PER 2 School Code List
PER 2 School Code List
The list below contains the listing of schools and associated codes available in the Education Institution drop down menu. With the large number of entries and abbreviations, it may be easier to search here to determine the necessary name to choose from the drop down list on the PER.
School Name | Code |
A P Agri Univ | 900307 |
A. R. T. Technical Col | 029188 |
A. T. E. S. Tech School | 008439 |
A.B.A. | 901166 |
AGA Khan University | 901655 |
Abadan Inst of Tech | 900382 |
Aberdeen Univ | 900650 |
Abilene Chrstn U Dallas | 004999 |
Abilene Chrstn University | 003537 |
Abraham Baldwin Agrl C | 001541 |
Academy of Aeronautics | 002665 |
Academy of Agriculture | 901179 |
Academy of Eng & Arch | 900626 |
Academy of Medicine | 901737 |
Academy of Music | 900027 |
Academy of Music & Drama | 900028 |
Academy of the New Church | 003228 |
Acadia Univ | 900054 |
Accademia Delle Belle Art | 900402 |
Adams State College | 001345 |
Adelaide Univ of | 900014 |
Adelphi University | 002666 |
Adirondack Cmty College | 002860 |
Adl Mgmt Ed Institute | 029021 |
Adrian College | 002234 |
Adventis Educ Coll | 900297 |
Aegean Univ Med School | 900627 |
Aels College Univ | 900118 |
Aero-Space Institute | 001627 |
Agnes Scott College | 001542 |
Agr Inst of Kuban | 901021 |
Agra University of | 901095 |
Agri College of Rezayeh | 900308 |
Ahmedabad Univ | 900309 |
Aiken Technical College | 010056 |
Aims Community College | 007582 |
Ain Shams Univ | 900188 |
Air Force Inst Technology | 003009 |
Air Force,CC of the | 012308 |
Airlangga Univ Sch of Med | 900843 |
Aix Marseilles Univ | 900203 |
Akron All Campuses,U of | 012310 |
Akron Central Off,U of | 012311 |
Akron Main Campus,U of | 003123 |
Akron Wayne Gen-Tech C,U | 010818 |
Al Fateh University | 902146 |
Al-Azhar Univ. | 901154 |
Al-Balqa Applied University | 902168 |
Ala Luth Acad and College | 010554 |
Alabama A & M University | 001002 |
Alabama Christian College | 001003 |
Alabama State University | 001005 |
Alabama in Birmingham,U | 001052 |
Alabama in Huntsville,U | 001055 |
Alameda,College of | 008306 |
Alas Juneau-Dgls CC,U of | 001065 |
Alaska Anchorage CC,U of | 001064 |
Alaska Bible College | 029117 |
Alaska Ketchikan CC,U of | 001067 |
Alaska Pacific University | 001061 |
Alaska Sitka CC,U of | 001069 |
Albany Business College | 004749 |
Albany College Pharmacy | 002885 |
Albany Junior College | 001543 |
Albany Law School | 002886 |
Albany Medical College | 002887 |
Albany State College | 001544 |
Albemarle,College of the | 002917 |
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Med Univ | 901978 |
Alberta Univ | 900055 |
Alberto Univ of | 900856 |
Albertus Magnus College | 001374 |
Albion College | 002235 |
Albright College | 003229 |
Albuquerque,University of | 002662 |
Alcorn State University | 002396 |
Alderson Broaddus College | 003806 |
Alexander City State JC | 001007 |
Alexandria Univ of | 900189 |
Alfred Adler Inst Chicago | 029049 |
Alfred U All Campuses | 008775 |
Alfred U Central Office | 007961 |
Alfred University | 002668 |
Algeria Tech Univ of | 900766 |
Alicante Universidad de | 901073 |
Alice Lloyd College | 001951 |
Aligarh Muslim Univ | 900310 |
All India Inst Med Scienc | 901148 |
Allahabad Agric Ins | 900311 |
Allahabad Univ of | 900806 |
Allan Hancock College | 001111 |
Allegany Cmty College | 002057 |
Allegheny Co All Cam,CC | 008809 |
Allegheny Co Alleg Cam,CC | 004051 |
Allegheny Co Boyce Cam,CC | 004052 |
Allegheny Co Cen Off,CC | 003231 |
Allegheny Co South Cam,CC | 007184 |
Allegheny College | 003230 |
Allen Co Cmty Jr College | 001901 |
Allen University | 003417 |
Alleppey Medical Coll of | 900312 |
Alliance College | 003232 |
Alliant International Univ | 901834 |
Allntwn C Snt Fran Desals | 003986 |
Alma College | 002236 |
Alpena Community College | 002237 |
Alvernia College | 003233 |
Alverno College | 003832 |
Alvin Community College | 003539 |
Amarillo College | 003540 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts | 007465 |
Amer Acad Dramatic Arts-W | 012447 |
Amer Bapt C of Abt Sem | 010460 |
Amer Bapt Sem of West | 001120 |
Amer Grad Sch of Mgmt | 001070 |
Amer Samoa Cmty Coll | 900001 |
Amer Sch Off Guatemala | 900290 |
Amer Sch of Classical Stu | 900282 |
American Academy of Art | 001628 |
American C Puerto Rico | 011941 |
American C of Commerce | 011947 |
American College | 029018 |
American College | 900204 |
American College in Switz | 900608 |
American Consv Theatre | 029134 |
American Consv of Music | 001629 |
American Institute Bus | 003963 |
American Intrnatl College | 002114 |
American River College | 009552 |
American Technological U | 011854 |
American Univ Inst | 900205 |
American Univ at Cairo | 900190 |
American University | 001434 |
American Unv of the Caribbean | 901863 |
Americas Univ of | 900853 |
Amherst College | 002115 |
Amsterdam Univ | 900489 |
Anatomisches Inst | 900029 |
Ancilla Domini College | 001784 |
Anderson College | 001785 |
Anderson College | 003418 |
Andhra Christian College | 900313 |
Andhra Med College | 900314 |
Andhra Medical College | 902038 |
Andover College | 009292 |
Andover Junior College | 008173 |
Andover Newton Theol Sch | 002116 |
Andrew College | 001545 |
Andrews University | 002238 |
Angelina College | 006661 |
Angelo State University | 003541 |
Angers Univ of | 900899 |
Ankara Univ | 900628 |
Anna Maria College | 002117 |
Annaba Univ of | 900824 |
Annamalai Univ | 900315 |
Anne Arundel Cmty College | 002058 |
Annhurst College | 001375 |
Anoka-Ramsey Cmty College | 002332 |
Anson Technical College | 007985 |
Antelope Valley College | 001113 |
Antilliam College | 900535 |
Antillian College | 005019 |
Antioch University | 008795 |
Antiuguia Univ of | 900159 |
Antonelli Sch Photography | 007430 |
Antwerp Univ | 900037 |
Appalachian Bible College | 007544 |
Appalachian St University | 002906 |
Aquinas College | 002239 |
Aquinas Inst of Theology | 001632 |
Aquinas JC All Campuses | 008975 |
Aquinas JC Cen Office | 008974 |
Aquinas JC at Milton | 004073 |
Aquinas JC at Newton | 008072 |
Aquinas Junior College | 003477 |
Arabian Gulf University | 902142 |
Arapahoe Cmty College | 001346 |
Arch Assoc School of Arch | 900651 |
Arch Inst Univ of London | 900652 |
Aristotelian Univ of Salo | 900283 |
Arizona C of the Bible | 029142 |
Arizona State University | 001081 |
Arizona Western College | 001071 |
Arizona,University of | 001083 |
Ark Medl Sci Campus,U of | 001109 |
Ark at Little Rock,U of | 001101 |
Arkansas All Cam,U of | 008703 |
Arkansas Baptist College | 001087 |
Arkansas C Technology | 029189 |
Arkansas Central Off,U of | 008008 |
Arkansas College | 001088 |
Arkansas Main Campus,U of | 001108 |
Arkansas Pine Bluff,U of | 001086 |
Arkansas State U All Cam | 008701 |
Arkansas State U Beebe Br | 001091 |
Arkansas State U Cen Off | 008006 |
Arkansas State U Main Cam | 001090 |
Arkansas Tech University | 001089 |
Arkansas-Monticello,U of | 001085 |
Armstrong College | 001115 |
Armstrong State College | 001546 |
Art Academy of Cincinnati | 003011 |
Art Ctr College of Design | 001116 |
Art Inst Ft Lauderdale | 010195 |
Art Inst Philadelphia | 008350 |
Art Institute Atlanta | 029187 |
Art Institute Pittsburgh | 007470 |
Arts & Sciences Coll | 900837 |
Arts Er Metiers Engr Sch | 900895 |
Arts et Meters Engr Sch | 900922 |
Aryamehr Univ | 900383 |
Asahikawa Medical College | 901967 |
Asbury College | 001952 |
Asbury Theological Sem | 001953 |
Asheboro College | 007814 |
Ashevl Buncombe Tech C | 004033 |
Ashland College | 003012 |
Ashland Community College | 029206 |
Asian Inst of Tech | 900803 |
Asnuntuck Cmty College | 011150 |
Assemblies God Grad Sch | 012120 |
Assiut University | 900191 |
Assocd Beth Rivkah Schs | 011208 |
Assumption C for Sisters | 002595 |
Assumption College | 002118 |
Assumption Univ | 900056 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900473 |
Asuncion Univ de Natl | 900504 |
Ateneo de Manila | 900524 |
Athenaeum of Ohio | 003013 |
Athens Natl Univ of Medic | 900284 |
Athens Sch of Eco & Bus | 900285 |
Athens State College | 001008 |
Athens Univ | 900286 |
Atlanta Christian College | 001547 |
Atlanta College of Art | 001549 |
Atlanta Junior College | 012165 |
Atlanta University | 001551 |
Atlantic Christian C | 002908 |
Atlantic Cmty College | 002596 |
Atlantic Union College | 002119 |
Atlantic,College of the | 011385 |
Atlantico Univ | 900836 |
Auburn U All Campuses | 008695 |
Auburn U Central Office | 008317 |
Auburn U Main Campus | 001009 |
Auburn U at Montgomery | 008310 |
Augsburg College | 002334 |
Augusta College | 001552 |
Augustana College | 001633 |
Augustana College | 003458 |
Auraria Joint Library | 029104 |
Aurora College | 001634 |
Austin College | 003543 |
Austin Community College | 002335 |
Austin Community College | 012015 |
Austin Peay St University | 003478 |
Austin Presb Theol Sem | 003544 |
Australian Natl Univ | 900015 |
Automa de Nuevo Leon | 900828 |
Autonama de Santo Domingo | 900182 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900474 |
Autonoma de Guadalajara U | 900475 |
Autonomade de Baja Ca Uni | 900792 |
Averett College | 003702 |
Avila College | 002449 |
Azusa Pacific College | 001117 |
Babson College | 002121 |
Bachillerato Humanito Mod | 900002 |
Bacone College | 003147 |
Baghdad Univ of | 900436 |
Baghdad Veterinary Coll | 900958 |
Bahia Blanca Coll | 900004 |
Bahia Blanca Natl Coll of | 900003 |
Bainbridge Junior College | 011074 |
Bais Binyomin Academy | 029120 |
Bais Yaakov Seminary | 011188 |
Baker Junior College Bus | 004673 |
Baker University | 001903 |
Bakersfield College | 001118 |
Baldwin-Wallace College | 003014 |
Ball State University | 001786 |
Balliol Col Oxford Univ | 900653 |
Baltimore Hebrew College | 002060 |
Baltimore,Cmty College of | 002061 |
Baltimore,University of | 002102 |
Banaras Hindu Univ | 900893 |
Banaras Inst of Tech | 900274 |
Bangalore Medical College | 900316 |
Bangladesh Univ Engr/Tech | 900867 |
Bangledish Agri Univ | 900636 |
Bangor Theological Sem | 002035 |
Bank Street College of Ed | 002669 |
Bapt Bible C of Denver | 029152 |
Bapt Bible College of Pa | 002670 |
Bapt College at Chastn | 003419 |
Baptist Bible College | 013208 |
Bapuji Dental College | 902066 |
Barat College | 001635 |
Barber-Scotia College | 002909 |
Barcelona Univ | 900579 |
Bard College | 002671 |
Bareilly College | 900317 |
Barkatulah University | 901979 |
Barnard College | 002708 |
Baroda Med Coll | 900318 |
Barrington College | 003400 |
Barry College | 001466 |
Barstow College | 001119 |
Bartlesville Wesleyan C | 003151 |
Barton Co Cmty College | 004608 |
Basel Univ | 900609 |
Basic Inst Technology | 012044 |
Basrah Univ of | 900800 |
Bassist College | 007819 |
Bates College | 002036 |
Bath University | 901108 |
Bauder C Specizing Car Ed | 011599 |
Bauder Fashion College | 009784 |
Bauder Fashion College | 010328 |
Bauder Finishing Car C | 011574 |
Bauman Mvtu | 900730 |
Bay Path Junior College | 002122 |
Bay State JC of Bus | 003965 |
Bay de Noc Cmty College | 002240 |
Bay-Valley Tech | 029182 |
Bayamon Cen Univ | 900536 |
Bayamon Cen University | 010015 |
Baylor College Dentistry | 004948 |
Baylor College Medicine | 004949 |
Baylor University | 006967 |
Bayreuth Univ of | 900834 |
Be'er Shmuel Talmud Acad | 004761 |
Beacon College | 029026 |
Beal College | 005204 |
Beaufort Co Cmty College | 008558 |
Beaufort Tech College | 009910 |
Beaver Co,Cmty College of | 006807 |
Beaver College | 003235 |
Becker JC All Institution | 029075 |
Becker JC System Office | 029076 |
Becker JC-Leicester | 002159 |
Becker JC-Worcester | 002123 |
Beckley College | 003807 |
Bedford College Univ of L | 900654 |
Bee County College | 003546 |
Beigng Inst of Phys Ed | 901043 |
Beijing Foreign Lang Inst | 901012 |
Beijing Inst Foreign Trad | 901107 |
Beijing Inst of Ag Mecha | 900138 |
Beijing Medical University | 901451 |
Beijing Polytech Univ | 901153 |
Beirut American Univ | 900466 |
Beirut College for Women | 900467 |
Belgrade Univ of | 900750 |
Belhaven College | 002397 |
Bellarmine College | 001954 |
Belleville Area College | 001636 |
Bellevue Cmty College | 003769 |
Bellevue College | 009743 |
Belmont Abbey College | 002910 |
Belmont College | 003479 |
Belmont Technical College | 009941 |
Beloit College | 003835 |
Belzer Yesh-Machzikei Sem | 011991 |
Bemidji State U | 002336 |
Benardes Hindu Univ | 900319 |
Benedict College | 003420 |
Benedictine College | 010256 |
Bengbu Medical College Chi | 901572 |
Benjamin Franklin Univ | 001435 |
Bennett College | 002911 |
Bennington College | 003682 |
Bentley College | 002124 |
Berea College | 001955 |
Berean Institute | 007826 |
Bergen Community College | 004736 |
Berhampur University | 901081 |
Berk-Claremont New York | 007394 |
Berkeley School,The | 007421 |
Berkeley School,The | 007502 |
Berkeley School-Hicksvl | 009076 |
Berklee College of Music | 002126 |
Berkshire Christian C | 002127 |
Berkshire Cmty College | 002167 |
Bern Univ | 900610 |
Berry College | 001554 |
Besancon | 900206 |
Beth Hatalmud Rab C | 011922 |
Beth Hmdrsh Shaarei Yosh | 011192 |
Beth Jacob Hebrew Tchrs C | 004767 |
Beth Joseph Rab Seminary | 004775 |
Beth Mdrash Eyun Hatalmud | 011668 |
Beth Medrash Emek Halacha | 011992 |
Beth Medrash Govoha | 007947 |
Beth Rochel Seminary | 029168 |
Bethany Bible College | 001121 |
Bethany College | 001904 |
Bethany College | 003808 |
Bethany Lutheran College | 002337 |
Bethany Nazarene College | 003149 |
Bethany Theological Sem | 001637 |
Bethany-Nthn Bapt Jt Lib | 029014 |
Bethel C & Sem All Cam | 009060 |
Bethel C & Sem Cen Office | 002338 |
Bethel College | 001787 |
Bethel College | 001905 |
Bethel College | 003480 |
Bethel College | 009058 |
Bethel Theol Seminary | 009059 |
Bethune Cookman College | 001467 |
Bharathidasan Univ | 901057 |
Bharati Vidyapeeth University | 902087 |
Bhopal Vishwavidwalaya | 901028 |
Bidhanchandra Agr Univ | 900955 |
Big Bend Cmty College | 003770 |
Big Sky Bible College | 029108 |
Biola College | 001122 |
Birkbeck College | 900655 |
Birla Inst of Tech | 900886 |
Birla Institute | 900765 |
Birmingham Sthn College | 001012 |
Birmingham Univ | 900656 |
Bishop College | 003548 |
Bishops Univ | 900057 |
Bismarck Junior College | 002988 |
Black Hawk C All Campuses | 008726 |
Black Hawk C Central Off | 008318 |
Black Hawk C East Campus | 007538 |
Black Hawk C Quad-Cities | 001638 |
Black Hills State College | 003459 |
Blackburn College | 001639 |
Blackfeet Cmty College | 029194 |
Blackhawk Technical Inst | 005390 |
Bladen Technical Inst | 007987 |
Blantons Junior College | 010478 |
Blinn College | 003549 |
Bloomfield College | 002597 |
Bloomsburg State College | 003315 |
Blue Hills Reg Tech Inst | 005523 |
Blue Mountain College | 002398 |
Blue Mtn Cmty College | 003186 |
Blue Ridge Cmty College | 006819 |
Blue Ridge Technical C | 009684 |
Bluefield College | 003703 |
Bluefield State College | 003809 |
Bluffton College | 003016 |
Board State Acad Awards | 029171 |
Bob Jones University | 003421 |
Boca Raton,College of | 001505 |
Bochum Univ of | 900246 |
Bogazigi Univ | 900629 |
Bogor Arg Univ | 901046 |
Boise State University | 001616 |
Bologna Medical Univ | 900403 |
Bologna Univ | 900404 |
Bombay Univ of | 900320 |
Bonn Univ | 900247 |
Booker T Washington Bus C | 004461 |
Bordeaux Med Faculte Univ | 900207 |
Boricua College | 013029 |
Borromeo College of Ohio | 003017 |
Bose Institute | 900321 |
Bosphorous Univ | 900630 |
Bossier Parish CC | 012033 |
Boston College | 002128 |
Boston Consv of Music | 002129 |
Boston State College | 002182 |
Boston University | 002130 |
Bouwcentrum | 901041 |
Bowdoin College | 002038 |
Bowie State College | 002062 |
Bowling Green Bus C | 010625 |
Bowling Grn St U All Cam | 008796 |
Bowling Grn St U Cen Off | 008032 |
Bowling Grn St U Firelds | 007856 |
Bowling Grn St U Main Cam | 003018 |
Bradford College | 002132 |
Bradford Univ of | 900960 |
Bradley University | 001641 |
Brainerd Cmty College | 002339 |
Bramson Ort Tech Inst | 029180 |
Brandeis University | 002133 |
Brandon Univ of | 900058 |
Brandywine C of Widener U | 001427 |
Braunschweig Tech Univ of | 900954 |
Brazosport College | 007857 |
Bremen Univ of | 900812 |
Brenau College | 001556 |
Brescia College | 001958 |
Brevard Cmty College | 001470 |
Brevard College | 002912 |
Brevet Tech Superieur | 900933 |
Brewer State Jr College | 009134 |
Brewton-Parker College | 001557 |
Briar Cliff College | 001846 |
Briarwood College | 009407 |
Bridgeport Engr Institute | 001377 |
Bridgeport,University of | 001416 |
Bridgewater College | 003704 |
Bridgewater State College | 002183 |
Brigham Young U All Cam | 012305 |
Brigham Young U Cen Off | 012306 |
Brigham Young U Main Cam | 003670 |
Brigham Young U-Hawa Cam | 001606 |
Brighton College of Art | 900657 |
Brisk Rabbinical College | 029017 |
Bristol College | 009237 |
Bristol Community College | 002176 |
Bristol Univ | 900658 |
British Broadcasting Trai | 900659 |
British Columbia Univ | 900059 |
Brookdale Cmty College | 008404 |
Brookhaven College | 029150 |
Brooklyn Law School | 002677 |
Brooks College | 011246 |
Brooks Institute | 001123 |
Brookside College | 900979 |
Broome Community College | 002862 |
Broward Cmty College | 001500 |
Brown Institute | 029196 |
Brown University | 003401 |
Brunel University | 900988 |
Brunswick Junior College | 001558 |
Brussels Free Univ | 900038 |
Brussels Univ | 900039 |
Bryan College | 003536 |
Bryant C Business Admin | 003402 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 002678 |
Bryant-Stratton Bus Inst | 012470 |
Bryn Mawr College | 003237 |
Bucharest Poly Tech Inst | 900846 |
Buckingham Univ of | 900956 |
Bucknell University | 003238 |
Bucks County Cmty College | 003239 |
Budapest Univ of | 900299 |
Buena Vista College | 001847 |
Buenos Aires Univ of | 900005 |
Bulgaria St Conversatory | 901049 |
Bunker Hill Cmty College | 011210 |
Burdwan Univ | 900322 |
Burlington College | 012183 |
Burlington County College | 007730 |
Burundi Univ | 900891 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 001906 |
Butler Co Cmty College | 003240 |
Butler University | 001788 |
Butte College | 008073 |
Byelorussia State University | 901738 |
C of William and Mary | 003705 |
CBN | 029353 |
CC Allegheny Co North Cam | 029101 |
CC North Central U Cen | 029240 |
CUNY Bernard Baruch C | 004766 |
CUNY Boro of Manhattan CC | 002691 |
CUNY Bronx Cmty College | 002692 |
CUNY Brooklyn College | 002687 |
CUNY C of Staten Island | 029040 |
CUNY City College | 002688 |
CUNY Grad Sch & U Center | 004063 |
CUNY Hostos Cmty College | 008611 |
CUNY Hunter College | 002689 |
CUNY John Jay C Crim Just | 002693 |
CUNY Kingsborough CC | 002694 |
CUNY La Guardia CC | 010051 |
CUNY Lehman College | 007022 |
CUNY Medgar Evers College | 010097 |
CUNY New York City Tech C | 002696 |
CUNY Queens College | 002690 |
CUNY Queensborough CC | 002697 |
CUNY York College | 004759 |
Cabrillo College | 001124 |
Cabrini College | 003241 |
Caen Univ | 900208 |
Caguas City College | 008902 |
Caguas City College | 900537 |
Cairo Univ | 900192 |
Cal Baptist College | 001125 |
Cal College Arts & Crafts | 001127 |
Cal College Podiatric Med | 001135 |
Cal Hastings C Law,U of | 003947 |
Cal Inst of Asian Studies | 012154 |
Cal Inst of Technology | 001131 |
Cal Lutheran College | 001133 |
Cal Poly St U-Sn Luis Ob | 001143 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc All Cam | 010302 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Cen Off | 010301 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Fresno | 011881 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Los Ang | 010013 |
Cal Sch Prof Psyc Sn Dego | 011117 |
Cal Sch Psyc Berkeley | 009844 |
Cal St College-Bakersfld | 007993 |
Cal St College-Stanislaus | 001157 |
Cal St U & C Sys All Inst | 008705 |
Cal St U & C System Off | 001136 |
Cal State C-Sn Bernardino | 001142 |
Cal State Poly U-Pomona | 001144 |
Cal State U-Chico | 001146 |
Cal State U-Dominguez Hls | 001141 |
Cal State U-Fresno | 001147 |
Cal State U-Fullerton | 001137 |
Cal State U-Hayward | 001138 |
Cal State U-Long Beach | 001139 |
Cal State U-Los Angeles | 001140 |
Cal State U-Northridge | 001153 |
Cal State U-Sacramento | 001150 |
Cal Sysw Admin Cen Off, U | 001311 |
Cal Western School of Law | 013106 |
Cal-Berkeley,U of | 001312 |
Cal-Davis,U of | 001313 |
Cal-Los Angeles,U of | 001315 |
Cal-Riverside,U of | 001316 |
Cal-San Diego,U of | 001317 |
Cal-San Francisco,U of | 001319 |
Cal-Santa Barbara,U of | 001320 |
Cal-Santa Cruz,U of | 001321 |
Calcutta Univ | 900324 |
Calcutta Univ of | 900323 |
Caldas Univ of | 900160 |
Caldwell CC and Tech Inst | 004835 |
Caldwell College | 002598 |
Calgary Univ of | 900060 |
Calicut Medical College I | 901573 |
California Christian C | 029089 |
California Coast Univ | 901177 |
California Inst of Arts | 001132 |
California Maritime Acad | 001134 |
California State College | 003316 |
Calumet College | 001834 |
Calvary Bible College | 002450 |
Calvin College | 002241 |
