PER 2 School Code List
PER 2 School Code List
The list below contains the listing of schools and associated codes available in the Education Institution drop down menu. With the large number of entries and abbreviations, it may be easier to search here to determine the necessary name to choose from the drop down list on the PER.
School Name | Code |
A P Agri Univ | 900307 |
A. R. T. Technical Col | 029188 |
A. T. E. S. Tech School | 008439 |
A.B.A. | 901166 |
AGA Khan University | 901655 |
Abadan Inst of Tech | 900382 |
Aberdeen Univ | 900650 |
Abilene Chrstn U Dallas | 004999 |
Abilene Chrstn University | 003537 |
Abraham Baldwin Agrl C | 001541 |
Academy of Aeronautics | 002665 |
Academy of Agriculture | 901179 |
Academy of Eng & Arch | 900626 |
Academy of Medicine | 901737 |
Academy of Music | 900027 |
Academy of Music & Drama | 900028 |
Academy of the New Church | 003228 |
Acadia Univ | 900054 |
Accademia Delle Belle Art | 900402 |
Adams State College | 001345 |
Adelaide Univ of | 900014 |
Adelphi University | 002666 |
Adirondack Cmty College | 002860 |
Adl Mgmt Ed Institute | 029021 |
Adrian College | 002234 |
Adventis Educ Coll | 900297 |
Aegean Univ Med School | 900627 |
Aels College Univ | 900118 |
Aero-Space Institute | 001627 |
Agnes Scott College | 001542 |
Agr Inst of Kuban | 901021 |
Agra University of | 901095 |
Agri College of Rezayeh | 900308 |
Ahmedabad Univ | 900309 |
Aiken Technical College | 010056 |
Aims Community College | 007582 |
Ain Shams Univ | 900188 |
Air Force Inst Technology | 003009 |
Air Force,CC of the | 012308 |
Airlangga Univ Sch of Med | 900843 |
Aix Marseilles Univ | 900203 |
Akron All Campuses,U of | 012310 |
Akron Central Off,U of | 012311 |
Akron Main Campus,U of | 003123 |
Akron Wayne Gen-Tech C,U | 010818 |
Al Fateh University | 902146 |
Al-Azhar Univ. | 901154 |
Al-Balqa Applied University | 902168 |
Ala Luth Acad and College | 010554 |
Alabama A & M University | 001002 |
Alabama Christian College | 001003 |
Alabama State University | 001005 |
Alabama in Birmingham,U | 001052 |
Alabama in Huntsville,U | 001055 |
Alameda,College of | 008306 |
Alas Juneau-Dgls CC,U of | 001065 |
Alaska Anchorage CC,U of | 001064 |
Alaska Bible College | 029117 |
Alaska Ketchikan CC,U of | 001067 |
Alaska Pacific University | 001061 |
Alaska Sitka CC,U of | 001069 |
Albany Business College | 004749 |
Albany College Pharmacy | 002885 |
Albany Junior College | 001543 |
Albany Law School | 002886 |
Albany Medical College | 002887 |
Albany State College | 001544 |
Albemarle,College of the | 002917 |
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Med Univ | 901978 |
Alberta Univ | 900055 |
Alberto Univ of | 900856 |
Albertus Magnus College | 001374 |
Albion College | 002235 |
Albright College | 003229 |
Albuquerque,University of | 002662 |
Alcorn State University | 002396 |
Alderson Broaddus College | 003806 |
Alexander City State JC | 001007 |
Alexandria Univ of | 900189 |
Alfred Adler Inst Chicago | 029049 |
Alfred U All Campuses | 008775 |
Alfred U Central Office | 007961 |
Alfred University | 002668 |
Algeria Tech Univ of | 900766 |
Alicante Universidad de | 901073 |
Alice Lloyd College | 001951 |
Aligarh Muslim Univ | 900310 |
All India Inst Med Scienc | 901148 |
Allahabad Agric Ins | 900311 |
Allahabad Univ of | 900806 |
Allan Hancock College | 001111 |
Allegany Cmty College | 002057 |
Allegheny Co All Cam,CC | 008809 |
