601 |
Open University | 900694 |
Or St Hi Ed Sys All Inst | 009191 |
Oral Roberts University | 003985 |
Orange Co Cmty College | 002876 |
Orange Coast College | 001250 |
Orangeburg Calhoun Tech C | 006815 |
Oreg St Higher Ed Sys Off | 009190 |
Oregon All Cam,U of | 008808 |
Oregon College of Ed | 003209 |
Oregon Graduate Center | 008856 |
Oregon Hlth Sci Ctr,U of | 004882 |
Oregon Inst of Technology | 003211 |
Oregon Main Campus,U of | 003223 |
Oregon Poly Institute | 007821 |
Oregon State University | 003210 |
Oriental & African Studie | 900695 |
Oriente de Universidad | 900833 |
Orleans Univ Etscience Fa | 900236 |
Osaka Univ | 900446 |
Oscar Rose Junior College | 009185 |
Osgood Hall Law Sch | 900099 |
Osmania Univ | 900362 |
Osteo Med-Surgery,College | 001855 |
Otero Junior College | 001362 |
Otis Art Inst Parson Sch | 001251 |
Ottawa Medical Univ | 900100 |
Ottawa Univ | 900101 |
Ottawa University | 001937 |
Otterbein College | 003110 |
Ottumwa Heights College | 001884 |
Ouachita Bapt University | 001102 |
Our Lady of Elms,College | 002140 |
Our Lady of Holy Cross C | 002023 |
Our Lady of Lake U | 003598 |
Our Lady of the Lake College | 031062 |
Oviedo Univ of | 900588 |
Owensboro Business C | 009313 |
Oxford Univ of | 900696 |
Oxnard College | 012842 |
Ozarks,College of the | 001094 |
Ozarks,School of the | 002500 |
PR Arecieo Reg Coll U | 900554 |
PR Cayey Univ Cu | 900555 |
PR Cayey University C,U | 007206 |
PR Humacao Reg College U | 900556 |
PR Mayaguez Univ of | 900557 |
PR Mayaguez,U of | 003944 |
PR Medical Center Nursing | 900558 |
PR Medical Sciences U of | 900559 |
PR Medical Sciences,U of | 003945 |
PR Ponce Reg Col Univ | 900560 |
PR Rio Piedras U of | 900561 |
PR Rio Piedras,U of | 007108 |
Pa College Podiatric Med | 003312 |
Pa College of Optometry | 003311 |
Pa Institute Technology | 010998 |
Pa St U Behrend College | 003333 |
Pa St U Hershey Medl Ctr | 006813 |
Pa St U New Kensingtn Cam | 003341 |
Pa St U Radnor Center | 003348 |
Pa St U Shenango Vly Cam | 003345 |
Pa St U Wilkes-Barre Cam | 003346 |
Pa St U Wrthgtn Scrtn Cam | 003344 |
Pa State U All Campuses | 008813 |
Pa State U Allentown Cam | 003330 |
Pa State U Altoona Cam | 003331 |
Pa State U Beaver Campus | 003332 |
Pa State U Berks Campus | 003334 |
Pa State U Capitol Campus | 006814 |
Pa State U Central Office | 003329 |
Pa State U Delaware Cam | 006922 |
Pa State U Du Bois Campus | 003335 |
Pa State U Fayette Campus | 003336 |
Pa State U Hazleton Cam | 003338 |
Pa State U Main Campus | 006965 |
Pa State U McKeesport Cam | 003339 |
Pa State U Mont Alto Cam | 003340 |
Pa State U Ogontz Campus | 003342 |
Pa State U Schuylkill Cam | 003343 |
Pa State U York Campus | 003347 |
Pablavi Univ | 900388 |
Pace U Plsntvl-Brclf Cam | 002792 |
Pace U White Plains Cam | 002727 |
Pace University All Cam | 008784 |
Pace University Cen Off | 007970 |
Pace University New York | 002791 |
Pacific Christian College | 001252 |
Pacific Grad Sch Psyc | 029225 |
Pacific Luth Theol Sem | 001254 |
Pacific Luth University | 003785 |
Pacific Oaks College | 001255 |
Pacific Sch of Religion | 001256 |
Pacific Union College | 001258 |
Pacific University | 003212 |
Pacific,University of the | 001329 |
Padova Medical Univ | 900417 |
Padova Univ of | 900418 |
Padua Univ of | 900419 |
Paducah Community College | 029215 |
Pahiava Med School | 900389 |
Paine College | 001587 |
Palm Bch Atlantic College | 008849 |
Palm Beach Junior College | 001512 |
Palmer C of Chiropractic | 012300 |
Palmer Junior College | 001885 |
Palo Verde College | 001259 |
Palomar College | 001260 |
Pamlico Technical C | 007031 |
Pampina Univ of | 900911 |
Pan American University | 003599 |
Panama Univ | 900522 |
Panjab Univ | 900363 |
Panola Junior College | 003600 |
Panta University | 901080 |
Paris Junior College | 003601 |
Paris Univ of | 900237 |
Park College | 002498 |
Parkersburg Cmty College | 003828 |
Parkland College | 007118 |
Parks College | 029163 |
Parma Univ of | 900420 |
Parsons School of Design | 002793 |
Pasadena City College | 001261 |
Pasadena College Chiro | 029105 |
Pasco-Hernando CC | 010652 |
Passaic Co Cmty College | 009994 |
Patras Univ of | 900780 |
Patrice Lumumba Peoples U | 901161 |
Patrick Henry CC | 003751 |
Patrick Henry State JC | 001034 |
Patten College | 004490 |
Pau Bord & Toul Cente Un | 900238 |
Paul D Camp Cmty College | 009159 |
Paul Quinn College | 003602 |
Paul Smith's C Arts & Sci | 002795 |
Pavia Univ of | 900896 |
Pavia Univ of Medical Sch | 900421 |
Payne Theological Sem | 010017 |
Pazmany Univ | 900302 |
Peabody Inst of Jhu | 002088 |
Peace College | 002953 |
Pearl River Jr College | 002430 |
Pedagogig Inst | 900176 |
Peirce Junior College | 003309 |
Peking Coll of Geology | 900146 |
Peking Medical Coll | 900883 |
Peking Normal University | 900998 |
Peking Polytech Univ | 900789 |
Peking University | 900999 |
Pembroke State University | 002954 |
Peninsula College | 003786 |
Penn Technical Institute | 007860 |
Penn Valley Cmty College | 002484 |
Pennco Tech | 029199 |
Pennsylvania,U of | 003378 |
Pensacola Christian College | 902154 |
Pensacola Junior College | 001513 |
People's Univ of China | 901075 |
Pepperdine University | 001264 |
Peradeniya Univ of | 900775 |
Peralta CC Sys All Inst | 008712 |
Peralta CC System Office | 001265 |
Peru State College | 002559 |
Perugia Univ Medical Scho | 900422 |
Peruvian University | 901751 |
Peshawar Univ of | 900759 |
Pfeiffer College | 002955 |
Phila C Performing Arts | 003355 |
Phila C Textiles and Sci | 003354 |
Phila College Osteo Med | 003352 |
Phila College Phar & Sci | 003353 |
Phila College of Art | 003350 |
Phila College of Bible | 003351 |
Philadelphia,Cmty College | 003249 |
Philander Smith College | 001103 |
Phillipines Normal Coll | 900817 |
Phillipines Univ of | 900926 |
Phillippines Univ of | 900530 |
Phillips C New Orleans | 011153 |
Phillips Co Cmty College | 001104 |
Phillips College | 009221 |
Phillips College | 010765 |
Phillips College | 011130 |
Phillips College Jackson | 029223 |
Phillips University | 003175 |
Phoenix College | 001078 |
Phoenix, University of | 029143 |
Phonetique Inst of | 900239 |
Phy Educ & Sports Inst of | 900827 |
Physics Academia | 900788 |
Physics Chinese Hong Kong | 900774 |
Piedmont Aerospace Inst | 008192 |
Piedmont Bible College | 002956 |
Piedmont College | 001588 |
Piedmont Tech College | 003992 |
Piedmont Technical C | 009646 |
Piedmont Va Cmty College | 009928 |
Pikes Peak Cmty College | 008896 |
Pikeville College | 001980 |
Pima Community College | 007266 |
Pine Manor College | 002201 |
Pinebrook Junior College | 009908 |
Pingle Women's College In | 901503 |
Pioneer Community College | 029029 |
Pisa Univ of | 900423 |
Pitt Cmty College | 004062 |
Pittsbg All Campuses,U of | 008815 |
Pittsbg Bradford Cam,U of | 003380 |
Pittsbg Central Off,U of | 008046 |
Pittsbg Greensbg Cam,U of | 003381 |
Pittsbg Johnstwn Cam,U of | 003382 |
Pittsbg Main Campus,U of | 003379 |
Pittsbg Titusvl Cam,U of | 003383 |
Pittsburg St University | 001926 |
Pittsburgh Inst Aeron | 005310 |
Pittsburgh Tech Inst | 007437 |
Pittsburgh Theol Seminary | 003356 |
Pitzer College | 001172 |
Platte Technical CC | 007641 |
Platte Vly Bible College | 007638 |
Pleven Medical University | 901996 |
Plymouth Polytech | 901102 |
Point Loma College | 001262 |
Point Park College | 003357 |
Poitiers Univ of | 900240 |
Poland Univ of | 900516 |
Polish Academy of Science | 900517 |
Politecnico Nacional Univ | 900897 |
Politiques Domaing Univ I | 900241 |
Polk Community College | 001514 |
Poltava State University | 902065 |
Polytech Inst of Iasi | 901156 |
Polytechnic Inst New York | 002796 |
Polytechnic Regent St | 900697 |
Pomona College | 001173 |
