January Coordinator Workshop Minutes



I.                   Sonesta ES Suites – Brenda Holloway and Amy Edmonds

a.       Located less than a mile from campus, 212 Loyola Avenue, an extended stay property

b.      For clients, guests, or personal use the longer the stay, the less you pay

c.       Special rates exist for LSU – this will be available on the Knowledge Base. A corporate rate field “LSUH” can show what they will offer to us.

d.      190 rooms, studios, one bedroom and two bedroom suites. All rooms feature a full kitchen. Complimentary hot breakfast, free WiFi, pet friendly, full fitness center, market available in the lobby that could be cooked in the room

e.       Invitation to grand opening on February 6

f.        Valet parking is available and many parking lots right around the area

g.      This hotel is the only location that does not raise rates for special events like Mardi Gras


II.                ACGME Updates – Becky Frey

a.      ACGME Resident and Faculty Survey

i.      Have received dates that residents and faculty are scheduled to complete the survey. One month is allowed for completion.

ii.      For those in upcoming rounds, prepare them for taking these surveys, discuss issues/concerns as needed.

iii.      Some questions have been updated within the domains, so please advise residents and fellows that the questions may have changed

b.      80 Hour work week/Work Hours and Wellness

i.      Look at schedules to ensure they are not scheduled for over 70 hours since they will tend to go over.

ii.      Wellness AWARE is a resource that ACGME has rolled out, please review this with your faculty. Within ADS this is a initiative to get faculty engaged

c.       Annual Program Evaluations (APEs)

i.      Have been considering reevaluating the questionnaires, data sheets, minutes. A lot of the stuff that we currently ask for has been confirmed as needed as we move forward to documenting all the program does. However, some things will be revised and this will be communicated soon.

ii.      Deadline will remain the same (end of August/beginning of September)

d.      Self Study

i.      Information was sent to programs that are in this self study period to identify what needs to be addressed within the program.

ii.      The first thing that ACGME will be looking for is what achievements have the program made in the last two years. The summary reports needs to be discussed with faculty/PEC

e.       CME

i.      Have been in discussions with CME office about how their office can best support the efforts of the program to achieve goals ACGME outlines as curriculum for faculty and residents


III.             GME – Ashley Walker

a.      LSBME

i.      Fellowship application

  1. This is a new application on the LSBME website but does not apply to anyone going into a fellowship. It is meant for someone who is on a J-1 visa who has done an accredited residency program but is going into a fellowship that is non-accredited. This does not apply to the large majority of the programs.

ii.      Renewal Process

  1. If anyone has questions about this process, contact Ashley. First set was due on January 17.

b.      CDS Licenses

i.      Initial and Expired

  1. If the CDS licenses expire, there is a $55.00.

  1. Regular renewal fee is $45.00

  1. Anyone on a training permit when applying for a CDS should check off INT. If they have a full medical license they can check off MD. The schedules they would prescribe would be Schedules 2, 3, 4 and 5. They do not need to check off 2N and 3N.

ii.      Must be renewed annually

  1. Please work with residents/fellows to ensure this is being renewed. CDS licenses are issued by the LA Board of Pharmacy in Baton Rouge as opposed to the LSBME who issues the Medical Licenses.

c.       AMA Modules – Followup

i.      Ongoing reminder to remind your residents/fellows these completed throughout the year.

ii.      One resident reached out that they are not receiving the benefit of the AMA membership (JAMA Journal, etc.). We believe this is because they bill us on a calendar year and they have not processed the 2020 payment yet. This should be resolved soon and they should get access to all of the features soon.

d.      Annual TB Testing

i.      Mask fit dates will be scheduled, however, we will not be doing TB testing.

ii.      House officers still need to comply with this requirement – to LSUH clinics or CVS etc. This still needs to be turned in but our office will not do offer this.

e.       House Officer Visitor Paperwork

i.      This needs to be submitted 3 months in advance of the visiting house officer.

ii.      UMCNO Academic Affairs sent an email that noted the IT spreadsheet needs to be completed in order for the house offier to have access to EPIC

f.        Meal Cards at UMCNO

i.      Cafeteria is no longer punching in numbers on meal cards. If a house officer is having issues swiping card, cafeteria staff won’t punch in the number cards. Residents should visit the Academic Affairs office located near the Conference Center in order to resolve the issue.