Allegheny Co Alleg Cam,CC | 004051 |
Allegheny Co Boyce Cam,CC | 004052 |
Allegheny Co Cen Off,CC | 003231 |
Allegheny Co South Cam,CC | 007184 |
Allegheny College | 003230 |
Allen Co Cmty Jr College | 001901 |
Allen University | 003417 |
Alleppey Medical Coll of | 900312 |
Alliance College | 003232 |
Alliant International Univ | 901834 |
Allntwn C Snt Fran Desals | 003986 |
Alma College | 002236 |
Alpena Community College | 002237 |
Alvernia College | 003233 |
Alverno College | 003832 |
Alvin Community College | 003539 |
Amarillo College | 003540 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts | 007465 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts-W | 012447 |
Amer Bapt C of Abt Sem | 010460 |
Amer Bapt Sem of West | 001120 |
Amer Grad Sch of Mgmt | 001070 |
Amer Samoa Cmty Coll | 900001 |
Amer Sch Off Guatemala | 900290 |
Amer Sch of Classical Stu | 900282 |
American Academy of Art | 001628 |
American C Puerto Rico | 011941 |
American C of Commerce | 011947 |
American College | 029018 |
American College | 900204 |
American College in Switz | 900608 |
American Consv Theatre | 029134 |
American Consv of Music | 001629 |
American Institute Bus | 003963 |
American Intrnatl College | 002114 |
American River College | 009552 |
American Technological U | 011854 |
American Univ Inst | 900205 |
American Univ at Cairo | 900190 |
American University | 001434 |
American Unv of the Caribbean | 901863 |
Americas Univ of | 900853 |
Amherst College | 002115 |
Amsterdam Univ | 900489 |
Anatomisches Inst | 900029 |
Ancilla Domini College | 001784 |
Anderson College | 001785 |
Anderson College | 003418 |
Andhra Christian College | 900313 |
Andhra Med College | 900314 |
Andhra Medical College | 902038 |
Andover College | 009292 |
Andover Junior College | 008173 |
Andover Newton Theol Sch | 002116 |
Andrew College | 001545 |
Andrews University | 002238 |
Angelina College | 006661 |
Angelo State University | 003541 |
Angers Univ of | 900899 |
Ankara Univ | 900628 |
Anna Maria College | 002117 |
Annaba Univ of | 900824 |
Annamalai Univ | 900315 |
Anne Arundel Cmty College | 002058 |
Annhurst College | 001375 |
Anoka-Ramsey Cmty College | 002332 |
Anson Technical College | 007985 |
Antelope Valley College | 001113 |
Antilliam College | 900535 |
Antillian College | 005019 |
Antioch University | 008795 |
Antiuguia Univ of | 900159 |
Antonelli Sch Photography | 007430 |
Antwerp Univ | 900037 |
Appalachian Bible College | 007544 |
Appalachian St University | 002906 |
Aquinas College | 002239 |
Aquinas Inst of Theology | 001632 |
Aquinas JC All Campuses | 008975 |
Aquinas JC Cen Office | 008974 |
Aquinas JC at Milton | 004073 |
Aquinas JC at Newton | 008072 |
Aquinas Junior College | 003477 |
Arabian Gulf University | 902142 |
Arapahoe Cmty College | 001346 |
Arch Assoc School of Arch | 900651 |
Arch Inst Univ of London | 900652 |
Aristotelian Univ of Salo | 900283 |
Arizona C of the Bible | 029142 |
Arizona State University | 001081 |
Arizona Western College | 001071 |
Arizona,University of | 001083 |
Ark Medl Sci Campus,U of | 001109 |
Ark at Little Rock,U of | 001101 |
Arkansas All Cam,U of | 008703 |
Arkansas Baptist College | 001087 |
Arkansas C Technology | 029189 |
Arkansas Central Off,U of | 008008 |
Arkansas College | 001088 |
Arkansas Main Campus,U of | 001108 |
Arkansas Pine Bluff,U of | 001086 |
Arkansas State U All Cam | 008701 |
Arkansas State U Beebe Br | 001091 |