Ponce School of Medicine | 901868 |
Pontidical Inst of Mediev | 900102 |
Pontifical C Josephinum | 003113 |
Pontifical Gregoria Univ | 900424 |
Pontifical Univ of Comill | 900589 |
Pontificia Univ Catolica Campi | 901752 |
Pontificia Univ Javeriana | 902119 |
Poona Univ of | 900364 |
Pope John XXIII Natl Sem | 002202 |
Porterville College | 001268 |
Portland Cmty College | 003213 |
Portland School of Art | 011673 |
Portland State University | 003216 |
Portland,University of | 003224 |
Portsmouth Poly-Tech Inst | 900885 |
Post College | 001401 |
Post Grad Inst Med/Res | 900840 |
Potifica Univ Cath Peru | 900798 |
Potomac State College | 003829 |
Powelson Business Inst | 008276 |
Poznan Univ Medical Science | 902147 |
Prairie State College | 001640 |
Prairie View A&M U | 003630 |
Prasmit Coll of Educ | 900622 |
Pratt Cmty College | 001938 |
Pratt Institute | 002798 |
Prentiss Norm-Indus Inst | 002432 |
Presb Sch of Christian Ed | 003730 |
Presbyterian College | 003445 |
Prescott Center College | 029022 |
Presentation College | 003467 |
Prestonburg Cmty College | 029216 |
Pretoria Univ | 900575 |
Prince Edwards Island Uni | 900103 |
Prince Georges CC | 002089 |
Prince of Songkla | 900779 |
Prince of Wales College | 900104 |
Princeton Theological Sem | 002626 |
Princeton University | 002627 |
Principia College | 001744 |
Prometheus College | 029057 |
Prot Epis Theol Sem in Va | 003731 |
Provence Univ | 900987 |
Providence College | 003406 |
Pueblo Vocational CC | 029166 |
Puerto Rico All Cam,U of | 008840 |
Puerto Rico Central Off U | 900562 |
Puerto Rico Central Off,U | 003942 |
Puerto Rico Jr College | 003941 |
Puerto Rico Jr College | 900563 |
Puget Sound C of Bible | 029046 |
Puget Sound,University of | 003797 |
Punjab Engr College | 900963 |
Punjab University | 901074 |
Purdue U All Campuses | 008732 |
Purdue U Calumet | 001827 |
Purdue U Central Office | 007888 |
Purdue U Main Campus | 001825 |
Purdue U North Cen Campus | 001826 |
Pusan National University | 900932 |
Qinghua University | 900158 |
Quaid-I-Azam Univ | 901162 |
Queen Elizabeth Col Univ | 900698 |
Queen Mary Col Univ of Lo | 900699 |
Queens College | 002957 |
Queens Univ | 900105 |
Queens Univ of Belfast | 900700 |
Queensland Univ of | 900021 |
Quincy College | 001745 |
Quincy Junior College | 002205 |
Quinebaug Valley CC | 010530 |
Quinnipiac College | 001402 |
Quinsigamond Cmty College | 002175 |
R. G. Kar Medical College | 901589 |
R.Schumann Inst Dusseldor | 900888 |
RI School of Design | 003409 |
Rab Ac Mes Rab Chaim Brln | 003976 |
Rab C Bobover B'nei Zion | 008614 |
Rab C Ch'San Sofer NY | 003977 |
Rab C of Kamenitz Yeshiva | 004810 |
Rab College Beth Shraga | 010943 |
Rab College Long Island | 010378 |
Rab College of America | 008609 |
Rab College of Sanz | 011988 |
Rab Sem Beth Yit D'Spinka | 029110 |
Rab Sem of New Square | 011994 |
Rab Seminary Adas Yereim | 011710 |
Rab Seminary M'kor Chaim | 008617 |
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Sem | 029121 |
Rabbinical C of Tash | 029146 |
Rabbinical College Telshe | 003115 |
Rabbinical Sem of America | 003978 |
Rabbinical Sem of Munkacs | 008610 |
Radcliffe College | 002156 |
Radford University | 003732 |
Radiation Medicine Inst | 900994 |
Rainy River Cmty College | 006775 |
Rajashan Univ of | 900842 |
Rajiv Gandhi Univ Health Scien | 901991 |
Rajshahi Univ | 900793 |
Ramapo C of New Jersey | 009344 |
Ramirez C Bus and Techn | 013148 |
Ranchi Univ | 900365 |
Rand Grad Inst Pol Stdies | 010441 |
Randolph Technical C | 005447 |
Randolph-Macon College | 003733 |
Randolph-Macon Woman's C | 003734 |
Rangaraya Medical College | 902027 |
Ranger Junior College | 003603 |
Rappahannock Cmty College | 009160 |
Rasht University | 900903 |
Raskt Business College | 900814 |
Ravenshaw College | 900366 |
Reading Area Cmty College | 010388 |
Reading Univ | 900701 |
Real Conservatory of Musi | 900590 |
Rector of Higher Inst Med Sci | 901940 |
Redlands,University of | 001322 |
Redwoods,College of the | 001185 |
Reed College | 003217 |
Reformed Bible College | 002311 |
Reformed Presb Theol Sem | 003358 |
Reformed Theological Sem | 009193 |
Regis College | 001363 |
Regis College | 002206 |
Rehab & Social Welf Sch | 900890 |
Reinhardt College | 001589 |
Rend Lake College | 007119 |
Rensselaer Poly Institute | 002803 |
Res Inst Petroleum Engr | 901104 |
Res. Inst. Plant Protect. | 901143 |
Resurrection College | 900106 |
Rhode Island College | 003407 |
Rhode Island,U of | 003414 |
Rhodes College | 800020 |
Rhodes Univ | 900576 |
Rice College | 006909 |
Rice University | 003604 |
Richard Bland C Wm & Mary | 003707 |
Richland Cmty College | 010879 |
Richland College | 008504 |
Richmond College | 900702 |
Richmond Technical C | 005464 |
Richmond,University of | 003744 |
Ricks College | 001625 |
Rider College | 002628 |
Rijksuniver Centrum Antwe | 900045 |
Rika Breuer Teachers Sem | 012961 |
Rikkyo Univ | 900447 |
Ringling Sch Art-Design | 012574 |
Rio Grande College | 003116 |
Rio Hondo College | 001269 |
Rio Salado College | 029243 |
Ripon College | 003884 |
Riverside City College | 001270 |
Rivier College | 002586 |
Roane State Cmty College | 009914 |
Roanoke Bible College | 029088 |
Roanoke College | 003736 |
Roanoke-Chowan Tech Inst | 008613 |
Robert College | 900634 |
Robert Morris College | 003359 |
Roberts Wesleyan College | 002805 |
Robeson Technical C | 008612 |
Rochester Bus Institute | 004811 |
Rochester Cmty College | 002373 |
Rochester Inst Technology | 002806 |
Rochester,University of | 002894 |
Rock Valley College | 001747 |
Rockefeller University | 002807 |
Rockford College | 001748 |
Rockhurst College | 002499 |
Rockingham Cmty College | 002958 |
Rockland Cmty College | 002877 |
Rockmont College | 009401 |
Rocky Mountain College | 002534 |
Roger Williams C All Cam | 009057 |
Roger Williams C Cen Off | 003410 |
Roger Williams C Main Cam | 004917 |
Roger Williams C Prov Br | 009056 |
Rogue Community College | 010182 |
Rollins College | 001515 |
Rome Univ of | 900425 |
Rome Univ of Medical | 900426 |
Roorkee Univ | 900367 |
Roosevelt University | 001749 |
Rosario Univ Med Sch | 900010 |
Rosario Univ of | 900756 |
Rosary College | 001750 |
Rosary College Fine Arts | 900427 |
Rose-Hulman Inst of Techn | 001830 |
Rosehill College | 800014 |
Rosemont College | 003360 |
Ross University | 901753 |
Rowan Technical College | 005754 |
Roxbury Community College | 011930 |
Royal Academy Art School | 900603 |
Royal Academy of Dramatic | 900703 |
Royal Col of Med Baghbad | 900437 |
Royal Col of Surgeons of | 900704 |
Royal College of Art | 900705 |
Royal College of Dublin | 900196 |
Royal Con of Music | 900048 |
Royal Holloway | 900706 |
Royal Inst of Technology | 901112 |
Royal Melbourne Inst | 900022 |
Royal Military Col of Can | 900107 |
Royal Vet & Agri Col | 900180 |
Royal Veterinary College | 900707 |
Runjab Univ | 900841 |
Ruprecht Karl Univ | 900269 |
Rural Medical College | 901944 |
Rush University | 009800 |
Russell Sage C All Cam | 008786 |
Russell Sage C Cen Office | 007972 |
Russell Sage C Main Cam | 002810 |
Russell Sage JC of Albany | 002811 |
Rust College | 002433 |
Rutgers The St U All Cam | 008771 |
Rutgers U Camden Campus | 004741 |
Rutgers U New Brunswick | 006964 |
Rutgers U Newark Campus | 002631 |
Rutgers the St U Cen Off | 002629 |
Rutledge College | 029111 |
Rutledge College Durham | 029233 |
Ryukyus Univ of | 901027 |
S D Bishop St Jr College | 001030 |
S. M. S. Medical College J | 901593 |
S. R. College | 901119 |
S.W. Petroleum Inst. | 901159 |
SABA Univ. School of Medicine | 901865 |
SC All Campuses,U of | 008819 |
SC Central Office,U of | 008049 |
SC Coastal Carolina, U of | 003451 |
SC State College | 003446 |
SC at Aiken,U of | 003449 |