IV.             ERAS & NRMP – Yolanda Lundsgaard

a.      Match Deadlines

i.      Quota change deadline is January 31 for main March Match

ii.      Rank order list deadline is in February

b.      I-9

i.      HireRight is the new program that is being used. We are working through how to make this work for us.

ii.      Every resident needs to go through the electronic I-9 procedure. We are trying to work through a pre-population process. This will be communicated out when this process is finalized.

iii.      I-9 form will not be part of the new hire pocket. Drivers License and Social Security Card still is needed for other parts of the application process.

iv.      This will happen for all of New Orleans programs, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Lake Charles will have separate meeting for instructions on how this will apply to these programs (unless your residents come to Licensing Day)

v.      For Lake Charles and any other non-LSU employees, we will have to figure out a process to make this program accessible to you all.

vi.      Process will be defined prior to March coordinator meeting.

c.       Background Checks

i.      HR is going to accept the background check that LSBME completes satisfies the requirements LSU has.

ii.      We are not sure if the final version of this approval is going to be a form that the house officer would sign or if there would be an exception letter.

d.      Licensing Day – March 23, 2020

e.       Holiday Change Over Date – January 2, 2020

i.      Be aware when doing end of the month report in January. Please be sure where resident was on January 1and 2 is accurate to end of month report. Be sure hospital where they are rotating on January 1and 2 knew they were there.

f.        Touro GME Update

i.      Touro remodeled a room on the first floor for educational purposes only (residents, fellows, students) and is equipped with computers, lounge area, printers, if a brief rest is needed between clinical duties. This is also where their GME office is housed.

ii.      They are now requiring residents, fellows and students to sign in. They will not rely only on schedules. If residents do not sign in, it’s possible they will reject their invoices (unless there is proof that they were working – other forms of proof are TBD based on further discussions)

iii.      The resident has to sign in on the first day of the rotation and then again on the first of the following month. If the whole month rotation starts on the first, then they would only sign in once.

iv.      When we get more information from Touro it will be communicated.

g.      Spring Payroll Calendar Deadlines

i.      Yolanda is working on updating the GME calendar so it can be synced with your own calendar


V.                 EQuIP – Treva Lincoln

a.       QI Forum – June 4, 2020

    i.      A call for submissions will begin on February 1. Please share this with your program.

b.      Document Retention Policy

     i.      A new document retention schedule has been approved by the LSU Board of Supervisors. Our office spent time drafting an appropriate retention policy that would benefit GME and programs specifically. We will begin introducing this content to you as it comes up in meetings (i.e. New Hires or Applicant retention policies, etc.). A full Document Retention Policy should be available on the Office of Compliance website soon but this information will also be posted in the Knowledge Base.

c.       Partners Webinar Reminder

     i.      Thursday, January 23 – Digging for Data – program directors and coordinators are invited to attend. We will meet in the CAP Conference Room on the 5th floor at 11am

d.      Program Letters of Agreement

      i.      A general reminder to send Treva your PLAs prior to routing for signatures. Treva is also beginning to collect Competency Based Goals and Objectives with each PLA so that these can be filed within GME as well. Please send a copy when routing for Dr. Hilton’s signature.


VI.             Announcements – Stephanie Galendez

a.       Daniels Lecture – April 17, 2020 at 11:30am – William McDade MD, PhD

b.      ACGME Diversity and Inclusion Officer will discuss the new Common Program Requirements as it pertains to Diversity and Inclusion

c.       Lunch will be served. We will ask for residents and faulty to have a meeting prior to the actual lecture.


Highlight of events:

·         January 31, 2020 – NRMP Quota Change Deadline

·         February 18, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

·         February 26, 2020 – NRMP Rank Order List Deadline

·         March 16, 2020 – NRMP – Match Week

·         March 17, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

·         March 20, 2020 – NRMP – Match Day

·         March 23, 2020 – LSU Licensing Day

·         April 17, 2020 – Daniels Lecture – William McDade, MD, PhD

·         April 21, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

·         May 19, 2020 – Coordinator Meeting

·         June 4, 2020 – QI Forum

·         June 24 – 25, 2020 – EPIC Training

·         June 26, 2020 – UMCNO Orientation

·         June 29, 2020 – BR Orientation

·         June 30, 2020 – LSU Incoming House Officer Orientation

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