Arkansas State U Cen Off | 008006 |
Arkansas State U Main Cam | 001090 |
Arkansas Tech University | 001089 |
Arkansas-Monticello,U of | 001085 |
Armstrong College | 001115 |
Armstrong State College | 001546 |
Art Academy of Cincinnati | 003011 |
Art Ctr College of Design | 001116 |
Art Inst Ft Lauderdale | 010195 |
Art Inst Philadelphia | 008350 |
Art Institute Atlanta | 029187 |
Art Institute Pittsburgh | 007470 |
Arts & Sciences Coll | 900837 |
Arts Er Metiers Engr Sch | 900895 |
Arts et Meters Engr Sch | 900922 |
Aryamehr Univ | 900383 |
Asahikawa Medical College | 901967 |
Asbury College | 001952 |
Asbury Theological Sem | 001953 |
Asheboro College | 007814 |
Ashevl Buncombe Tech C | 004033 |
Ashland College | 003012 |
Ashland Community College | 029206 |
Asian Inst of Tech | 900803 |
Asnuntuck Cmty College | 011150 |
Assemblies God Grad Sch | 012120 |
Assiut University | 900191 |
Assocd Beth Rivkah Schs | 011208 |
Assumption C for Sisters | 002595 |
Assumption College | 002118 |
Assumption Univ | 900056 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900473 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900504 |
Ateneo de Manila | 900524 |
Athenaeum of Ohio | 003013 |
Athens Natl Univ of Medic | 900284 |
Athens Sch of Eco & Bus | 900285 |
Athens State College | 001008 |
Athens Univ | 900286 |
Atlanta Christian College | 001547 |
Atlanta College of Art | 001549 |
Atlanta Junior College | 012165 |
Atlanta University | 001551 |
Atlantic Christian C | 002908 |
Atlantic Cmty College | 002596 |
Atlantic Union College | 002119 |
Atlantic,College of the | 011385 |
Atlantico Univ | 900836 |
Auburn U All Campuses | 008695 |
Auburn U Central Office | 008317 |
Auburn U Main Campus | 001009 |
Auburn U at Montgomery | 008310 |
Augsburg College | 002334 |
Augusta College | 001552 |
Augustana College | 001633 |
Augustana College | 003458 |
Auraria Joint Library | 029104 |
Aurora College | 001634 |
Austin College | 003543 |
Austin Community College | 002335 |
Austin Community College | 012015 |
Austin Peay St University | 003478 |
Austin Presb Theol Sem | 003544 |
Australian Natl Univ | 900015 |
Automa de Nuevo Leon | 900828 |
Autonama de Santo Domingo | 900182 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900474 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900475 |
Autonomade de Baja Ca Uni | 900792 |
Averett College | 003702 |
Avila College | 002449 |
Azusa Pacific College | 001117 |
Babson College | 002121 |
Bachillerato Humanito Mod | 900002 |
Bacone College | 003147 |
Baghdad Univ of | 900436 |
Baghdad Veterinary Coll | 900958 |
Bahia Blanca Coll | 900004 |
Bahia Blanca Natl Coll of | 900003 |
Bainbridge Junior College | 011074 |
Bais Binyomin Academy | 029120 |
Bais Yaakov Seminary | 011188 |
Baker Junior College Bus | 004673 |
Baker University | 001903 |
Bakersfield College | 001118 |
Baldwin-Wallace College | 003014 |
Ball State University | 001786 |
Balliol Col Oxford Univ | 900653 |
Baltimore Hebrew College | 002060 |
Baltimore,Cmty College of | 002061 |
Baltimore,University of | 002102 |
Banaras Hindu Univ | 900893 |
Banaras Inst of Tech | 900274 |
Bangalore Medical College | 900316 |
Bangladesh Univ Engr/Tech | 900867 |
Bangledish Agri Univ | 900636 |
Bangor Theological Sem | 002035 |
Bank Street College of Ed | 002669 |
Bapt Bible C of Denver | 029152 |
Bapt Bible College of Pa | 002670 |
Bapt College at Chastn | 003419 |