SC at Beaufort,U of | 003450 |
SC at Lancaster,U of | 003453 |
SC at Salkehatchie,U of | 003454 |
SC at Spartanburg,U,of | 006951 |
SC at Sumter,U of | 012112 |
SC at Union,U of | 004927 |
SD All Campuses,U of | 010300 |
SD Central Office,U of | 010299 |
SD Main Campus,U of | 003474 |
SD Sch Mines & Technology | 003470 |
SD State University | 003471 |
SD at Springfield,U of | 003472 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Alfred | 002854 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Canton | 002855 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Delhi | 002857 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Cobleskl | 002856 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Farmngdl | 002858 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Morrisvl | 002859 |
SUNY C Envrnmtl Sci-Fors | 002851 |
SUNY C of Tech Utica-Rome | 006792 |
SUNY College Old Westbury | 007109 |
SUNY College Plattsburgh | 002849 |
SUNY College at Brockport | 002841 |
SUNY College at Buffalo | 002842 |
SUNY College at Cortland | 002843 |
SUNY College at Fredonia | 002844 |
SUNY College at Geneseo | 002845 |
SUNY College at New Paltz | 002846 |
SUNY College at Oneonta | 002847 |
SUNY College at Oswego | 002848 |
SUNY College at Potsdam | 002850 |
SUNY College at Purchase | 006791 |
SUNY Downstate Medl Ctr | 002839 |
SUNY Empire State College | 010286 |
SUNY Maritime College | 002853 |
SUNY State C of Optometry | 009929 |
SUNY Upstate Medical Ctr | 002840 |
SUNY at Albany | 002835 |
SUNY at Binghamton | 002836 |
SUNY at Buffalo All Cam | 009554 |
SUNY at Buffalo Main Cam | 002837 |
SUNY at Stony Bk All Cam | 009555 |
SUNY at Stony Bk Main Cam | 002838 |
Saar Univ of the | 900270 |
Saarlandes Des Univ | 900810 |
Sacramento City College | 001233 |
Sacred Heart Coll of | 900564 |
Sacred Heart College | 002959 |
Sacred Heart Sch Theology | 029114 |
Sacred Heart Seminary C | 002313 |
Sacred Heart University | 001403 |
Saddleback Cmty College | 008918 |
Saga University | 900864 |
Saginaw Vly State College | 002314 |
Saigon Univ | 900749 |
Saint Alphonsus College | 001407 |
Saint Ambrose College | 001889 |
Saint Anselm College | 002587 |
Saint Augustines College | 002968 |
Saint Basil's College | 001408 |
Saint Benedict,College of | 002341 |
Saint Bernard Parish CC | 009271 |
Saint Bernard's Seminary | 002815 |
Saint Bonaventure U | 002817 |
Saint Catharine College | 001983 |
Saint Cloud St University | 002377 |
Saint Edward's University | 003621 |
Saint Fidelis College | 003365 |
Saint Francis College | 001832 |
Saint Francis College | 002820 |
Saint Francis College | 003366 |
Saint Francis Seminary | 010669 |
Saint Francis,College of | 001664 |
Saint Gregory's College | 003183 |
Saint John Fisher College | 002821 |
Saint John's C All Cam | 008749 |
Saint John's C Cen Office | 007957 |
Saint John's C Main Cam | 002092 |
Saint John's College | 001299 |
Saint John's College | 001942 |
Saint John's Seminary | 002214 |
Saint John's University | 002379 |
Saint John's University | 002823 |
Saint Johns River CC | 001523 |
Saint Joseph College | 001409 |
Saint Joseph Sem College | 002027 |
Saint Joseph's College | 001833 |
Saint Joseph's College | 002051 |
Saint Joseph's University | 003367 |
Saint Lawrence University | 002829 |
Saint Leo College | 001526 |
Saint Louis CC-Meramec | 002472 |
Saint Louis Rab College | 011181 |
Saint Louis U All Cam | 008766 |
Saint Louis U Central Off | 008024 |
Saint Louis U Main Campus | 002506 |
Saint Louis U-Parks C | 003970 |
Saint Martin's College | 003794 |
Saint Mary College | 001943 |
Saint Mary Plains College | 001944 |
Saint Mary Seminary | 004061 |
Saint Mary's C O'Fallon | 002507 |
Saint Mary's College | 001836 |
Saint Mary's College | 002321 |
Saint Mary's College | 002380 |
Saint Mary's College | 002969 |
Saint Mary's Dominican C | 002028 |
Saint Mary's Jr College | 002381 |
Saint Mary's Sem-College | 002508 |
Saint Mary's Seminary & U | 002096 |
Saint Mary,College of | 002540 |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods C | 001835 |
Saint Meinrad College | 001837 |
Saint Michael's College | 003694 |
Saint Norbert College | 003892 |
Saint Olaf College | 002382 |
Saint Patrick's College | 001303 |
Saint Patrick's Seminary | 010074 |
Saint Patricks Seminary | 900108 |
Saint Paul Bible College | 002383 |
Saint Paul Seminary | 002384 |
Saint Paul's College | 002510 |
Saint Paul's College | 003739 |
Saint Peters College | 002638 |
Saint Petersbg Jr College | 001528 |
Saint Philip's College | 003608 |
Saint Rose,College of | 002705 |
Saint Scholastica,College | 002343 |
Saint Teresa,College of | 002344 |
Saint Thomas Aquinas C | 002832 |
Saint Thomas Seminary | 001367 |
Saint Thomas Seminary | 001412 |
Saint Thomas,College of | 002345 |
Saint Vincent College | 003368 |
Saint Vincent Seminary | 010651 |
Saint Xavier College | 001768 |
Sainte Croix College | 900109 |
Salamanca Univ of | 900591 |
Salem College | 002960 |
Salem College All Cam | 008832 |
Salem College Central Off | 008402 |
Salem College Clarksburg | 003821 |
Salem College Main Campus | 003820 |
Salem Community College | 005461 |
Salem State College | 002188 |
Salford Univ | 900708 |
Salisbury State College | 002091 |
Salish Kootenai Cmty C | 029224 |
Salta Natl Coll of | 900011 |
Salve Regina-Newport C | 003411 |
Salzburg Univ of | 900033 |
Sam Houston St University | 003606 |
Samara State Medical Universit | 902145 |
Samford University | 001036 |
Sampson Technical C | 007892 |
San Antonio College | 009163 |
San Carlos Univ | 900291 |
San Carlos Univ of | 900531 |
San Diego CC All Campuses | 001274 |
San Diego CC Dist Cen Off | 001273 |
San Diego City College | 008895 |
San Diego Evening C | 007478 |
San Diego Mesa College | 001275 |
San Diego Miramar College | 012662 |
San Diego State U | 001151 |
San Diego,University of | 010395 |
San Fernando Valley C Law | 012631 |
San Francisco Art Inst | 003948 |
San Francisco Consv Music | 001278 |
San Francisco State U | 001154 |
San Francisco Theol Sem | 001279 |
San Francisco,U of | 001325 |
San Jacinto C All Cam | 029136 |
San Jacinto C Central Cam | 003609 |
San Jacinto C Central Off | 029137 |
San Jacinto C North Cam | 012713 |
San Joaquin Delta College | 001280 |
San Jose Bible College | 001281 |
San Jose CC All Inst | 029041 |
San Jose CC Dist Office | 029042 |
San Jose City College | 001282 |
San Jose State U | 001155 |
San Juan Junior Coll | 900565 |
San Juan Technological CC | 010567 |
San Marcos Univ of | 900506 |
San Mateo CC Dist Sys Off | 004697 |
San Mateo CC Sys All Inst | 008713 |
San Mateo,College of | 001181 |
San Simon Univ of | 900050 |
Sandhills Cmty College | 002961 |
Sangamon State University | 009333 |
Sanjay Gandhi Post Grad Instit | 902178 |
Sanskrit College | 901054 |
Santa Ana College | 001284 |
Santa Barbara Cty College | 001285 |
Santa Cecila Academic Di | 900428 |
Santa Clara,University of | 001326 |
Santa Fe Cmty College | 001519 |
Santa Fe,College of | 002649 |
Santa Maria Univ of | 900829 |
Santa Monica College | 001286 |
Santa Rosa Junior College | 001287 |
Santiago de Compostela | 900592 |
Santo Thomas Univ of | 900532 |
Sara Schenirer Tchrs Sem | 011995 |
Sarah Lawrence College | 002813 |
Sarasota,University of | 029035 |
Saratov State University | 901546 |
Saskatchewan Univ | 900110 |
Sassari Univ of | 900429 |
Sauk Valley College | 001752 |
Saurashtra University | 901089 |
Savannah State College | 001590 |
Sayre Junior College | 003177 |
Scarritt College | 003515 |
Sch Art Institute Chicago | 001753 |
Sch for Intrnatl Training | 008860 |
Sch of Business Admin | 900303 |
Schenectady County CC | 006785 |
Schiller College | 900271 |
Schiller College | 900272 |