Calvin College Joint Lib | 008357 |
Calvin Theological Sem | 002242 |
Cambridge Univ | 900660 |
Camden County College | 006865 |
Cameron University | 003150 |
Campbell University | 002913 |
Campbellsville College | 001959 |
Can Tho Univ | 900325 |
Canada College | 006973 |
Canadian Bible School | 900061 |
Canal Zone College | 900523 |
Canisius College | 002681 |
Canterbury Univ | 900501 |
Canyons,College of the | 008903 |
Cape Cod Cmty College | 002168 |
Cape Fear Technical Inst | 005320 |
Capetown Univ of | 900574 |
Capital City Jr College | 029122 |
Capital University | 003023 |
Capitol Inst Technology | 001436 |
Carabobo Univ of | 900945 |
Cardinal Glennon College | 002451 |
Cardinal Newman College | 029130 |
Cardinal Stritch College | 003837 |
Caribbean Ctr Adv Studies | 029063 |
Caribbean U College | 012525 |
Carl Albert Jr College | 003176 |
Carl G Jung Inst | 900611 |
Carl Sandburg College | 007265 |
Carleton College | 002340 |
Carleton Univ | 900062 |
Carlos Albizu University | 901989 |
Carlow College | 003303 |
Carnegie-Mellon U | 003242 |
Carol Davila Univ of Med & Phm | 901876 |
Carroll College | 002526 |
Carroll College | 003838 |
Carson-Newman College | 003481 |
Carteret Technical Inst | 008081 |
Carthage College | 003839 |
Casco Bay College | 008431 |
Case Western Reserve U | 003024 |
Casoscari Inst Architettu | 900405 |
Casper College | 003928 |
Castle Junior College | 009245 |
Castleton State College | 003683 |
Catania Delgi Studi Univ | 900406 |
Catawba College | 002914 |
Catawba Valley Tech C | 005318 |
Catholic Faculties of Lyo | 900209 |
Catholic Theol Union | 009232 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 003936 |
Catholic U Puerto Rico | 900538 |
Catholic U of America | 001437 |
Catholic Univ Guayama UC | 900541 |
Catholic Univ Mayaguez | 900542 |
Catholic Univ at Aquadill | 900539 |
Catholic Univ at Arecibo | 900540 |
Catholic Univ of Nijmegen | 900490 |
Catholic Univ of Paris | 900210 |
Catholics Madre Maestra U | 900790 |
Catholique de Louest Univ | 900211 |
Catolica de Chile Univ of | 900154 |
Catonsville Cmty College | 002063 |
Cayuga Co Cmty College | 002861 |
Cazenovia College | 002685 |
Cecil Community College | 008308 |
Cecils Junior College | 010264 |
Cedar Crest College | 003243 |
Cedar Valley College | 029065 |
Cedarville College | 003025 |
Cen Carolina Tech C | 005449 |
Cen Chrstn C of the Bible | 029144 |
Cen City Business Inst | 009409 |
Cen Nebr Tech CC Cen Off | 029008 |
Cen New Eng College Techn | 010306 |
Cen Pa Business School | 010494 |
Cen Piedmont Cmty College | 002915 |
Cen Tech Cmty C Area | 029007 |
Cen Yesh Tom Tmimim Lubvz | 004776 |
Centenary C of Louisiana | 002003 |
Centenary College | 002599 |
Center for Degree Studies | 004049 |
Center for Early Ed | 001160 |
Centeral TV University | 901011 |
Central Amer Health Sciences | 901972 |
Central Arizona College | 007283 |
Central Arkansas,U of | 001092 |
Central Baptist College | 001093 |
Central Baptist Theol Sem | 001907 |
Central Bible College | 002452 |
Central College | 001908 |
Central Community College | 004720 |
Central Conn St College | 001378 |
Central Fla Cmty College | 001471 |
Central Florida, U of | 003954 |
Central Leather Res Inst | 900326 |
Central Luzon State Univ | 901167 |
Central Me Voc-Tech Inst | 005276 |
Central Methodist College | 002453 |
Central Mich University | 002243 |
Central Mo St University | 002454 |
Central Nebr Tech College | 900502 |
Central Ohio Technical C | 011046 |
Central Oreg Cmty College | 003188 |
Central Sch of Speech & D | 900661 |
Central South Inst Mining | 900984 |
Central South University | 902170 |
Central State University | 003026 |
Central State University | 003152 |
Central Texas College | 004003 |
Central U of Iowa | 001850 |
Central Univ Educator | 900186 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900739 |
Central Univ of Venezula | 900740 |
Central Va Cmty College | 004988 |
Central Wash University | 003771 |
Central Wesleyan College | 003422 |
Central Wyoming College | 007289 |
Central YMCA Cmty College | 001644 |
Centralia College | 003772 |
Centre College of Ky | 001961 |
Centre Detudes Secondaire | 900293 |
Centre Univ Mediterranean | 900212 |
Cerritos College | 001161 |
Cerro Coso Cmty College | 010111 |
Ceu Law Sch Univ of Nan | 900213 |
Ceylon Univ of | 900137 |
Chabot College | 001162 |
Chadron State College | 002539 |
Chaffey College | 001163 |
Chamberlayne Jr College | 002138 |
Chaminade U of Honolulu | 001605 |
Champlain College | 003684 |
Chang Chun Coll Optics & | 900989 |
Chapman College | 001164 |
Charles Co Cmty College | 002064 |
Charles Univ | 900174 |
Charleston, U of | 003818 |
Charleston,College of | 003428 |
Chas S Mott Cmty College | 002261 |
Chatfield College | 010880 |
Chatham College | 003244 |
Chattahoochee Valley CC | 012182 |
Chattanooga St Tech CC | 003998 |
Chekiang University | 900783 |
Chemeketa Cmty College | 003218 |
Chemical Tech College of | 900175 |
Chen-Kung Univ | 900935 |
Chengdu Polytech Inst | 900976 |
Chesapeake College | 004650 |
Chesterfld-Marlboro Tech | 007602 |
Chestnut Hill College | 003245 |
Cheyney State College | 003317 |
Chgo C Osteopathic Med | 001657 |
Chgo Conservatory College | 001658 |
Chicago Sch Prof Psyc | 029230 |
Chicago State University | 001694 |
Chicago Theological Sem | 001661 |
Chicago,University of | 001774 |
Chihuahua Univ of | 900476 |
Chile Univ Inter Amer Stu | 900156 |
Chile Univ of | 900155 |
China Agricultural Univ | 901056 |
China Pharmaceutical Univer | 901497 |
China Textile Univ | 901163 |
Chinese Academy of Medicine | 901201 |
Chinese Culture Coll of | 900771 |
Chinese Univ of Hong Kong | 900972 |
Chipola Junior College | 001472 |
Chon-nam Natl University | 901069 |
Chongquing University | 901852 |
Chowan College | 002916 |
Christ College Irvine | 029059 |
Christ Seminary-Seminex | 012459 |
Christ the King Seminary | 012854 |
Christ's College | 900662 |
Christian Bros College | 003482 |
Christian Heritage C | 012031 |
Christian Medical College | 901574 |
Christian Theological Sem | 001789 |
Christopher Newport C | 003706 |
Chrysler Inst of Engr | 800012 |
Chu Vanan Saigon | 900745 |
Chulachomklao Mil Acad | 900823 |
Chulalongkarn Univ of | 900782 |
Chung Cheng Inst Tech | 901044 |
Chung Chi College | 900295 |
Chung Hsing Natl Univ | 900139 |
Chung Hsing Natl Univ | 900637 |
Chung Yuan Christian Coll | 900140 |
Chung Yuan Christian Coll | 900638 |
Chung-Kung University | 901039 |
Chungbuk National Univer | 900457 |
Church Div Sch of Pacific | 001165 |
Cienes | 900157 |
Cincin Clermnt Gen-Tech,U | 010805 |
Cincin Raymnd Walters C,U | 004868 |
Cincinnati All Cam,U of | 008805 |
Cincinnati Bible Seminary | 003029 |
Cincinnati Central Off,U | 008039 |
Cincinnati Main Cam,U of | 003125 |
Cincinnati Tech College | 010345 |
Circleville Bible College | 003030 |
Cisco Junior College | 003553 |
Citadel Military C of SC | 003423 |
Citrus College | 001166 |
City C Chgo City-Wide C | 029050 |
City C Chgo Kennedy-King | 001654 |
City C Chgo Malcolm X C | 001650 |
City C Chgo Olive-Harvey | 009767 |
City C Chgo Truman C | 001648 |
City C Chicago Daley C | 001649 |
City C Chicago Loop C | 001652 |
City C Chicago Wright C | 001655 |
City Col of London Polyte | 900663 |
City College | 013022 |
City College Sn Francisco | 001167 |
City U of NY Sys All Inst | 008776 |
City U of NY System Off | 002686 |
Clackamas Cmty College | 004878 |
Claflin College | 003424 |
Claremont Graduate School | 001169 |
Claremont Men's College | 001170 |
Claremont U Ctr Sys Off | 001168 |
Claremont U Sys All Inst | 008706 |
Claremore Junior College | 003168 |
Clarendon College | 003554 |
Claretville College | 800006 |
Clarion St C Venango Cam | 003319 |
Clarion State C All Cam | 009234 |
Clarion State C Cen Off | 003318 |
Clarion State C Main Cam | 009235 |
Clark Co Cmty College | 010362 |
Clark College | 001559 |
Clark College | 003773 |
Clark College | 029124 |
Clark Technical College | 004852 |
Clark University | 002139 |
Clarke College | 001852 |
Clarke College | 002400 |
Clarkson College of Techn | 002699 |
Clatsop Community College | 003189 |
Clayton Junior College | 008976 |
Clearwater Christian C | 001473 |
Cleary College | 002246 |
Clemson University | 003425 |
Clermont-Ferrand Univ of | 900214 |
Cleveland C Jewish Stdies | 012838 |
Cleveland Chiropractic C | 029127 |
Cleveland Chiropractic C | 029183 |
Cleveland Inst of Art | 003982 |
Cleveland Inst of Music | 003031 |
Cleveland St Cmty College | 003999 |
Cleveland St University | 003032 |
Cleveland Tech College | 008082 |
Clinton Community College | 001853 |
Clinton Community College | 006787 |
Clinton Junior College | 004923 |
Cloud Co Cmty College | 001909 |
Cmty College Rhode Island | 003408 |
Cntr Csta CC All Inst | 008707 |
Coahoma Junior College | 002401 |
Coast CC Sys All Inst | 008711 |
Coast CC System Office | 008220 |
Coastal Carolina CC | 008084 |
Coastline Cmty College | 029027 |
Cochise College | 001072 |
Coe College | 001854 |
Coffeyvl Cmty College | 001910 |
Cogswell College | 001177 |
Coker College | 003427 |
Col of Lit & Foreign La | 900384 |
Colby College | 002039 |
Colby Community College | 001911 |
Colby-Sawyer College | 002572 |
Colegio Cesar Chavez | 003202 |
Colegio Odonntologico Colombia | 901995 |
Colegio U Del Turabo | 012841 |
Colegio de Mexico | 900477 |
Coleman College | 009273 |
Colg Roch-Bexley-Crozer | 009766 |
Colgate University | 002701 |
Colicut Univ of | 900964 |
Coll of Home Science | 901034 |
College Osteo Med Pacific | 029133 |
College for Human Service | 009769 |
College of Agriculture | 900327 |
College of Engineering | 901001 |
Colo Colo Springs,U of | 004509 |
Colo Hlth Sci Center,U of | 004508 |
Colo Mtn College Cen Off | 006948 |
Colo Mtn College East Cam | 009008 |
Colo Mtn College West Cam | 004506 |
Colo Technical College | 010148 |
Colo at Denver,U of | 006740 |
Cologne Univ of | 900248 |
Colorado College | 001347 |
Colorado Mountain C | 009007 |
Colorado Northwestern CC | 001359 |
Colorado School of Mines | 001348 |
Colorado State University | 001350 |
Colorado Women's College | 001351 |
Colorado at Boulder,U of | 001370 |
Columbia Basin CC | 003774 |
Columbia Bible College | 003429 |
Columbia Christian C | 003190 |
Columbia College | 001665 |
Columbia College | 002456 |
Columbia College | 003430 |
Columbia College | 007707 |
Columbia College | 029221 |
Columbia Junior C | 004922 |
Columbia Natl Univ of | 900161 |
Columbia St Cmty College | 003483 |
Columbia Theological Sem | 001560 |
Columbia U All Campuses | 008778 |
Columbia U Central Off | 007963 |
Columbia U Main Division | 002707 |
Columbia U Tchrs College | 003979 |
Columbia Union College | 002067 |
Columbia-Greene CC | 006789 |
Columbian Sch of Engr | 900763 |
Columbus C Art and Design | 003039 |
Columbus College | 001561 |
Columbus Technical Inst | 006867 |
Combs College of Music | 003248 |
Comenius Univ Bratislava | 901947 |
Comite Patronage Etud Etr | 900215 |
Commenius University | 902135 |
Commerce College | 900385 |
Complutense de Madrid Uni | 901092 |
Compton Cmty College | 001188 |
Concepcion Univ of | 900791 |
Conception Sem College | 002467 |
Concord College | 003810 |
Concordia C at Moorhead | 002346 |
Concordia C-Saint Paul | 002347 |
Concordia College | 001666 |
Concordia College | 002247 |
Concordia College | 002709 |
Concordia College | 003191 |
Concordia College | 003842 |
Concordia Luth College | 003557 |
Concordia Seminary | 002457 |
Concordia Tchrs College | 002541 |
Concordia Theological Sem | 001667 |
Conn All Campuses,U of | 008718 |
Conn Central Office,U of | 007997 |
Conn Health Center,U of | 009030 |
Connecticut College | 001379 |
Connors State College | 003153 |
Cons Baptist Theol Sem | 001352 |
Conservatory of Music PR | 010819 |
Contra Costa CC Sys Off | 001189 |
Contra Costa College | 001190 |
Converse College | 003431 |
Cooke County College | 003558 |
Cooper Union | 002710 |
Copenhagen Univ | 900178 |
Copiah-Lincoln Jr College | 002402 |
Coppin State College | 002068 |
Corcoran School of Art | 011950 |
Cordoba Med Sch Natl Univ | 900007 |
Cordoba Natl Univ of | 900006 |
Cornel U Endowed Colleges | 002711 |
Cornell College | 001856 |
Cornell U All Campuses | 008779 |
Cornell U Central Office | 007964 |
Cornell U Medical Center | 004762 |
Cornell U Statutory C | 011693 |
Corning Community College | 002863 |
Cornish Institute | 012315 |
Corpus Christi Oxford Uni | 900664 |
Corpus Christi State U | 011161 |
Costa Rica Univ | 900167 |
Cosumnes River College | 007536 |
Cottey College | 002458 |
Cottolica Del Searo Cuor | 900407 |
County College of Morris | 007729 |
Covenant College | 003484 |
Covenant Theological Sem | 004707 |
Cowley Co Cmty College | 001902 |
Crafton Hills College | 009272 |
Craiova University | 901739 |
Cranbrook Academy of Art | 002248 |
Crandall College | 010196 |
Cranfield Inst of Tech | 900665 |
Craven Community College | 008086 |
Creighton University | 002542 |
Crosier Seminary | 002349 |
Crowder College | 002459 |
Crowley's Ridge College | 001095 |
Cthdl C Immac Conception | 002682 |
Ctr for Creative Studies | 006771 |
Cty Colleges Chgo All Cam | 008727 |
Cty Colleges Chgo Cen Off | 001647 |
Cucenca Universidad de | 901040 |
Cuesta College | 001192 |
Culinary Inst of America | 007304 |
Culver-Stockton College | 002460 |
Cumberland College | 001962 |
Cumberland College Tenn | 003485 |
Cumberland County College | 002601 |
Curry College | 002143 |
Curtis Institute of Music | 003251 |
Cuyahoga CC Dist Cen Off | 003040 |
Cuyahoga CC District | 008797 |
Cuyahoga CC Eastern Cam | 010288 |
Cuyahoga CC Metro Cam | 007103 |
Cuyahoga CC Western Cam | 004053 |
Cuyamaca College | 029246 |
Cypress College | 001193 |
Czechoslovak Acad of Sci | 900852 |
D A U College | 900328 |
D Ingeieur Laboratoire | 900216 |
D'Youville College | 002712 |
D-Q University | 010229 |
D.Y. Patil Medical College | 902141 |
Dabney S Lancaster CC | 004996 |
Dacca Univ | 900047 |
Daemen College | 002808 |
Dailian Inst Chem & Physi | 901008 |
Dakota State College | 003463 |
Dakota Wesleyan U | 003461 |
Dalhousie Univ of | 900063 |
Dallas Baptist College | 003560 |
Dallas Bible College | 010668 |
Dallas Christian College | 006941 |
Dallas Co CC Dist Allinst | 009331 |
Dallas Co CC Dist Sys Off | 003561 |
Dallas Theol Seminary | 003562 |
Dallas,University of | 003651 |
Dalton Junior College | 003956 |
Damascus Med Sch | 900607 |
Dana College | 002543 |
Daniel Hale Williams U | 029037 |
Daniel Webster College | 004731 |
Danville Area Cmty C | 001669 |
Danville Cmty College | 003758 |
Dar Es Salaam University | 901047 |
Darkei No'am Rabbinical C | 029247 |
Darmstadt T H | 900249 |
Dartmouth College | 002573 |
Davenport College of Bus | 002249 |
David Lipscomb College | 003486 |
Davidson Co Cmty College | 002919 |
Davidson College | 002918 |
Davis Junior College | 004855 |
Davis and Elkins College | 003811 |
Dawson Community College | 002529 |
Dayanand Medical Coll | 900329 |
Dayton,University of | 003127 |
Daytona Bch Cmty College | 001475 |
De Anza College | 004480 |
De Bordeaur | 900986 |
De Manila University | 900525 |
De Sales Hall Sch Theo | 012029 |
De Sao Paulo Univ | 901006 |
Dean Inst Technology | 009186 |
Dean Junior College | 002144 |
Debrecen Medical University | 901948 |
Deccan College of Med Science | 902002 |
Deep Springs College | 001194 |
Defiance College | 003041 |
Degli Studi University | 901060 |
Dekalb Community College | 001562 |
Del Mar College | 003563 |
Del Tech & CC All Cam | 009050 |
Del Tech & CC Cen Office | 008074 |
Del Tech & CC Stanton Cam | 011387 |
Del Tech & CC Sthn Cam | 007053 |
Del Tech & CC Terry Cam | 011727 |
Del Tech & CC Wilmington | 012179 |
Del Valle Univ | 900162 |
Delaware Co,Cmty College | 007110 |
Delaware State College | 001428 |
Delaware Vly C Sci & Agr | 003252 |
Delaware,University of | 001431 |
Delft Univ of Tech | 900491 |
Delgado Cmty College | 004626 |
Delhi Univ | 900330 |
Delourdes College | 001670 |
Delta College | 002251 |
Delta State University | 002403 |
Democrition Univ of | 900760 |
Denison University | 003042 |
Denmark Tech Univ | 900179 |
Denmark Technical College | 005363 |
Denseignement Gen et Prof | 900064 |
Denver All Cam,CC of | 009758 |
Denver Auraria Cam,CC of | 009542 |
Denver Central Off,CC of | 009757 |
Denver North Campus,CC of | 007933 |
Denver Red Rocks Cam,CC | 009543 |
Denver,University of | 001371 |
Depaul University | 001671 |
Depauw University | 001792 |
Derech Ayson Rab Seminary | 012010 |
Des Moines Area CC | 008735 |
Desales College | 800016 |
Desert,College of the | 001182 |
Detroit Bible College | 002252 |
Detroit C of Bus Admin | 002253 |
Detroit College of Law | 002254 |
Detroit Inst Technology | 002257 |
Detroit,University of | 002323 |
Devi Ahilya University | 902092 |
Devry Inst Technology | 009224 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 001672 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 008322 |
Devry Inst of Technology | 010139 |
Dhaka Univ of | 900832 |
Di Bella Arts Academy | 900408 |
Diablo Valley College | 001191 |
Dickinson College | 003253 |
Dickinson School of Law | 003254 |
Dickinson State College | 002989 |
Dijon Univ | 900217 |
Dillard University | 002004 |
Diplom Ubersetzer | 901038 |
District One Tech Inst | 005304 |
Divine Word College | 001858 |
Dixie College | 003671 |
Do Rio G Univ | 901005 |
Doane College | 002544 |
Dodge Cty Cmty College | 001913 |
Dohuk University | 902148 |
Dolores Coll of | 900169 |
Dominica Univ of | 900181 |
Dominican C of Blauvelt | 002713 |
Dominican C of San Rafael | 001196 |
Dominican House Studies | 012803 |
Dominican Sch Phil & Theo | 001296 |
Don Bosco College | 002602 |
Don Bosco Technical Inst | 009158 |
Donnelly College | 001914 |
Dordt College | 001859 |
Doshisha Univ | 900438 |
Douglass College | 800008 |
Dow Medical Coll | 900507 |
Dowling College | 002667 |
Dr Martin Luther College | 002361 |
Drake University | 001860 |
Draughon's College | 005202 |
Draughon's JC Business | 004933 |
Draughon's JC Business | 013039 |
Draughon's Jr College | 004932 |
Draughons JC Business | 004934 |
Drew University | 002603 |
Drexel University | 003256 |
Droit Faculte de | 900860 |
Dropsie University,The | 003257 |
Drury College | 002461 |
Dublin Univ College | 900194 |
Dubuque,University of | 001891 |
Duke University | 002920 |
Dull Knife Memorial C | 029193 |
Dumaine Univ | 900218 |
Dundalk Cmty College | 009935 |
Duns Scotus College | 002258 |
Dupage,College of | 006656 |
Duquesne University | 003258 |
Durham College | 004836 |
Durham Technical Inst | 005448 |
Durham Univ | 900666 |
Dutchess Cmty College | 002864 |
Dyersburg St Cmty College | 006835 |
Dyke College | 003043 |
E Africa Univ | 900648 |
E M Arudt-Gym | 900250 |
E-Sermi College of | 900966 |
E. N. Charles Buls | 901121 |
EDP C of Puerto Rico | 029044 |
Earlham College | 001793 |
East Anglia Univ of | 900667 |
East Ark Cmty College | 012260 |
East Carolina University | 002923 |
East Central Jr College | 002404 |
East Central Mo Dist JC | 008862 |
East Central Okla State U | 003154 |
East China Inst of Chem E | 900141 |
East China Normal Univ | 900142 |
East Los Angeles College | 001222 |
East Miss Junior College | 002405 |
East Stroudsbg St College | 003320 |
East Tenn St University | 003487 |
East Texas Bapt College | 003564 |
East Texas St University | 003565 |
East Univ of the | 900526 |
Eastern Arizona College | 001073 |
Eastern Baptist Theol Sem | 003260 |
Eastern Christian College | 029192 |
Eastern College | 003259 |
Eastern Conn St College | 001425 |
Eastern Ill University | 001674 |
Eastern Ky University | 001963 |
Eastern Me Voc-Tech Inst | 005277 |
Eastern Mich University | 002259 |
Eastern Montana College | 002530 |
Eastern NM U All Campuses | 008772 |
Eastern NM U Main Campus | 002651 |
Eastern NM U Roswell | 002661 |
Eastern Nazarene College | 002145 |
Eastern Nm U Central Off | 008239 |
Eastern Okla St College | 003155 |
Eastern Oregon St College | 003193 |
Eastern Utah,College of | 003676 |
Eastern Va Medl School | 010338 |
Eastern Wash University | 003775 |
Eastern Wyoming College | 003929 |
Eastfield College | 008510 |
Eastman Sch of Music | 800015 |
Eberhard-Karls Univ | 900251 |
Eckerd College | 001487 |
Ecole Jacques Legoq | 900219 |
Ecole Nat Sup Telecomm | 900859 |
Ecole Normale Jacques-Car | 900065 |
Ecole Normale Supericure | 900220 |
Ecole de Gymnastique at Reedu | 902008 |
Ecuador Central Univ | 900187 |
Eden Theological Seminary | 002462 |
Eden-Webster Jt Libraries | 010670 |
Edgecliff College | 003111 |
Edgecombe Tech College | 008855 |
Edgewood College | 003848 |
Edinboro State College | 003321 |
Edinburgh Univ | 900668 |
Edison Community College | 001477 |
Edison State Cmty College | 012270 |
Edmonds Community College | 005001 |
Edmondson Jr College | 004935 |
Edward Waters College | 001478 |
Ehime University | 902022 |
Eindhoven Tech Univ | 900492 |
Einshams Univ | 900193 |
Eisenhower College | 002716 |
El Camino College | 001197 |