Baptist Bible College | 013208 |
Bapuji Dental College | 902066 |
Barat College | 001635 |
Barber-Scotia College | 002909 |
Barcelona Univ | 900579 |
Bard College | 002671 |
Bareilly College | 900317 |
Barkatulah University | 901979 |
Barnard College | 002708 |
Baroda Med Coll | 900318 |
Barrington College | 003400 |
Barry College | 001466 |
Barstow College | 001119 |
Bartlesville Wesleyan C | 003151 |
Barton Co Cmty College | 004608 |
Basel Univ | 900609 |
Basic Inst Technology | 012044 |
Basrah Univ of | 900800 |
Bassist College | 007819 |
Bates College | 002036 |
Bath University | 901108 |
Bauder C Specizing Car Ed | 011599 |
Bauder Fashion College | 009784 |
Bauder Fashion College | 010328 |
Bauder Finishing Car C | 011574 |
Bauman Mvtu | 900730 |
Bay Path Junior College | 002122 |
Bay State JC of Bus | 003965 |
Bay de Noc Cmty College | 002240 |
Bay-Valley Tech | 029182 |
Bayamon Cen Univ | 900536 |
Bayamon Cen University | 010015 |
Baylor College Dentistry | 004948 |
Baylor College Medicine | 004949 |
Baylor University | 006967 |
Bayreuth Univ of | 900834 |
Be'er Shmuel Talmud Acad | 004761 |
Beacon College | 029026 |
Beal College | 005204 |
Beaufort Co Cmty College | 008558 |
Beaufort Tech College | 009910 |
Beaver Co,Cmty College of | 006807 |
Beaver College | 003235 |
Becker JC All Institution | 029075 |
Becker JC System Office | 029076 |
Becker JC-Leicester | 002159 |
Becker JC-Worcester | 002123 |
Beckley College | 003807 |
Bedford College Univ of L | 900654 |
Bee County College | 003546 |
Beigng Inst of Phys Ed | 901043 |
Beijing Foreign Lang Inst | 901012 |
Beijing Inst Foreign Trad | 901107 |
Beijing Inst of Ag Mecha | 900138 |
Beijing Medical University | 901451 |
Beijing Polytech Univ | 901153 |
Beirut American Univ | 900466 |
Beirut College for Women | 900467 |
Belgrade Univ of | 900750 |
Belhaven College | 002397 |
Bellarmine College | 001954 |
Belleville Area College | 001636 |
Bellevue Cmty College | 003769 |
Bellevue College | 009743 |
Belmont Abbey College | 002910 |
Belmont College | 003479 |
Belmont Technical College | 009941 |
Beloit College | 003835 |
Belzer Yesh-Machzikei Sem | 011991 |
Bemidji State U | 002336 |
Benardes Hindu Univ | 900319 |
Benedict College | 003420 |
Benedictine College | 010256 |
Bengbu Medical College Chi | 901572 |
Benjamin Franklin Univ | 001435 |
Bennett College | 002911 |
Bennington College | 003682 |
Bentley College | 002124 |
Berea College | 001955 |
Berean Institute | 007826 |
Bergen Community College | 004736 |
Berhampur University | 901081 |
Berk-Claremont New York | 007394 |
Berkeley School,The | 007421 |
Berkeley School,The | 007502 |
Berkeley School-Hicksvl | 009076 |
Berklee College of Music | 002126 |
Berkshire Christian C | 002127 |
Berkshire Cmty College | 002167 |
Bern Univ | 900610 |
Berry College | 001554 |
Besancon | 900206 |
Beth Hatalmud Rab C | 011922 |
Beth Hmdrsh Shaarei Yosh | 011192 |
Beth Jacob Hebrew Tchrs C | 004767 |
Beth Joseph Rab Seminary | 004775 |
Beth Mdrash Eyun Hatalmud | 011668 |
Beth Medrash Emek Halacha | 011992 |
Beth Medrash Govoha | 007947 |
Beth Rochel Seminary | 029168 |
Bethany Bible College | 001121 |
Bethany College | 001904 |
Bethany College | 003808 |
Bethany Lutheran College | 002337 |
Bethany Nazarene College | 003149 |
Bethany Theological Sem | 001637 |
Bethany-Nthn Bapt Jt Lib | 029014 |
Bethel C & Sem All Cam | 009060 |
Bethel C & Sem Cen Office | 002338 |