School Associated Arts | 029191 |
School of Applied Arts P | 900618 |
School of Law | 901145 |
Schoolcraft College | 002315 |
Schreiner College | 003610 |
Sci & Arts of Okla,U of | 003167 |
Sci & Tech of China Univ | 900795 |
Sci & Tech of China Univ | 900796 |
Science & Tech Univ of | 900953 |
Science and Tech Univ of | 900835 |
Scott Community College | 004074 |
Scottsdale Cmty College | 008304 |
Scranton,University of | 003384 |
Scripps College | 001174 |
Seabury-Western Theol Sem | 001754 |
Seattle CC Central Campus | 009705 |
Seattle CC Dist All Cam | 003787 |
Seattle CC Dist Off | 010106 |
Seattle CC South Campus | 009706 |
Seattle Pacific U | 003788 |
Seattle University | 003790 |
Sedgley Park College | 900709 |
Selma University | 001037 |
Sem Immac Conception | 002683 |
Sem Saint Vincent De Paul | 008223 |
Seminary of Saint Pius X | 008917 |
Seminole Cmty College | 001520 |
Seminole Junior College | 003178 |
Semmelweis University | 901462 |
Seneca College | 900111 |
Seoul Natl Univ | 900463 |
Sequoias,College of the | 001186 |
Seth G. S. Medical College | 901590 |
Seton Hall University | 002632 |
Seton Hill College | 003362 |
Seville Medical Univ | 900593 |
Seville Univ Vet Science | 900595 |
Seville Univ of | 900594 |
Seward Co Cmty College | 008228 |
Sh'or Yoshuv Rab College | 011076 |
Shaheed Beshesti Univ of Med S | 901857 |
Shandong Fishery School Ch | 901591 |
Shandong University | 901058 |
Shanghai Fu-Dan | 900802 |
Shanghai Inst Power Engr | 900773 |
Shanghai Med Coll | 900147 |
Shanghai Teacher's Universi | 901504 |
Shanghi Jiastong Univ | 901077 |
Shanxi Medical College Tai | 901592 |
Sharif Univ of Technology | 901017 |
Shasta College | 001289 |
Shaw College at Detroit | 002289 |
Shaw University | 002962 |
Shawnee College | 007693 |
Shawnee St Cmty College | 012748 |
Sheffield Univ of | 900710 |
Shelby State Cmty College | 010439 |
Sheldon Jackson College | 001062 |
Shelton St Cmty College | 005691 |
Shen-Yeng Pharmacology | 900993 |
Shenandoah C-Consv Music | 003737 |
Shenyang Agric Univ | 901026 |
Shepherd College | 003822 |
Sherbrooke Univ de | 900863 |
Sheridan College | 003930 |
Sheridan College | 900112 |
Sherman C Straight Chiro | 029058 |
Sherwood Music School | 001755 |
Shimer College | 001756 |
Shippensburg St College | 003326 |
Shiraz University | 901218 |
Shoreline Cmty College | 003791 |
Shorter College | 001105 |
Shorter College | 001591 |
Shyam Shah Medical College | 902144 |
Sichuan University | 902037 |
Siddhartha Medical College | 901946 |
Siena College | 002816 |
Siena Heights College | 002316 |
Siena Univ of | 900430 |
Sierra College | 001290 |
Sierra Leone Univ of | 900785 |
Sierra Nevada College | 009192 |
Silesian University | 900901 |
Silin University | 901138 |
Silliman Univ | 900533 |
Silver Lake College | 003850 |
Simmons College | 002208 |
Simon Bolivar University | 900996 |
Simon Fraser Univ | 900949 |
Simon's Rock Early C | 009645 |
Simpson College | 001291 |
Simpson College | 001887 |
Sinai Sch of Med Cuny | 007026 |
Sinclair Cmty College | 003119 |
Sind Univ of | 900509 |
Singapore Univ of | 900857 |
Sinte Gleska College | 029112 |
Sioux Empire College | 001888 |
Sioux Falls College | 003469 |
Sir George Williams Univ | 900113 |
Siskiyous,College of the | 001187 |
Sisli Iktisade Ticari Ili | 900635 |
Skagit Valley College | 003792 |
Skidmore College | 002814 |
Skyline College | 007713 |
Slippery Rock St College | 003327 |
Smith College | 002209 |
Sn Anto CC Dist Cen Off | 003607 |
Sn Anto Dist JC All Cam | 009162 |
Sn Bernardino Vly College | 001272 |
Sn Frisco C Mortuary Sci | 001277 |
Sn Frisco CC Ctr System | 004502 |
Sn Frisco CC Dist Cen Off | 029033 |
Sn Frisco CC District | 029032 |
Snead State Jr College | 001038 |
Snow College | 003679 |
Snt Andrews Presb College | 002967 |
Snt Catherine,College of | 002342 |
Snt Charles Borromeo Sem | 003364 |
Snt Clair Co Cmty College | 002310 |
Snt Elizabeth,College of | 002600 |
Snt Fran Sem Pstl Minstry | 009641 |
Snt Francis de Sales C | 009640 |
Snt Hyacinth College-Sem | 002213 |
Snt John Provincial Sem | 029154 |
Snt John Vianney C Sem | 008075 |
Snt John's C Santa Fe NM | 002093 |
Snt Jos College Cen Off | 900368 |
Snt Joseph the Provider,C | 003685 |
Snt Joseph's C Main Cam | 002825 |
Snt Josephs C All Cam | 029079 |
Snt Josephs C Cen Off | 029080 |
Snt Josephs C Suffolk Cam | 029081 |
Snt Josephs Sem & College | 002826 |
Snt Louis Christian C | 012580 |
Snt Louis College of Phar | 002504 |
Snt Louis Consv of Music | 002505 |
Snt Lu CC Center All Cam | 008987 |
Snt Lu CC Center Cen Off | 002469 |
Snt Lu CC-Florissant Vly | 002470 |
Snt Lu CC-Forest Park | 002471 |
Snt Mary of the Lake Sem | 001765 |
Snt Mary's College of Cal | 001302 |
Snt Mary's College of Md | 002095 |
Snt Mary's U San Antonio | 003623 |
Snt Meinrad C Jt Library | 010671 |
Snt Meinrad Sch Theology | 007276 |
Snt Michaels Pasionst Mon | 002637 |
Snt Paul Sch of Theology | 002509 |
Snt Thomas,University of | 003654 |
Snt Vincent C-Sem Jt Lib | 029011 |
Snt Vladmr Orth Theol Sem | 002833 |
Sofia Univ Jesuit Inter U | 900448 |
Sogang Univ | 900464 |
Sojourner-Douglas C | 029228 |
Soka Univ of | 900818 |
Solano Community College | 001292 |
Somerset Cmty College | 029217 |
Somerset County College | 007731 |
Sonoma State University | 001156 |
Soochow Univ of | 900804 |
Soong Jun Univ | 900761 |
Sorbonne Univ of Paris | 900242 |
South Alabama,U of | 001057 |
South Cen Cmty College | 008037 |
South China College of Ag | 900148 |
South Florida Jr College | 001522 |
South Florida,U of | 001537 |
South Georgia College | 001592 |
South Mountain Cmty C | 029242 |
South Okla Cty Jr College | 010391 |
South Plains College | 003611 |
South Texas College Law | 004977 |
South,University of the | 003534 |
Southampton Univ of | 900711 |
Southeast CC Lincoln Cam | 007591 |
Southeast CC Milford Cam | 004723 |
Southeast Cmty College | 029218 |
Southeastern Bapt College | 002435 |
Southeastern Cmty College | 002964 |
Southeastern Cmty College | 008740 |
Southeastern Ill College | 001757 |
Southeastern University | 001456 |
Southern Bapt Theol Sem | 001982 |
Southern Baptist College | 001106 |
Southern Bible College | 011624 |
Southern Cal College | 001293 |
Southern California,U of | 001328 |
Southern Colorado,U of | 001365 |
Southern Conn St College | 001406 |
Southern Idaho,College of | 001619 |
Southern JC Of Business | 009435 |
Southern Me Voc Tech Inst | 005525 |
Southern Meth University | 003613 |
Southern Mississippi,U of | 002441 |
Southern Ohio College | 005127 |
Southern Sem Jr College | 003738 |
Southern U A&M All Cam | 002025 |
Southern U A&M C Cen Off | 009637 |
Southern U A&M C Main Cam | 009636 |
Southern Utah St College | 003678 |
Southern Vermont College | 003693 |
Southern W Va CC All Cam | 010360 |
Southern W Va CC Cen Off | 010334 |
Southside Va Cmty College | 008661 |
Southwest Baptist College | 002502 |
Southwest Miss Jr College | 002436 |
Southwest Tex Jr College | 003614 |
Southwest Va Cmty College | 007260 |
Southwest,College of the | 002650 |
Southwestern Assemb God C | 003616 |
Southwestern Cmty College | 001857 |
Southwestern College | 001294 |
Southwestern College | 001940 |
Southwestern Medical School | 003660 |
Southwestern Mich College | 002317 |
Southwestern Tech C | 008466 |
Southwestern University | 003620 |
Southwestern at Memphis | 003519 |
Spalding College | 001960 |
Spartan Health Sci Univ | 901939 |
Spartan Sch Aeronautics | 007678 |
Spartanburg Meth College | 003447 |
Spartanburg Tech College | 003994 |
Spelman College | 001594 |
Spertus College Judaica | 001663 |
Spokane Community College | 003793 |
Spokane Fls Cmty College | 009544 |
Spoon River College | 001643 |
Spring Arbor College | 002318 |
