New Hire Packets and Needed Information ASAP
As of this morning, all new hire documents are now available for incoming House Officers to begin completing. In the GME Online Appointment Forms system (, instructions and login/pin codes are located on the New Hire Documents tab. Additionally, pre-populated PER 2s and New Hire Checklists for all incoming house officers are available here.
Also, for all incoming residents, their basic demographic information needs to be entered into New Innovations ASAP. Most of it was imported from ERAS, but not everything gets imported, and missing items (such as SSNs) will need to be entered manually. Detailed information about what data elements are needed ASAP is available in the Knowledge Base at Initial Demographic Info Needed for Incoming House Officers . Please have all of this information entered into NI by April 1st. Â
You can see which data elements (excluding SSN) are still outstanding for your residents by going to the Resident Data System using one of these links(On-Campus, Citrix, or VPN or
Off-Campus). You can ignore the Medicare/PECOS item for incoming HOs as this will be handled during orientation).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Chris Callac, MS
Information Management Specialist
Office of Medical Education
LSU Health Sciences Center
2020 Gravier St., Room 617
New Orleans, LAÂ 70112
(504) 568-2988
LSU GME Knowledge Base
Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.