Bethel College | 001787 |
Bethel College | 001905 |
Bethel College | 003480 |
Bethel College | 009058 |
Bethel Theol Seminary | 009059 |
Bethune Cookman College | 001467 |
Bharathidasan Univ | 901057 |
Bharati Vidyapeeth University | 902087 |
Bhopal Vishwavidwalaya | 901028 |
Bidhanchandra Agr Univ | 900955 |
Big Bend Cmty College | 003770 |
Big Sky Bible College | 029108 |
Biola College | 001122 |
Birkbeck College | 900655 |
Birla Inst of Tech | 900886 |
Birla Institute | 900765 |
Birmingham Sthn College | 001012 |
Birmingham Univ | 900656 |
Bishop College | 003548 |
Bishops Univ | 900057 |
Bismarck Junior College | 002988 |
Black Hawk C All Campuses | 008726 |
Black Hawk C Central Off | 008318 |
Black Hawk C East Campus | 007538 |
Black Hawk C Quad-Cities | 001638 |
Black Hills State College | 003459 |
Blackburn College | 001639 |
Blackfeet Cmty College | 029194 |
Blackhawk Technical Inst | 005390 |
Bladen Technical Inst | 007987 |
Blantons Junior College | 010478 |
Blinn College | 003549 |
Bloomfield College | 002597 |
Bloomsburg State College | 003315 |
Blue Hills Reg Tech Inst | 005523 |
Blue Mountain College | 002398 |
Blue Mtn Cmty College | 003186 |
Blue Ridge Cmty College | 006819 |
Blue Ridge Technical C | 009684 |
Bluefield College | 003703 |
Bluefield State College | 003809 |
Bluffton College | 003016 |
Board State Acad Awards | 029171 |
Bob Jones University | 003421 |
Boca Raton,College of | 001505 |
Bochum Univ of | 900246 |
Bogazigi Univ | 900629 |
Bogor Arg Univ | 901046 |
Boise State University | 001616 |
Bologna Medical Univ | 900403 |
Bologna Univ | 900404 |
Bombay Univ of | 900320 |
Bonn Univ | 900247 |
Booker T Washington Bus C | 004461 |
Bordeaux Med Faculte Univ | 900207 |
Boricua College | 013029 |
Borromeo College of Ohio | 003017 |
Bose Institute | 900321 |
Bosphorous Univ | 900630 |
Bossier Parish CC | 012033 |
Boston College | 002128 |
Boston Consv of Music | 002129 |
Boston State College | 002182 |
Boston University | 002130 |
Bouwcentrum | 901041 |
Bowdoin College | 002038 |
Bowie State College | 002062 |
Bowling Green Bus C | 010625 |
Bowling Grn St U All Cam | 008796 |
Bowling Grn St U Cen Off | 008032 |
Bowling Grn St U Firelds | 007856 |
Bowling Grn St U Main Cam | 003018 |
Bradford College | 002132 |
Bradford Univ of | 900960 |
Bradley University | 001641 |
Brainerd Cmty College | 002339 |
Bramson Ort Tech Inst | 029180 |
Brandeis University | 002133 |
Brandon Univ of | 900058 |
Brandywine C of Widener U | 001427 |
Braunschweig Tech Univ of | 900954 |
Brazosport College | 007857 |
Bremen Univ of | 900812 |
Brenau College | 001556 |
Brescia College | 001958 |
Brevard Cmty College | 001470 |
Brevard College | 002912 |
Brevet Tech Superieur | 900933 |
Brewer State Jr College | 009134 |
Brewton-Parker College | 001557 |
Briar Cliff College | 001846 |
Briarwood College | 009407 |
Bridgeport Engr Institute | 001377 |
Bridgeport,University of | 001416 |
Bridgewater College | 003704 |
Bridgewater State College | 002183 |
Brigham Young U All Cam | 012305 |
Brigham Young U Cen Off | 012306 |
Brigham Young U Main Cam | 003670 |
Brigham Young U-Hawa Cam | 001606 |
Brighton College of Art | 900657 |
Brisk Rabbinical College | 029017 |
Bristol College | 009237 |
Bristol Community College | 002176 |
Bristol Univ | 900658 |
British Broadcasting Trai | 900659 |
British Columbia Univ | 900059 |
Brookdale Cmty College | 008404 |