Spring Garden College | 003363 |
Spring Hill College | 001041 |
Springfield College | 002211 |
Springfield Technical CC | 008078 |
Springfld College in Ill | 001761 |
Sri Jayachamarajendra | 900939 |
Sri Lanka Univ of | 900762 |
Sri Satya Sai Arts Sci Co | 900369 |
Sri Venkateswara Univ Art | 900370 |
Sri Yn College | 900371 |
St Andrews Univ of | 900712 |
St Catherine Col of Oxfor | 900713 |
St Cecilia Music Conserva | 900431 |
St Christopher Col of Medicine | 902033 |
St Dunstans Univ | 900114 |
St Edmunds College | 900372 |
St Francis Xavier Univ | 900115 |
St Johns College | 900049 |
St Lawrence College | 900116 |
St Louis College | 900117 |
St Luke's College of Medicine | 902040 |
St Margarets College | 800010 |
St Martin Sch of Art | 900801 |
St Mary Hosp Univ of Lo | 900714 |
St Matthew's Sch of Medicine | 901864 |
St NY Regents Extnl Deg,U | 011716 |
St Paul Univ | 900119 |
St Theresa College | 900534 |
St Thomas College | 900120 |
St U Sys of Fla All Inst | 008721 |
St U Sys of Fla Sys Off | 008068 |
St U-CC Sys Tenn All Inst | 029030 |
St U-CC Sys Tenn Sys Off | 029031 |
St. Petersburg State Univer | 901505 |
St. Thomas University | 001468 |
St. Xaviers College | 901122 |
St.George's Univ School of Med | 901856 |
Standing Rock CC | 029129 |
Stanford University | 001305 |
Stanley Medical College | 901952 |
Stanly Technical C | 011194 |
Stark Technical College | 010881 |
Starr Kng Sch for Minstry | 004080 |
State College of Tropical | 900497 |
State Community College | 009332 |
State Ctr CC Dist Sys Off | 001306 |
State Ctr CC Sys All Inst | 008714 |
State Fair Cmty College | 008080 |
State Med Univ of Azerbaijan | 901754 |
State Tech Inst Knoxville | 012693 |
State Tech Inst Memphis | 007105 |
State U NY Sys All Inst | 008788 |
State U New York Sys Off | 002834 |
State U Sys Minn All Inst | 029069 |
State U Sys Minn Sys Off | 029070 |
State Univ | 900046 |
State Univ of Donetsk | 900983 |
State Univ of Mons | 901130 |
Stavropol State Medical Academ | 901871 |
Steed College | 003521 |
Stefan Batory Univ of | 900735 |
Steffan Batory Univ of | 900518 |
Stellenbosch Univ of | 900577 |
Stenotype Institute | 011996 |
Stephen F Austin State U | 003624 |
Stephens College | 002512 |
Sterling College | 001945 |
Stetson University | 001531 |
Steubenville,College of | 003036 |
Stevens Henager College | 003674 |
Stevens Inst Technology | 002639 |
Sthest CC Fairby-Beatrice | 002546 |
Sthest Mo St University | 002501 |
Sthestn Baptist Theol Sem | 002963 |
Sthestn Bible College | 001039 |
Sthestn C Assemblies God | 001521 |
Sthestn Christian College | 001981 |
Sthestn La University | 002024 |
Sthestn Mass University | 002210 |
Sthestn Nebr Tech All Cam | 029003 |
Sthestn Nebr Tech Cen Off | 029004 |
Sthestn Okla State U | 003179 |
Sthn Ark U All Campuses | 029024 |
Sthn Ark U Central Office | 029025 |
Sthn Ark U El Dorado Br | 013176 |
Sthn Ark U Main Campus | 001107 |
Sthn Ark U Tech Branch | 007738 |
Sthn Benedictine College | 029023 |
Sthn Cal C of Optometry | 001230 |
Sthn Cal Institute Arch | 029084 |
Sthn College of Optometry | 003517 |
Sthn Illinois U All Inst | 008728 |
Sthn Illinois U Carbondl | 001758 |
Sthn Illinois U Edwardsvl | 001759 |
Sthn Illinois U Sys Off | 008237 |
Sthn Missionary College | 003518 |
Sthn Oregon St College | 003219 |
Sthn St Gen-Tech College | 012870 |
Sthn U Shreveport-Bossier | 004622 |
Sthn U in New Orleans | 002026 |
Sthn Union St Jr College | 001040 |
Sthn Vocational College | 011237 |
Sthn W Va CC | 003816 |
Sthn W Va CC-Williamson | 003817 |
Sthwst Mo St University | 002503 |
Sthwst State University | 002375 |
Sthwst Tex St University | 003615 |
Sthwst Wis Voc Tech Inst | 007669 |
Sthwstn Adventist College | 003619 |
Sthwstn Bapt Bible C | 007113 |
Sthwstn Bapt Theol Sem | 003617 |
Sthwstn Christian College | 003618 |
Sthwstn Louisiana,U of | 002031 |
Sthwstn Okla State U | 003181 |
Sthwstn Oreg Cmty College | 003220 |
Sthwstn U School of Law | 001295 |
Stillman College | 001044 |
Stirling Univ of | 900715 |
Stockholm Sch of Economic | 900830 |
Stockholm Univ of | 900604 |
Stockton State College | 009345 |
Stonehill College | 002217 |
Strasburg Univ of | 900243 |
Strathclyde Univ | 900716 |
Stratton Joint Library | 029141 |
Strayer College | 001459 |
Stuttgart Tech Univ of | 900273 |
Stuttgart Univ of | 900275 |
Su Xhou Coll Silk Tex Tec | 901094 |
Sue Bennett College | 001986 |
Suffolk Co CC All Campus | 029249 |
Suffolk Co CC Estn Cam | 004816 |
Suffolk Co CC Selden Cam | 002878 |
Suffolk Co CC Wstn Cam | 013204 |
Suffolk University | 002218 |
Sugar Industry Research I | 900454 |
Sul Ross State University | 003625 |
Sullivan Co Cmty College | 002879 |
Sullivan JC Business | 004619 |
Sumter Area Tech College | 003995 |
Sun Yai-Sen(Zhongshan)Un | 900149 |
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ | 901018 |
Suny Health Sci Ctr Bflo | 004822 |
Suny Hlth Sci Ctr Stny Bk | 004823 |
Suomi College | 002322 |
Surrey Univ of | 900717 |
Surry Community College | 002970 |
Susquehanna University | 003369 |
Sussex Univ | 900718 |
Suzhou Medical College | 901755 |
Sw China's Teachers Univ | 901003 |
Swain School of Design | 004665 |
Swansea Univ College | 900719 |
Swarthmore College | 003370 |
Sweet Briar College | 003742 |
Swiss Fed Inst of Tech | 900619 |
Sydney Univ of | 900023 |
Syiah Kuala Univ | 901045 |
Syracuse U All Campuses | 008789 |
Syracuse U Central Office | 007975 |
Syracuse U Main Campus | 002882 |
Szegeo Univ of | 900304 |
Tabor College | 001946 |
Tabriz Univ | 900390 |
Tacoma Community College | 003796 |
Taft College | 001309 |
Taipei Medical Coll | 900643 |
Taiwan Cheng-Kung Univ | 900754 |
Taiwan Normal Univ | 900644 |
Talladega College | 001046 |
Tallahassee Cmty College | 001533 |
Talmud Inst of Cen Jersey | 011989 |
Talmud Sem Oholei Torah | 012011 |
Talmud Yeshiva of Phila | 012523 |
Talmudic C of Florida | 029048 |
Talmudical Inst Upst NY | 029147 |
Tamil Nadu Agr Univ | 900965 |
Tamkang Univ | 900645 |
Tampa College | 011728 |
Tampa Tech Institute | 007586 |
Tampa,University of | 001538 |
Tampere Univ of | 900202 |
Tanta University | 901079 |
Tarkio College | 002513 |
Tarleton State University | 003631 |
Tarrant Co Junior College | 008898 |
Tashkent Univ | 900736 |
Tasmania Univ of | 900024 |
Tata Inst of Social Scien | 900373 |
Tate Inst Fundtl Research | 900907 |
Tatung Inst of Tech | 900150 |
Tatung Inst of Tech | 900646 |
Taylor Business Institute | 004825 |
Taylor University | 001838 |
Tbilisi State Medical Univ | 901877 |
Teacher Training Coll | 900392 |
Tech C of Alamance | 005463 |
Tech Career Institutes | 011031 |
Tech Community Col of San | 900566 |
Tech Faculty of Bandung | 900306 |
Tech Inst of Puerto Rico | 900567 |
Tech Inst of San Juan | 900568 |
Tech Inst of Zurich | 900620 |
Tech Israel Inst of Tech | 900399 |
Tech Univ Twente | 901025 |
Tech Univ of Berlin | 900276 |
Tech Univ of Graz | 900034 |
Technica Fed Santa Maria | 900770 |
Technical Univ of Brno | 900177 |
Technische Hochschule | 901059 |
Technological Inst | 900569 |
Technological Inst | 900570 |
Tehran Coll of Ins | 900393 |
Tehran Univ of | 900394 |
Tel Aviv Univ | 900400 |
Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago | 029052 |
Temple Junior College | 003627 |
Temple University | 003371 |
Tenn Ctr Health Sci,U of | 006725 |
Tenn Wesleyan College | 003525 |
Tenn at Chattanooga,U of | 003529 |
Tennessee All Cam,U of | 008821 |
Tennessee Cen Off,U of | 008051 |
Tennessee Inst Elecs | 007439 |
Tennessee Knoxville,U of | 003530 |
Tennessee Nashville,U of | 003533 |
Tennessee St University | 003522 |
Tennessee Technological U | 003523 |
Tennessee Temple U | 003524 |
Tennessee at Martin,U of | 003531 |