El Centro College | 004453 |
El Paso Co Cmty College | 010387 |
El Reno Junior College | 003156 |
Elec Techn Institute | 009343 |
Electronic Institute | 004886 |
Electronic Institutes | 029197 |
Elgin Community College | 001675 |
Elizabeth City State U | 002926 |
Elizabeth Seton College | 002717 |
Elizabethtown Cmty C | 029207 |
Elizabethtown College | 003262 |
Ellsworth Cmty College | 001862 |
Elmhurst College | 001676 |
Elmira College | 002718 |
Elon College | 002927 |
Elphinstone College | 900331 |
Emanuel Co Junior College | 010997 |
Embry-Riddle Aeron U | 001479 |
Emerson College | 002146 |
Emmanuel College | 001563 |
Emmanuel College | 002147 |
Emmanuel Sch Ministries | 029132 |
Emmanuel Sch of Religion | 012547 |
Emory University | 001564 |
Emory and Henry College | 003709 |
Empire St Univ | 800001 |
Emporia State University | 001927 |
Endicott College | 002148 |
Engineering School | 901100 |
Engr Univ of Lahore | 900877 |
Engr University Sgo | 900990 |
Ensenanza Inst 2 | 900170 |
Enset of Tunis | 901022 |
Enterprise St Jr College | 001015 |
Enva Alfort Natl Ver Sch | 901099 |
Eotuos University | 901118 |
Epis Theol Sem Southwest | 003566 |
Episcopal Divinity School | 002149 |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | 901898 |
Erevan State Univ | 900920 |
Erie CC All Campus | 029248 |
Erie CC City Campus | 010684 |
Erie CC North Campus | 002865 |
Erie CC South Campus | 012427 |
Erlangent-Nuremberg Univ | 900252 |
Erskine C and Seminary | 003432 |
Escola de Engenhaia Maua | 900831 |
Escuela Co de Ingonieria | 900784 |
Escuela Columbiana De Medicina | 902120 |
Escuela de Comercio | 900168 |
Essex Agrl-Tech Inst | 011157 |
Essex Community College | 002070 |
Essex County College | 007107 |
Essex Univ of | 900669 |
Estn Iowa CC Dist All Cam | 008737 |
Estn Iowa CC Dist Cen Off | 004075 |
Estn Mennonite C and Sem | 003708 |
Estn Shore Cmty College | 003748 |
Estudios Superiores de Mo | 900478 |
Etudes Francaises Inst | 900221 |
Eureka College | 001678 |
Europe College | 900040 |
European Inst Business Ad | 900222 |
European Studies Inst of | 900223 |
Evangel College | 002463 |
Evangelical Sch Theo | 029237 |
Evangelical Seminary of P | 900543 |
Evansville,University of | 001795 |
Everett Cmty College | 003776 |
Evergreen State College | 008155 |
Evergreen Valley College | 012452 |
Ewha Womens Univ | 900458 |
Exeter Univ Univ | 900670 |
Fac Mixte de Med et de Ph | 900224 |
Fac de Veterinaria | 901004 |
Fachhochschule,Univ of | 900917 |
Faculdade Notre Dame | 901168 |
Facultad de Medicina De-M | 900580 |
Faculte de Medicine de Pa | 900225 |
Faculty of Medicine | 900746 |
Fairfield University | 001385 |
Fairleigh Dcksn U All Cam | 008770 |
Fairleigh Dcksn U Cen Off | 008222 |
Fairmont State College | 003812 |
Faith Bapt Bible College | 007121 |
Faith Theological Sem | 003264 |
Far Eastern Univ | 900527 |
Farlgh Dcksn Madison Cam | 004738 |
Farlgh Dcksn Teaneck Cam | 002607 |
Farlgh Dcksn U Edw Wms C | 002605 |
Farlgh Dcksn U Rutherfd | 002604 |
Fash Inst Design & Merch | 011112 |
Fashion & Clothing Tech C | 900671 |
Fashion Inst Technology | 002866 |
Faulkner State Jr College | 001060 |
Fayetteville Tech Inst | 007640 |
Fayettevl St University | 002928 |
Feather River College | 008597 |
Feather River College | 900066 |
Fed Da Bahia | 900052 |
Fed Santa-Martech Inst | 900889 |
Federal University-Rio De J | 901269 |
Fejian Agri College | 900826 |
Felician College | 001680 |
Felician College | 002610 |
Fergus Falls Cmty College | 002352 |
Ferguson College | 900948 |
Ferrara Univ | 900391 |
Ferris State College | 002260 |
Ferrum College | 003711 |
Fielding Institute | 029092 |
Findlay College | 003045 |
Finger Lakes,Cmty College | 007532 |
Firat University | 902005 |
Fisher Junior College | 002150 |
Fisk University | 003490 |
Fitchburg State College | 002184 |
Five Towns College | 012633 |
Fla Agricultural & Mech U | 001480 |
Fla Atlantic University | 001481 |
Fla Jr College Jacksonvl | 001484 |
Flagler College | 007893 |
Flaming Rainbow U | 029155 |
Flathead Vly Cmty College | 006777 |
Flinders University | 901909 |
Florence Darlington Tech | 003990 |
Florence Univ Cent Cult S | 900409 |
Florida Beacon College | 012632 |
Florida College | 001482 |
Florida Inst Technology | 001469 |
Florida International U | 009635 |
Florida Keys Cmty College | 001485 |
Florida Memorial College | 001486 |
Florida Southern College | 001488 |
Florida State University | 001489 |
Florida,University of | 001535 |
Floyd Junior College | 009507 |
Fontbonne College | 002464 |
Foothill College | 001199 |
Foothl-Deanza CC All Inst | 009049 |
Foothl-Deanza CC Sys Off | 009020 |
Fordham University | 002722 |
Foreigners Univ for | 900410 |
Forest Inst Prof Psych | 029239 |
Forsyth Sch Dentl Hygnsts | 003967 |
Forsyth Technical Inst | 005317 |
Fort Hays St University | 001915 |
Fort Lauderdale College | 008146 |
Fort Lewis College | 001353 |
Fort Steilacoom CC | 005000 |
Fort Valley State College | 001566 |
Fort Wayne Bible College | 001797 |
Fort Wright C Holy Names | 003777 |
Fourth Military Medical Univ | 902108 |
Fox Valley Tech Inst | 009744 |
Framingham State College | 002185 |
Francais Letranger Inst D | 900226 |
Francis Marion College | 009226 |
Franciscan Sch Theology | 011792 |
Frank Phillips College | 003568 |
Frankfort Univ | 900253 |
Franklin College Indiana | 001798 |
Franklin Inst of Boston | 002151 |
Franklin Pierce College | 002575 |
Franklin Pierce Law Ctr | 029109 |
Franklin University | 003046 |
Franklin and Marshall C | 003265 |
Frederick Cmty College | 002071 |
Free Reformed Univ | 900493 |
Free Univ of Berlin | 900254 |
Free Will Baptist Bible C | 003491 |
Freed-Hardeman College | 003492 |
Freeman Junior College | 003462 |
Freiburg Univ | 900255 |
Freie Universitat | 901085 |
Fremdsprachenschule | 901086 |
French Fac Med St Joseph | 900468 |
Fresno City College | 001307 |
Fresno Pacific College | 001253 |
Fribourg Univ | 900612 |
Friends Bible College | 001917 |
Friends University | 001918 |
Friends World College | 008125 |
Friendship College | 003433 |
Frostburg State College | 002072 |
Ft Scott Cmty College | 001916 |
Fu Berlin Klinikum Steg | 900256 |
Fu-Jen Catholic Univ | 900753 |
Fudan University | 900991 |
Fujian Agr College | 901062 |
Fujian Agricultural Col | 901176 |
Fujian Normal Univ | 900950 |
Fuller Theological Sem | 001200 |
Fullerton College | 001201 |
Fulton-Montgomery CC | 002867 |
Fundacion Ed Sys Office | 029078 |
Fundacion Educativa All | 029077 |
Furman University | 003434 |
Furo-Cho,Chikusa | 900924 |
G S Medical College | 900332 |
Ga Inst Techn All Cam | 008723 |
Ga Inst Techn Central Off | 007999 |
Ga Inst Techn-Sthn Tech | 001570 |
Ga Inst of Techn Main Cam | 001569 |
Ga Southwestern College | 001573 |
Gadsden State Jr College | 001017 |
Gainesville Jr College | 001567 |
Gakushuin University | 901133 |
Gallaudet College | 001443 |
Galveston College | 006662 |
Ganado,College of | 010878 |
Gandha Medical College | 900333 |
Gannon University | 003266 |
Garden City Community C | 001919 |
Gardner-Webb College | 002929 |
Garland Co Cmty College | 012105 |
Garrett Community College | 010014 |
Garrett-Evangelcl Theol | 012303 |
Gaston College | 002973 |
Gateway Tech Inst All Cam | 010883 |
Gateway Tech Inst Cen Off | 010882 |
Gateway Tech Inst-Kenosha | 007288 |
Gateway Tech Inst-Racine | 005299 |
Gavilan College | 001202 |
Gem City College | 012056 |
General Motors Institute | 002262 |
General Theological Sem | 002726 |
Genesee Community College | 006782 |
Geneva College | 003267 |
Geneva Univ | 900613 |
Gent Medical Univ | 900041 |
Gent Univ of | 900968 |
Geo C Wallace St CC-Dothn | 001018 |
Geo C Wallace St CC-Selma | 009980 |
Geological Sci Coll of | 900900 |
George Fox College | 003194 |
George Mason University | 003749 |
George Peabody C Teachers | 003493 |
George Wash University | 001444 |
George Williams College | 001683 |
Georgetown College | 001964 |
Georgetown University | 001445 |
Georgia College | 001602 |
Georgia Military College | 001571 |
Georgia Southern College | 001572 |
Georgia State University | 001574 |
Georgia,University of | 001598 |
Georgian Court College | 002608 |
Germanna Cmty College | 008660 |
Gettysburg College | 003268 |
Ghana Unin of | 900281 |
Giessen Univ | 900257 |
Glasgow Univ | 900672 |
Glassboro State College | 002609 |
Glen Cove Bible College | 029131 |
Glen Oaks Cmty College | 002263 |
Glendale Cmty College | 001076 |
Glendale Cmty College | 001203 |
Glenville State College | 003813 |
Gloucester County College | 006901 |
Goa Medical College | 900334 |
Goddard College | 003686 |
Godfrey Huggins Univ, Zimbabwe | 901740 |
Gogebic Community College | 002264 |
Golden Gate Bapt Seminary | 001204 |
Golden Gate University | 001205 |
Golden Vly Luth College | 007123 |
Golden West College | 001206 |
Goldey Beacom College | 001429 |
Gonzaga University | 003778 |
Gordon College | 002153 |
Gordon Junior College | 001575 |
Gordon-Conwell Theol Sem | 009747 |
Goshen Biblical Seminary | 009749 |
Goshen College | 001799 |
Goteborg Univ | 900599 |
Goteburg Eco and Bus Adm | 900598 |
Gottingen Univ | 900258 |
Goucher College | 002073 |
Gouind Dallabh Pant Univ | 901037 |
Govern Col for Women | 900336 |
Govern Col of Medicine | 900335 |
Government Engr College | 900815 |
Government Medical Coll | 900337 |
Governors St University | 009145 |
Govt Isamina Science Colleg | 901250 |
Grace Bible College | 002265 |
Grace C of the Bible | 002547 |
Grace College | 001800 |
Grace Theol Seminary | 029227 |
Graceland College | 001866 |
Grad Inst of Inter Studie | 900614 |
Grad Theol Un Jt Library | 010672 |
Graduate Theol Union | 001207 |
Grahm Junior College | 002136 |
Grambling State U | 002006 |
Granada Univ | 900581 |
Grand Canyon College | 001074 |
Grand Rapids Bapt C & Sem | 002266 |
Grand Rapids Jr College | 002267 |
Grand Rapids Sch Bible | 012312 |
Grand Valley St Colleges | 002268 |
Grand View College | 001867 |
Grant Medical Sch | 900338 |
Gratz College | 004058 |
Grays Harbor College | 003779 |
Grayson Co Junior College | 003570 |
Graz Univ | 900030 |
Great China University | 900858 |
Great Falls,College of | 002527 |
Great Lakes Bible College | 002269 |
Greater Hartford CC | 007635 |
Greater New Haven Tech C | 029170 |
Green Mountain College | 003687 |
Green River Cmty College | 003780 |
Greenfield Cmty College | 002169 |
Greensboro College | 002930 |
Greenville College | 001684 |
Greenville Tech College | 003991 |
Grenoble Univ of | 900227 |
Greorian Univ | 901129 |
Griffin College | 010934 |
Grinnell College | 001868 |
Groningen Univ of | 900944 |
Grossmont College | 001208 |
Grove City College | 003269 |
Gruss Girls Seminary | 029145 |
Guadalajara Univ | 900479 |
Guam Univ of | 900292 |
Guam,University of | 003935 |
Guanajuato Univ of | 900480 |
Guangdong Medical College | 902093 |
Guangxi Agricultural Coll | 901016 |
Guangzhou Medical College | 901575 |
Guelph Univ of | 900067 |
Guilford College | 002931 |
Guilford Technical Inst | 004838 |
Gujarat Univ of | 901048 |
Gulbarga University | 901741 |
Gulf Coast Bible College | 006942 |
Gulf Coast Cmty College | 001490 |
Gunma Unv Sch of Med | 901175 |
Guntur Medical College | 901664 |
Gustavus Adolphus College | 002353 |
Gwynedd-Mercy College | 003270 |
Hace Hepe Univ Fac Dent | 900631 |
Hacettepe Univ School of Medic | 901912 |
Hadar Hatorah Rab Sem | 004791 |
Hagerstown Junior College | 002074 |
Hahnemann Medl C and Hosp | 003271 |
Haifa Univ | 900395 |
Haigazian College | 900469 |
Haile Selassie Univ | 900199 |
Haiti State Univ | 900294 |
Halifax Cmty College | 007986 |
Hamburg Univ of | 900259 |
Hamilton C Joint Lib | 009254 |
Hamilton College | 002728 |
Hamilton College | 012294 |
Hamline University | 002354 |
Hampden-Sydney College | 003713 |
Hampshire College | 004661 |
Hampton Institute | 003714 |
Han Yang Univ of | 900744 |
Hangzhou Univ of | 900931 |
Hankuk Univ of Foreign St | 900459 |
Hannibal-Lagrange College | 009089 |
Hanover College | 001801 |
Harbin University | 901173 |
Harbing | 900992 |
Harcum Junior College | 003272 |
Hardbarger JC Business | 004839 |
Hardin-Simmons University | 003571 |
Harding Grad Sch Religion | 004081 |
Harding U All Cam | 001097 |
Harding U Cen Off | 008007 |
Harding U Main Cam | 010311 |
Harford Community College | 002075 |
Harold R. Yeary Jt Lib | 029061 |
Harriman College | 002800 |
Harrington Institute | 029153 |
Harris-Stowe State C | 002466 |
Harrisburg Area CC | 003273 |
Hartford College Women | 001386 |
Hartford Graduate Center | 002804 |
Hartford Sem Foundation | 001387 |
Hartford St Tech College | 001388 |
Hartford,University of | 001422 |
Hartnell College | 001209 |
Hartwick College | 002729 |
Harvard University | 002155 |
Harvey Mudd College | 001171 |
Haskell Indian Jr College | 010438 |
Hastings College | 002548 |
Hatfield Polytechnic | 900673 |
Havana Univ of | 900171 |
Haverford College | 003274 |
Hawaii Honolulu CC,U of | 001612 |
Hawaii Kapiolani CC,U of | 001613 |
Hawaii Kauai CC,U of | 001614 |
Hawaii Leeward CC,U of | 004549 |
Hawaii Loa College | 004548 |
Hawaii Maui CC,U of | 001615 |
Hawaii Pacific College | 007279 |
Hawaii Sys Off U of | 007885 |
Hawaii Windward CC,U of | 010390 |
Hawaii at Hilo,U of | 029020 |
Hawaii at Manoa,U of | 001610 |
Hawkeye Inst Technology | 004595 |
Haywood Technical Inst | 008083 |
Hazard Community College | 029219 |
Heald Engr College | 001210 |
Heat and Mass Transfer Inst | 901987 |
Hebei Ag. Univ. | 901151 |
Hebei Medical University | 901576 |
Hebrew College | 002157 |
Hebrew Theol College | 001685 |
Hebrew Union C All Cam | 008798 |
Hebrew Union C Cal Branch | 004055 |
Hebrew Union C Cen Office | 008033 |
Hebrew Union C Main Cam | 003047 |
Hebrew Union C NY Branch | 004054 |
Hebrew Univ | 900396 |
Hebrew Univ at Hadassahm | 900397 |
Heed University | 012257 |
Hefei Polytech Univ | 901082 |
Heidelberg College | 003048 |
Heidelberg Univ | 900260 |
Heilangjiang Reclamation | 900981 |
Helen Lauge Gymnasium | 900261 |
Hellenic C-Holy Cross Sch | 002154 |
Helsinki Univ of | 900200 |
Helwan Univ | 900871 |
Henan University | 901076 |
Henderson Cmty College | 029208 |
Henderson Co Jr College | 003572 |
Henderson St University | 001098 |
Hendrix College | 001099 |
Henerietta Szold Inst | 900398 |
Henry Ford Cmty College | 002270 |
Hepei Banking School | 901007 |
Herbert H Lehman College | 800003 |
Heriot-Watt Univ | 901070 |
Herkimer Co Cmty College | 004788 |
Hesser College | 004729 |
Hesston College | 001920 |
Hibbing Community College | 002355 |
High Point College | 002933 |
Highland Cmty College | 001681 |
Highland Cmty College | 001921 |
Highland Pk Cmty College | 002271 |
Highline Cmty College | 003781 |
Hilbert College | 002735 |
Hill Junior College | 003573 |
Hillsborough Cmty College | 007870 |
Hillsdale College | 002272 |
Hillsdl Free Will Bapt C | 010266 |
Hinds Junior College | 002407 |
Hiram College | 003049 |
Hiroshima University | 900865 |
Hiwassee College | 003494 |
Hlth Sci-Chgo Medl Sch,U | 001659 |
Hobart-Wm Smith Colleges | 002731 |
Hocking Technical College | 007598 |
Hofstra University | 002732 |
Hokkaido University | 900439 |
Hollins College | 003715 |
Holliston Junior College | 029073 |
Holmes Junior College | 002408 |
Holy Apostles College | 001389 |
Holy Cross Junior College | 007263 |
Holy Cross,College of the | 002141 |
Holy Family College | 003275 |
Holy Family College | 012313 |
Holy Names College | 001183 |
Holy Redeemer College | 007732 |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Sem | 002733 |
Holyoke Community College | 002170 |
Hong Kong Univ of | 900296 |
Hongkong Baptist Coll | 900938 |
Honnold Joint Library | 006729 |
Hood College | 002076 |
Hope College | 002273 |
Hopei Teachers College | 901113 |
Hopkinsville Cmty College | 029209 |
Horeb Seminary | 029179 |
Horry-Georgetown Tech C | 004925 |
Hospital Clinico Barcelon | 900582 |
Houghton College | 002734 |
Housatonic Regional CC | 004513 |
Houston All Campuses,U of | 011720 |
Houston Bapt University | 003576 |
Houston Cen Office,U of | 011721 |
Houston Clear Lake City,U | 011711 |
Houston Community College | 010633 |
Houston Victoria Campus,U | 013231 |
Howard C at Big Spring | 003574 |
Howard Community College | 008175 |
Howard Payne University | 003575 |
Howard University | 001448 |
Huazhong Agr Univ | 901098 |
Huazhung Agr College | 901093 |
Hubei Medical University | 901577 |
Hudson Co CC Commission | 012954 |
Hudson Vly Cmty College | 002868 |
Hull Univ of | 900674 |
Humanistic Psyc Inst | 029178 |
Humboldt State U | 001149 |
Humphreys College | 001212 |
Hunan Medical University | 901742 |
Huntingdon College | 001019 |
Huntington College | 001803 |
Huron College | 003464 |
Husson College | 002043 |
Huston-Tillotson College | 003577 |
Hutchinsn Cmty College | 001923 |
Hyderabad Univ of | 900861 |
Ibero Americana Univ | 900481 |
Idaho State University | 001620 |
Idaho,College of | 001617 |
Idaho,University of | 001626 |
Ife Univ of | 900809 |
Iliff School of Theology | 001354 |
Ill Benedictine College | 001767 |
Ill Chicago Circle,U of | 001776 |
Ill College Podiatric Med | 001690 |
Ill College of Optometry | 001689 |
Ill Eastern CC System Off | 009135 |
Ill Estn CC Frontier CC | 029085 |
Ill Estn CC Olney Cen C | 001742 |
Ill Estn CC Sys All Inst | 009136 |
Ill Estn CC Wabash Vly C | 001779 |
Ill Estn Lincoln Trail C | 009786 |
Ill Medl Ctr Chgo,U of | 003960 |
Ill Urbana Campus,U of | 001775 |
Ill Wesleyan University | 001696 |
Illinois All Cam,U of | 008729 |
Illinois Central College | 006753 |
Illinois Central Off,U of | 008001 |
Illinois College | 001688 |
Illinois Inst Technology | 001691 |
Illinois State University | 001692 |
Illinois Technical C | 029190 |
Illinois University of | 800004 |
Illinois Vly Cmty College | 001705 |
Immaculata College | 003276 |
Immaculate Conception Sem | 002611 |
Immaculate Heart College | 001213 |
Imperial College of Sci & | 900675 |
Imperial Valley College | 001214 |
Incarnate Word College | 003578 |
Ind Nthn Grad Sch Mgmt | 001806 |
Ind Voc Tech C All Cam | 008546 |
Ind Voc Tech C Cen Off | 009916 |
Ind Voc Tech C Northeast | 009926 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Cen Ind | 009917 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Columbus | 010038 |
Ind Voc Tech C-East Cen | 013146 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Kokomo | 010041 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Lafayette | 010039 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Nth Cen | 008423 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Nthwst | 013145 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Southeast | 013144 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Southwest | 009925 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Sthcen | 010109 |
Ind Voc Tech C-Whitewater | 013140 |
Ind Voc Tech-Wabash Vly | 008547 |
Ind-Purdue U Fort Wayne | 001812 |
Ind-Purdue U Indianapolis | 001813 |
Independence Community C | 001924 |
India Institute of Chem Tech | 901980 |
Indian Agri Res Inst | 900339 |
Indian Hills CC | 008736 |
Indian Hls CC Cen Off | 008298 |
Indian Hls CC-Centerville | 001849 |
Indian Hls CC-Ottumwa | 008403 |
Indian Inst Ag | 900340 |
Indian Inst of Science | 900341 |
Indian Inst of Tech | 900342 |
Indian Inst of Tech | 901032 |
Indian Inst of Tech Bomba | 900343 |
Indian Inst of Tech Kanpu | 900344 |
Indian River Cmty College | 001493 |
Indian School of Mines | 900345 |
Indian Statistical Inst | 900905 |
Indian Valley Colleges | 011730 |
Indiana Cen University | 001804 |
Indiana Inst Technology | 001805 |
Indiana St U Evansvl Cam | 001808 |
Indiana State U All Cam | 001807 |
Indiana State U Cen Off | 009562 |
Indiana State U Main Cam | 009563 |
Indiana U All Campuses | 008731 |
Indiana U Bloomington | 001809 |
Indiana U Central Office | 008002 |
Indiana U Northwest | 001815 |
Indiana U Southeast | 001817 |
Indiana U at Kokomo | 001814 |
Indiana U at South Bend | 001816 |
Indiana U of Pennsylvania | 008810 |
Indiana University East | 001811 |
Indo China Univ | 900747 |
Ingenius Univ Los Andes | 900786 |
Inha University | 901031 |
Innsbruck Univ of | 900031 |
Inst Agronimique & Vet Md | 901128 |
Inst American Indian Arts | 011011 |
Inst Comercial de PR JC | 011940 |
Inst D'etudes Comm | 900937 |
Inst Del Vedado | 900172 |
Inst Elec Technology | 008425 |
Inst St Marie-Arlon | 901106 |
Inst Tecnico Comercial JC | 029125 |
Inst Textile Technology | 003717 |
Inst de Estudios Superior | 900183 |
Inst for Adv Stdies Hum | 008915 |
Inst for Engl Speaking St | 900600 |
Inst of Design and Constr | 012107 |
Inst of Food & Nut of I | 900386 |
Inst of Informatics | 901078 |
Inst of Polytech-Kankan | 901158 |
Inst of Post Grad Med | 900346 |
Inst of Social Studies | 900494 |
Inst of Tech and Science | 901036 |
Inst. Molecular Bio & Gen | 901227 |
Inst. Physical Education | 901135 |
Inst. of Genetics & Select. | 901499 |
Instit de Ciencias de la Salud | 901844 |
Institue of Agriculture | 901150 |
