VII.C. Counseling and Mental Health Resources – Campus_Employee Assistance Program (CAP)

In collaboration with Participating Site, the Sponsoring Institution works to ensure a healthy and safe environment for House Officers inclusive of access to appropriate tools for self-screening, access to confidential and affordable mental health assessment, counseling and treatment.
House Officers who works for the School of Medicine are expected to report to work in a fit and safe condition. House Officers taking prescription medication(s) and/or have alcohol, drug, psychiatric or medical condition (s) that could impair their ability to perform in a safe manner should contact the Campus Assistance Program.
The Campus/Employee Assistance Program (C/EAP) is a free service provided by LSU Health Sciences Center to assist faculty, staff, House Officers and students in the resolution of personal problems.
C/EAP offers a multidisciplinary team with medical backup. The staff is equipped to assist House Officers with an array of problems, issues or stressors. All services are confidential, and all client records are limited to C/EAP staff. If a House Officer or a family member needs C/EAP services they should call 568-8888. A C/EAP counselor will answer any questions about their services or schedule an appointment.

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