PECOS Enrollment Deadline Extended

PECOS Enrollment Deadline Extended


We have just learned that The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has pushed back the deadline for requiring registration for drug prescribers until January 1, 2019.  We still recommend that all residents get registered as soon as possible. CMS has also stated that they will be revising the application process for prescribers to make it easier. Previously registered residents will not need to do anything, but residents who have not yet registered will be able to use the new streamlined application process when it is released.

More information is available in the Knowledge Base:  Medicare / PECOS Enrollment

For Programs Rotating to Ochsner in January

As of right now, all House Officers rotating to Ochsner in January still need be PECOS enrolled.  While CMS has changed their deadline, our contract with Ochsner states that the rotating House Officers must be enrolled.  Until we are instructed otherwise from them, all House Officers will need to be enrolled before rotating at Ochsner in 2017.

Note:  While the enforcement for drug prescribers is being delayed until 2019, enforcement for prescribers of durable home-health equipment has already taken effect.  Any resident who needs the ability to prescribe durable home-health equipment to Medicare patients must be registered.

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