Institute Med Sciences | 900347 |
Institute Paper Chemistry | 005010 |
Institute de Hautes | 900228 |
Institute of Biochemistry | 901498 |
Institute of Ind Chemistr | 900411 |
Institute of Medicine | 900051 |
Institute of Microbiology | 901744 |
Institute of Technology | 901052 |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias | 902032 |
Insurance,College of | 002702 |
Inter Amer San German Cam | 003938 |
Inter Amer San German Cam | 900544 |
Inter Amer U Aguadila Br | 900545 |
Inter Amer U Aguadilla Br | 003939 |
Inter Amer U Arecibo Br | 005026 |
Inter Amer U Arecibo Br | 900546 |
Inter Amer U Barnquits Br | 005027 |
Inter Amer U Barnquits Br | 900547 |
Inter Amer U Bayamon Br | 005028 |
Inter Amer U Bayamon Br | 900548 |
Inter Amer U Fajardo Br | 010763 |
Inter Amer U Guayama Br | 010764 |
Inter Amer U Hato Rey Cam | 900549 |
Inter Amer U Metro Cam | 003940 |
Inter Amer U PR All Cam | 008839 |
Inter Amer U PR Cen Off | 008242 |
Inter Amer U PR Cen Off | 900551 |
Inter Amer U Ponce Br | 005029 |
Inter Amer U Ponce Br | 900550 |
Inter Amer U Ramey C | 900552 |
Inter Amer Univ Law Sch | 900553 |
Interamericana Univ of | 900808 |
Interboro Institute | 008435 |
Intermountain Bible C | 029090 |
International Business C | 004579 |
International College | 010385 |
International Fine Arts C | 008878 |
International Medical and Tech | 902094 |
Intr Christian Univ | 900440 |
Intratl Inst World U | 005031 |
Intrdenominatl Theol Ctr | 001568 |
Inupiat U of the Arctic | 029016 |
Inver Hills Cmty College | 009740 |
Iona College | 002737 |
Iowa Central CC | 001865 |
Iowa Lakes CC Cen Off | 010358 |
Iowa Lakes CC North Ctr | 010359 |
Iowa Lakes CC South Ctr | 010224 |
Iowa Lakes Cmty C | 001864 |
Iowa State U Sci & Techn | 001869 |
Iowa Wesleyan College | 001871 |
Iowa Western Cmty College | 008739 |
Iowa,University of | 001892 |
Iran Univ of Med Sciences | 901919 |
Iranian Inst Advan Acct | 900787 |
Ireland Natl Univ of | 900195 |
Isfahan Univ Sch Med | 900387 |
Islamic Studies Inst of | 900068 |
Isothermal Cmty College | 002934 |
Istanbul Tech Univ | 900632 |
Italian Republic Univ of | 900412 |
Itasca Community College | 002356 |
Itawamba Junior College | 002409 |
Ithaca College | 002739 |
Itt Educ Services | 007326 |
Itt Tech Inst | 008329 |
Itt Tech-Bus Inst | 007329 |
Itt Technical Institute | 009088 |
J S univ of Baroda | 901090 |
J Sargeant Reynolds CC | 003759 |
J W Groethe Universitat | 901084 |
JLN Medical College Ajmer- | 901580 |
Jabalpur Univ | 900882 |
Jackson Community College | 002274 |
Jackson St Cmty College | 004937 |
Jackson State University | 002410 |
Jacksonville College | 003579 |
Jacksonville University | 001495 |
Jacksonvl St University | 001020 |
Jadavpur Univ | 900348 |
Jagellonian Univ | 900511 |
Jain College | 900349 |
James Cook Univ | 900016 |
James Madison University | 003721 |
James Sprunt Tech College | 007687 |
Jamestown Cmty College | 002869 |
Jamestown College | 002990 |
Jamestwn Business College | 008495 |
Jarvis Christian College | 003637 |
Jassik Art School | 900300 |
Javeriana Univ | 900163 |
Jawaharlal Nehru Ag Univ | 900350 |
Jawaharlal Nehru Tech Uni | 900995 |
Jawal Univ of | 900910 |
Jefferson Cmty College | 002870 |
Jefferson Cmty College | 029211 |
Jefferson College | 007102 |
Jefferson College | 011600 |
Jefferson Davis State JC | 001021 |
Jefferson St Jr College | 001022 |
Jefferson Technical C | 007275 |
Jeonbug Natl Univ | 900970 |
Jersey City State College | 002613 |
Jesuit School of Theology | 010333 |
Jesuit-Mccormick Jt Lib | 029181 |
Jewish Theol Sem America | 002740 |
Jia Mu Si Medical College | 901578 |
Jiangsu Agricultural Coll | 901014 |
Jiao Tong Univ | 900772 |
Jiling Univ of | 900807 |
Jimma Inst of Health Scienc | 901579 |
Jimmy Swaggart Bible Coll | 901171 |
Jinan Univ | 900971 |
Jinzhou Medical College | 901745 |
Jipmer Medical | 901859 |
Johannes Gutenberg | 900262 |
John A Gupton College | 008859 |
John A Logan College | 008076 |
John Brown University | 001100 |
John C Calhoun St CC | 001013 |
John Carroll University | 003050 |
John F Kennedy University | 004484 |
John Marshall Law School | 001698 |
John Tyler Cmty College | 004004 |
John Wesley College | 002309 |
John Wesley College | 029055 |
John Wood Cmty College | 012813 |
Johns Hopkins University | 002077 |
Johnsn C Smith University | 002936 |
Johnsn Co Cmty College | 008244 |
Johnson & Wales College | 003404 |
Johnson Bible College | 003495 |
Johnson State College | 003688 |
Johnston Technical C | 009336 |
Joint Inst Nuclear Res | 900941 |
Joint University Library | 006816 |
Joliet Junior College | 001699 |
Jones Co Junior College | 002411 |
Jones College All Cam | 008719 |
Jones College Central Off | 008236 |
Jones College Jacksonvl | 001497 |
Jones College Orlando | 001499 |
Jordan College | 029091 |
Jordan Univ of | 900850 |
Jorge Tadeo Lozano | 900767 |
Jos Univ of | 900870 |
Judaism,University of | 002741 |
Judson Baptist College | 003195 |
Judson College | 001023 |
Judson College | 001700 |
Juilliard School,The | 002742 |
Juiz de Flora Univ of | 900053 |
Juniata College | 003279 |
Juntendo Univ Med Sch | 900441 |
Justusliebig,Univ | 900919 |
Jyvaskylan Normaalilyseo | 900201 |
Kagawa Univ Medical School | 901966 |
Kagoshima University | 901019 |
Kaiserslautern Univ | 900936 |
Kakatiya Medical College | 901581 |
Kalamazoo College | 002275 |
Kalamazoo Valley CC | 006949 |
Kalo Tilburg Acad | 900884 |
Kalyani Univ | 900351 |
Kanazawa Univ | 900442 |
Kangiuenn Natl | 900778 |
Kangwon National University | 901646 |
Kankakee Cmty College | 007690 |
Kanpur University of | 901096 |
Kans Medical Center,U of | 004605 |
Kansai Med Univ | 900443 |
Kansas All Campuses,U | 029001 |
Kansas Central Office,U | 029002 |
Kansas City Art Institute | 002473 |
Kansas City C Osteo Med | 002474 |
Kansas City Kans Cmty C | 001925 |
Kansas Main Campus,U of | 001948 |
Kansas Newman College | 001939 |
Kansas St U Agr & App Sci | 001928 |
Kansas Technical Inst | 004611 |
Kansas Wesleyan | 001929 |
Kaohsiung Med Col | 900639 |
Karachi Univ of | 900951 |
Karin University | 901088 |
Karl Franzens Univ | 900032 |
Karlsruhe Univ of | 900975 |
Karnatah Univ | 900352 |
Karolinski Inst Med & Sur | 900601 |
Kaser El Aini Sch of Med | 900845 |
Kasetsart Univ | 900623 |
Kashmir Univ | 900353 |
Kaskaskia College | 001701 |
Kasturbia Medical College | 900354 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007398 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007481 |
Katharine Gibbs School | 007507 |
Katholieke Univ Te Louvai | 900042 |
Kean C of New Jersey | 002622 |
Kearney State College | 002551 |
Keele Univ of | 900676 |
Keguruan Inst Ilmu P | 900305 |
Kehilath Yakov Rab Sem | 010549 |
Keio University | 901051 |
Keller Grad School Mgmt | 029086 |
Kellogg Community College | 002276 |
Kemper Military Sch and C | 002475 |
Kendall College | 001703 |
Kendall Sch of Design | 007618 |
Kennesaw College | 001577 |
Kenrick Seminary | 002476 |
Kent St Ashtabula Reg Cam | 003052 |
Kent St E Liverpl Reg Cam | 003056 |
Kent St Stark Co Reg Cam | 003054 |
Kent St Trumbull Reg Cam | 003064 |
Kent St Tuscaraws Reg Cam | 003062 |
Kent St U Salem Reg Cam | 003061 |
Kent State U All Campuses | 008799 |
Kent State U Cen Office | 008034 |
Kent State U Main Campus | 003051 |
Kent Univ at Cantebury | 900677 |
Kentucky C Technology | 007550 |
Kentucky CC System,U of | 006724 |
Kentucky Southern College | 800021 |
Kentucky State University | 001968 |
Kentucky System Office, U | 008011 |
Kentucky Wesleyan College | 001969 |
Kentucky,University of | 001989 |
Kenyon College | 003065 |
Kerala Univ of | 900355 |
Kettering C Medical Arts | 007035 |
Keuka College | 002744 |
Keystone Junior College | 003280 |
Kfartyun Univ of | 900904 |
Kharagpur | 900758 |
Khartaum Univ of | 900872 |
Kiel Univ of | 900263 |
Kilgore College | 003580 |
Kilpauk Medical College I | 901582 |
King Abochulaziz Univ | 900892 |
King College | 003496 |
King Edward Medical College | 901456 |
King Mongkut's Inst Tech | 900805 |
King's C-Charlotte | 002937 |
King's College | 002745 |
King's College | 003282 |
King's College-Raleigh | 004840 |
Kings College | 900678 |
Kings River Cmty College | 001308 |
Kirksvl College Osteo Med | 002477 |
Kirkwood Cmty College | 004076 |
Kirtland Cmty College | 007171 |
Kishwaukee College | 007684 |
Knox College | 001704 |
Knoxville Business C | 004938 |
Knoxville College | 003497 |
Knubly Sch of Greek Civil | 900287 |
Kobe University | 901110 |
Koen Vu Univ | 900811 |
Kon-Kuk University | 900946 |
Korea Adv Inst Sci Tech | 900925 |
Korea Univ | 900460 |
Korean Union Coll | 900461 |
Kossuth Univ | 901117 |
Krakow Academy of Music | 900512 |
Kuban State Medical University | 902088 |
Kuopio University of | 901013 |
Kurnool Medical College K | 901500 |
Kurukshetra University | 901042 |
Kurume Univ School of Medicine | 901913 |
Kutztown State College | 003322 |
Kuwait Univ Medical School | 901746 |
Ky Christian College | 001965 |
Ky Jr College Business | 010489 |
Kyoto Perfectural Med Uni | 900848 |
Kyoto Univ | 900444 |
Kyung-Hee Univ | 900820 |
Kyungpook Natl Univ | 900462 |
Kyushu Univ of | 900875 |
La Grange College | 001578 |
La Plata Natl Univ | 900008 |
La Roche College | 003987 |
La Salle College | 003287 |
La St U Medical Center | 002014 |
La State U Alexandria | 002011 |
La State U Eunice | 002012 |
La State U Shreveport | 002013 |
La State U Sys Office | 002009 |
La State U and A&M C | 002010 |
La State U-Law Center | 800013 |
Lab Inst of Merchandising | 007466 |
Labette Cmty College | 001930 |
Laboure Junior College | 006324 |
Lackawanna Junior College | 003283 |
Ladycliff College | 002747 |
Lafayette College | 003284 |
Lafayette College | 011195 |
Laiyang Univ of China | 901170 |
Lake City Cmty College | 001501 |
Lake County,College of | 007694 |
Lake Erie College | 003066 |
Lake Forest College | 001706 |
Lake Forest School Mgmt | 029244 |
Lake Land College | 007644 |
Lake Michigan College | 002277 |
Lake Region Jr College | 002991 |
Lake Superior St College | 002293 |
Lake Tahoe Cmty College | 012907 |
Lake-Sumter Cmty College | 001502 |
Lakehead Univ | 900069 |
Lakeland C Bus and Fash | 004534 |
Lakeland Cmty College | 006804 |
Lakeland College | 003854 |
Lakeshore Technical Inst | 005297 |
Lakewood Cmty College | 006774 |
Lamar Community College | 001355 |
Lamar University | 003581 |
Lambton College | 900070 |
Lambuth College | 003498 |
Lancaster Bible College | 003285 |
Lancaster Theological Sem | 003286 |
Lancaster Univ of | 900679 |
Landbouw Hogesch Wagen | 900915 |
Lander College | 003435 |
Lane College | 003499 |
Lane Community College | 003196 |
Laney College | 001266 |
Langston University | 003157 |
Lansing Community College | 002278 |
Lanzhou Univ of | 900769 |
Laramie Co Cmty College | 009259 |
Laredo Junior College | 003582 |
Laredo State University | 009651 |
Lasell Junior College | 002158 |
Lassen College | 001217 |
Lateran Univ | 900847 |
Latin Amer Stu Univ of Lo | 900680 |
Latter-Day Saints Bus C | 003672 |
Laurentian Univ | 900071 |
Lausanne Univ Imede Mgt D | 900616 |
Lausanne Univ of | 900615 |
Laval Univ | 900821 |
Lavel Univ | 900072 |
Lawrence Inst Technology | 002279 |
Lawrence University | 003856 |
Lawson State Cmty College | 001059 |
Le Moyne College | 002748 |
Le Moyne-Owen College | 003501 |
Lebanese Univ | 900470 |
Lebanon Valley College | 003288 |
Lee College | 003500 |
Lee College | 003583 |
Leeds Univ | 900681 |
Lees Junior College | 001970 |
Lees-Mcrae College | 002939 |
Lehigh Co Cmty College | 006810 |
Lehigh University | 003289 |
Leicester Univ of | 900682 |
Leiden Univ of | 900495 |
Leland College | 800022 |
Leningrad State Univ | 900731 |
Leningrad Univ of | 900732 |
Lenoir Cmty College | 002940 |
Lenoir-Rhyne College | 002941 |
Lesley College | 002160 |
Lethbridge Community Coll | 900073 |
Letourneau College | 003584 |
Lewis C Business | 003968 |
Lewis University | 001707 |
Lewis and Clark CC | 010020 |
Lewis and Clark College | 003197 |
Lewis-Clark St College | 001621 |
Lexington Tech Institute | 029210 |
Lexington Theol Seminary | 001971 |
Liaoning Inst Fin & Econ | 901066 |
Liaquat University Medical | 902041 |
Libera Univ Degli Di Urba | 900413 |
Liberia Univ of | 900894 |
Liberty Baptist College | 010392 |
Libya Univ of | 900471 |
Liege Univ of | 900043 |
Life Bible College | 012630 |
Life Chiropractic College | 029107 |
Lillie Univ | 900229 |
Lima Technical College | 010027 |
Limestone College | 003436 |
Lincoln Christian College | 001708 |
Lincoln College | 001709 |
Lincoln Land Cmty College | 007170 |
Lincoln Mem University | 003502 |
Lincoln Technical Inst | 029200 |
Lincoln University | 002479 |
Lincoln University | 003290 |
Lincoln University | 006975 |
Lindenwood Colleges,The | 002480 |
Lindsey Wilson College | 001972 |
Linfield College | 003198 |
Linn-Benton Cmty College | 006938 |
Litekaria de Granda Univ | 900583 |
Liverpool Univ of | 900683 |
Livingston University | 001024 |
Livingstone College | 002942 |
Lock Haven State College | 003323 |
Lockyear College | 004580 |
Lodz College of Music | 900513 |
Logan C of Chiropractic | 004703 |
Loma Linda University | 001218 |
Lomax-Hannon JC | 001025 |
Lon Morris College | 003585 |
London College of Printin | 900684 |
London Film School Ltd | 900685 |
London Sch of Economics | 900686 |
London Univ of | 900687 |
Long Beach City College | 001219 |
Long Is C Hosp Sch Nurs | 029118 |
Long Is Sem Jewish Stdies | 011993 |
Long Is U All Campuses | 008780 |
Long Is U Brooklyn Center | 004779 |
Long Is U C W Post Center | 002754 |
Long Is U Central Office | 002751 |
Long Is U Schwartz C Phar | 004774 |
Long Is U Southampton Ctr | 002755 |
Longview Cmty College | 009140 |
Longwood College | 003719 |
Longxi Ag Tech Inst | 901136 |
Lorain Co Cmty College | 003068 |
Loras College | 001873 |
Lord Fairfax Cmty College | 008659 |
Loretto Heights College | 001356 |
Los Andes Univ | 900164 |
Los Andes Univ of | 900813 |
Los Ang C of Chiropractic | 001229 |
Los Ang CC Sys All Inst | 008709 |
Los Ang Harbor College | 001224 |
Los Ang Pierce College | 001226 |
Los Ang Southwest College | 007047 |
Los Ang Tr Tech College | 001227 |
Los Ang Valley College | 001228 |
Los Angeles Bapt College | 001220 |
Los Angeles CC System Off | 001221 |
Los Angeles City College | 001223 |
Los Angeles Mission C | 012550 |
Los Medanos College | 010340 |
Los Rios CC Sys All Inst | 008710 |
Los Rios CC System Off | 001231 |
Loughborough Univ of Tech | 900688 |
Louis Pasteur Univ | 900230 |
Louisburg College | 002943 |
Louisiana College | 002007 |
Louisiana St U All Inst | 008745 |
Louisiana Tech University | 002008 |
Louisville School of Art | 010425 |
Louisville Tech Institute | 012088 |
Louisville,University of | 001999 |
Louisvl Presb Theol Sem | 001974 |
Lourdes College | 003069 |
Louvain Univ of | 900044 |
Lowell,University of | 002161 |
Lower Columbia College | 003782 |
Loyola College | 002078 |
Loyola College | 900074 |
Loyola Marymount U | 011649 |
Loyola U in New Orleans | 002016 |
Loyola U of Chicago | 001710 |
Loyola Univ Chicago | 900414 |
Loyola Univ Cntr for Libe | 900415 |
Loyola-Notre Dame Jt Lib | 009638 |
Lubbock Christian College | 003586 |
Lucknow Univ | 900356 |
Ludwigs-Maximilians Univ | 901157 |
Lugansk State Medical Univ | 901921 |
Lulea Univ of | 900982 |
Lund Univ | 900602 |
Lurleen B Wallace St JC | 008988 |
Luth Bible Inst Seattle | 029019 |
Luth Sch Theology Chicago | 001712 |
Luth Theol Sem Gettysburg | 003291 |
Luther College | 001874 |
Luther Nthwstn Sem Jt Lib | 029140 |
Luther Rice Seminary | 012857 |
Luther Theological Sem | 002357 |
Lutheran Theol Sem Phila | 003292 |
Lutheran Theol Sthn Sem | 003437 |
Luzerne Co Cmty College | 006811 |
Lycee A Mohamed Univ | 901020 |
Lycee Aek | 900977 |
Lycoming College | 003293 |
Lynchburg College | 003720 |
Lyndon State College | 003689 |
Lyon Univ of | 900231 |
Lyons Technical Inst | 007827 |
M. P. Shah Medical College | 901583 |
M.E.D. Univ of Engr | 901015 |
M.S. Ramaiah Medical College | 901750 |
MA Hendra College Patiala | 901502 |
Maastricht University | 901998 |
Macalester College | 002358 |
Maccormac College | 001716 |
Machzikei Hadath Rab C | 013026 |
Macmurray College | 001717 |
Macomb Co CC All Cam | 008319 |
Macomb Co CC Cen Office | 002281 |
Macomb Co CC-Center Cam | 004681 |
Macomb Co CC-South Campus | 008906 |
Macon Junior College | 007728 |
Madison Area Tech College | 004007 |
Madison Business College | 003859 |
Madisonville Cmty College | 029213 |
Madonna College | 002282 |
Madras Christian College | 900357 |
Madras Univ of India | 900358 |
Madrid Univ of | 900584 |
Madurai Medical College I | 901501 |
Magill Univ | 900075 |
Magsay E Ramon Col of Med | 900528 |
Mahadevappa Rampure Med Colleg | 902042 |
Maharishi Intrnatl U | 011113 |
Mahatma Gandhi Inst of Med Sci | 901858 |
Mahidol Univ | 900844 |
Mahrarja Sayajirao Instit | 900874 |
Maine All Campuses,U of | 008746 |
Maine Central Office,U of | 008012 |
Maine Maritime Academy | 002044 |
Maine at Augusta,U of | 006760 |
Maine at Farmington,U of | 002040 |
Maine at Fort Kent,U of | 002041 |
Maine at Machias,U of | 002055 |
Maine at Orono,U of | 002053 |
Mainland,College of the | 007096 |
Mainz University of | 901009 |
Makevere Univ | 900649 |
Malaysia Univ of | 900755 |
Mallinckrodt College | 001718 |
Malone College | 003072 |
Manatee Junior College | 001504 |
Manatuwa University of | 901064 |
Manchester Cmty College | 001392 |
Manchester College | 001820 |
Manchester Univ of | 900689 |
Manchstr Ryl Infrmry Sch Nursg | 902171 |
Mangalore Univ | 900881 |
Manhattan Chrstn College | 001931 |
Manhattan College | 002758 |
Manhattan School of Music | 002759 |
Manhattanville College | 002760 |
Manila Univ | 900529 |
Manipal Inst of Tech | 901035 |
Manitoba Univ | 900076 |
Mankato State University | 002360 |
Mannes College of Music | 002762 |
Manor Junior College | 003294 |
Mansfield State College | 003324 |
Mansourah University | 901087 |
Maple Woods Cmty College | 009139 |
Maria College of Albany | 002763 |
Maria Regina College | 002764 |
Marian C of Fond Du Lac | 003861 |
Marian College | 001821 |
Marianopolis College | 900077 |
Maricopa Co CC Sys Office | 001075 |
Maricopa Tech CC | 008303 |
Marietta College | 003073 |
Marin,College of | 001178 |
Marion College | 001822 |
Marion Military Institute | 001026 |
Marion Technical College | 010736 |
Marist College | 002765 |
Marlboro College | 003690 |
Marquette University | 003863 |
Mars Hill College | 002944 |
Marshall University | 003815 |
Marshalltwn Cmty College | 001875 |
Martin Center College | 029175 |
Martin College | 003504 |
Martin Community College | 007988 |
Mary Baldwin College | 003723 |
Mary College | 002992 |
Mary Hardin-Baylor, U of | 003588 |
Mary Holmes College | 002412 |
Mary Immaculate Seminary | 003295 |
Mary Washington College | 003746 |
Marycrest College | 001876 |
Marygrove College | 002284 |
Maryknoll Sch of Theology | 002767 |
Maryland All Cam,U of | 009553 |
Maryland C Art and Design | 029116 |
Maryland Med Secrl School | 007662 |
Maryland Sys All Inst,U | 008751 |
Maryland System Off,U of | 007959 |
Maryland Univ Athens Cmps | 900288 |
Maryland Univ Far East Di | 900640 |
Maryland Univ Munich Camp | 900264 |
Marylhurst C Learning | 003199 |
Marymount College | 002768 |
Marymount College Kansas | 001932 |
Marymount College of Va | 003724 |
Marymount Manhattan C | 002769 |
Marymount Palos Verdes C | 010474 |
Maryville C-Saint Louis | 002482 |
Maryville College | 003505 |
Marywood College | 003296 |
Mass All Campuses,U of | 008755 |
Mass Amherst Campus,U of | 002221 |
Mass Bay Cmty College | 002171 |
Mass Board CC All Inst | 008752 |
Mass Board Reg CC Sys Off | 002166 |
Mass Boston Campus,U of | 002222 |
Mass C Phar-Hlth Sci | 002165 |
Mass Central Office,U of | 008017 |
Mass College of Art | 002180 |
Mass Inst of Technology | 002178 |
Mass Maritime Academy | 002181 |
Mass Medl Sch-Worcester,U | 009756 |
Mass St College Sys Off | 002179 |
Mass State C Sys All Inst | 008753 |
Massasoit Cmty College | 002177 |
Massey University | 900879 |
Mater Dei College | 002771 |
Mattatuck Cmty College | 006982 |
Maulana Azad Med Coll | 900838 |
Maulana Azad Medical Colleg | 901584 |
Mayland Technical C | 011197 |
Mayo Medical School | 011732 |
Maysville Cmty College | 029214 |
Mayville State College | 002993 |
McCarrie Sch Hlth Sci | 011587 |
McCook Community College | 002552 |
McDowell Technical Inst | 008085 |
McNeese State University | 002017 |
McPherson College | 001933 |
Mccormick Theological Sem | 001721 |
Mcgill Univ | 900078 |
Mchenry County College | 007691 |
Mcintosh College | 004730 |
Mckendree College | 001722 |
Mckenzie College | 004002 |
Mclennan Cmty College | 003590 |
Mcmaster Univ | 900079 |
Mcmurry College | 003591 |
Md Balt Prof Schools,U of | 002104 |
Md Baltimore Co Cam,U of | 002105 |
Md College Park Cam,U of | 002103 |
Md Inst College of Art | 002080 |
Md University College,U | 011644 |
Md-Eastern Shore,U of | 002106 |
Me at Presque Isle,U of | 002033 |
