New Hire Documents Available

New Hire Documents Available


All new hire documents for incoming residents and fellows are now available.  As in years past, incoming house officers will complete a form online which will generate all LSU documents, and packets for several of our partner hospitals.  Instructions to give to incoming House Officers, and their Login and PIN Codes are at the online appointment forms website (https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/medical_education/graduate/appointments/default.aspx) on the “Newhire Documents” tab.  Below the instructions, a list of hospital appointment packets which will also be available for the incoming HO will also be shown. 

Remember, no packets are required for Touro, UMCNO, and CHNOLA.  OLOL is only requiring a 2 page confidentiality agreement.

If you have not yet entered your incoming house officers into New Innovations, please do so ASAP.  I need to have the full list of incoming House Officers complied in a few days to submit to our various hospital sites.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Chris Callac, MS
Information Management Specialist
Office of Medical Education
LSU Health Sciences Center
2020 Gravier St., Room 617
New Orleans, LA  70112
(504) 568-2988

LSU GME Knowledge Base

Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.