II.B.4. Annual Performance Evaluation (APE)

II.B.4. Annual Performance Evaluation (APE)

All Programs are to submit an Annual Program Evaluation (APE) to the Director of Accreditation by August 30 of each academic year. The report should reflect the results of the Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) meeting. The information should include at a minimum:

  1. APE datasheet
  2. Minutes noting meeting date, time, location, and those in attendance (faculty and residents)
  3. Review of Documents:Board Passage Rates, In-service Scores, Letters of Notification (Citations, Cycle Length), Special or DIO Review Results, Progress Reports, WebADS Data, Rotation Schedules, Curriculum, Lectures – Topics and Speakers, Goals and Objectives for each rotation; Faculty Development Programs, Policies and Procedures, Residency Manual, ACGME Resident and Faculty Survey Results, LSU End of Year House Office Questionnaire Results, Milestones Data Tracking; Procedure Logs, Evaluation Instruments and Feedback Results, Supervision Compliance, Wellness Initiatives, and Clinical and Educational and Hours Compliance
  4. SWOT Analysis
  5. Action Plan spreadsheet containing details and follow-up dates.
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