NBME UPDATES for Medical School and Student Services
USMLE Suspending Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination
We remain committed to the valid, standardized measurement of clinical skills for licensure. We will take this time to determine the optimal approach to do so without compromising the health and safety of examinees and test center staff. While many details surrounding this decision are still being finalized, we felt it was important to share this information with you as soon as we determined our change in direction. We will be providing refunds for all of those who were unable to take Step 2 CS due to the suspension of testing and will work to expedite these refunds. Over the next few weeks, we will be announcing more detailed information on what this decision will mean for examinees, e.g., refunds, progression through education/training and medical licensure. Medical School Services l National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®) Send questions or comments to medicalschoolservices@nbme.org
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