VI.B.5. Summary Suspension
The House Officer Program Director, or designee, or the Department Head or designee shall have the authority to summarily suspend, without prior notice, all or any portion of the House Officer's appointment and/or privileges granted by University or any other House Officer training facility, whenever it is in good faith determined that the continued appointment of the House Officer places the safety of University or other training facility patients or personnel in jeopardy or to prevent imminent or further disruption of University or other House Officer training facility operations.
Except in those cases where suspension occurs as part of other appealable disciplinary actions, within two (2) working days of the imposition of the summary suspension, written reason(s) for the House Officer's summary suspension shall be delivered to the House Officer and the Academic Dean. In those other appealable cases the due process as described in the above section of this manual labeled Termination, Non-Reappointment, and Other Adverse Action takes precedence. The House Officer will have five (5) working days upon receipt of the written reasons to present written evidence to the Academic Dean in support of the House Officer's challenge to the summary suspension. A House Officer, who fails to submit a written response to the Academic Dean within the five (5) day deadline, waives his/her right to appeal the suspension. The Academic Dean shall accept or reject the summary suspension or impose other adverse action. Should the Academic Dean impose adverse action that could significantly threaten a House Officer's intended career, the House Officer may utilize the due process delineated above.
The Department may retain the services of the House Officer or suspend the House Officer with pay during the appeal process. Suspension with or without pay cannot exceed 90 days, except under unusual circumstances.
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