III.H.1. Self-Care

III.H.1. Self-Care

The School of Medicine is committed to providing House Officers with an academic and clinical education carefully planned and balanced with concerns for patient safety, House Officer and faculty wellbeing. The Sponsoring Institution, in addition to each training Program, has the same responsibility to address well-being as they do to evaluate other aspects of House Officer competence. Programs, in partnership with the Sponsoring Institution, must make specific efforts to enhance the meaning that each House Officer finds in the experience of being a physician, including protecting time with patients, minimizing non-physician obligations, providing administrative support, promoting progressive autonomy and flexibility, and enhancing professional relationships. This responsibility must include:

  • Paying attention to scheduling, work intensity, and work compression that impacts House Officer well-being
  • Evaluating workplace safety data and addressing the safety of House Officers and faculty members
  • Creating policies and programs that encourage optimal House Officer and faculty member well-being

House Officers must be given the opportunity to attend medical, mental health, and dental care appointments, including those scheduled during their working hours. The Institution and Programs must direct attention to House Officers and faculty member burnout, depression, and substance abuse. The Program, in partnership with the Sponsoring Institution, must educate faculty members and House Officers in identification of the symptoms of burnout, depression, and substance abuse, including means to assist those who experience these conditions. House Officers and faculty members must also be educated to recognize those symptoms in themselves and how to seek appropriate care. The Program, in partnership with the Sponsoring Institution, must encourage House Officers and faculty members to alert the Program Director, the GME Office, and appropriate Departmental faculty when they are concerned that a House Officer or faculty member may be displaying signs of burnout, depression, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies, or potential for violence.

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