Medicare / PECOS Enrollment
Federal law now requires that all physicians who prescriptions for Medicare patients be enrolled in the Medicare PECOS system. Enforcement of the requirement has been pushed back to January 1, 2019. However, House Officers who have not yet registered should still register.
While the enforcement for provider enrollment for drug prescriptions has been delayed until 2019, the requirement for prescribing durable home-health equipment is already being enforced. Residents who are not registered will be unable to prescribe durable home-health equipment.
PECOS enrollment status is displayed on the Resident Data Status system. Alternatively, the status can be checked by looking at the Order and Referring Provider List, which is updated nightly by CMS.
Incoming House Officers will complete enrollment during the Incoming House Officer Orientation.
Existing House Officers who are not enrolled, and incoming House Officers who do not attend orientation can find enrollment information at Manual PECOS Enrollment for Residents.
Prescriber Enrollment Home (includes detailed information enforcement delay until 2019)
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