Brookhaven College | 029150 |
Brooklyn Law School | 002677 |
Brooks College | 011246 |
Brooks Institute | 001123 |
Brookside College | 900979 |
Broome Community College | 002862 |
Broward Cmty College | 001500 |
Brown Institute | 029196 |
Brown University | 003401 |
Brunel University | 900988 |
Brunswick Junior College | 001558 |
Brussels Free Univ | 900038 |
Brussels Univ | 900039 |
Bryan College | 003536 |
Bryant C Business Admin | 003402 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 002678 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 012470 |
Bryn Mawr College | 003237 |
Bucharest Poly Tech Inst | 900846 |
Buckingham Univ of | 900956 |
Bucknell University | 003238 |
Bucks County Cmty College | 003239 |
Budapest Univ of | 900299 |
Buena Vista College | 001847 |
Buenos Aires Univ of | 900005 |
Bulgaria St Conversatory | 901049 |
Bunker Hill Cmty College | 011210 |
Burdwan Univ | 900322 |
Burlington College | 012183 |
Burlington County College | 007730 |
Burundi Univ | 900891 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 001906 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 003240 |
Butler University | 001788 |
Butte College | 008073 |
Byelorussia State University | 901738 |
C of William and Mary | 003705 |
CBN | 029353 |
CC Allegheny Co North Cam | 029101 |
CC North Central U Cen | 029240 |
CUNY Bernard Baruch C | 004766 |
CUNY Boro of Manhattan CC | 002691 |
CUNY Bronx Cmty College | 002692 |
CUNY Brooklyn College | 002687 |
CUNY C of Staten Island | 029040 |
CUNY City College | 002688 |
CUNY Grad Sch & U Center | 004063 |
CUNY Hostos Cmty College | 008611 |
CUNY Hunter College | 002689 |
CUNY John Jay C Crim Just | 002693 |
CUNY Kingsborough CC | 002694 |
CUNY La Guardia CC | 010051 |
CUNY Lehman College | 007022 |
CUNY Medgar Evers College | 010097 |
CUNY New York City Tech C | 002696 |
CUNY Queens College | 002690 |
CUNY Queensborough CC | 002697 |
CUNY York College | 004759 |
Cabrillo College | 001124 |
Cabrini College | 003241 |
Caen Univ | 900208 |
Caguas City College | 008902 |
Caguas City College | 900537 |
Cairo Univ | 900192 |
Cal Baptist College | 001125 |
Cal College Arts & Crafts | 001127 |
Cal College Podiatric Med | 001135 |
Cal Hastings C Law,U of | 003947 |
Cal Inst of Asian Studies | 012154 |
Cal Inst of Technology | 001131 |
Cal Lutheran College | 001133 |
Cal Poly St U-Sn Luis Ob | 001143 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc All Cam | 010302 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Cen Off | 010301 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Fresno | 011881 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Los Ang | 010013 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Sn Dego | 011117 |
Cal Sch Psyc Berkeley | 009844 |
Cal St College-Bakersfld | 007993 |
Cal St College-Stanislaus | 001157 |
Cal St U & C Sys All Inst | 008705 |
Cal St U & C System Off | 001136 |
Cal State C-Sn Bernardino | 001142 |
Cal State Poly U-Pomona | 001144 |
Cal State U-Chico | 001146 |
Cal State U-Dominguez Hls | 001141 |
Cal State U-Fresno | 001147 |
Cal State U-Fullerton | 001137 |
Cal State U-Hayward | 001138 |
Cal State U-Long Beach | 001139 |
Cal State U-Los Angeles | 001140 |
Cal State U-Northridge | 001153 |
Cal State U-Sacramento | 001150 |
Cal Sysw Admin Cen Off, U | 001311 |
Cal Western School of Law | 013106 |
Cal-Berkeley,U of | 001312 |
Cal-Davis,U of | 001313 |