Meadvl-Lombard Theol Sch | 001723 |
Med & Dent of NJ Newark,C | 002620 |
Med Coll of Virginia | 800005 |
Med Inst Minnesota | 007619 |
Medaille College | 002777 |
Medical College Rohtak | 901748 |
Medical College Trivandrum, In | 901749 |
Medical College of Ga | 001579 |
Medical College of Wis | 008296 |
Medical College, Mumbai, India | 901747 |
Medical Faculty Ludwig | 900265 |
Medical Sch of Budapest | 900301 |
Medical University of Lublin | 902133 |
Medical University of SC | 003438 |
Medicina de Valladolid Fa | 900585 |
Medicine Hat College | 900080 |
Medicine et Phharmacie Fa | 900232 |
Medl College Ohio-Toledo | 007737 |
Medl College of Pa,The | 003398 |
Meerut Univ | 900359 |
Meharry Medical College | 003506 |
Melbourne Univ of | 900017 |
Melodyland Sch Theology | 029064 |
Memorial University | 901471 |
Memphis Academy of Arts | 003507 |
Memphis State University | 003509 |
Memphis Theological Sem | 010529 |
Mendocino College | 011672 |
Menlo College | 001236 |
Mennonite Bib Sem Jt Lib | 010673 |
Mennonite Biblical Sem | 001823 |
Mennonite Brthren Bib Sem | 010368 |
Mennonite-Pacific Jt Lib | 029012 |
Merced College | 001237 |
Mercer Co Cmty College | 004740 |
Mercer U All Campuses | 008724 |
Mercer U Central Office | 008000 |
Mercer U Main Campus | 001580 |
Mercer U Sthn School Phar | 001593 |
Mercer U in Atlanta | 008419 |
Mercy College | 002772 |
Mercy College of Detroit | 002286 |
Mercyhurst College | 003297 |
Meredith College | 002945 |
Meridian Junior College | 002413 |
Merrill-Palmer Institute | 002287 |
Merrimack College | 002120 |
Merritt College | 001267 |
Mes Torah Vodaath Sem | 007264 |
Mesa College | 001358 |
Mesa Community College | 001077 |
Mesabi Community College | 004009 |
Mesivta Estn Pkwy Rab Sem | 009633 |
Mesivtha Tifereth Jer Amr | 003974 |
Messiah College | 003298 |
Methodist College | 002946 |
Methodist Theol Sch Ohio | 003075 |
Metro CC Adminv All Inst | 009138 |
Metro CC Adminv Sys Off | 009137 |
Metropolitan St College | 001360 |
Metropolitan State U | 010374 |
Metropolitan Technical CC | 012586 |
Mexico Univ of | 900482 |
Mg Sci Inst Gujarat Univ | 900839 |
Miami Christian College | 012314 |
Miami U Hamilton Campus | 003079 |
Miami U Middletown Campus | 003080 |
Miami Univ Oxford Cam | 007104 |
Miami University All Cam | 008800 |
Miami University Cen Off | 003077 |
Miami,University of | 001536 |
Miami-Dade Cmty College | 001506 |
Miami-Jacobs JC Business | 003076 |
Mich Christian College | 002288 |
Michael J Owens Tech C | 005753 |
Michigan All Cam,U of | 009091 |
Michigan Cen Office,U of | 002325 |
Michigan State University | 002290 |
Michigan Technological U | 002292 |
Michigan-Ann Arbor,U | 009092 |
Michigan-Dearborn,U of | 002326 |
Michigan-Flint,U of | 002327 |
Michoacana Univ Medicine | 900483 |
Micronesia Cmty Coll | 900625 |
Mid America Bapt Seminary | 029172 |
Mid Michigan Cmty College | 006768 |
Mid Plains CC | 002557 |
Mid Plains CC All Cam | 029005 |
Mid Plains CC Cen Office | 029006 |
Mid-Amer C Funeral Serv | 010618 |
Mid-America Nazarene C | 007032 |
Mid-South Bible College | 009982 |
Mid-State Technical Inst | 005380 |
Middle East Tech Univ | 900633 |
Middle Georgia College | 001581 |
Middle Tenn St University | 003510 |
Middlebury College | 003691 |
Middlebury College | 900233 |
Middlesex Cmty College | 008038 |
Middlesex Cmty College | 009936 |
Middlesex County College | 002615 |
Midland College | 009797 |
Midland Lutheran College | 002553 |
Midlands Tech College | 003993 |
Midstate College | 004568 |
Midway College | 001975 |
Midwest Christian College | 007112 |
Midwest College of Engr | 010919 |
Midwestern Bapt Theol Sem | 002485 |
Midwestern St University | 003592 |
Mie University | 901103 |
Milan Univ of | 900416 |
Miles College | 001028 |
Miles Community College | 002528 |
Military Tech Acad/Warsaw | 901165 |
Millersville St College | 003325 |
Milligan College | 003511 |
Millikin University | 001724 |
Mills College | 001238 |
Millsaps College | 002414 |
Milton College | 003865 |
Milwaukee Area Tech C | 003866 |
Milwaukee Inst Art-Design | 029113 |
Milwaukee Sch Engineering | 003868 |
Milwaukee Stratton C | 029126 |
Mimarsinan University | 900962 |
Mindanao Univ of | 900927 |
Mineral Area College | 002486 |
Ming-Chi Inst of Tech | 900887 |
Ministerial Inst and C | 009229 |
Minn CC Sys System Office | 009346 |
Minn CC System All Inst | 029068 |
Minn Mayo Grad Sch Med,U | 010337 |
Minn Mnpls Snt Paul,U of | 003969 |
Minn Tech C-Waseca,U of | 010225 |
Minneapolis C-Art Design | 002365 |
Minneapolis Cmty College | 002362 |
Minnesota All Cam,U of | 008761 |
Minnesota Bible College | 002366 |
Minnesota Cen Office,U of | 002387 |
Minnesota Duluth,U of | 002388 |
Minnesota Morris,U of | 002389 |
Minot State College | 002994 |
Mira Costa College | 001239 |
Mirrer Yeshiva Cen Inst | 004798 |
Misericordia,College | 003247 |
Miss Co Cmty College | 012860 |
Miss Delta Junior College | 002416 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC | 008763 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Cen Off | 008021 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Jackson | 002418 |
Miss Gulf Cst JC Perknstn | 002420 |
Miss Gulf Cst Jeff Davis | 002419 |
Miss Industrial College | 002421 |
Miss University for Women | 002422 |
Miss Vly St University | 002424 |
Miss Wades Fash College | 010130 |
Mission College | 029128 |
Mississippi All Cam,U of | 008764 |
Mississippi Cen Off,U of | 008022 |
Mississippi College | 002415 |
Mississippi Main Cam,U of | 002440 |
Mississippi Medl Ctr,U of | 004688 |
Mississippi St University | 002423 |
Missouri Baptist College | 007540 |
Missouri Inst Technology | 002455 |
Missouri Sthn St College | 002488 |
Missouri Valley College | 002489 |
Missouri Wstn St College | 002490 |
Missouri-Columbia,U of | 002516 |
Missouri-Kansas City,U of | 002518 |
Missouri-Rolla,U of | 002517 |
Missouri-Saint Louis,U of | 002519 |
Mitchell Cmty College | 002947 |
Mitchell College | 001393 |
Mitmibai College | 900816 |
Mo Cen Admin All Cam,U of | 008767 |
Mo Cen Admin Cen Off,U of | 002515 |
Moberly Junior College | 002491 |
Mobile College | 001029 |
Modena University | 901180 |
Modesto Junior College | 001240 |
Mohave Community College | 011864 |
Mohawk Col of Applied Art | 900081 |
Mohawk Vly Cmty College | 002871 |
Mohegan Community College | 009765 |
Moi University | 902130 |
Molloy College | 002775 |
Mon Ton Univ | 900082 |
Monash Univ | 900018 |
Monmouth College | 001725 |
Monmouth College | 002616 |
Monroe Business Institute | 004799 |
Monroe Co Cmty College | 002294 |
Monroe Community College | 002872 |
Montana C Minrl Sci-Techn | 002531 |
Montana State University | 002532 |
Montana U Sys System Off | 029072 |
Montana U System All Inst | 029071 |
Montana,University of | 002536 |
Montcalm Cmty College | 002295 |
Montclair State College | 002617 |
Monterey Intrnatl Stdies | 001241 |
Monterey Pen College | 001242 |
Monterrey Univ of | 900764 |
Montevallo,University of | 001004 |
Montgomery C All Campuses | 008748 |
Montgomery C Central Off | 006911 |
Montgomery C Germantown | 029074 |
Montgomery C Rockville | 002082 |
Montgomery C Takoma Park | 002081 |
Montgomery Co Community C | 004452 |
Montgomery Tech Institute | 008087 |
Montpellier Univ of | 900234 |
Montreal Univ | 900083 |
Montreal Univ de | 900866 |
Montreat-Anderson College | 002948 |
Monufia Univ | 901155 |
Moody Bible Institute | 001727 |
Moore College of Art | 003300 |
Moorhead State University | 002367 |
Moorpark College | 007115 |
Moraine Park Tech Inst | 009256 |
Moraine Vly Cmty College | 007692 |
Moratuwa Univ of | 900940 |
Moravian College | 003301 |
Morehead State University | 001976 |
Morehouse College | 001582 |
Morgan Community College | 009981 |
Morgan State University | 002083 |
Morningside College | 001879 |
Morris Brown College | 001583 |
Morris College | 003439 |
Morris JC of Business | 029123 |
Morrison Inst of Techn | 008880 |
Morristown College | 003512 |
Morton College | 001728 |
Moscow Const Inst | 900733 |
Moscow Inst Pet Chem/Gas | 900851 |
Moscow St. Medical Institut | 901585 |
Moscow Tech Inst | 900918 |
Moscow Univ of | 900734 |
Motlow State Cmty College | 006836 |
Mount Aloysius Jr College | 003302 |
Mount Angel Seminary | 003203 |
Mount Carmel College | 900084 |
Mount Holyoke College | 002192 |
Mount Hood Cmty College | 003204 |
Mount Ida Junior College | 002193 |
Mount Marty College | 003465 |
Mount Mary College | 003869 |
Mount Mercy College | 001880 |
Mount Olive College | 002949 |
Mount Saint Alphonsus Sem | 002776 |
Mount Saint Clare College | 001881 |
Mount Saint Mary College | 002778 |
Mount San Antonio College | 001245 |
Mount Senario College | 003873 |
Mount Snt Mary's College | 001243 |
Mount Snt Mary's College | 002086 |
Mount Union College | 003083 |
Mount Vernon College | 001452 |
Mount Vernon Nazarene C | 007085 |
Mountain View College | 008503 |
Mricpa Co CC Sys All Inst | 008699 |
Mt Allison Univ | 900085 |
Mt Royal College | 900086 |
Mt Sacred Heart College | 001395 |
Mt San Jacinto College | 001246 |
Mt Snt Jos-on-the-Ohio,C | 003033 |
Mt Snt Vincent,College of | 002703 |
Mt St Bernard College | 900087 |
Mt St Vincent College | 900088 |
Mt Wachusett Cmty College | 002172 |
Mtn Empire Cmty College | 009629 |
Muhlenberg College | 003304 |
Multnomah School of Bible | 003206 |
Mundelein College | 001731 |
Munich Univ of | 900266 |
Municipal Univ of Amsterd | 900496 |
Munster Univ of | 900267 |
Murcia Univ of | 900586 |
Murray State College | 003158 |
Murray State University | 001977 |
Muscatine Cmty College | 001882 |
Museum Art School | 003207 |
Museum Fine Arts,Sch of | 004667 |
Muskegon Business College | 002296 |
Muskegon Cmty College | 002297 |
Muskingum Area Tech C | 008133 |
Muskingum College | 003084 |
Mysore Univ | 900360 |
N Country Cmty College | 007111 |
N Cupernicus Univ | 900514 |
N Hennepin Cmty College | 002370 |
N Iowa Area Cmty College | 001877 |
N Wales Univ College | 900690 |
N Y Chiropractic College | 012277 |
NC Agrl & Tech State U | 002905 |
NC All Campuses,U of | 008793 |
NC Central University | 002950 |
NC School of the Arts | 003981 |
NC State U Raleigh | 002972 |
NC Wesleyan College | 002951 |
NC at Asheville,U of | 002907 |
NC at Chapel Hill,U of | 002974 |
NC at Charlotte,U of | 002975 |
NC at Greensboro,U of | 002976 |
NC at Wilmington,U of | 002984 |
ND All Campuses,U of | 008794 |
ND Central Office,U of | 008030 |
ND Main Campus,U of | 003005 |
ND State School Science | 002996 |
ND State U All Campuses | 009266 |
ND State U Bottineau | 002995 |
ND State U Central Office | 002997 |
ND State U Main Campus | 009265 |
ND Williston Branch,U of | 003007 |
NH Keene St College,U of | 002590 |
NH Plymouth St College,U | 002591 |
NH Technical Institute | 002581 |
NH Voc-Tech C Berlin | 005291 |
NH Voc-Tech C Claremont | 007560 |
NH Voc-Tech C Laconia | 007555 |
NH Voc-Tech C Manchester | 002582 |
NH Voc-Tech C Nashua | 009236 |
NH Voc-Tech C Portsmouth | 002583 |
NJ Institute Technology | 002621 |
NM All Campuses,U of | 002663 |
NM Central Office,U of | 010312 |
NM Gallup Branch,U of | 006881 |
NM Inst of Mining & Techn | 002654 |
NM Main Campus,U of | 010313 |
NM State U Alamogordo | 002658 |
NM State U All Campuses | 008773 |
NM State U Carlsbad | 002659 |
NM State U Central Office | 007136 |
NM State U Grants Branch | 008854 |
NM State U Main Campus | 002657 |
NM State U San Juan | 002660 |
NTR University Health Sciences | 901997 |
NY College Podiatric Med | 002749 |
NY Inst Techn All Cam | 008782 |
NY Inst Techn Cen Office | 007968 |
NY Inst Techn Main Campus | 004804 |
NY Inst Techn NY Cty Cam | 002782 |
NY Sch of Interior Design | 029036 |
NY St C Ceramics Alfred U | 004750 |
Nacional Autonoma de Mexi | 900484 |
Nacional Ped Henrigue Uni | 900184 |
Nacional de Cuyo | 900009 |
Nagoya Univ | 900445 |
Nagpur Univ | 900757 |
Nairobi Univ of | 901029 |
Nairobi Univ of | 901053 |
Nalanda Medical College Pa | 901586 |
Nan Kai University | 900942 |
Nanjing Chemical Eng Inst | 901114 |
Nanjing Univ | 900797 |
Nanking Med Coll | 900143 |
Nantes Univ of | 900235 |
Nanyang Univ | 900578 |
Nanyang Univ of | 900855 |
Napa College | 001247 |
Napoli Univ of | 900961 |
Naropa Institute | 029185 |
Nash Technical Institute | 008557 |
Nashotah House | 003874 |
Nashville State Tech Inst | 008145 |
Nassau Community College | 002873 |
Nasson College | 002045 |
Nat Defense Medical Cntr | 900921 |
Natal Univ of | 900781 |
Natchez Junior College | 002425 |
Nathaniel Hawthorne C | 002578 |
National Agric Inst | 900748 |
National Business College | 003726 |
National College | 004057 |
National Technical Univ | 900957 |
National Univ | 900165 |
National Univ of Ir | 900361 |
National University | 011460 |
National University of Nort | 901587 |
Native American Educ Serv | 029135 |
Natl Cheng Kung Univ | 900641 |
Natl Chengehi Univ | 901071 |
Natl Chiao Tung Univ | 900873 |
Natl College Chiropractic | 001732 |
Natl College Ed All Cam | 010269 |
Natl College Ed Cen Off | 010268 |
Natl College Ed Main Cam | 001733 |
Natl College Ed Urban Cam | 001743 |
Natl Inst of Engr | 900967 |
Natl San Agustin Univ of | 900505 |
Natl Sch of Anth & Histor | 900485 |
Natl Taiwan Univ | 900752 |
Natl Tech Univ | 900173 |
Natl Tsing Hua Univ | 900642 |
Natl Univ of Honduras | 900298 |
Natl Univ of Rwanda | 901097 |
Navajo Community College | 008246 |
Naval Polytech Acad | 900928 |
Naval Postgraduate School | 001310 |
Navarra Medical Sch Univ | 900587 |
Navarro College | 003593 |
Nazarene Bible College | 013007 |
Nazarene Theological Sem | 002494 |
Nazareth C of Rochester | 002779 |
Nazareth College | 002298 |
Nebr Cen Admin All Inst,U | 008768 |
Nebr Cen Admin Sys Off,U | 008025 |
Nebr Christian College | 012976 |
Nebr Wesleyan University | 002555 |
Nebraska Medical Ctr,U | 006895 |
Nebraska Western College | 002560 |
Nebraska at Omaha,U of | 002554 |
Nebraska-Lincoln,U of | 002565 |
Neosho Co Cmty College | 001936 |
Ner Israel Rab College | 002087 |
Neuchates Univ de | 900617 |
Neumann College | 003988 |
Nevada Las Vegas,U of | 002569 |
Nevada Reno,U of | 002568 |
Nevada Sys All Inst,U of | 009014 |
New Brunswick Theol Sem | 002619 |
New Brunswick Univ of | 900089 |
New College of California | 010831 |
New Eng Consv of Music | 002194 |
New Eng Inst App Arts-Sci | 010781 |
New Eng Inst Technology | 007845 |
New England C Optometry | 002164 |
New England College | 002579 |
New England School of Law | 008916 |
New England Univ of | 900019 |
New Hampshire College | 002580 |
New Hampshire,U of | 002589 |
New Haven,University of | 001397 |
New Mexico Highlands U | 002653 |
New Mexico Junior College | 002655 |
New Mexico Military Inst | 002656 |
New Orleans,University of | 002015 |
New Orls Bapt Theol Sem | 002019 |
New River Cmty College | 005223 |
New Rochelle,College of | 002704 |
New Sch for Soc Research | 002780 |
New School of English | 900978 |
New School of Music | 011146 |
New South Wales Univ of | 900020 |
New York Law School | 002783 |
New York Medical College | 002784 |
New York Theol Seminary | 002674 |
New York University | 002785 |
New Zeland Univ | 900503 |
Newberry College | 003440 |
Newbury Junior College | 007484 |
Newcastle on Tyne Univ of | 900691 |
Newcombe College | 800018 |
Newfoundland Memorial Uni | 900090 |
Niagara Co Cmty College | 002874 |
Niagara University | 002788 |
Nicaragua Ntl Autononia | 900777 |
Nicaragua Univ of | 900500 |
Nice Univ of | 900822 |
Nicholas Copernicus Acad Med | 901999 |
Nicholls State University | 002005 |
Nichols College | 002197 |
Nicolet College-Tech Inst | 008919 |
Nielsen Elecs Institute | 012014 |
Nigeria Univ of | 900869 |
Niigata Univ Med & Dental Sci | 901483 |
Ningxia Agr College | 901024 |
Ningxia University | 901023 |
Nishta Med Coll | 900508 |
Nordwestdeutsche Musikaka | 900268 |
Norfolk State University | 003765 |
Normal School at Merici | 900091 |
Normandale Cmty College | 007954 |
Norte Universidad de | 901072 |
Norte Universidad del | 900868 |
North Adams State College | 002187 |
North Alabama,U of | 001016 |
North American Bapt Sem | 004056 |
North Arkansas CC | 012261 |
North Cen Bible College | 002369 |
North Cen Mich College | 002299 |
North Cen Tech College | 005313 |
North Central College | 001734 |
North Central Tech Inst | 005387 |
North East Ag College | 900144 |
North Florida Jr College | 001508 |
North Florida,U of | 009841 |
North Georgia College | 001585 |
North Greenville College | 003441 |
North Harris Co College | 011145 |
North Idaho College | 001623 |
North Lake College | 029066 |
North Park C & Theol Sem | 001735 |
North Seattle CC | 009704 |
North Shore Cmty College | 002173 |
North Texas St University | 003594 |
North West China Univ of | 900145 |
Northampton Co Area CC | 007191 |
Northampton Col of Adv Te | 900692 |
Northeast Louisiana U | 002020 |
Northeast Miss Jr College | 002426 |
Northeast Petroleum Inst | 901105 |
Northeast Technical CC | 011667 |
Northeast Univ Sch Medici | 900185 |
Northeast Wis Tech Inst | 009257 |
Northeastern Christian JC | 003307 |
Northeastern Jr College | 001361 |
Northeastern Okla State U | 003161 |
Northeastern University | 002199 |
Northern Ariz University | 001082 |
Northern Bapt Theol Sem | 001736 |
Northern Cal C Chiro | 029234 |
Northern Colorado,U of | 001349 |
Northern Ill University | 001737 |
Northern Iowa,U of | 001890 |
Northern Ky University | 009275 |
Northern Mich University | 002301 |
Northern Montana College | 002533 |
Northern Nev Cmty College | 006977 |
Northern Oklahoma College | 003162 |
Northern State College | 003466 |
Northern Va Cmty College | 003727 |
Northland Cmty College | 002385 |
Northland College | 003875 |
Northland Pioneer College | 011862 |
Northrop University | 001248 |
Northwest Bible College | 002998 |
Northwest Cmty College | 003931 |
Northwest Miss Jr College | 002427 |
Northwest Tech College | 008677 |
Northwest Tech Inst | 008267 |
Northwestern College | 001883 |
Northwestern College | 002371 |
Northwestern College | 029062 |
Northwestern Mich College | 002302 |
Northwestern Polytech Uni | 901091 |
Northwestern University | 001739 |
Northwood Inst Cen Office | 008020 |
Northwood Inst Indiana Br | 007021 |
Northwood Inst Main Cam | 004072 |
Northwood Institute | 008759 |
Norwalk Community College | 001399 |
Norwalk St Tech College | 001400 |
Norwich U All Cam | 010875 |
Norwich U Cen Off | 010874 |
Norwich U Main Cam | 003692 |
Notre Dame College | 002584 |
Notre Dame College | 003085 |
Notre Dame Md,College of | 002065 |
Notre Dame Sem Sch Theo | 002022 |
Notre Dame Univ | 900092 |
Notre Dame,College of | 001179 |
Notre Dame,University of | 001840 |
Nottingham Univ of | 900693 |
Nova Scotia Agri College | 900093 |
Nova Scotia Art & Design | 900094 |
Nova Scotia Teachers Coll | 900095 |
Nova Scotia Tech College | 900096 |
Nova University | 001509 |
Novosibirsk Medical University | 901787 |
Nthest Ala St Jr College | 001031 |
Nthest Ia Tech Institute | 004587 |
Nthest Mo St University | 002495 |
Nthestn Bible College | 002623 |
Nthestn Ill University | 001693 |
Nthestn Ohio U C Med | 029045 |
Nthestn Okla Agrl-Mech C | 003160 |
Nthn Essex Cmty College | 002174 |
Nthn Me Voc Tech Inst | 005760 |
Nthn NM Community College | 029087 |
Nthwst Ala St Jr College | 001032 |
Nthwst C Assemblies God | 003783 |
Nthwst Christian College | 003208 |
Nthwst Iowa Tech C | 004600 |
Nthwst Mo St University | 002496 |
Nthwst Nazarene College | 001624 |
Nthwstn Bus C-Tech Center | 004861 |
Nthwstn C Chiropractic | 012328 |
Nthwstn Conn Cmty College | 001398 |
Nthwstn Elecs Institute | 007353 |
Nthwstn Luth Theol Sem | 002372 |
Nthwstn Okla State U | 003163 |
Nthwstn St U of La | 002021 |
Ntl Chengchi Univ | 900768 |
Ntl Fishery Univ of Pusan | 901000 |
Ntl Univ of Mex Medi | 900486 |
Nuclear Research Institut | 900515 |
Nyack College | 002790 |
Nyingma Institute | 029083 |
O'More School of Design | 029149 |
O. S. Johnson Sch Techn | 029198 |
Oakland City College | 001824 |
Oakland Community College | 008760 |
Oakland University | 002307 |
Oakton Community College | 009896 |
Oakwood College | 001033 |
Oberlin College | 003086 |
Oblate College | 001455 |
Oblate College of Sthwst | 003595 |
Occidental College | 001249 |
Ocean County College | 002624 |
Ocean University | 901140 |
Odessa College | 003596 |
Oglala Sioux CC | 029156 |
Oglethorpe University | 001586 |
Ohel Shmuel Yeshiva | 029054 |
Ohio C Podiatric Medicine | 003088 |
Ohio Dominican College | 003035 |
Ohio Inst of Technology | 003099 |
Ohio Northern University | 003089 |
Ohio St U Agrl Tech Inst | 010687 |
Ohio State U All Campuses | 008802 |
Ohio State U Central Off | 003090 |
Ohio State U Lima Br | 003092 |
Ohio State U Main Campus | 006883 |
Ohio State U Mansfield Br | 003093 |
Ohio State U Marion Br | 003094 |
Ohio State U Newark Br | 003095 |
Ohio U All Campuses | 008803 |
Ohio U Belmont Co Branch | 003101 |
Ohio U Central Office | 008036 |
Ohio U Chillicothe Br | 003102 |
Ohio U Ironton Branch | 003103 |
