V.G.8. Vacation and Holiday Leave
House Officers at post-graduate year I (PGY I) are entitled to twenty-one (21) days (including weekends) of non-cumulative vacation leave per year. House Officers at PGY II and above are entitled to twenty-eight (28) days (including weekends) of non-cumulative vacation leave per year. Vacation leave should not ordinarily be requested before or after scheduled holidays.
Vacation leave must be used during the academic/appointment year. Unused vacation leave is not permitted to be accumulated nor carry forward. At the end of the academic/appointment year any unused vacation leave will be forfeited.
House Officers will follow the holiday schedules of the Participating Institutions where they are assigned to work. They are not to adhere to the LSU System Board holiday schedule. House Officers must follow their department processes for requesting approval for any form of leave.
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