Cal-Los Angeles,U of | 001315 |
Cal-Riverside,U of | 001316 |
Cal-San Diego,U of | 001317 |
Cal-San Francisco,U of | 001319 |
Cal-Santa Barbara,U of | 001320 |
Cal-Santa Cruz,U of | 001321 |
Calcutta Univ | 900324 |
Calcutta Univ of | 900323 |
Caldas Univ of | 900160 |
Caldwell CC and Tech Inst | 004835 |
Caldwell College | 002598 |
Calgary Univ of | 900060 |
Calicut Medical College I | 901573 |
California Christian C | 029089 |
California Coast Univ | 901177 |
California Inst of Arts | 001132 |
California Maritime Acad | 001134 |
California State College | 003316 |
Calumet College | 001834 |
Calvary Bible College | 002450 |
Calvin College | 002241 |
Calvin College Joint Lib | 008357 |
Calvin Theological Sem | 002242 |
Cambridge Univ | 900660 |
Camden County College | 006865 |
Cameron University | 003150 |
Campbell University | 002913 |
Campbellsville College | 001959 |
Can Tho Univ | 900325 |
Canada College | 006973 |
Canadian Bible School | 900061 |
Canal Zone College | 900523 |
Canisius College | 002681 |
Canterbury Univ | 900501 |
Canyons,College of the | 008903 |
Cape Cod Cmty College | 002168 |
Cape Fear Technical Inst | 005320 |
Capetown Univ of | 900574 |
Capital City Jr College | 029122 |
Capital University | 003023 |
Capitol Inst Technology | 001436 |
Carabobo Univ of | 900945 |
Cardinal Glennon College | 002451 |
Cardinal Newman College | 029130 |
Cardinal Stritch College | 003837 |
Caribbean Ctr Adv Studies | 029063 |
Caribbean U College | 012525 |
Carl Albert Jr College | 003176 |
Carl G Jung Inst | 900611 |
Carl Sandburg College | 007265 |
Carleton College | 002340 |
Carleton Univ | 900062 |
Carlos Albizu University | 901989 |
Carlow College | 003303 |
Carnegie-Mellon U | 003242 |
Carol Davila Univ of Med & Phm | 901876 |
Carroll College | 002526 |
Carroll College | 003838 |
Carson-Newman College | 003481 |
Carteret Technical Inst | 008081 |
Carthage College | 003839 |
Casco Bay College | 008431 |
Case Western Reserve U | 003024 |
Casoscari Inst Architettu | 900405 |
Casper College | 003928 |
Castle Junior College | 009245 |
Castleton State College | 003683 |
Catania Delgi Studi Univ | 900406 |
Catawba College | 002914 |
Catawba Valley Tech C | 005318 |
Catholic Faculties of Lyo | 900209 |
Catholic Theol Union | 009232 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 003936 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 900538 |
Catholic U of America | 001437 |
Catholic Univ Guayama UC | 900541 |
Catholic Univ Mayaguez | 900542 |
Catholic Univ at Aquadill | 900539 |
Catholic Univ at Arecibo | 900540 |
Catholic Univ of Nijmegen | 900490 |
Catholic Univ of Paris | 900210 |
Catholics Madre Maestra U | 900790 |
Catholique de Louest Univ | 900211 |
Catolica de Chile Univ of | 900154 |
Catonsville Cmty College | 002063 |
Cayuga Co Cmty College | 002861 |
Cazenovia College | 002685 |
Cecil Community College | 008308 |
Cecils Junior College | 010264 |
Cedar Crest College | 003243 |
Cedar Valley College | 029065 |
Cedarville College | 003025 |
Cen Carolina Tech C | 005449 |
Cen Chrstn C of the Bible | 029144 |
Cen City Business Inst | 009409 |
Cen Nebr Tech CC Cen Off | 029008 |
Cen New Eng College Techn | 010306 |
Cen Pa Business School | 010494 |
Cen Piedmont Cmty College | 002915 |
Cen Tech Cmty C Area | 029007 |
Cen Yesh Tom Tmimim Lubvz | 004776 |
Centenary C of Louisiana | 002003 |
Centenary College | 002599 |
Center for Degree Studies | 004049 |
