I.A.2. Review and Approval

I.A.2. Review and Approval

The GMEC must review and approve the following types of communication between programs and the ACGME review and recognition committee (RRC) prior to submission to the ACGME:

  1. Recommendations to the administration regarding resident/fellow stipends and benefits;
  2. all applications for ACGME accreditation of new programs and subspecialties;
  3. changes in resident complement;
  4. major changes in program structure or length of training;
  5. additions and deletions of participating institutions used in a program;
  6. institutional GME policies and procedures;
  7. appointments of new Program Directors;
  8. progress reports requested by any Review Committee;
  9. responses to Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER Reports);
  10. responses to all proposed adverse actions;
  11. requests for increases or any change in resident clinical and educational work hours;
  12. requests for "inactive status" or program reactivations;
  13. voluntary withdrawals of ACGME-accredited programs;
  14. GMEC subcommittee actions that address required GMEC responsibilities;
  15. requests for an appeal of an adverse action;
  16. appeal presentations to a Board of Appeal or the ACGME;
  17. exceptionally qualified candidates for resident/fellow appointments who do not satisfy the institutions resident/fellow eligibility policy.

Should a program have a submission of an item listed above to the ACGME, it must notify the GME Office by the 5th of the month for the item to be placed on the monthly GMEC agenda (meetings are held the third Thursday of each month.). Programs are responsible for entering their submissions into the ACGME Web Accreditation Data System (WebADS), if applicable, prior to the GMEC meetings.

LSU GME Knowledge Base

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