Terra Technical College | 008278 |
Tex A&M U at Galveston | 010298 |
Tex Hlth Sci Ctr Houstn,U | 011618 |
Tex Hlth Sci Sn Anto,U | 003659 |
Tex Medl Br Galveston,U | 004952 |
Tex St Tech Amarillo Cam | 009933 |
Tex St Tech Inst All Cam | 009643 |
Tex St Tech Inst Cen Off | 009642 |
Tex St Tech Inst Waco Cam | 003634 |
Tex St Tech-Harlingen Cam | 009225 |
Tex St Tech-Sweetwater | 009932 |
Texarkana Cmty College | 003628 |
Texas A&I University | 003639 |
Texas A&M U All Campuses | 003632 |
Texas A&M U Main Campus | 010366 |
Texas A&M U Sys All Inst | 008823 |
Texas A&M U System Office | 003629 |
Texas Chiropractic C | 003635 |
Texas Christian U | 003636 |
Texas College | 003638 |
Texas College Osteo Med | 009768 |
Texas Eastern University | 011163 |
Texas Lutheran College | 003641 |
Texas Medl Ctr Joint Lib | 008774 |
Texas Permian Basin,U of | 009930 |
Texas San Antonio,U of | 010115 |
Texas Southern University | 003642 |
Texas Southmost College | 003643 |
Texas Sys All Inst,U of | 008825 |
Texas System Office,U of | 003655 |
Texas Tech University | 003644 |
Texas Wesleyan College | 003645 |
Texas Woman's University | 003646 |
Texas at Arlington,U of | 003656 |
Texas at Austin,U of | 003658 |
Texas at Dallas,U of | 009741 |
Texas at El Paso,U of | 003661 |
Texas at Tyler, U of | 029164 |
Thames Vly State Tech C | 001413 |
Thammasat Univ | 900624 |
The India Inst of Tech | 900374 |
The Jikei Sch of Medicine | 901174 |
The Nautical Inst in Mosc | 900737 |
The South China Inst of | 900151 |
The Water Transport Inst | 900738 |
The Wheeler School | 007835 |
Theo at Claremont,Sch of | 001288 |
Theol Sem Reformd Epis Ch | 003375 |
Thessaloniki Univ of | 900289 |
Thiel College | 003376 |
Thomas A Edison College | 011648 |
Thomas College | 002052 |
Thomas County CC | 001555 |
Thomas Jeff University | 003278 |
Thomas M Cooley Law Sch | 012627 |
Thomas More College | 002001 |
Thomas Nelsn Cmty College | 006871 |
Thornton Cmty College | 001769 |
Three Rivers Cmty College | 004713 |
Tianjin University | 900914 |
Tidewater Cmty College | 003712 |
Tientsin Univ | 900152 |
Tiffin University | 003121 |
Tift College | 001595 |
Timisora Univ of Med & Pharmac | 902127 |
Tishreen University | 901914 |
Tobe-Coburn Sch Fash Cars | 010716 |
Toccoa Falls College | 001596 |
Tohoku Univ | 900449 |
Tokai University | 901068 |
Tokushima | 901169 |
Tokyo Inst of Tech | 900825 |
Tokyo Univ of | 900450 |
Tokyo Univ of Agri | 900451 |
Tokyo Univ of Education | 900452 |
Toledo,University of | 003131 |
Tomlinson College | 029047 |
Tompkins-Cortland CC | 006788 |
Tongjing University | 901083 |
Torino St Univ Sch Med | 900432 |
Toronto Univ | 900121 |
Tougaloo College | 002439 |
Toulouse Univ of | 900244 |
Touro College | 010142 |
Tours Univ of | 900245 |
Towson State University | 002099 |
Tracey-Warner School | 007833 |
Transylvania University | 001987 |
Treasure Vly Cmty College | 003221 |
Trent Polytechnic | 900720 |
Trent Univ | 900122 |
Trenton Junior College | 002514 |
Trenton State College | 002642 |
Trevecca Nazarene College | 003526 |
Tri-County Community C | 009430 |
Tri-County Tech College | 004926 |
Tri-State College | 900375 |
Tri-State University | 001839 |
Triangle Inst Techn-Erie | 029201 |
Triangle Inst Technology | 029202 |
Triangle Inst-Greensburg | 029220 |
Tribhuvan Univ | 900973 |
Trident Technical College | 008818 |
Trier Unliv of | 900912 |
Trinidad State Jr College | 001368 |
Trinidad State Jr College | 900166 |
Trinity Bible Institute | 012059 |
Trinity Christian College | 001771 |
Trinity College | 001414 |
Trinity College | 001460 |
Trinity College | 001772 |
Trinity College | 003695 |
Trinity College Univ | 900123 |
Trinity College of Dublin | 900197 |
Trinity College of Music | 900721 |
Trinity Evangelcl Div Sch | 012193 |
Trinity Lutheran Seminary | 003044 |
Trinity University | 003647 |
Trisaki Univ | 900898 |
Triton College | 001773 |
Trocaire College | 002812 |
Troy St U Dothn-Ft Rucker | 001048 |
Troy State U All Cam | 008696 |
Troy State U Cen Office | 008003 |
Troy State U Main Campus | 001047 |
Troy State U Montgomery | 001049 |
Truckee Meadows CC | 029231 |
Truett Mcconnell College | 001597 |
Tsing Hua University | 900947 |
Tsukuba Univ of | 900959 |
Tubingen Univ of | 900277 |
Tucuman Univ | 900012 |
Tufts University | 002219 |
Tulane U of Louisiana | 002029 |
Tulsa Junior College | 009763 |
Tulsa,University of | 003185 |
Tunghai Univ | 900647 |
Tunxis Community College | 009764 |
Tusculum College | 003527 |
Tuskegee Institute | 001050 |
Tyler Junior College | 003648 |
U Alas Anchorage All Cam | 029095 |
U Alas Anchorage Campus | 011462 |
U Alas Fairbanks All Cam | 029094 |
U Alas Matanuska-Susitna | 001068 |
U Alaska All Institution | 008698 |
U Alaska Anchorage Jt Lib | 029009 |
U Alaska Fairbanks Campus | 001063 |
U Alaska Juneau | 011463 |
U Alaska Sthestn All Cam | 029096 |
U Cal Sysw Admin All Cam | 008715 |
U Kentucky All Inst | 008744 |
U Minn Tech Col Crookston | 004069 |
U NC Gen Admin Cen Office | 002971 |
U Nev Sys Admin Sys Off | 008026 |
U P Agricultural Univ | 900862 |
U PR Humacao U College | 003943 |
U PR Reg Colleges Admin | 010922 |
U Sys S Texas All Inst | 029097 |
U Sys South Texas Sys Off | 029098 |
U Sys of NH All Inst | 008769 |
U Sys of NH System Office | 008027 |
U of Alabama All Inst | 029067 |
U of Alabama System Off | 008004 |
U of Alas System Office | 008005 |
U of Alaska Juneau Jt Lib | 029015 |
U of Alaska Kenai CC | 001066 |
U of Alaska Kodiak CC | 008315 |
U of Alaska Kuskokwim CC | 011045 |
U of Alaska Northwest CC | 029245 |
U of Alaska Tanana Vly CC | 029093 |
U of Cal-Irvine | 001314 |
U of Colo System Office | 007996 |
U of Colorado All Inst | 008717 |
U of Hawaii Sys All Inst | 008725 |
U of Hawaii West Oahu C | 029102 |
U of Houston Cen Campus | 003652 |
U of Houston Downtown C | 012826 |
U of SC at Columbia | 003448 |
U of Southern Maine | 009762 |
U of the Sacred Heart | 003937 |
U. of Benin Sch. of Medicine | 901869 |
U. of Sint Eustatius Sch of Md | 901866 |
UMDNJ - N. J. Medical Schoo | 901594 |
UMKC Conserv Music | 800011 |
US Air Force Academy | 001369 |
US Army Cmnd-Gen Staff C | 001947 |
US Coast Guard Academy | 001415 |
US International U | 001158 |
US Merchant Marine Acad | 002892 |
US Military Academy | 002893 |
US Naval Academy | 002101 |
Udaipur Univ of | 900930 |
Uikram Univ | 900376 |
Ulsan Institute of Tech | 900969 |
Ulster Co Cmty College | 002880 |
Ulster Univ of | 900819 |
Uludag University | 901743 |
Umea Univ of | 900605 |
Umpqua Community College | 003222 |
Un. College Cape Breton | 901144 |
Uni de Toulouse Le Mirail | 900906 |
Uniformed Serv U Hlth Sci | 029169 |
Union Christian Coll | 900722 |
Union Co Technical Inst | 006139 |
Union College | 001988 |
Union College | 002563 |
Union College | 002643 |
Union College | 002889 |
Union Experimenting C & U | 010923 |
Union Theol Sem Joint Lib | 008585 |
Union Theol Sem in Va | 003743 |
Union Theological Sem | 002890 |
Union University | 003528 |
United Elec Institute | 008486 |
United Elecs Inst Florida | 011256 |
United Talmudical Academy | 011189 |
United Theological Sem | 002386 |
United Theological Sem | 003122 |
United Wesleyan College | 003261 |
Unity College | 006858 |
Univ Autonomus of Carrib | 900124 |
Univ Cen Caribe Med Cayey | 029229 |
Univ College | 900198 |
Univ College | 900456 |
Univ College | 900723 |
Univ Federal Fluminense | 901127 |
Univ Horticulture & Food | 901142 |
Univ Militar nueva Granada | 901757 |
Univ Nacional Automonia M | 900472 |
Univ Nacional Delnordeste | 901124 |
Univ Natl Del Sur | 900013 |
Univ Natl de la Plata | 901109 |
Univ Politecnica de PR | 029119 |
Univ Sao Paulo | 901282 |
Univ de Norte | 900923 |
Univ of Chihuahoa | 900487 |
