Visiting House Officer - Medical School

Visiting House Officer - Medical School

Visiting House Officers

Request for Visiting House Officers to rotate through an LSU program should be submitted to the GME office no less than three months in advance.

Visiting House Officer Check List

A letter from the LSUHSC Program on letter head (See Sample Letter), to the visiting House Officer, which must include the following:

      • Name and Address of visiting House Officer.
      • Start date and end date of visit. (not to exceed one month)
      • Paragraph stating what the training will include (for example:  seeing patients in clinic and/or on various services; participating in Surgery; attending various academic conferences), along with the name of all hospitals the visiting House Officer will be rotating to during the visit.
      • Paragraph stating that there is no remuneration, slary, or stipend offered and that all costs incurred, including transportation, all living expenses and mandatory health insurance is the visiting House Officer’s responsibility.
      • Approval of rotation with signature line for Department Chairman, Program Director, Director of Graduate Medical Education and visiting resident.

Once the letter is signed by all parties, copies are sent to the Academic or Medical Education Office at the rotation site for privleges; a copy is also sent to the Vice Chancellor's office for rmalpractice issues; and the GME office keeps a copy.  The Original is returned to the program.

Valid Louisiana permit/license to practice medicine in Louisiana before beginning the short-term training as a visiting House Officer, a permit/license to practice medicine in Louisiana is required.   House Officers that do not have a Louisiana permit/license to practice medicine, must contact the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners at (504) 568-6820 to obtain a temporary permit/license to practice medicine in Louisiana.  This can be a lengthy process, possibly a few months, and should be done as early as possible.  Permit/license is to be attached to the letter.


Data Sheet for Visiting Residents and Fellows House Officer is responsible for completing this form and returning it to the Program Coordinator.

Copy of ECFMG Certificate (only required for foreign medical graduates)

UMCNO Visiting House Officer Packet Required if the Visiting House Officer will participate in patient care activities at the hospital.  

UMCNO Code of Conduct for Learners

EPIC Training Contact Cheryl Usher with LCMC's EPIC training team

Obtain a visiting ID badge from LSUHSC Human Resource Management Office (HRM).  The program should contact LSUHSC HRM for instructions for the procedure to obtain a visiting ID badge.  Also contact the Academic or Medical Education Office at the rotation site for the instructions for the procedure to obtain a visiting ID badge for that site.

Proof of Immunizations Visiting House Officer should fill out the worksheet and submit the supporting documents needed.

COVID Vaccination Proof (photo of vaccination card acceptable) * or Completed LSUHSC Vaccination Exemption Form* This information will be kept and tracked in the GME office only. Private health information will not be shared with the hospital(s).

Proof of HIPAA training


Proof of Malpractice Insurance malpractice insurance can be purchased through LAMMICO or other provider of your choice.

Once the Department Chairman, Program Director, and Visiting House Officer have signed the letter, it is sent, with the copies of the other documents, to the attention of Sara Blakemore in the GME Office, 2020 Gravier St., 6th floor, Suite 614 to obtain the signature of the Director of Medical Education.  After all parties have signed, the GME Office will return the original letter to the Program.  A copy of the letter should be given to the Visiting House Officer.  All paperwork will then be submitted to the training facility.

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