The School of Medicine is committed to providing a professional work environment that maintains equality, dignity, and respect for all members of its community. In keeping with this commitment, the School of Medicine prohibits discriminatory practices, including sexual harassment. Any sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical or environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Sexual harassment is illegal under federal, state, and local laws. It is defined as any unwelcome advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or
- The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Types of behavior that constitute sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
- Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; derogatory, vulgar, or graphic written or oral statements regarding one's sexuality, gender or sexual experience; unnecessary touching, patting, pinching or attention to an individual's body;
- Physical assault;
- Unwanted sexual compliments, innuendo, suggestions, or jokes; or
- The display of sexually suggestive pictures or objects.
Any House Officer with a workplace sexual harassment complaint has the right and obligation to bring the problem to School of Medicine's attention. Further, any House Officer who witnesses such conduct or receives a complaint of such conduct must report the incident to HRM, the Department Head, Program Director, or other member of the faculty.
A House Officer who believes he/she has been sexually harassed or wishes to report a violation of this policy should immediately report the incident to the HRM Labor Relations Manager (504-568-8742), Department Head, Program Director, or Academic Dean. Any recipient of such complaint shall also notify HRM.
HRM will be responsible for investigating complaints of sexual harassment occurring between House Officers, House Officers and staff members, House Officers and students, and complaints made by House Officers against other parties. HRM will investigate and/or assist those responsible for investigating complaints made by House Officers against faculty members in accordance with the terms of the faculty handbook.
Actions taken to investigate and resolve sexual harassment complaints shall be conducted confidentially to the extent practical and appropriate to protect the privacy of persons involved. An investigation may include interviews with the parties involved in the incident and, if necessary, with individuals who may have observed the incident or conduct or who have other relevant knowledge. The individuals involved in the complaint will be notified of the results of the investigation.
Discrimination or retaliation against any individual who makes a good-faith sexual harassment complaint, even if the investigation produces insufficient evidence to support the complaint, will not be tolerated. Discrimination or retaliation against any other individual who participates in the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint will also not be tolerated. If the investigation substantiates the complaint, appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action will be swiftly pursued.
If a House Officer's complaint is found to be valid, and the accused harasser is a member of the faculty, staff, or a student, that complaint will be addressed in accordance with the procedures contained in the applicable faculty handbook, staff policy or student bulletin.
If a complaint made against a House Officer is found to be valid, the offender may be directed to appropriate counseling, discipline, or dismissed, depending on the degree of seriousness of the offense. If the House Officer accused disagrees with the conclusions recommended as a result of the investigation, such as dismissal, non-renewal, or any adverse action which could significantly jeopardize a House Officer's career, he/she may invoke the procedures set out in the Due Process section of this House Officer Manual. If allegations of harassment or discrimination are first raised as a part of an appeal by a House Officer prior to an investigation of the complaint by Human Resource Management, the Program Director shall refer the complaint to HRM in accordance with university policy. No due process hearing shall proceed until an investigation has been conducted and a report of the investigation has been submitted to the Program Director.