Univ of Debrecen | 901115 |
Univ of Devsto | 901160 |
Univ of E. Ramon Magasaysay | 900528 |
Univ of Esfahan | 901116 |
Univ of Health Sciences | 902128 |
Univ of Ibadan | 901149 |
Univ of La Laguna | 901063 |
Univ of Lagos | 901178 |
Univ of Ljubljana | 901141 |
Univ of Madias | 901152 |
Univ of Montemorelos | 901934 |
Univ of Mosul | 901111 |
Univ of Mustansiviyah Medic | 901600 |
Univ of Pecs Med & Health Sci | 901677 |
Univ of Pernambuco, Brazil | 901758 |
Univ of Republic Uruguay | 901131 |
Univ of Sint Eustatius Sch of | 901866 |
Univ of W. Indies | 901120 |
Univ. of Ag Sciences | 901172 |
Univ. of Wageningen | 901126 |
Univ. of West Bohemia | 902085 |
Univerity College of Medica | 901597 |
Universadad de Los Andes | 900908 |
Universid San Martin de Porres | 902090 |
Universidad Auto Deciudad | 901123 |
Universidad Central Del Este | 901467 |
Universidad Del Salvador | 901838 |
Universidad El Bosque | 901983 |
Universidad Intercontinental | 901943 |
Universidad Libre - Columbia | 901756 |
Universidad Nacional Pedro | 901506 |
Universidad Technologica | 900929 |
Universidad de Cincisa Medicas | 901867 |
Universidad de Ponce | 029115 |
Universidad del Valle | 902000 |
Universita Degli Studi | 901854 |
Universita Degli Studi | 900433 |
Universita G. d'Annunzio | 901853 |
Universitas Gadjah Mada | 901061 |
Universitat Bielefeld | 900278 |
University Autonoma de Guad | 901595 |
University College | 900724 |
University Eugenio Maria De | 901598 |
University Libre Debruxelle | 901194 |
University of Alabama | 001051 |
University of Bordeaux | 901139 |
University of Bucharest | 901134 |
University of Calabar Nige | 901596 |
University of Chittagong | 901881 |
University of Claude Bernard | 901721 |
University of Connecticut | 029013 |
University of DC | 029100 |
University of Durban-Westville | 901234 |
University of Indonesia | 902134 |
University of La Verne | 001216 |
University of Mannheim | 901146 |
University of Messours Col | 901599 |
University of Muenster | 901137 |
University of New England | 002050 |
University of Port-Harcourt | 902001 |
University of Pune | 901570 |
University of Reims | 901988 |
University of Rouen, France | 901915 |
University of Sarajevo Medi | 901507 |
University of Sciences | 901981 |
Upaipur Univ of | 900377 |
Upper Iowa University | 001893 |
Uppsala Univ of | 900606 |
Upsala College | 002644 |
Urbana College | 003133 |
Urbino Univ of | 900434 |
Urios College Butukn City, | 901601 |
Ursinus College | 003385 |
Ursuline College | 003134 |
Ursuline College | 800007 |
Utah Hi Ed Sys All Inst | 009340 |
Utah Higher Ed Sys Off | 009339 |
Utah State University | 003677 |
Utah Tech College Provo | 004027 |
Utah Tech College Salt Lk | 005220 |
Utah,University of | 003675 |
Utica C of Syracuse U | 002883 |
Utica Junior College | 002445 |
Utica School of Commerce | 009077 |
Utkal Univ | 900378 |
Utrecht Univ | 900498 |
Utsunomiya University | 900980 |
Va Clinch Vly College,U | 003747 |
Va Highlands Cmty College | 007099 |
Va Intermont College | 003752 |
Va Poly Inst and State U | 003754 |
Va State CC Sys All Inst | 008905 |
Va Western Cmty College | 003760 |
Valaraiso University | 900379 |
Valdosta State College | 001599 |
Vale Technical Inst | 029203 |
Valence Sch of Agr | 900934 |
Valencia Cmty College | 006750 |
Valencia Univ of | 900596 |
Valian Inst of Phys Chem | 901164 |
Valley City State College | 003008 |
Valley Forge Christian C | 003306 |
Valley Forge Military JC | 003386 |
Valparaiso University | 001842 |
Vance-Granvl Cmty College | 009903 |
Vanderbilt University | 003535 |
Vandercook C of Music | 001778 |
Vassar College | 002895 |
Vc Uhvc Joint Library | 029160 |
Vennard College | 001894 |
Ventura Co CC Sys Inst | 029000 |
Ventura Co CC Sys Office | 006863 |
Ventura College | 001334 |
Vera Cruz Univ | 900488 |
Vermilion Cmty College | 002350 |
Vermont College | 003697 |
Vermont Law School | 011934 |
Vermont St C All Inst | 029161 |
Vermont St C Sys Off | 029162 |
Vermont Technical College | 003698 |
Vermont,Cmty College of | 011167 |
Vernon Reg Junior College | 010060 |
Vet Sci Univ of | 900799 |
Vetinary College | 900279 |
Victor Valley College | 001335 |
Victora Univ | 900025 |
Victoria College | 003662 |
Victoria Jubilee Tech Ins | 901181 |
Victoria Univ | 900125 |
Victoria Univ | 900126 |
Victoria Univ | 900127 |
Vienna Univ of | 900035 |
Villa Julie College | 002107 |
Villa Maria College | 003387 |
Villa Maria College Bflo | 002896 |
Villa Schfandia Fine Arts | 900435 |
Villanova University | 003388 |
Vincennes University | 001843 |
Vincennes University | 900380 |
Vinnitsya State Medical Univ | 901774 |
Virgin Islands Coll of | 900742 |
Virgin Islands Coll of | 900743 |
Virgin Islands,College of | 008841 |
Virginia All Cam,U of | 003745 |
Virginia Cen Office,U of | 008058 |
Virginia College | 003762 |
Virginia Commonwealth U | 003735 |
Virginia Main Campus,U of | 006968 |
Virginia Military Inst | 003753 |
Virginia State CC Sys Off | 008904 |
Virginia State Univ | 003764 |
Virginia Union University | 003766 |
Virginia Wesleyan College | 003767 |
Visayas St Coll of Agr | 900974 |
Vista College | 029106 |
Visual Arts,School of | 007468 |
Viterbo College | 003911 |
Volunteer St Cmty College | 009912 |
Voorhees College | 003455 |
Vt & State Agrl College,U | 003696 |
W Coast U Orange Co Ctr | 001337 |
W Pakistan Ag Univ | 900510 |
W Va College Grad Studies | 006869 |
W Va Sch Osteopathic Med | 011245 |
W Va State College | 003826 |
W Vly Joint CC All Inst | 029138 |
W Vly Joint CC Sys Office | 029139 |
Wabash College | 001844 |
Wadhams Hall Sem-College | 002898 |
Wagenieng Agricultural Un | 901132 |
Wagner College | 002899 |
Wagner College | 900036 |
Wakayama University | 901010 |
Wake Forest University | 002978 |
Wake Technical College | 004844 |
Walden University | 800019 |
Waldorf College | 001895 |
Wales Univ Coll | 900725 |
Walker College | 001058 |
Walla Walla Cmty College | 005006 |
Walla Walla College | 003799 |
Wallace St CC-Hncv | 007871 |
Walsh C Accty & Bus Admin | 004071 |
Walsh College | 003135 |
Walters St Cmty College | 008863 |
Warangal Regnl Engr Coll | 900880 |
Warner Pacific College | 003225 |
Warner Southern College | 008848 |
Warren Wilson College | 002979 |
Warsaw Tech Univ | 900519 |
Warsaw Univ of | 900520 |
Wartburg College | 001896 |
Wartburg Theological Sem | 001897 |
Warwick Univ | 900726 |
Waseda Univ | 900453 |
Wash Intrnatl College | 011928 |
Wash St CC Dist 17 All | 012281 |
Wash St CC Dist 17 Off | 010784 |
Wash St CC Dist 5 Allinst | 011627 |
Wash State CC Dist 5 Off | 010946 |
Washburn U of Topeka | 001949 |
Washington Bible College | 001462 |
Washington College | 002108 |
Washington Jeff College | 003389 |
Washington St University | 003800 |
Washington Tech College | 010453 |
Washington Theol Union | 010065 |
Washington University | 002520 |
Washington and Lee U | 003768 |
Washington,University of | 003798 |
Washtenaw Cmty College | 002328 |
Waterbury St Tech College | 001423 |
Waterloo Luthern Univ | 900128 |
Waterloo Univ | 900129 |
Waterloo Univ of | 900876 |
Watterson College | 029034 |
Waubonsee Cmty College | 006931 |
Waukesha County Tech Inst | 009258 |
Waycross Junior College | 029028 |
Wayland Baptist College | 003663 |
Wayne Community College | 002980 |
Wayne County Cmty College | 009230 |
Wayne State College | 002566 |
Wayne State University | 002329 |
Waynesburg College | 003391 |
Weatherford College | 003664 |
Webb Inst of Naval Arch | 002900 |
Webber College | 001540 |
Weber State College | 003680 |
Webster College | 002521 |
Weinhenstephan Tech Hochs | 900985 |
Weizman Inst of Science G | 900401 |
Wellesley College | 002224 |
Wells College | 002901 |
Wenatchee Valley College | 003801 |
