Direct Pay Check Request

Form Name:Direct Pay Check Request
Completed By:Business Manager and/or Program Coordinator
Used When:Used to request a non-payroll reimbursement check, issued without the requirement of a LSUHSC purchase order, as a reimbursement for a purchase made.
Direct Questions To:Department business manager or Burlison, Danielle.
Form Link:

Resources for Completing Form

Common types of direct pay payments:

Required documentation for Direct Pay:

Common Direct Pay account codes:

Other Info


Other Related Information

  • Page:
    Burlison, Danielle (Directory) —
          Direct Pay
  • Page:
    Direct Pay (Terms and Abbreviations) — The process used to request the University to write a physical check to pay for items. Direct Pay is used to reimburse for items purchased (original receipt needed) or used to request a check for one time purchases such as subscriptions, dues, or contracts requiring a single payment.

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