X.F.7. At-Home Call
Time spent on patient care activities by House Officers on at-home call must count toward the 80-hour maximum weekly limit. The frequency of at-home call is not subject to the every-third-night limitation, but must satisfy the requirement for one day in seven free of clinical work and education, when averaged over four weeks.
At-home call must not be so frequent or taxing as to preclude rest or reasonable personal time for each House Officer.
House Officers are permitted to return to the hospital while on at-home call to provide direct care for new or established patients. These hours of inpatient patient care must be included in the 80-hour maximum weekly limit.
- House Officers are required to log all work hours in New Innovations Software Program or its replacement program. Those who fail to log work hours or log erroneous work hours are subject to disciplinary action.
The School of Medicine as well as each Program is required to monitor and document compliance with these requirements for all House Officers. This policy applies to every site where House Officers rotate.
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