Wentworth Inst of Tech | 029099 |
Wentworth Military Acad | 002522 |
Wesley College | 001433 |
Wesley College | 011461 |
Wesley Theological Sem | 001464 |
Wesleyan College | 001600 |
Wesleyan University | 001424 |
West Chester St College | 003328 |
West Coast Bible College | 009818 |
West Coast U All Campuses | 008716 |
West Coast U Central Off | 007994 |
West Coast U Main Campus | 001336 |
West Florida,U of | 003955 |
West Georgia College | 001601 |
West Hills College | 001176 |
West Indies Univ | 900455 |
West Indies Univ of | 900878 |
West Liberty St College | 003823 |
West Los Angeles College | 008596 |
West Los Angeles,U of | 009170 |
West Shore Cmty College | 007950 |
West Side Inst Technology | 009187 |
West Texas St University | 003665 |
West University | 902126 |
West Va C Technology | 029204 |
West Va Inst Technology | 003825 |
West Va Wesleyan College | 003830 |
West Valley College | 001338 |
West Virginia Northern CC | 009054 |
West Virginia University | 003827 |
Westark Community College | 001110 |
Westbrook College | 002056 |
Westchester Bus College | 005208 |
Westchester Cmty College | 002881 |
Westchester Institute | 029177 |
Western Austrailia Univ | 900026 |
Western Baptist College | 001339 |
Western Bible College | 006741 |
Western Conn St College | 001380 |
Western Cons Baptist Sem | 007178 |
Western Ill University | 001780 |
Western International U | 029241 |
Western Iowa Tech | 007316 |
Western Ky University | 002002 |
Western Maryland College | 002109 |
Western Mich University | 002330 |
Western Montana College | 002537 |
Western NM University | 002664 |
Western Nev Cmty College | 010363 |
Western New Eng College | 002226 |
Western Oklahoma State C | 003146 |
Western Ontario Univ of | 900131 |
Western Ontario Universit | 900130 |
Western Piedmont CC | 002982 |
Western St College Colo | 001372 |
Western Texas College | 009549 |
Western Theological Sem | 002331 |
Western Univ Health Sciences | 024827 |
Western Wash University | 003802 |
Western Wis Tech Inst | 003840 |
Western Wyo Cmty College | 003933 |
Westfield Coll | 900727 |
Westfield State College | 002189 |
Westmar College | 001899 |
Westminster Choir College | 002646 |
Westminster College | 002523 |
Westminster College | 003392 |
Westminster College | 003681 |
Westminster Theol Sem | 003393 |
Westmont College | 001341 |
Westmoreland County CC | 010176 |
Wharton Co Jr College | 003668 |
Whatcom Cmty College | 010364 |
Wheaton College | 001781 |
Wheaton College | 002227 |
Wheeling College | 003831 |
Wheelock College | 002228 |
White Pines College | 004733 |
Whitman College | 003803 |
Whittier College | 001342 |
Whitworth Bible College | 002446 |
Whitworth College | 003804 |
Wichita State University | 001950 |
Widener C of Widener U | 003313 |
Wilberforce University | 003141 |
Wiley College | 003669 |
Wilfrid Laurier Univ | 800017 |
Wilkes College | 003394 |
Wilkes Community College | 002983 |
Willamette University | 003227 |
William & Mary All Cam,C | 008828 |
William & Mary Cen Off,C | 008055 |
William Carey College | 002447 |
William Carey Intrnatl U | 029184 |
William Jewell College | 002524 |
William Paterson College | 002625 |
William Penn College | 001900 |
William Woods College | 002525 |
Williams College | 002229 |
Williamsburg Tech C | 009322 |
Williamsport Area CC | 003395 |
Willmar Cmty College | 002392 |
Wilmington College | 003142 |
Wilmington College | 007948 |
Wilson Co Technical Inst | 004845 |
Wilson College | 003396 |
Windsor Univ | 900132 |
Winfrid Laurier Univ | 900943 |
Wingate College | 002985 |
Winnipeg Univ | 900133 |
Winona State University | 002394 |
Winsalm College | 007817 |
Winston-Salem State U | 002986 |
Winthrop College | 003456 |
Wis Sys All Inst,U of | 008837 |
Wis Voc Tech Ad Ed Dist | 029232 |
Wisconsin Consv of Music | 003913 |
Wisconsin Ctr Sys,U of | 003897 |
Wisconsin Eau Claire,U of | 003917 |
Wisconsin Green Bay,U of | 003899 |
Wisconsin La Crosse,U of | 003919 |
Wisconsin Lutheran C | 029157 |
Wisconsin Madison,U of | 003895 |
Wisconsin Milwaukee,U of | 003896 |
Wisconsin Oshkosh,U of | 009630 |
Wisconsin Parkside,U of | 005015 |
Wisconsin Plattevl,U of | 003921 |
Wisconsin River Fls,U of | 003923 |
Wisconsin School Elecs | 009621 |
Wisconsin Stevns Pnt,U of | 003924 |
Wisconsin Stout,U of | 003915 |
Wisconsin Superior,U of | 003925 |
Wisconsin Sys Office,U of | 003894 |
Wisconsin Whitewater,U of | 003926 |
Wittenberg University | 003143 |
Witwatersrand Univ of | 900728 |
Wm Mitchell College Law | 002391 |
Wm Rainey Harper College | 003961 |
Wofford College | 003457 |
Women's College | 900381 |
Womens Teachers Train Col | 900849 |
Woo Sok Medical Coll | 900465 |
Wood Junior College | 002448 |
Wood School,The | 007405 |
Woodbury University | 001343 |
Wooster Business College | 004863 |
Wooster,College of | 003037 |
Wor-Wic Tech Cmty College | 029053 |
Worcester Art Museum,Sch | 004668 |
Worcester Joint Library | 029060 |
Worcester Junior College | 002232 |
Worcester Poly Institute | 002233 |
Worcester State College | 002190 |
Worden Sch Social Service | 800009 |
World College West | 011611 |
World Univ at Bayamon | 900571 |
World Univ at Hato Rey | 900572 |
World Univ at Ponce | 900573 |
Worthington Cmty College | 002395 |
Wright Institute,The | 008846 |
Wright St U All Campuses | 009167 |
Wright St U Central Off | 003078 |
Wright St U Main Campus | 009168 |
Wright St U Wstn Ohio Br | 009169 |
Wroclaw Tech | 900521 |
Wroclaw Univ of | 900909 |
Wstn Carolina University | 002981 |
Wstn Evangelical Sem | 003226 |
Wstn St U C Law All Cam | 029038 |
Wstn St U C Law Cen Off | 029039 |
Wstn St U C Law Orange Co | 010832 |
Wstn St U C Law San Diego | 010854 |
Wstn States Chirprctc C | 012309 |
Wstn States College Engr | 001340 |
Wuhan Univ | 900153 |
Wunan Unversity | 901101 |
Wurzburg Univ of | 900280 |
Wycliffe College | 900134 |
Wyo Sch Animal Techn | 029205 |
Wyoming,University of | 003932 |
Wytheville Cmty College | 003761 |
Xavier School of Medicine | 902125 |
Xavier University | 003144 |
Xavier University of La | 002032 |
Xiamen University | 901033 |
Xian Jiaotong University | 901030 |
Xinjing University | 901065 |
Yakima Valley CC | 003805 |
Yale University | 001426 |
Yanbian Univ of Science & Tech | 902107 |
Yankton College | 003476 |
Yaounde Univ of | 900913 |
Yavapai College | 001079 |
Yerevan State University | 901508 |
Yesh Beth Hillel Krasna | 012466 |
Yesh Beth Shearm Rab Inst | 004829 |
Yesh Chofetz Chaim Radun | 010944 |
Yesh Karlin Stolin Inst | 011997 |
Yesh Mikdash Melech | 029148 |
Yesh Toras Chaim Talmud | 009855 |
Yesh of Nitra Rab College | 011670 |
Yeshiva Bnei Torah | 029226 |
Yeshiva Nachlas Haleviyim | 010477 |
Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah | 029167 |
Yeshiva U of Los Angeles | 029151 |
Yeshiva University | 002903 |
Yeshivath Beth Moshe | 013134 |
Yeshivath Vizhitz | 013027 |
Yeshivath Zichron Moshe | 011821 |
Yonsei University | 901055 |
York College | 002567 |
York College Pennsylvania | 003399 |
York Technical College | 003996 |
York Univ | 900135 |
York Univ of | 900729 |
Young Harris College | 001604 |
Youngdong University | 902155 |
Youngstown C Bus-Drafting | 009837 |
Youngstown St University | 003145 |
Yuba College | 001344 |
Yuba College | 900136 |
Yunnan Ag. Univ. | 901147 |
Zagazig | 901125 |
Zagned Univ of | 900751 |
Zagreb Univ of | 900916 |
Zaragoza Univ of | 900597 |
Zhejiang Univ | 900794 |
Zhejing Agri College | 900997 |
Zhenghou University | 901002 |
Zhong Shan Univ of | 900776 |
Zi-An Jiao Tong Univ | 900952 |
Zulia Sch of Med Univ of | 900741 |
Zurich Univ of | 900621 |
It may also be helpful to consult the Federal School Code List for Colleges and Universities (FICE)