Ohio U Lancaster Branch | 003104 |
Ohio U Main Campus | 003100 |
Ohio U Zanesville Branch | 003108 |
Ohio Valley College | 003819 |
Ohio Wesleyan University | 003109 |
Ohlone College | 004481 |
Ohr Hameir Theol Sem | 011984 |
Ohr Yisroel Rab College | 011669 |
Oil and Gas Institute | 900902 |
Okaloosa-Walton Junior C | 001510 |
Okayama University Medical | 901588 |
Okla C Osteo Med and Surg | 011282 |
Okla Christian College | 003165 |
Okla Health Sci Ctr,U of | 005889 |
Okla Panhandle State U | 003174 |
Okla Sch Bus Acct Law Fin | 003169 |
Okla State U All Campuses | 008806 |
Okla State U Cen Office | 008040 |
Okla State U Main Campus | 003170 |
Okla State U Tech Inst | 003171 |
Oklahoma All Cam,U of | 008807 |
Oklahoma Bapt University | 003164 |
Oklahoma Central Off,U of | 008041 |
Oklahoma City University | 003166 |
Oklahoma Cty Sthwstn C | 003180 |
Oklahoma Norman Cam,U of | 003184 |
Old Dominion University | 003728 |
Olean Business Institute | 009003 |
Olivet College | 002308 |
Olivet Nazarene College | 001741 |
Olso Univ of | 900499 |
Olympia Tech Cmty College | 005372 |
Olympic College | 003784 |
Onondaga Cmty College | 002875 |
Ontario Inst for Ed Studi | 900097 |
Ontario Vet College | 900098 |
Open Bible College | 004601 |
Open University | 900694 |
Or St Hi Ed Sys All Inst | 009191 |
Oral Roberts University | 003985 |
Orange Co Cmty College | 002876 |
Orange Coast College | 001250 |
Orangeburg Calhoun Tech C | 006815 |
Oreg St Higher Ed Sys Off | 009190 |
Oregon All Cam,U of | 008808 |
Oregon College of Ed | 003209 |
Oregon Graduate Center | 008856 |
Oregon Hlth Sci Ctr,U of | 004882 |
Oregon Inst of Technology | 003211 |
Oregon Main Campus,U of | 003223 |
Oregon Poly Institute | 007821 |
Oregon State University | 003210 |
Oriental & African Studie | 900695 |
Oriente de Universidad | 900833 |
Orleans Univ Etscience Fa | 900236 |
Osaka Univ | 900446 |
Oscar Rose Junior College | 009185 |
Osgood Hall Law Sch | 900099 |
Osmania Univ | 900362 |
Osteo Med-Surgery,College | 001855 |
Otero Junior College | 001362 |
Otis Art Inst Parson Sch | 001251 |
Ottawa Medical Univ | 900100 |
Ottawa Univ | 900101 |
Ottawa University | 001937 |
Otterbein College | 003110 |
Ottumwa Heights College | 001884 |
Ouachita Bapt University | 001102 |
Our Lady of Elms,College | 002140 |
Our Lady of Holy Cross C | 002023 |
Our Lady of Lake U | 003598 |
Our Lady of the Lake College | 031062 |
Oviedo Univ of | 900588 |
Owensboro Business C | 009313 |
Oxford Univ of | 900696 |
Oxnard College | 012842 |
Ozarks,College of the | 001094 |
Ozarks,School of the | 002500 |
PR Arecieo Reg Coll U | 900554 |
PR Cayey Univ Cu | 900555 |
PR Cayey University C,U | 007206 |
PR Humacao Reg College U | 900556 |
PR Mayaguez Univ of | 900557 |
PR Mayaguez,U of | 003944 |
PR Medical Center Nursing | 900558 |
PR Medical Sciences U of | 900559 |
PR Medical Sciences,U of | 003945 |
PR Ponce Reg Col Univ | 900560 |
PR Rio Piedras U of | 900561 |
PR Rio Piedras,U of | 007108 |
Pa College Podiatric Med | 003312 |
Pa College of Optometry | 003311 |
Pa Institute Technology | 010998 |
Pa St U Behrend College | 003333 |
Pa St U Hershey Medl Ctr | 006813 |
Pa St U New Kensingtn Cam | 003341 |
Pa St U Radnor Center | 003348 |
Pa St U Shenango Vly Cam | 003345 |
Pa St U Wilkes-Barre Cam | 003346 |
Pa St U Wrthgtn Scrtn Cam | 003344 |
Pa State U All Campuses | 008813 |
Pa State U Allentown Cam | 003330 |
Pa State U Altoona Cam | 003331 |
Pa State U Beaver Campus | 003332 |
Pa State U Berks Campus | 003334 |
Pa State U Capitol Campus | 006814 |
Pa State U Central Office | 003329 |
Pa State U Delaware Cam | 006922 |
Pa State U Du Bois Campus | 003335 |
Pa State U Fayette Campus | 003336 |
Pa State U Hazleton Cam | 003338 |
Pa State U Main Campus | 006965 |
Pa State U McKeesport Cam | 003339 |
Pa State U Mont Alto Cam | 003340 |
Pa State U Ogontz Campus | 003342 |
Pa State U Schuylkill Cam | 003343 |
Pa State U York Campus | 003347 |
Pablavi Univ | 900388 |
Pace U Plsntvl-Brclf Cam | 002792 |
Pace U White Plains Cam | 002727 |
Pace University All Cam | 008784 |
Pace University Cen Off | 007970 |
Pace University New York | 002791 |
Pacific Christian College | 001252 |
Pacific Grad Sch Psyc | 029225 |
Pacific Luth Theol Sem | 001254 |
Pacific Luth University | 003785 |
Pacific Oaks College | 001255 |
Pacific Sch of Religion | 001256 |
Pacific Union College | 001258 |
Pacific University | 003212 |
Pacific,University of the | 001329 |
Padova Medical Univ | 900417 |
Padova Univ of | 900418 |
Padua Univ of | 900419 |
Paducah Community College | 029215 |
Pahiava Med School | 900389 |
Paine College | 001587 |
Palm Bch Atlantic College | 008849 |
Palm Beach Junior College | 001512 |
Palmer C of Chiropractic | 012300 |
Palmer Junior College | 001885 |
Palo Verde College | 001259 |
Palomar College | 001260 |
Pamlico Technical C | 007031 |
Pampina Univ of | 900911 |
Pan American University | 003599 |
Panama Univ | 900522 |
Panjab Univ | 900363 |
Panola Junior College | 003600 |
Panta University | 901080 |
Paris Junior College | 003601 |
Paris Univ of | 900237 |
Park College | 002498 |
Parkersburg Cmty College | 003828 |
Parkland College | 007118 |
Parks College | 029163 |
Parma Univ of | 900420 |
Parsons School of Design | 002793 |
Pasadena City College | 001261 |
Pasadena College Chiro | 029105 |
Pasco-Hernando CC | 010652 |
Passaic Co Cmty College | 009994 |
Patras Univ of | 900780 |
Patrice Lumumba Peoples U | 901161 |
Patrick Henry CC | 003751 |
Patrick Henry State JC | 001034 |
Patten College | 004490 |
Pau Bord & Toul Cente Un | 900238 |
Paul D Camp Cmty College | 009159 |
Paul Quinn College | 003602 |
Paul Smith's C Arts & Sci | 002795 |
Pavia Univ of | 900896 |
Pavia Univ of Medical Sch | 900421 |
Payne Theological Sem | 010017 |
Pazmany Univ | 900302 |
Peabody Inst of Jhu | 002088 |
Peace College | 002953 |
Pearl River Jr College | 002430 |
Pedagogig Inst | 900176 |
Peirce Junior College | 003309 |
Peking Coll of Geology | 900146 |
Peking Medical Coll | 900883 |
Peking Normal University | 900998 |
Peking Polytech Univ | 900789 |
Peking University | 900999 |
Pembroke State University | 002954 |
Peninsula College | 003786 |
Penn Technical Institute | 007860 |
Penn Valley Cmty College | 002484 |
Pennco Tech | 029199 |
Pennsylvania,U of | 003378 |
Pensacola Christian College | 902154 |
Pensacola Junior College | 001513 |
People's Univ of China | 901075 |
Pepperdine University | 001264 |
Peradeniya Univ of | 900775 |
Peralta CC Sys All Inst | 008712 |
Peralta CC System Office | 001265 |
Peru State College | 002559 |
Perugia Univ Medical Scho | 900422 |
Peruvian University | 901751 |
Peshawar Univ of | 900759 |
Pfeiffer College | 002955 |
Phila C Performing Arts | 003355 |
Phila C Textiles and Sci | 003354 |
Phila College Osteo Med | 003352 |
Phila College Phar & Sci | 003353 |
Phila College of Art | 003350 |
Phila College of Bible | 003351 |
Philadelphia,Cmty College | 003249 |
Philander Smith College | 001103 |
Phillipines Normal Coll | 900817 |
Phillipines Univ of | 900926 |
Phillippines Univ of | 900530 |
Phillips C New Orleans | 011153 |
Phillips Co Cmty College | 001104 |
Phillips College | 009221 |
Phillips College | 010765 |
Phillips College | 011130 |
Phillips College Jackson | 029223 |
Phillips University | 003175 |
Phoenix College | 001078 |
Phoenix, University of | 029143 |
Phonetique Inst of | 900239 |
Phy Educ & Sports Inst of | 900827 |
Physics Academia | 900788 |
Physics Chinese Hong Kong | 900774 |
Piedmont Aerospace Inst | 008192 |
Piedmont Bible College | 002956 |
Piedmont College | 001588 |
Piedmont Tech College | 003992 |
Piedmont Technical C | 009646 |
Piedmont Va Cmty College | 009928 |
Pikes Peak Cmty College | 008896 |
Pikeville College | 001980 |
Pima Community College | 007266 |
Pine Manor College | 002201 |
Pinebrook Junior College | 009908 |
Pingle Women's College In | 901503 |
Pioneer Community College | 029029 |
Pisa Univ of | 900423 |
Pitt Cmty College | 004062 |
Pittsbg All Campuses,U of | 008815 |
Pittsbg Bradford Cam,U of | 003380 |
Pittsbg Central Off,U of | 008046 |
Pittsbg Greensbg Cam,U of | 003381 |
Pittsbg Johnstwn Cam,U of | 003382 |
Pittsbg Main Campus,U of | 003379 |
Pittsbg Titusvl Cam,U of | 003383 |
Pittsburg St University | 001926 |
Pittsburgh Inst Aeron | 005310 |
Pittsburgh Tech Inst | 007437 |
Pittsburgh Theol Seminary | 003356 |
Pitzer College | 001172 |
Platte Technical CC | 007641 |
Platte Vly Bible College | 007638 |
Pleven Medical University | 901996 |
Plymouth Polytech | 901102 |
Point Loma College | 001262 |
Point Park College | 003357 |
Poitiers Univ of | 900240 |
Poland Univ of | 900516 |
Polish Academy of Science | 900517 |
Politecnico Nacional Univ | 900897 |
Politiques Domaing Univ I | 900241 |
Polk Community College | 001514 |
Poltava State University | 902065 |
Polytech Inst of Iasi | 901156 |
Polytechnic Inst New York | 002796 |
Polytechnic Regent St | 900697 |
Pomona College | 001173 |
Ponce School of Medicine | 901868 |
Pontidical Inst of Mediev | 900102 |
Pontifical C Josephinum | 003113 |
Pontifical Gregoria Univ | 900424 |
Pontifical Univ of Comill | 900589 |
Pontificia Univ Catolica Campi | 901752 |
Pontificia Univ Javeriana | 902119 |
Poona Univ of | 900364 |
Pope John XXIII Natl Sem | 002202 |
Porterville College | 001268 |
Portland Cmty College | 003213 |
Portland School of Art | 011673 |
Portland State University | 003216 |
Portland,University of | 003224 |
Portsmouth Poly-Tech Inst | 900885 |
Post College | 001401 |
Post Grad Inst Med/Res | 900840 |
Potifica Univ Cath Peru | 900798 |
Potomac State College | 003829 |
Powelson Business Inst | 008276 |
Poznan Univ Medical Science | 902147 |
Prairie State College | 001640 |
Prairie View A&M U | 003630 |
Prasmit Coll of Educ | 900622 |
Pratt Cmty College | 001938 |
Pratt Institute | 002798 |
Prentiss Norm-Indus Inst | 002432 |
Presb Sch of Christian Ed | 003730 |
Presbyterian College | 003445 |
Prescott Center College | 029022 |
Presentation College | 003467 |
Prestonburg Cmty College | 029216 |
Pretoria Univ | 900575 |
Prince Edwards Island Uni | 900103 |
Prince Georges CC | 002089 |
Prince of Songkla | 900779 |
Prince of Wales College | 900104 |
Princeton Theological Sem | 002626 |
Princeton University | 002627 |
Principia College | 001744 |
Prometheus College | 029057 |
Prot Epis Theol Sem in Va | 003731 |
Provence Univ | 900987 |
Providence College | 003406 |
Pueblo Vocational CC | 029166 |
Puerto Rico All Cam,U of | 008840 |
Puerto Rico Central Off U | 900562 |
Puerto Rico Central Off,U | 003942 |
Puerto Rico Jr College | 003941 |
Puerto Rico Jr College | 900563 |
Puget Sound C of Bible | 029046 |
Puget Sound,University of | 003797 |
Punjab Engr College | 900963 |
Punjab University | 901074 |
Purdue U All Campuses | 008732 |
Purdue U Calumet | 001827 |
Purdue U Central Office | 007888 |
Purdue U Main Campus | 001825 |
Purdue U North Cen Campus | 001826 |
Pusan National University | 900932 |
Qinghua University | 900158 |
Quaid-I-Azam Univ | 901162 |
Queen Elizabeth Col Univ | 900698 |
Queen Mary Col Univ of Lo | 900699 |
Queens College | 002957 |
Queens Univ | 900105 |
Queens Univ of Belfast | 900700 |
Queensland Univ of | 900021 |
Quincy College | 001745 |
Quincy Junior College | 002205 |
Quinebaug Valley CC | 010530 |
Quinnipiac College | 001402 |
Quinsigamond Cmty College | 002175 |
R. G. Kar Medical College | 901589 |
R.Schumann Inst Dusseldor | 900888 |
RI School of Design | 003409 |
Rab Ac Mes Rab Chaim Brln | 003976 |
Rab C Bobover B'nei Zion | 008614 |
Rab C Ch'San Sofer NY | 003977 |
Rab C of Kamenitz Yeshiva | 004810 |
Rab College Beth Shraga | 010943 |
Rab College Long Island | 010378 |
Rab College of America | 008609 |
Rab College of Sanz | 011988 |
Rab Sem Beth Yit D'Spinka | 029110 |
Rab Sem of New Square | 011994 |
Rab Seminary Adas Yereim | 011710 |
Rab Seminary M'kor Chaim | 008617 |
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Sem | 029121 |
Rabbinical C of Tash | 029146 |
Rabbinical College Telshe | 003115 |
Rabbinical Sem of America | 003978 |
Rabbinical Sem of Munkacs | 008610 |
Radcliffe College | 002156 |
Radford University | 003732 |
Radiation Medicine Inst | 900994 |
Rainy River Cmty College | 006775 |
Rajashan Univ of | 900842 |
Rajiv Gandhi Univ Health Scien | 901991 |
Rajshahi Univ | 900793 |
Ramapo C of New Jersey | 009344 |
Ramirez C Bus and Techn | 013148 |
Ranchi Univ | 900365 |
Rand Grad Inst Pol Stdies | 010441 |
Randolph Technical C | 005447 |
Randolph-Macon College | 003733 |
Randolph-Macon Woman's C | 003734 |
Rangaraya Medical College | 902027 |
Ranger Junior College | 003603 |
Rappahannock Cmty College | 009160 |
Rasht University | 900903 |
Raskt Business College | 900814 |
Ravenshaw College | 900366 |
Reading Area Cmty College | 010388 |
Reading Univ | 900701 |
Real Conservatory of Musi | 900590 |
Rector of Higher Inst Med Sci | 901940 |
Redlands,University of | 001322 |
Redwoods,College of the | 001185 |
Reed College | 003217 |
Reformed Bible College | 002311 |
Reformed Presb Theol Sem | 003358 |
Reformed Theological Sem | 009193 |
Regis College | 001363 |
Regis College | 002206 |
Rehab & Social Welf Sch | 900890 |
Reinhardt College | 001589 |
Rend Lake College | 007119 |
Rensselaer Poly Institute | 002803 |
Res Inst Petroleum Engr | 901104 |
Res. Inst. Plant Protect. | 901143 |
Resurrection College | 900106 |
Rhode Island College | 003407 |
Rhode Island,U of | 003414 |
Rhodes College | 800020 |
Rhodes Univ | 900576 |
Rice College | 006909 |
Rice University | 003604 |
Richard Bland C Wm & Mary | 003707 |
Richland Cmty College | 010879 |
Richland College | 008504 |
Richmond College | 900702 |
Richmond Technical C | 005464 |
Richmond,University of | 003744 |
Ricks College | 001625 |
Rider College | 002628 |
Rijksuniver Centrum Antwe | 900045 |
Rika Breuer Teachers Sem | 012961 |
Rikkyo Univ | 900447 |
Ringling Sch Art-Design | 012574 |
Rio Grande College | 003116 |
Rio Hondo College | 001269 |
Rio Salado College | 029243 |
Ripon College | 003884 |
Riverside City College | 001270 |
Rivier College | 002586 |
Roane State Cmty College | 009914 |
Roanoke Bible College | 029088 |
Roanoke College | 003736 |
Roanoke-Chowan Tech Inst | 008613 |
Robert College | 900634 |
Robert Morris College | 003359 |
Roberts Wesleyan College | 002805 |
Robeson Technical C | 008612 |
Rochester Bus Institute | 004811 |
Rochester Cmty College | 002373 |
Rochester Inst Technology | 002806 |
Rochester,University of | 002894 |
Rock Valley College | 001747 |
Rockefeller University | 002807 |
Rockford College | 001748 |
Rockhurst College | 002499 |
Rockingham Cmty College | 002958 |
Rockland Cmty College | 002877 |
Rockmont College | 009401 |
Rocky Mountain College | 002534 |
Roger Williams C All Cam | 009057 |
Roger Williams C Cen Off | 003410 |
Roger Williams C Main Cam | 004917 |
Roger Williams C Prov Br | 009056 |
Rogue Community College | 010182 |
Rollins College | 001515 |
Rome Univ of | 900425 |
Rome Univ of Medical | 900426 |
Roorkee Univ | 900367 |
Roosevelt University | 001749 |
Rosario Univ Med Sch | 900010 |
Rosario Univ of | 900756 |
Rosary College | 001750 |
Rosary College Fine Arts | 900427 |
Rose-Hulman Inst of Techn | 001830 |
Rosehill College | 800014 |
Rosemont College | 003360 |
Ross University | 901753 |
Rowan Technical College | 005754 |
Roxbury Community College | 011930 |
Royal Academy Art School | 900603 |
Royal Academy of Dramatic | 900703 |
Royal Col of Med Baghbad | 900437 |
Royal Col of Surgeons of | 900704 |
Royal College of Art | 900705 |
Royal College of Dublin | 900196 |
Royal Con of Music | 900048 |
Royal Holloway | 900706 |
Royal Inst of Technology | 901112 |
Royal Melbourne Inst | 900022 |
Royal Military Col of Can | 900107 |
Royal Vet & Agri Col | 900180 |
Royal Veterinary College | 900707 |
Runjab Univ | 900841 |
Ruprecht Karl Univ | 900269 |
Rural Medical College | 901944 |
Rush University | 009800 |
Russell Sage C All Cam | 008786 |
Russell Sage C Cen Office | 007972 |
Russell Sage C Main Cam | 002810 |
Russell Sage JC of Albany | 002811 |
Rust College | 002433 |
Rutgers The St U All Cam | 008771 |
Rutgers U Camden Campus | 004741 |
Rutgers U New Brunswick | 006964 |
Rutgers U Newark Campus | 002631 |
Rutgers the St U Cen Off | 002629 |
Rutledge College | 029111 |
Rutledge College Durham | 029233 |
Ryukyus Univ of | 901027 |
S D Bishop St Jr College | 001030 |
S. M. S. Medical College J | 901593 |
S. R. College | 901119 |
S.W. Petroleum Inst. | 901159 |
SABA Univ. School of Medicine | 901865 |
SC All Campuses,U of | 008819 |
SC Central Office,U of | 008049 |
SC Coastal Carolina, U of | 003451 |
SC State College | 003446 |
SC at Aiken,U of | 003449 |
SC at Beaufort,U of | 003450 |
SC at Lancaster,U of | 003453 |
SC at Salkehatchie,U of | 003454 |
SC at Spartanburg,U,of | 006951 |
SC at Sumter,U of | 012112 |
SC at Union,U of | 004927 |
SD All Campuses,U of | 010300 |
SD Central Office,U of | 010299 |
SD Main Campus,U of | 003474 |
SD Sch Mines & Technology | 003470 |
SD State University | 003471 |
SD at Springfield,U of | 003472 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Alfred | 002854 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Canton | 002855 |
SUNY Agrl & Tech C Delhi | 002857 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Cobleskl | 002856 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Farmngdl | 002858 |
SUNY Agrl Tech C Morrisvl | 002859 |
SUNY C Envrnmtl Sci-Fors | 002851 |
SUNY C of Tech Utica-Rome | 006792 |
SUNY College Old Westbury | 007109 |
SUNY College Plattsburgh | 002849 |
SUNY College at Brockport | 002841 |
SUNY College at Buffalo | 002842 |
SUNY College at Cortland | 002843 |
SUNY College at Fredonia | 002844 |
SUNY College at Geneseo | 002845 |
SUNY College at New Paltz | 002846 |
SUNY College at Oneonta | 002847 |
SUNY College at Oswego | 002848 |
SUNY College at Potsdam | 002850 |
SUNY College at Purchase | 006791 |
SUNY Downstate Medl Ctr | 002839 |
SUNY Empire State College | 010286 |
SUNY Maritime College | 002853 |
SUNY State C of Optometry | 009929 |
SUNY Upstate Medical Ctr | 002840 |
SUNY at Albany | 002835 |
SUNY at Binghamton | 002836 |
SUNY at Buffalo All Cam | 009554 |
SUNY at Buffalo Main Cam | 002837 |
SUNY at Stony Bk All Cam | 009555 |
SUNY at Stony Bk Main Cam | 002838 |
Saar Univ of the | 900270 |
Saarlandes Des Univ | 900810 |
Sacramento City College | 001233 |
Sacred Heart Coll of | 900564 |
Sacred Heart College | 002959 |
Sacred Heart Sch Theology | 029114 |
Sacred Heart Seminary C | 002313 |
Sacred Heart University | 001403 |
Saddleback Cmty College | 008918 |
Saga University | 900864 |
Saginaw Vly State College | 002314 |
Saigon Univ | 900749 |
Saint Alphonsus College | 001407 |
Saint Ambrose College | 001889 |
Saint Anselm College | 002587 |
Saint Augustines College | 002968 |
Saint Basil's College | 001408 |
Saint Benedict,College of | 002341 |
Saint Bernard Parish CC | 009271 |
Saint Bernard's Seminary | 002815 |
Saint Bonaventure U | 002817 |
Saint Catharine College | 001983 |
Saint Cloud St University | 002377 |
Saint Edward's University | 003621 |
Saint Fidelis College | 003365 |
Saint Francis College | 001832 |
Saint Francis College | 002820 |
Saint Francis College | 003366 |
Saint Francis Seminary | 010669 |
Saint Francis,College of | 001664 |
Saint Gregory's College | 003183 |
Saint John Fisher College | 002821 |
Saint John's C All Cam | 008749 |
Saint John's C Cen Office | 007957 |
Saint John's C Main Cam | 002092 |
Saint John's College | 001299 |
Saint John's College | 001942 |
Saint John's Seminary | 002214 |
Saint John's University | 002379 |
Saint John's University | 002823 |
Saint Johns River CC | 001523 |
Saint Joseph College | 001409 |
Saint Joseph Sem College | 002027 |
Saint Joseph's College | 001833 |
Saint Joseph's College | 002051 |
Saint Joseph's University | 003367 |
Saint Lawrence University | 002829 |
Saint Leo College | 001526 |
Saint Louis CC-Meramec | 002472 |
Saint Louis Rab College | 011181 |
Saint Louis U All Cam | 008766 |
Saint Louis U Central Off | 008024 |
Saint Louis U Main Campus | 002506 |
Saint Louis U-Parks C | 003970 |
Saint Martin's College | 003794 |
Saint Mary College | 001943 |
Saint Mary Plains College | 001944 |
Saint Mary Seminary | 004061 |
Saint Mary's C O'Fallon | 002507 |
Saint Mary's College | 001836 |
Saint Mary's College | 002321 |
Saint Mary's College | 002380 |
Saint Mary's College | 002969 |
Saint Mary's Dominican C | 002028 |
Saint Mary's Jr College | 002381 |
Saint Mary's Sem-College | 002508 |
Saint Mary's Seminary & U | 002096 |
Saint Mary,College of | 002540 |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods C | 001835 |
Saint Meinrad College | 001837 |
Saint Michael's College | 003694 |
Saint Norbert College | 003892 |
Saint Olaf College | 002382 |
Saint Patrick's College | 001303 |
Saint Patrick's Seminary | 010074 |
Saint Patricks Seminary | 900108 |
Saint Paul Bible College | 002383 |
Saint Paul Seminary | 002384 |
Saint Paul's College | 002510 |
