Entering Schedules with New PeopleSoft PS Launcher
November 2016
Step 1: Log into Citrix (the icon may be different but it should be identified as Citrix) If you do not have an icon, go to https://citrixweb.lsuhsc.edu
Step 2:Click on "Skip to Log on" to continue Citrix Login
Step 3: Enter LSU User name and Password
Step 4: Click on PS Desktop to continue the Login process
Step 5: Launch Citrix PS Desktop – Click on the launch box at the bottom left of the screen if it appears
StStep 6: After logging into PS Desktop, select the PeopleSoft PS Launcher icon on the desktop
Step 7: These items should be selected in the boxes for Production.
- PeopleSoft System = Human Capital Management
- Database = PS 9.1 HCM Production (PS9HRPRD)
- Application = PeopleSoft; then Click the Start Button.
Step 8: Click the Start Button