Pre-Recruitment Activities

Pre-Recruitment Activities

  1. Virtual Information Sessions are a way to introduce prospective candidates to many different aspects of your residency program.

  2. These events should be highly engaging and an opportunity for face-to-face, two-way communication between prospective candidates and residency programs.

a. Hosting Platform Options

i. Zoom, Facebook Live, Instagram Live

                 b. Virtual Pre-Recruitment Marketing

i. Communicate to potential candidates via social media, program website, and targeted emails

Be cautious of unwanted participants. 

                                   a. On social media advertisements, offer a registration form to screen potential applicants

                                   b. Do not advertise public Zoom links on social media

                                   c. Create Zoom meeting password for all events

                   c. Virtual Pre-Recruitment Event Logistics

i. Pre-recruitment events can be hosted in a variety of ways.  Consider adding many of these suggestions to promote engaging and informative events:

a.       Department Head Welcome

b.       Program Director Welcome/Overview

c.       Panel Discussion with residents and faculty

d.       Zoom breakout rooms to meet with each level of resident to discuss level specific requirements

e.       Discussion about Life in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, etc.

f.        Discussion about Wellness activities

g.       Show a recruitment video

                   d. Audience

i. Be sure to invite the following to your pre-recruitment events:

a.       LSU Medical Students

b.       Other medical students who submitted a VSAS application – contact the LSU Student Affairs Office for information

c.       Other interested medical students

d.       International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

e.       Personal connections by faculty and current residents with potential candidates

3.       Virtual Residency Fairs

a. Participate in virtual residency fairs to gain local and national exposure for your residency/fellowship program:

i. Board specialty Virtual Residency Fair

a.       Contact your specialty board to find out program specific nationwide pre-recruitment events

ii. LSU Residency URM Student Showcase

1. September 19th – 1:00pm – 4:00pm

                        a. Welcome and three recurring 45 min breakout times

2. To participate, email the Office of Diversity and Community Engagement: Sonja Alridge – Salrid@lsuhsc.edu and cc Robert Maupin and Angela Mclean by Friday August 21st

a. Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Virtual Residency Fair

i.       September 10th - 12:00pm – 8:00pm

ii.       September 12th - 10:00am – 3:00pm

iii.       To participate, email the Office of Diversity and Community Engagement: Robert Maupin, MD to register to participate

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