VI.B.1. Probation
House Officers may be placed on probation for, among other things, issuance of a warning or reprimand; or imposition of a remedial program. Remediation refers to an attempt to correct deficiencies which, if left uncorrected, may lead to a non-reappointment or disciplinary action. In the event a House Officer's performance, at any time, is determined by the House Officer Program Director to require remediation, the House Officer Program Director shall notify the House Officer in writing of the need for remediation. A remediation plan will be developed that outlines the terms of remediation and the length of the remediation process. Failure of the House Officer to comply with the remediation plan may result in termination, non-renewal, non-promotion, extension of the probationary period of the House Officer's appointment, or a combination of the foregoing. In cases where probation is extended as part of non-promotion, the appeal of probation, if any, would be included in the appeal, if any, of non-promotion as described in the Due Process section of the manual. June 2017
A House Officer who is dissatisfied with a Departmental decision to issue a warning or reprimand, impose a remedial program, or impose probation may appeal that decision to the Department Head informally by meeting with the Department Head and discussing the basis of the House Officer's dissatisfaction within ten (10) working days of receiving notice of the Departmental action. The decision of the Department Head shall be final.
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