Saint Paul's College | 003739 |
Saint Peters College | 002638 |
Saint Petersbg Jr College | 001528 |
Saint Philip's College | 003608 |
Saint Rose,College of | 002705 |
Saint Scholastica,College | 002343 |
Saint Teresa,College of | 002344 |
Saint Thomas Aquinas C | 002832 |
Saint Thomas Seminary | 001367 |
Saint Thomas Seminary | 001412 |
Saint Thomas,College of | 002345 |
Saint Vincent College | 003368 |
Saint Vincent Seminary | 010651 |
Saint Xavier College | 001768 |
Sainte Croix College | 900109 |
Salamanca Univ of | 900591 |
Salem College | 002960 |
Salem College All Cam | 008832 |
Salem College Central Off | 008402 |
Salem College Clarksburg | 003821 |
Salem College Main Campus | 003820 |
Salem Community College | 005461 |
Salem State College | 002188 |
Salford Univ | 900708 |
Salisbury State College | 002091 |
Salish Kootenai Cmty C | 029224 |
Salta Natl Coll of | 900011 |
Salve Regina-Newport C | 003411 |
Salzburg Univ of | 900033 |
Sam Houston St University | 003606 |
Samara State Medical Universit | 902145 |
Samford University | 001036 |
Sampson Technical C | 007892 |
San Antonio College | 009163 |
San Carlos Univ | 900291 |
San Carlos Univ of | 900531 |
San Diego CC All Campuses | 001274 |
San Diego CC Dist Cen Off | 001273 |
San Diego City College | 008895 |
San Diego Evening C | 007478 |
San Diego Mesa College | 001275 |
San Diego Miramar College | 012662 |
San Diego State U | 001151 |
San Diego,University of | 010395 |
San Fernando Valley C Law | 012631 |
San Francisco Art Inst | 003948 |
San Francisco Consv Music | 001278 |
San Francisco State U | 001154 |
San Francisco Theol Sem | 001279 |
San Francisco,U of | 001325 |
San Jacinto C All Cam | 029136 |
San Jacinto C Central Cam | 003609 |
San Jacinto C Central Off | 029137 |
San Jacinto C North Cam | 012713 |
San Joaquin Delta College | 001280 |
San Jose Bible College | 001281 |
San Jose CC All Inst | 029041 |
San Jose CC Dist Office | 029042 |
San Jose City College | 001282 |
San Jose State U | 001155 |
San Juan Junior Coll | 900565 |
San Juan Technological CC | 010567 |
San Marcos Univ of | 900506 |
San Mateo CC Dist Sys Off | 004697 |
San Mateo CC Sys All Inst | 008713 |
San Mateo,College of | 001181 |
San Simon Univ of | 900050 |
Sandhills Cmty College | 002961 |
Sangamon State University | 009333 |
Sanjay Gandhi Post Grad Instit | 902178 |
Sanskrit College | 901054 |
Santa Ana College | 001284 |
Santa Barbara Cty College | 001285 |
Santa Cecila Academic Di | 900428 |
Santa Clara,University of | 001326 |
Santa Fe Cmty College | 001519 |
Santa Fe,College of | 002649 |
Santa Maria Univ of | 900829 |
Santa Monica College | 001286 |
Santa Rosa Junior College | 001287 |
Santiago de Compostela | 900592 |
Santo Thomas Univ of | 900532 |
Sara Schenirer Tchrs Sem | 011995 |
Sarah Lawrence College | 002813 |
Sarasota,University of | 029035 |
Saratov State University | 901546 |
Saskatchewan Univ | 900110 |
Sassari Univ of | 900429 |
Sauk Valley College | 001752 |
Saurashtra University | 901089 |
Savannah State College | 001590 |
Sayre Junior College | 003177 |
Scarritt College | 003515 |
Sch Art Institute Chicago | 001753 |
Sch for Intrnatl Training | 008860 |
Sch of Business Admin | 900303 |
Schenectady County CC | 006785 |
Schiller College | 900271 |
Schiller College | 900272 |
School Associated Arts | 029191 |
School of Applied Arts P | 900618 |
School of Law | 901145 |
Schoolcraft College | 002315 |
Schreiner College | 003610 |
Sci & Arts of Okla,U of | 003167 |
Sci & Tech of China Univ | 900795 |
Sci & Tech of China Univ | 900796 |
Science & Tech Univ of | 900953 |
Science and Tech Univ of | 900835 |
Scott Community College | 004074 |
Scottsdale Cmty College | 008304 |
Scranton,University of | 003384 |
Scripps College | 001174 |
Seabury-Western Theol Sem | 001754 |
Seattle CC Central Campus | 009705 |
Seattle CC Dist All Cam | 003787 |
Seattle CC Dist Off | 010106 |
Seattle CC South Campus | 009706 |
Seattle Pacific U | 003788 |
Seattle University | 003790 |
Sedgley Park College | 900709 |
Selma University | 001037 |
Sem Immac Conception | 002683 |
Sem Saint Vincent De Paul | 008223 |
Seminary of Saint Pius X | 008917 |
Seminole Cmty College | 001520 |
Seminole Junior College | 003178 |
Semmelweis University | 901462 |
Seneca College | 900111 |
Seoul Natl Univ | 900463 |
Sequoias,College of the | 001186 |
Seth G. S. Medical College | 901590 |
Seton Hall University | 002632 |
Seton Hill College | 003362 |
Seville Medical Univ | 900593 |
Seville Univ Vet Science | 900595 |
Seville Univ of | 900594 |
Seward Co Cmty College | 008228 |
Sh'or Yoshuv Rab College | 011076 |
Shaheed Beshesti Univ of Med S | 901857 |
Shandong Fishery School Ch | 901591 |
Shandong University | 901058 |
Shanghai Fu-Dan | 900802 |
Shanghai Inst Power Engr | 900773 |
Shanghai Med Coll | 900147 |
Shanghai Teacher's Universi | 901504 |
Shanghi Jiastong Univ | 901077 |
Shanxi Medical College Tai | 901592 |
Sharif Univ of Technology | 901017 |
Shasta College | 001289 |
Shaw College at Detroit | 002289 |
Shaw University | 002962 |
Shawnee College | 007693 |
Shawnee St Cmty College | 012748 |
Sheffield Univ of | 900710 |
Shelby State Cmty College | 010439 |
Sheldon Jackson College | 001062 |
Shelton St Cmty College | 005691 |
Shen-Yeng Pharmacology | 900993 |
Shenandoah C-Consv Music | 003737 |
Shenyang Agric Univ | 901026 |
Shepherd College | 003822 |
Sherbrooke Univ de | 900863 |
Sheridan College | 003930 |
Sheridan College | 900112 |
Sherman C Straight Chiro | 029058 |
Sherwood Music School | 001755 |
Shimer College | 001756 |
Shippensburg St College | 003326 |
Shiraz University | 901218 |
Shoreline Cmty College | 003791 |
Shorter College | 001105 |
Shorter College | 001591 |
Shyam Shah Medical College | 902144 |
Sichuan University | 902037 |
Siddhartha Medical College | 901946 |
Siena College | 002816 |
Siena Heights College | 002316 |
Siena Univ of | 900430 |
Sierra College | 001290 |
Sierra Leone Univ of | 900785 |
Sierra Nevada College | 009192 |
Silesian University | 900901 |
Silin University | 901138 |
Silliman Univ | 900533 |
Silver Lake College | 003850 |
Simmons College | 002208 |
Simon Bolivar University | 900996 |
Simon Fraser Univ | 900949 |
Simon's Rock Early C | 009645 |
Simpson College | 001291 |
Simpson College | 001887 |
Sinai Sch of Med Cuny | 007026 |
Sinclair Cmty College | 003119 |
Sind Univ of | 900509 |
Singapore Univ of | 900857 |
Sinte Gleska College | 029112 |
Sioux Empire College | 001888 |
Sioux Falls College | 003469 |
Sir George Williams Univ | 900113 |
Siskiyous,College of the | 001187 |
Sisli Iktisade Ticari Ili | 900635 |
Skagit Valley College | 003792 |
Skidmore College | 002814 |
Skyline College | 007713 |
Slippery Rock St College | 003327 |
Smith College | 002209 |
Sn Anto CC Dist Cen Off | 003607 |
Sn Anto Dist JC All Cam | 009162 |
Sn Bernardino Vly College | 001272 |
Sn Frisco C Mortuary Sci | 001277 |
Sn Frisco CC Ctr System | 004502 |
Sn Frisco CC Dist Cen Off | 029033 |
Sn Frisco CC District | 029032 |
Snead State Jr College | 001038 |
Snow College | 003679 |
Snt Andrews Presb College | 002967 |
Snt Catherine,College of | 002342 |
Snt Charles Borromeo Sem | 003364 |
Snt Clair Co Cmty College | 002310 |
Snt Elizabeth,College of | 002600 |
Snt Fran Sem Pstl Minstry | 009641 |
Snt Francis de Sales C | 009640 |
Snt Hyacinth College-Sem | 002213 |
Snt John Provincial Sem | 029154 |
Snt John Vianney C Sem | 008075 |
Snt John's C Santa Fe NM | 002093 |
Snt Jos College Cen Off | 900368 |
Snt Joseph the Provider,C | 003685 |
Snt Joseph's C Main Cam | 002825 |
Snt Josephs C All Cam | 029079 |
Snt Josephs C Cen Off | 029080 |
Snt Josephs C Suffolk Cam | 029081 |
Snt Josephs Sem & College | 002826 |
Snt Louis Christian C | 012580 |
Snt Louis College of Phar | 002504 |
Snt Louis Consv of Music | 002505 |
Snt Lu CC Center All Cam | 008987 |
Snt Lu CC Center Cen Off | 002469 |
Snt Lu CC-Florissant Vly | 002470 |
Snt Lu CC-Forest Park | 002471 |
Snt Mary of the Lake Sem | 001765 |
Snt Mary's College of Cal | 001302 |
Snt Mary's College of Md | 002095 |
Snt Mary's U San Antonio | 003623 |
Snt Meinrad C Jt Library | 010671 |
Snt Meinrad Sch Theology | 007276 |
Snt Michaels Pasionst Mon | 002637 |
Snt Paul Sch of Theology | 002509 |
Snt Thomas,University of | 003654 |
Snt Vincent C-Sem Jt Lib | 029011 |
Snt Vladmr Orth Theol Sem | 002833 |
Sofia Univ Jesuit Inter U | 900448 |
Sogang Univ | 900464 |
Sojourner-Douglas C | 029228 |
Soka Univ of | 900818 |
Solano Community College | 001292 |
Somerset Cmty College | 029217 |
Somerset County College | 007731 |
Sonoma State University | 001156 |
Soochow Univ of | 900804 |
Soong Jun Univ | 900761 |
Sorbonne Univ of Paris | 900242 |
South Alabama,U of | 001057 |
South Cen Cmty College | 008037 |
South China College of Ag | 900148 |
South Florida Jr College | 001522 |
South Florida,U of | 001537 |
South Georgia College | 001592 |
South Mountain Cmty C | 029242 |
South Okla Cty Jr College | 010391 |
South Plains College | 003611 |
South Texas College Law | 004977 |
South,University of the | 003534 |
Southampton Univ of | 900711 |
Southeast CC Lincoln Cam | 007591 |
Southeast CC Milford Cam | 004723 |
Southeast Cmty College | 029218 |
Southeastern Bapt College | 002435 |
Southeastern Cmty College | 002964 |
Southeastern Cmty College | 008740 |
Southeastern Ill College | 001757 |
Southeastern University | 001456 |
Southern Bapt Theol Sem | 001982 |
Southern Baptist College | 001106 |
Southern Bible College | 011624 |
Southern Cal College | 001293 |
Southern California,U of | 001328 |
Southern Colorado,U of | 001365 |
Southern Conn St College | 001406 |
Southern Idaho,College of | 001619 |
Southern JC Of Business | 009435 |
Southern Me Voc Tech Inst | 005525 |
Southern Meth University | 003613 |
Southern Mississippi,U of | 002441 |
Southern Ohio College | 005127 |
Southern Sem Jr College | 003738 |
Southern U A&M All Cam | 002025 |
Southern U A&M C Cen Off | 009637 |
Southern U A&M C Main Cam | 009636 |
Southern Utah St College | 003678 |
Southern Vermont College | 003693 |
Southern W Va CC All Cam | 010360 |
Southern W Va CC Cen Off | 010334 |
Southside Va Cmty College | 008661 |
Southwest Baptist College | 002502 |
Southwest Miss Jr College | 002436 |
Southwest Tex Jr College | 003614 |
Southwest Va Cmty College | 007260 |
Southwest,College of the | 002650 |
Southwestern Assemb God C | 003616 |
Southwestern Cmty College | 001857 |
Southwestern College | 001294 |
Southwestern College | 001940 |
Southwestern Medical School | 003660 |
Southwestern Mich College | 002317 |
Southwestern Tech C | 008466 |
Southwestern University | 003620 |
Southwestern at Memphis | 003519 |
Spalding College | 001960 |
Spartan Health Sci Univ | 901939 |
Spartan Sch Aeronautics | 007678 |
Spartanburg Meth College | 003447 |
Spartanburg Tech College | 003994 |
Spelman College | 001594 |
Spertus College Judaica | 001663 |
Spokane Community College | 003793 |
Spokane Fls Cmty College | 009544 |
Spoon River College | 001643 |
Spring Arbor College | 002318 |
Spring Garden College | 003363 |
Spring Hill College | 001041 |
Springfield College | 002211 |
Springfield Technical CC | 008078 |
Springfld College in Ill | 001761 |
Sri Jayachamarajendra | 900939 |
Sri Lanka Univ of | 900762 |
Sri Satya Sai Arts Sci Co | 900369 |
Sri Venkateswara Univ Art | 900370 |
Sri Yn College | 900371 |
St Andrews Univ of | 900712 |
St Catherine Col of Oxfor | 900713 |
St Cecilia Music Conserva | 900431 |
St Christopher Col of Medicine | 902033 |
St Dunstans Univ | 900114 |
St Edmunds College | 900372 |
St Francis Xavier Univ | 900115 |
St Johns College | 900049 |
St Lawrence College | 900116 |
St Louis College | 900117 |
St Luke's College of Medicine | 902040 |
St Margarets College | 800010 |
St Martin Sch of Art | 900801 |
St Mary Hosp Univ of Lo | 900714 |
St Matthew's Sch of Medicine | 901864 |
St NY Regents Extnl Deg,U | 011716 |
St Paul Univ | 900119 |
St Theresa College | 900534 |
St Thomas College | 900120 |
St U Sys of Fla All Inst | 008721 |
St U Sys of Fla Sys Off | 008068 |
St U-CC Sys Tenn All Inst | 029030 |
St U-CC Sys Tenn Sys Off | 029031 |
St. Petersburg State Univer | 901505 |
St. Thomas University | 001468 |
St. Xaviers College | 901122 |
St.George's Univ School of Med | 901856 |
Standing Rock CC | 029129 |
Stanford University | 001305 |
Stanley Medical College | 901952 |
Stanly Technical C | 011194 |
Stark Technical College | 010881 |
Starr Kng Sch for Minstry | 004080 |
State College of Tropical | 900497 |
State Community College | 009332 |
State Ctr CC Dist Sys Off | 001306 |
State Ctr CC Sys All Inst | 008714 |
State Fair Cmty College | 008080 |
State Med Univ of Azerbaijan | 901754 |
State Tech Inst Knoxville | 012693 |
State Tech Inst Memphis | 007105 |
State U NY Sys All Inst | 008788 |
State U New York Sys Off | 002834 |
State U Sys Minn All Inst | 029069 |
State U Sys Minn Sys Off | 029070 |
State Univ | 900046 |
State Univ of Donetsk | 900983 |
State Univ of Mons | 901130 |
Stavropol State Medical Academ | 901871 |
Steed College | 003521 |
Stefan Batory Univ of | 900735 |
Steffan Batory Univ of | 900518 |
Stellenbosch Univ of | 900577 |
Stenotype Institute | 011996 |
Stephen F Austin State U | 003624 |
Stephens College | 002512 |
Sterling College | 001945 |
Stetson University | 001531 |
Steubenville,College of | 003036 |
Stevens Henager College | 003674 |
Stevens Inst Technology | 002639 |
Sthest CC Fairby-Beatrice | 002546 |
Sthest Mo St University | 002501 |
Sthestn Baptist Theol Sem | 002963 |
Sthestn Bible College | 001039 |
Sthestn C Assemblies God | 001521 |
Sthestn Christian College | 001981 |
Sthestn La University | 002024 |
Sthestn Mass University | 002210 |
Sthestn Nebr Tech All Cam | 029003 |
Sthestn Nebr Tech Cen Off | 029004 |
Sthestn Okla State U | 003179 |
Sthn Ark U All Campuses | 029024 |
Sthn Ark U Central Office | 029025 |
Sthn Ark U El Dorado Br | 013176 |
Sthn Ark U Main Campus | 001107 |
Sthn Ark U Tech Branch | 007738 |
Sthn Benedictine College | 029023 |
Sthn Cal C of Optometry | 001230 |
Sthn Cal Institute Arch | 029084 |
Sthn College of Optometry | 003517 |
Sthn Illinois U All Inst | 008728 |
Sthn Illinois U Carbondl | 001758 |
Sthn Illinois U Edwardsvl | 001759 |
Sthn Illinois U Sys Off | 008237 |
Sthn Missionary College | 003518 |
Sthn Oregon St College | 003219 |
Sthn St Gen-Tech College | 012870 |
Sthn U Shreveport-Bossier | 004622 |
Sthn U in New Orleans | 002026 |
Sthn Union St Jr College | 001040 |
Sthn Vocational College | 011237 |
Sthn W Va CC | 003816 |
Sthn W Va CC-Williamson | 003817 |
Sthwst Mo St University | 002503 |
Sthwst State University | 002375 |
Sthwst Tex St University | 003615 |
Sthwst Wis Voc Tech Inst | 007669 |
Sthwstn Adventist College | 003619 |
Sthwstn Bapt Bible C | 007113 |
Sthwstn Bapt Theol Sem | 003617 |
Sthwstn Christian College | 003618 |
Sthwstn Louisiana,U of | 002031 |
Sthwstn Okla State U | 003181 |
Sthwstn Oreg Cmty College | 003220 |
Sthwstn U School of Law | 001295 |
Stillman College | 001044 |
Stirling Univ of | 900715 |
Stockholm Sch of Economic | 900830 |
Stockholm Univ of | 900604 |
Stockton State College | 009345 |
Stonehill College | 002217 |
Strasburg Univ of | 900243 |
Strathclyde Univ | 900716 |
Stratton Joint Library | 029141 |
Strayer College | 001459 |
Stuttgart Tech Univ of | 900273 |
Stuttgart Univ of | 900275 |
Su Xhou Coll Silk Tex Tec | 901094 |
Sue Bennett College | 001986 |
Suffolk Co CC All Campus | 029249 |
Suffolk Co CC Estn Cam | 004816 |
Suffolk Co CC Selden Cam | 002878 |
Suffolk Co CC Wstn Cam | 013204 |
Suffolk University | 002218 |
Sugar Industry Research I | 900454 |
Sul Ross State University | 003625 |
Sullivan Co Cmty College | 002879 |
Sullivan JC Business | 004619 |
Sumter Area Tech College | 003995 |
Sun Yai-Sen(Zhongshan)Un | 900149 |
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ | 901018 |
Suny Health Sci Ctr Bflo | 004822 |
Suny Hlth Sci Ctr Stny Bk | 004823 |
Suomi College | 002322 |
Surrey Univ of | 900717 |
Surry Community College | 002970 |
Susquehanna University | 003369 |
Sussex Univ | 900718 |
Suzhou Medical College | 901755 |
Sw China's Teachers Univ | 901003 |
Swain School of Design | 004665 |
Swansea Univ College | 900719 |
Swarthmore College | 003370 |
Sweet Briar College | 003742 |
Swiss Fed Inst of Tech | 900619 |
Sydney Univ of | 900023 |
Syiah Kuala Univ | 901045 |
Syracuse U All Campuses | 008789 |
Syracuse U Central Office | 007975 |
Syracuse U Main Campus | 002882 |
Szegeo Univ of | 900304 |
Tabor College | 001946 |
Tabriz Univ | 900390 |
Tacoma Community College | 003796 |
Taft College | 001309 |
Taipei Medical Coll | 900643 |
Taiwan Cheng-Kung Univ | 900754 |
Taiwan Normal Univ | 900644 |
Talladega College | 001046 |
Tallahassee Cmty College | 001533 |
Talmud Inst of Cen Jersey | 011989 |
Talmud Sem Oholei Torah | 012011 |
Talmud Yeshiva of Phila | 012523 |
Talmudic C of Florida | 029048 |
Talmudical Inst Upst NY | 029147 |
Tamil Nadu Agr Univ | 900965 |
Tamkang Univ | 900645 |
Tampa College | 011728 |
Tampa Tech Institute | 007586 |
Tampa,University of | 001538 |
Tampere Univ of | 900202 |
Tanta University | 901079 |
Tarkio College | 002513 |
Tarleton State University | 003631 |
Tarrant Co Junior College | 008898 |
Tashkent Univ | 900736 |
Tasmania Univ of | 900024 |
Tata Inst of Social Scien | 900373 |
Tate Inst Fundtl Research | 900907 |
Tatung Inst of Tech | 900150 |
Tatung Inst of Tech | 900646 |
Taylor Business Institute | 004825 |
Taylor University | 001838 |
Tbilisi State Medical Univ | 901877 |
Teacher Training Coll | 900392 |
Tech C of Alamance | 005463 |
Tech Career Institutes | 011031 |
Tech Community Col of San | 900566 |
Tech Faculty of Bandung | 900306 |
Tech Inst of Puerto Rico | 900567 |
Tech Inst of San Juan | 900568 |
Tech Inst of Zurich | 900620 |
Tech Israel Inst of Tech | 900399 |
Tech Univ Twente | 901025 |
Tech Univ of Berlin | 900276 |
Tech Univ of Graz | 900034 |
Technica Fed Santa Maria | 900770 |
Technical Univ of Brno | 900177 |
Technische Hochschule | 901059 |
Technological Inst | 900569 |
Technological Inst | 900570 |
Tehran Coll of Ins | 900393 |
Tehran Univ of | 900394 |
Tel Aviv Univ | 900400 |
Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago | 029052 |
Temple Junior College | 003627 |
Temple University | 003371 |
Tenn Ctr Health Sci,U of | 006725 |
Tenn Wesleyan College | 003525 |
Tenn at Chattanooga,U of | 003529 |
Tennessee All Cam,U of | 008821 |
Tennessee Cen Off,U of | 008051 |
Tennessee Inst Elecs | 007439 |
Tennessee Knoxville,U of | 003530 |
Tennessee Nashville,U of | 003533 |
Tennessee St University | 003522 |
Tennessee Technological U | 003523 |
Tennessee Temple U | 003524 |
Tennessee at Martin,U of | 003531 |
Terra Technical College | 008278 |
Tex A&M U at Galveston | 010298 |
Tex Hlth Sci Ctr Houstn,U | 011618 |
Tex Hlth Sci Sn Anto,U | 003659 |
Tex Medl Br Galveston,U | 004952 |
Tex St Tech Amarillo Cam | 009933 |
Tex St Tech Inst All Cam | 009643 |
Tex St Tech Inst Cen Off | 009642 |
Tex St Tech Inst Waco Cam | 003634 |
Tex St Tech-Harlingen Cam | 009225 |
Tex St Tech-Sweetwater | 009932 |
Texarkana Cmty College | 003628 |
Texas A&I University | 003639 |
Texas A&M U All Campuses | 003632 |
Texas A&M U Main Campus | 010366 |
Texas A&M U Sys All Inst | 008823 |
Texas A&M U System Office | 003629 |
Texas Chiropractic C | 003635 |
Texas Christian U | 003636 |
Texas College | 003638 |
Texas College Osteo Med | 009768 |
Texas Eastern University | 011163 |
Texas Lutheran College | 003641 |
Texas Medl Ctr Joint Lib | 008774 |
Texas Permian Basin,U of | 009930 |
Texas San Antonio,U of | 010115 |
Texas Southern University | 003642 |
Texas Southmost College | 003643 |
Texas Sys All Inst,U of | 008825 |
Texas System Office,U of | 003655 |
Texas Tech University | 003644 |
Texas Wesleyan College | 003645 |
Texas Woman's University | 003646 |
Texas at Arlington,U of | 003656 |
Texas at Austin,U of | 003658 |
Texas at Dallas,U of | 009741 |
Texas at El Paso,U of | 003661 |
Texas at Tyler, U of | 029164 |
Thames Vly State Tech C | 001413 |
Thammasat Univ | 900624 |
The India Inst of Tech | 900374 |
The Jikei Sch of Medicine | 901174 |
The Nautical Inst in Mosc | 900737 |
The South China Inst of | 900151 |
The Water Transport Inst | 900738 |
The Wheeler School | 007835 |
Theo at Claremont,Sch of | 001288 |
Theol Sem Reformd Epis Ch | 003375 |
Thessaloniki Univ of | 900289 |
Thiel College | 003376 |
Thomas A Edison College | 011648 |
Thomas College | 002052 |
Thomas County CC | 001555 |
Thomas Jeff University | 003278 |
Thomas M Cooley Law Sch | 012627 |
Thomas More College | 002001 |
Thomas Nelsn Cmty College | 006871 |
Thornton Cmty College | 001769 |
Three Rivers Cmty College | 004713 |
Tianjin University | 900914 |
Tidewater Cmty College | 003712 |
Tientsin Univ | 900152 |
Tiffin University | 003121 |
Tift College | 001595 |
Timisora Univ of Med & Pharmac | 902127 |
Tishreen University | 901914 |
Tobe-Coburn Sch Fash Cars | 010716 |
