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Annual Program Evaluation Checklist
Annual Program Evaluation Checklist

titleTo include in the APE


The following items should be included in an APE and submitted to GME:

    • Program Goals and Objectives - include the effectiveness of the program in achieving these goals

    • Annual Faculty Program Survey

    • Annual Resident Program Survey

    • GMEC Special Focus Review

    • Annual Institutional GME Surveys

    • ACGME Letters of Notification

    • Annual Action Plans - the prior years’ action plans

    • Annual ACGME Resident Survey - the most recent aggregate data from the ACGME ADS resident surveys

    • Annual ACGME Faculty Survey - confidential written evaluations of the program submitted by residents

    • Board Pass Rate - performance of graduates on the board certification exam

    • In-service Scores

    • Faculty Development - opportunities and needs (include faculty development activities)

    • Resident/Faculty Scholarly Activity

    • Graduate Placement

    • Graduate Survey

    • Match Data

    • Recruitment Survey/Feedback

    • Action Plan Reviewed & Approved by Core Faculty - specific action plans developed to address deficiencies and approved by faculty (include minutes approving Action Plan Review by Core Faculty)

    • Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) - minutes and attendance of this meeting and action plan must be completed.

The presence of a Program Evaluation Committee and the need for an Annual Program Evaluation have been requirements for a number of years. In NAS, the ACGME has provided a better defined and detailed structure for programs to use in evaluating the program.

other resources...

ACGME Annual Program Evaluation PowerPoint

Download a Sample APE Form