Center for Early Ed | 001160 |
Centeral TV University | 901011 |
Central Amer Health Sciences | 901972 |
Central Arizona College | 007283 |
Central Arkansas,U of | 001092 |
Central Baptist College | 001093 |
Central Baptist Theol Sem | 001907 |
Central Bible College | 002452 |
Central College | 001908 |
Central Community College | 004720 |
Central Conn St College | 001378 |
Central Fla Cmty College | 001471 |
Central Florida, U of | 003954 |
Central Leather Res Inst | 900326 |
Central Luzon State Univ | 901167 |
Central Me Voc-Tech Inst | 005276 |
Central Methodist College | 002453 |
Central Mich University | 002243 |
Central Mo St University | 002454 |
Central Nebr Tech College | 900502 |
Central Ohio Technical C | 011046 |
Central Oreg Cmty College | 003188 |
Central Sch of Speech & D | 900661 |
Central South Inst Mining | 900984 |
Central South University | 902170 |
Central State University | 003026 |
Central State University | 003152 |
Central Texas College | 004003 |
Central U of Iowa | 001850 |
Central Univ Educator | 900186 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900739 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900740 |
Central Va Cmty College | 004988 |
Central Wash University | 003771 |
Central Wesleyan College | 003422 |
Central Wyoming College | 007289 |
Central YMCA Cmty College | 001644 |
Centralia College | 003772 |
Centre College of Ky | 001961 |
Centre Detudes Secondaire | 900293 |
Centre Univ Mediterranean | 900212 |
Cerritos College | 001161 |
Cerro Coso Cmty College | 010111 |
Ceu Law Sch Univ of Nan | 900213 |
Ceylon Univ of | 900137 |
Chabot College | 001162 |
Chadron State College | 002539 |
Chaffey College | 001163 |
Chamberlayne Jr College | 002138 |
Chaminade U of Honolulu | 001605 |
Champlain College | 003684 |
Chang Chun Coll Optics & | 900989 |
Chapman College | 001164 |
Charles Co Cmty College | 002064 |
Charles Univ | 900174 |
Charleston, U of | 003818 |
Charleston,College of | 003428 |
Chas S Mott Cmty College | 002261 |
Chatfield College | 010880 |
Chatham College | 003244 |
Chattahoochee Valley CC | 012182 |
Chattanooga St Tech CC | 003998 |
Chekiang University | 900783 |
Chemeketa Cmty College | 003218 |
Chemical Tech College of | 900175 |
Chen-Kung Univ | 900935 |
Chengdu Polytech Inst | 900976 |
Chesapeake College | 004650 |
Chesterfld-Marlboro Tech | 007602 |
Chestnut Hill College | 003245 |
Cheyney State College | 003317 |
Chgo C Osteopathic Med | 001657 |
Chgo Conservatory College | 001658 |
Chicago Sch Prof Psyc | 029230 |
Chicago State University | 001694 |
Chicago Theological Sem | 001661 |
Chicago,University of | 001774 |
Chihuahua Univ of | 900476 |
Chile Univ Inter Amer Stu | 900156 |
Chile Univ of | 900155 |
China Agricultural Univ | 901056 |
China Pharmaceutical Univer | 901497 |
China Textile Univ | 901163 |
Chinese Academy of Medicine | 901201 |
Chinese Culture Coll of | 900771 |
Chinese Univ of Hong Kong | 900972 |
Chipola Junior College | 001472 |
Chon-nam Natl University | 901069 |
Chongquing University | 901852 |
Chowan College | 002916 |
Christ College Irvine | 029059 |
Christ Seminary-Seminex | 012459 |
Christ the King Seminary | 012854 |
Christ's College | 900662 |
Christian Bros College | 003482 |
Christian Heritage C | 012031 |
Christian Medical College | 901574 |
Christian Theological Sem | 001789 |
Christopher Newport C | 003706 |
Chrysler Inst of Engr |