Toccoa Falls College | 001596 |
Tohoku Univ | 900449 |
Tokai University | 901068 |
Tokushima | 901169 |
Tokyo Inst of Tech | 900825 |
Tokyo Univ of | 900450 |
Tokyo Univ of Agri | 900451 |
Tokyo Univ of Education | 900452 |
Toledo,University of | 003131 |
Tomlinson College | 029047 |
Tompkins-Cortland CC | 006788 |
Tongjing University | 901083 |
Torino St Univ Sch Med | 900432 |
Toronto Univ | 900121 |
Tougaloo College | 002439 |
Toulouse Univ of | 900244 |
Touro College | 010142 |
Tours Univ of | 900245 |
Towson State University | 002099 |
Tracey-Warner School | 007833 |
Transylvania University | 001987 |
Treasure Vly Cmty College | 003221 |
Trent Polytechnic | 900720 |
Trent Univ | 900122 |
Trenton Junior College | 002514 |
Trenton State College | 002642 |
Trevecca Nazarene College | 003526 |
Tri-County Community C | 009430 |
Tri-County Tech College | 004926 |
Tri-State College | 900375 |
Tri-State University | 001839 |
Triangle Inst Techn-Erie | 029201 |
Triangle Inst Technology | 029202 |
Triangle Inst-Greensburg | 029220 |
Tribhuvan Univ | 900973 |
Trident Technical College | 008818 |
Trier Unliv of | 900912 |
Trinidad State Jr College | 001368 |
Trinidad State Jr College | 900166 |
Trinity Bible Institute | 012059 |
Trinity Christian College | 001771 |
Trinity College | 001414 |
Trinity College | 001460 |
Trinity College | 001772 |
Trinity College | 003695 |
Trinity College Univ | 900123 |
Trinity College of Dublin | 900197 |
Trinity College of Music | 900721 |
Trinity Evangelcl Div Sch | 012193 |
Trinity Lutheran Seminary | 003044 |
Trinity University | 003647 |
Trisaki Univ | 900898 |
Triton College | 001773 |
Trocaire College | 002812 |
Troy St U Dothn-Ft Rucker | 001048 |
Troy State U All Cam | 008696 |
Troy State U Cen Office | 008003 |
Troy State U Main Campus | 001047 |
Troy State U Montgomery | 001049 |
Truckee Meadows CC | 029231 |
Truett Mcconnell College | 001597 |
Tsing Hua University | 900947 |
Tsukuba Univ of | 900959 |
Tubingen Univ of | 900277 |
Tucuman Univ | 900012 |
Tufts University | 002219 |
Tulane U of Louisiana | 002029 |
Tulsa Junior College | 009763 |
Tulsa,University of | 003185 |
Tunghai Univ | 900647 |
Tunxis Community College | 009764 |
Tusculum College | 003527 |
Tuskegee Institute | 001050 |
Tyler Junior College | 003648 |
U Alas Anchorage All Cam | 029095 |
U Alas Anchorage Campus | 011462 |
U Alas Fairbanks All Cam | 029094 |
U Alas Matanuska-Susitna | 001068 |
U Alaska All Institution | 008698 |
U Alaska Anchorage Jt Lib | 029009 |
U Alaska Fairbanks Campus | 001063 |
U Alaska Juneau | 011463 |
U Alaska Sthestn All Cam | 029096 |
U Cal Sysw Admin All Cam | 008715 |
U Kentucky All Inst | 008744 |
U Minn Tech Col Crookston | 004069 |
U NC Gen Admin Cen Office | 002971 |
U Nev Sys Admin Sys Off | 008026 |
U P Agricultural Univ | 900862 |
U PR Humacao U College | 003943 |
U PR Reg Colleges Admin | 010922 |
U Sys S Texas All Inst | 029097 |
U Sys South Texas Sys Off | 029098 |
U Sys of NH All Inst | 008769 |
U Sys of NH System Office | 008027 |
U of Alabama All Inst | 029067 |
U of Alabama System Off | 008004 |
U of Alas System Office | 008005 |
U of Alaska Juneau Jt Lib | 029015 |
U of Alaska Kenai CC | 001066 |
U of Alaska Kodiak CC | 008315 |
U of Alaska Kuskokwim CC | 011045 |
U of Alaska Northwest CC | 029245 |
U of Alaska Tanana Vly CC | 029093 |
U of Cal-Irvine | 001314 |
U of Colo System Office | 007996 |
U of Colorado All Inst | 008717 |
U of Hawaii Sys All Inst | 008725 |
U of Hawaii West Oahu C | 029102 |
U of Houston Cen Campus | 003652 |
U of Houston Downtown C | 012826 |
U of SC at Columbia | 003448 |
U of Southern Maine | 009762 |
U of the Sacred Heart | 003937 |
U. of Benin Sch. of Medicine | 901869 |
U. of Sint Eustatius Sch of Md | 901866 |
UMDNJ - N. J. Medical Schoo | 901594 |
UMKC Conserv Music | 800011 |
US Air Force Academy | 001369 |
US Army Cmnd-Gen Staff C | 001947 |
US Coast Guard Academy | 001415 |
US International U | 001158 |
US Merchant Marine Acad | 002892 |
US Military Academy | 002893 |
US Naval Academy | 002101 |
Udaipur Univ of | 900930 |
Uikram Univ | 900376 |
Ulsan Institute of Tech | 900969 |
Ulster Co Cmty College | 002880 |
Ulster Univ of | 900819 |
Uludag University | 901743 |
Umea Univ of | 900605 |
Umpqua Community College | 003222 |
Un. College Cape Breton | 901144 |
Uni de Toulouse Le Mirail | 900906 |
Uniformed Serv U Hlth Sci | 029169 |
Union Christian Coll | 900722 |
Union Co Technical Inst | 006139 |
Union College | 001988 |
Union College | 002563 |
Union College | 002643 |
Union College | 002889 |
Union Experimenting C & U | 010923 |
Union Theol Sem Joint Lib | 008585 |
Union Theol Sem in Va | 003743 |
Union Theological Sem | 002890 |
Union University | 003528 |
United Elec Institute | 008486 |
United Elecs Inst Florida | 011256 |
United Talmudical Academy | 011189 |
United Theological Sem | 002386 |
United Theological Sem | 003122 |
United Wesleyan College | 003261 |
Unity College | 006858 |
Univ Autonomus of Carrib | 900124 |
Univ Cen Caribe Med Cayey | 029229 |
Univ College | 900198 |
Univ College | 900456 |
Univ College | 900723 |
Univ Federal Fluminense | 901127 |
Univ Horticulture & Food | 901142 |
Univ Militar nueva Granada | 901757 |
Univ Nacional Automonia M | 900472 |
Univ Nacional Delnordeste | 901124 |
Univ Natl Del Sur | 900013 |
Univ Natl de la Plata | 901109 |
Univ Politecnica de PR | 029119 |
Univ Sao Paulo | 901282 |
Univ de Norte | 900923 |
Univ of Chihuahoa | 900487 |
Univ of Debrecen | 901115 |
Univ of Devsto | 901160 |
Univ of E. Ramon Magasaysay | 900528 |
Univ of Esfahan | 901116 |
Univ of Health Sciences | 902128 |
Univ of Ibadan | 901149 |
Univ of La Laguna | 901063 |
Univ of Lagos | 901178 |
Univ of Ljubljana | 901141 |
Univ of Madias | 901152 |
Univ of Montemorelos | 901934 |
Univ of Mosul | 901111 |
Univ of Mustansiviyah Medic | 901600 |
Univ of Pecs Med & Health Sci | 901677 |
Univ of Pernambuco, Brazil | 901758 |
Univ of Republic Uruguay | 901131 |
Univ of Sint Eustatius Sch of | 901866 |
Univ of W. Indies | 901120 |
Univ. of Ag Sciences | 901172 |
Univ. of Wageningen | 901126 |
Univ. of West Bohemia | 902085 |
Univerity College of Medica | 901597 |
Universadad de Los Andes | 900908 |
Universid San Martin de Porres | 902090 |
Universidad Auto Deciudad | 901123 |
Universidad Central Del Este | 901467 |
Universidad Del Salvador | 901838 |
Universidad El Bosque | 901983 |
Universidad Intercontinental | 901943 |
Universidad Libre - Columbia | 901756 |
Universidad Nacional Pedro | 901506 |
Universidad Technologica | 900929 |
Universidad de Cincisa Medicas | 901867 |
Universidad de Ponce | 029115 |
Universidad del Valle | 902000 |
Universita Degli Studi | 901854 |
Universita Degli Studi | 900433 |
Universita G. d'Annunzio | 901853 |
Universitas Gadjah Mada | 901061 |
Universitat Bielefeld | 900278 |
University Autonoma de Guad | 901595 |
University College | 900724 |
University Eugenio Maria De | 901598 |
University Libre Debruxelle | 901194 |
University of Alabama | 001051 |
University of Bordeaux | 901139 |
University of Bucharest | 901134 |
University of Calabar Nige | 901596 |
University of Chittagong | 901881 |
University of Claude Bernard | 901721 |
University of Connecticut | 029013 |
University of DC | 029100 |
University of Durban-Westville | 901234 |
University of Indonesia | 902134 |
University of La Verne | 001216 |
University of Mannheim | 901146 |
University of Messours Col | 901599 |
University of Muenster | 901137 |
University of New England | 002050 |
University of Port-Harcourt | 902001 |
University of Pune | 901570 |
University of Reims | 901988 |
University of Rouen, France | 901915 |
University of Sarajevo Medi | 901507 |
University of Sciences | 901981 |
Upaipur Univ of | 900377 |
Upper Iowa University | 001893 |
Uppsala Univ of | 900606 |
Upsala College | 002644 |
Urbana College | 003133 |
Urbino Univ of | 900434 |
Urios College Butukn City, | 901601 |
Ursinus College | 003385 |
Ursuline College | 003134 |
Ursuline College | 800007 |
Utah Hi Ed Sys All Inst | 009340 |
Utah Higher Ed Sys Off | 009339 |
Utah State University | 003677 |
Utah Tech College Provo | 004027 |
Utah Tech College Salt Lk | 005220 |
Utah,University of | 003675 |
Utica C of Syracuse U | 002883 |
Utica Junior College | 002445 |
Utica School of Commerce | 009077 |
Utkal Univ | 900378 |
Utrecht Univ | 900498 |
Utsunomiya University | 900980 |
Va Clinch Vly College,U | 003747 |
Va Highlands Cmty College | 007099 |
Va Intermont College | 003752 |
Va Poly Inst and State U | 003754 |
Va State CC Sys All Inst | 008905 |
Va Western Cmty College | 003760 |
Valaraiso University | 900379 |
Valdosta State College | 001599 |
Vale Technical Inst | 029203 |
Valence Sch of Agr | 900934 |
Valencia Cmty College | 006750 |
Valencia Univ of | 900596 |
Valian Inst of Phys Chem | 901164 |
Valley City State College | 003008 |
Valley Forge Christian C | 003306 |
Valley Forge Military JC | 003386 |
Valparaiso University | 001842 |
Vance-Granvl Cmty College | 009903 |
Vanderbilt University | 003535 |
Vandercook C of Music | 001778 |
Vassar College | 002895 |
Vc Uhvc Joint Library | 029160 |
Vennard College | 001894 |
Ventura Co CC Sys Inst | 029000 |
Ventura Co CC Sys Office | 006863 |
Ventura College | 001334 |
Vera Cruz Univ | 900488 |
Vermilion Cmty College | 002350 |
Vermont College | 003697 |
Vermont Law School | 011934 |
Vermont St C All Inst | 029161 |
Vermont St C Sys Off | 029162 |
Vermont Technical College | 003698 |
Vermont,Cmty College of | 011167 |
Vernon Reg Junior College | 010060 |
Vet Sci Univ of | 900799 |
Vetinary College | 900279 |
Victor Valley College | 001335 |
Victora Univ | 900025 |
Victoria College | 003662 |
Victoria Jubilee Tech Ins | 901181 |
Victoria Univ | 900125 |
Victoria Univ | 900126 |
Victoria Univ | 900127 |
Vienna Univ of | 900035 |
Villa Julie College | 002107 |
Villa Maria College | 003387 |
Villa Maria College Bflo | 002896 |
Villa Schfandia Fine Arts | 900435 |
Villanova University | 003388 |
Vincennes University | 001843 |
Vincennes University | 900380 |
Vinnitsya State Medical Univ | 901774 |
Virgin Islands Coll of | 900742 |
Virgin Islands Coll of | 900743 |
Virgin Islands,College of | 008841 |
Virginia All Cam,U of | 003745 |
Virginia Cen Office,U of | 008058 |
Virginia College | 003762 |
Virginia Commonwealth U | 003735 |
Virginia Main Campus,U of | 006968 |
Virginia Military Inst | 003753 |
Virginia State CC Sys Off | 008904 |
Virginia State Univ | 003764 |
Virginia Union University | 003766 |
Virginia Wesleyan College | 003767 |
Visayas St Coll of Agr | 900974 |
Vista College | 029106 |
Visual Arts,School of | 007468 |
Viterbo College | 003911 |
Volunteer St Cmty College | 009912 |
Voorhees College | 003455 |
Vt & State Agrl College,U | 003696 |
W Coast U Orange Co Ctr | 001337 |
W Pakistan Ag Univ | 900510 |
W Va College Grad Studies | 006869 |
W Va Sch Osteopathic Med | 011245 |
W Va State College | 003826 |
W Vly Joint CC All Inst | 029138 |
W Vly Joint CC Sys Office | 029139 |
Wabash College | 001844 |
Wadhams Hall Sem-College | 002898 |
Wagenieng Agricultural Un | 901132 |
Wagner College | 002899 |
Wagner College | 900036 |
Wakayama University | 901010 |
Wake Forest University | 002978 |
Wake Technical College | 004844 |
Walden University | 800019 |
Waldorf College | 001895 |
Wales Univ Coll | 900725 |
Walker College | 001058 |
Walla Walla Cmty College | 005006 |
Walla Walla College | 003799 |
Wallace St CC-Hncv | 007871 |
Walsh C Accty & Bus Admin | 004071 |
Walsh College | 003135 |
Walters St Cmty College | 008863 |
Warangal Regnl Engr Coll | 900880 |
Warner Pacific College | 003225 |
Warner Southern College | 008848 |
Warren Wilson College | 002979 |
Warsaw Tech Univ | 900519 |
Warsaw Univ of | 900520 |
Wartburg College | 001896 |
Wartburg Theological Sem | 001897 |
Warwick Univ | 900726 |
Waseda Univ | 900453 |
Wash Intrnatl College | 011928 |
Wash St CC Dist 17 All | 012281 |
Wash St CC Dist 17 Off | 010784 |
Wash St CC Dist 5 Allinst | 011627 |
Wash State CC Dist 5 Off | 010946 |
Washburn U of Topeka | 001949 |
Washington Bible College | 001462 |
Washington College | 002108 |
Washington Jeff College | 003389 |
Washington St University | 003800 |
Washington Tech College | 010453 |
Washington Theol Union | 010065 |
Washington University | 002520 |
Washington and Lee U | 003768 |
Washington,University of | 003798 |
Washtenaw Cmty College | 002328 |
Waterbury St Tech College | 001423 |
Waterloo Luthern Univ | 900128 |
Waterloo Univ | 900129 |
Waterloo Univ of | 900876 |
Watterson College | 029034 |
Waubonsee Cmty College | 006931 |
Waukesha County Tech Inst | 009258 |
Waycross Junior College | 029028 |
Wayland Baptist College | 003663 |
Wayne Community College | 002980 |
Wayne County Cmty College | 009230 |
Wayne State College | 002566 |
Wayne State University | 002329 |
Waynesburg College | 003391 |
Weatherford College | 003664 |
Webb Inst of Naval Arch | 002900 |
Webber College | 001540 |
Weber State College | 003680 |
Webster College | 002521 |
Weinhenstephan Tech Hochs | 900985 |
Weizman Inst of Science G | 900401 |
Wellesley College | 002224 |
Wells College | 002901 |
Wenatchee Valley College | 003801 |
Wentworth Inst of Tech | 029099 |
Wentworth Military Acad | 002522 |
Wesley College | 001433 |
Wesley College | 011461 |
Wesley Theological Sem | 001464 |
Wesleyan College | 001600 |
Wesleyan University | 001424 |
West Chester St College | 003328 |
West Coast Bible College | 009818 |
West Coast U All Campuses | 008716 |
West Coast U Central Off | 007994 |
West Coast U Main Campus | 001336 |
West Florida,U of | 003955 |
West Georgia College | 001601 |
West Hills College | 001176 |
West Indies Univ | 900455 |
West Indies Univ of | 900878 |
West Liberty St College | 003823 |
West Los Angeles College | 008596 |
West Los Angeles,U of | 009170 |
West Shore Cmty College | 007950 |
West Side Inst Technology | 009187 |
West Texas St University | 003665 |
West University | 902126 |
West Va C Technology | 029204 |
West Va Inst Technology | 003825 |
West Va Wesleyan College | 003830 |
West Valley College | 001338 |
West Virginia Northern CC | 009054 |
West Virginia University | 003827 |
Westark Community College | 001110 |
Westbrook College | 002056 |
Westchester Bus College | 005208 |
Westchester Cmty College | 002881 |
Westchester Institute | 029177 |
Western Austrailia Univ | 900026 |
Western Baptist College | 001339 |
Western Bible College | 006741 |
Western Conn St College | 001380 |
Western Cons Baptist Sem | 007178 |
Western Ill University | 001780 |
Western International U | 029241 |
Western Iowa Tech | 007316 |
Western Ky University | 002002 |
Western Maryland College | 002109 |
Western Mich University | 002330 |
Western Montana College | 002537 |
Western NM University | 002664 |
Western Nev Cmty College | 010363 |
Western New Eng College | 002226 |
Western Oklahoma State C | 003146 |
Western Ontario Univ of | 900131 |
Western Ontario Universit | 900130 |
Western Piedmont CC | 002982 |
Western St College Colo | 001372 |
Western Texas College | 009549 |
Western Theological Sem | 002331 |
Western Univ Health Sciences | 024827 |
Western Wash University | 003802 |
Western Wis Tech Inst | 003840 |
Western Wyo Cmty College | 003933 |
Westfield Coll | 900727 |
Westfield State College | 002189 |
Westmar College | 001899 |
Westminster Choir College | 002646 |
Westminster College | 002523 |
Westminster College | 003392 |
Westminster College | 003681 |
Westminster Theol Sem | 003393 |
Westmont College | 001341 |
Westmoreland County CC | 010176 |
Wharton Co Jr College | 003668 |
Whatcom Cmty College | 010364 |
Wheaton College | 001781 |
Wheaton College | 002227 |
Wheeling College | 003831 |
Wheelock College | 002228 |
White Pines College | 004733 |
Whitman College | 003803 |
Whittier College | 001342 |
Whitworth Bible College | 002446 |
Whitworth College | 003804 |
Wichita State University | 001950 |
Widener C of Widener U | 003313 |
Wilberforce University | 003141 |
Wiley College | 003669 |
Wilfrid Laurier Univ | 800017 |
Wilkes College | 003394 |
Wilkes Community College | 002983 |
Willamette University | 003227 |
William & Mary All Cam,C | 008828 |
William & Mary Cen Off,C | 008055 |
William Carey College | 002447 |
William Carey Intrnatl U | 029184 |
William Jewell College | 002524 |
William Paterson College | 002625 |
William Penn College | 001900 |
William Woods College | 002525 |
Williams College | 002229 |
Williamsburg Tech C | 009322 |
Williamsport Area CC | 003395 |
Willmar Cmty College | 002392 |
Wilmington College | 003142 |
Wilmington College | 007948 |
Wilson Co Technical Inst | 004845 |
Wilson College | 003396 |
Windsor Univ | 900132 |
Winfrid Laurier Univ | 900943 |
Wingate College | 002985 |
Winnipeg Univ | 900133 |
Winona State University | 002394 |
Winsalm College | 007817 |
Winston-Salem State U | 002986 |
Winthrop College | 003456 |
Wis Sys All Inst,U of | 008837 |
Wis Voc Tech Ad Ed Dist | 029232 |
Wisconsin Consv of Music | 003913 |
Wisconsin Ctr Sys,U of | 003897 |
Wisconsin Eau Claire,U of | 003917 |
Wisconsin Green Bay,U of | 003899 |
Wisconsin La Crosse,U of | 003919 |
Wisconsin Lutheran C | 029157 |
Wisconsin Madison,U of | 003895 |
Wisconsin Milwaukee,U of | 003896 |
Wisconsin Oshkosh,U of | 009630 |
Wisconsin Parkside,U of | 005015 |
Wisconsin Plattevl,U of | 003921 |
Wisconsin River Fls,U of | 003923 |
Wisconsin School Elecs | 009621 |
Wisconsin Stevns Pnt,U of | 003924 |
Wisconsin Stout,U of | 003915 |
Wisconsin Superior,U of | 003925 |
Wisconsin Sys Office,U of | 003894 |
Wisconsin Whitewater,U of | 003926 |
Wittenberg University | 003143 |
Witwatersrand Univ of | 900728 |
Wm Mitchell College Law | 002391 |
Wm Rainey Harper College | 003961 |
Wofford College | 003457 |
Women's College | 900381 |
Womens Teachers Train Col | 900849 |
Woo Sok Medical Coll | 900465 |
Wood Junior College | 002448 |
Wood School,The | 007405 |
Woodbury University | 001343 |
Wooster Business College | 004863 |
Wooster,College of | 003037 |
Wor-Wic Tech Cmty College | 029053 |
Worcester Art Museum,Sch | 004668 |
Worcester Joint Library | 029060 |
Worcester Junior College | 002232 |
Worcester Poly Institute | 002233 |
Worcester State College | 002190 |
Worden Sch Social Service | 800009 |
World College West | 011611 |
World Univ at Bayamon | 900571 |
World Univ at Hato Rey | 900572 |
World Univ at Ponce | 900573 |
Worthington Cmty College | 002395 |
Wright Institute,The | 008846 |
Wright St U All Campuses | 009167 |
Wright St U Central Off | 003078 |
Wright St U Main Campus | 009168 |
Wright St U Wstn Ohio Br | 009169 |
Wroclaw Tech | 900521 |
Wroclaw Univ of | 900909 |
Wstn Carolina University | 002981 |
Wstn Evangelical Sem | 003226 |
Wstn St U C Law All Cam | 029038 |
Wstn St U C Law Cen Off | 029039 |
Wstn St U C Law Orange Co | 010832 |
Wstn St U C Law San Diego | 010854 |
Wstn States Chirprctc C | 012309 |
Wstn States College Engr | 001340 |
Wuhan Univ | 900153 |
Wunan Unversity | 901101 |
Wurzburg Univ of | 900280 |
Wycliffe College | 900134 |
Wyo Sch Animal Techn | 029205 |
Wyoming,University of | 003932 |
Wytheville Cmty College | 003761 |
Xavier School of Medicine | 902125 |
Xavier University | 003144 |
Xavier University of La | 002032 |
Xiamen University | 901033 |
Xian Jiaotong University | 901030 |
Xinjing University | 901065 |
Yakima Valley CC | 003805 |
Yale University | 001426 |
Yanbian Univ of Science & Tech | 902107 |
Yankton College | 003476 |
Yaounde Univ of | 900913 |
Yavapai College | 001079 |
Yerevan State University | 901508 |
Yesh Beth Hillel Krasna | 012466 |
Yesh Beth Shearm Rab Inst | 004829 |
Yesh Chofetz Chaim Radun | 010944 |
Yesh Karlin Stolin Inst | 011997 |
Yesh Mikdash Melech | 029148 |
Yesh Toras Chaim Talmud | 009855 |
Yesh of Nitra Rab College | 011670 |
Yeshiva Bnei Torah | 029226 |
Yeshiva Nachlas Haleviyim | 010477 |
Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah | 029167 |
Yeshiva U of Los Angeles | 029151 |
Yeshiva University | 002903 |
Yeshivath Beth Moshe | 013134 |
Yeshivath Vizhitz | 013027 |
Yeshivath Zichron Moshe | 011821 |
Yonsei University | 901055 |
York College | 002567 |
York College Pennsylvania | 003399 |
York Technical College | 003996 |
York Univ | 900135 |
York Univ of | 900729 |
Young Harris College | 001604 |
Youngdong University | 902155 |
Youngstown C Bus-Drafting | 009837 |
Youngstown St University | 003145 |
Yuba College | 001344 |
Yuba College | 900136 |
Yunnan Ag. Univ. | 901147 |
Zagazig | 901125 |
Zagned Univ of | 900751 |
Zagreb Univ of | 900916 |
Zaragoza Univ of | 900597 |
Zhejiang Univ | 900794 |
Zhejing Agri College | 900997 |
Zhenghou University | 901002 |
Zhong Shan Univ of | 900776 |
Zi-An Jiao Tong Univ | 900952 |
Zulia Sch of Med Univ of | 900741 |
Zurich Univ of | 900621 |
It may also be helpful to consult the Federal School Code List for Colleges and Universities (FICE)
, multiple selections available,
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