Important Information Update Required: VA Rotation Site Infomation Database Update

Important Information Update Required: VA Rotation Site Infomation Database Update

To All:

If your residents/fellows will rotate to the VA during 2017-2018, update the specific Rotation information for the VA site in the database we have set up using the link below.

The deadline to update the database is Thursday, December 8, 2016.

This was requested at the last Coordinators workshop to help us determine which programs and which House Officer levels rotate to the VA, so that we can begin collecting VA On-Boarding paperwork for Returning residents/fellows by the December 16, 2016 deadline.

Information regarding the On-Boarding paperwork required by the deadline is in the Knowledge Base:  VA Medical Center Onboarding Resources

This is the Link to update the Rotation Site Database:

  1. Login
  2. Select your program(s), find the VA rotation site and in the “Select Rotation Status” box  select the option that applies:
    1. All Residents
    2. Only Residents of Specific Levels Rotation – if this option is selected, select the levels that rotate, and if needed, more information can be entered in the “Notes” box
    3. Only Residents listed rotate – if this option is selected, enter the information in the box that pops-up “Enter Details about Rotating Residents”, and if needed, more information can be entered in the “Notes” box
    4. Other– if this option is selected, enter the information in the box that pops-up “Enter Details", and if needed, more information can be entered in the “Notes” box
    5. No Residents Rotate
  3. Save the information

All other rotation site information can also be updated at this time.

Thanks for your help.

Yolanda Lundsgaard
Coordinator, GME
LSUHSC School of Medicine
2020 Gravier St., Suite 602 Room 621
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 568-3407
Fax (504) 599-1453

LSU GME Knowledge Base

Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.