LSBME Permit Renewal
The LSBME Permit Renewal Spreadsheet and Program Director letters for House Officers requiring permits for the next Academic Year are available in January, online at the GME Online Appointment Forms site. The signed letters and completed spreadsheet can be mailed to the LSBME between January and February with the last day of February as a due date. House Ofifcers must pay the renewal fee through their LAMed Dashboard account. The LSBME willnot issue a renewal permit if the fee is not paid.
Detailed instructions for downloading the spreadsheet and necessary letters is available in the Knowledge Base at LSBME Permit Renewal. Please read all instructions in the Knowledge Base, along with the instructions included in the renewal spreadsheet. The instructions should answer most questions that you will have. Additionally, instructions for using the GME Online Appointment Forms site are available at GME Online Appointment Forms.
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