Resident Data Status

System Name:Resident Data Status
Used By:Program Coordinators
Permissions:Accessible to people with admin permissions for programs in New Innovations.

Used to show which residents are missing required pieces of personnel data in New Innovations.  Also shows Medicare PECOS status

Username / Password:

Regular LSU username and password

Direct Questions To:Chris Callac
Access System:

Information for Accessing System

System is only accessible from on-campus or via Citrix.

A ✔ indicates an item that is complete.

An ✘ indicates an item that is not in New Innovations.  Clicking on the ✘ will open New Innovations in a new tab and bring you directly to the section where the missing data item can be entered.

Other Info

Medicare PECOS status is also displayed.  PECOS status is updated nightly from the official list published by CMS.

Places This System is Referenced

  • Page:
    Resident Data Status (Directory) — Used to show which residents are missing required pieces of personnel data in New Innovations.  Also shows Medicare PECOS status

LSU GME Knowledge Base

Copyright 2020 LSU School of Medicine unless otherwise specified.