LSBME Permit Renewal Instructions
The LSBME Permit Renewal Spreadsheet should be downloaded from GME Online Appointment Forms. All active residents with permits who will be continuing next year are listed on the spreadsheet automatically. Signed Program Director letters, printed on/after January 1, for all House Officers renewing their LSBME permits should be signed and attached to the spreadsheet. All residents renewing permits must pay the $100 renewal fee in their LaMed Dashboard.
- For any House Officers who will not renew a permit (such as HOs who wish to obtain a full license), delete them from the spreadsheet
- Print the spreadsheet (only the portion that needs to be submitted will print).
- For House Officers who will be in their PGY 3 year, please indicate whether or not they have passed Step 3and have had scores submitted to the LSBME. (The House Officers do not yet need to have taken Step 3. However, the LSBME will not extend the permit until Step 3 scores have been received. This will help us to know if a permit is not issued due to Step 3 versus other problems).
- Place a check in the PD Letter Attached column to confirm that the PD letter is signed and attached to this form.
- Place your initials in the Coordinator Initials to indicate that each person's info on this sheet is correct, and the letter/check are attached.
- GME does not have to initial the spreadsheet
- Submit the completed spreadsheet and letters to the LSBME starting in January with a deadline the last day of February.
For Residents With Permit Renewal Uncertainties
If a resident is unsure about renewing a permit, or if a program anticipates a resident being terminated, that resident may be removed from the spreadsheet. The signed program letter can be sent to the LSBME (after the resident's continuation in the program has been decided). the House OFficer will be resonsible for checking their LaMed Dashboard to pay the $100 renewal fee to the LSBME.
For Residents Who Withdraw or Are Terminated After Spreadsheet Submission
If it is determined that a resident will not be continuing in the program after submitting the spreadsheet and Program Director Letter to the LSBME, the Program Director must submit a letter to the LSBME informing the LSBME that the House Officer will no longer being in the program with the effective date. The reason does not have to be inlcuded. The $100 fee submitted to the LSBME is non-refundable, but will be credited to the resident if they transfer to another program in Louisiana and will be applying for a permit thru their new program.
Here is the link to the Knowledge Base with all of the instructions.
The LSBME Permit Renewal Spreadsheet and Program Director letters for House Officers requiring permits for the next Academic Year are available in January, online at the GME Online Appointment Forms site. The signed letters and completed spreadsheet can be mailed to the LSBME between January and February with the last day of February as a due date. House Ofifcers must pay the renewal fee through their LAMed Dashboard account. The LSBME willnot issue a renewal permit if the fee is not paid.
Detailed instructions for downloading the spreadsheet and necessary letters is available in the Knowledge Base at LSBME Permit Renewal. Please read all instructions in the Knowledge Base, along with the instructions included in the renewal spreadsheet. The instructions should answer most questions that you will have. Additionally, instructions for using the GME Online Appointment Forms site are available at GME Online Appointment Forms.
Medical Licenses are issued by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners (LSBME). Active medical licenses or permits are required for all residents enrolled in LSU Graduate Medical Education training programs.
LSBME Permit Renewal (Policies and Procedures)
Types of Licenses (Licenses)
LSBME Letter of Commitment PGY 2 (Forms & Documents)
LSBME Letter of Commitment - PGY 1 (Forms & Documents)
V.I. Medical Licensure (House Officer Manual)
IV.K. House Officer Recruitment, Eligibility, and Selection Policy (House Officer Manual)
LSBME Criminal Background Check Packet (Licenses)
Medical Licenses (Licenses)
Licenses (New Innovations)
At the beginning of each academic year, the Graduate Medical Education office contacts the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) and requests a Medicaid Provider Number for all enrolled House Officers. Medicaid Provider Numbers are required for any physician writing prescriptions for patients enrolled in Louisiana Medicaid. (Prescriptions are denied at the pharmacy when written by a physician without a Medicaid Prescriber Number.)
Louisiana Medicaid Provider Number (Licenses)
DEA Numbers are required for physicians to prescribe controlled substances. DEA numbers are issued by either the facility the House Officer is working at, or by the US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration. The LSU GME Office is not involved in the assignment of DEA numbers.
DEA Information for Outgoing House Officers (Licenses)
V.D. DEA (House Officer Manual)
DEA (Terms and Abbreviations)
DEA Numbers (Licenses)
A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique, 10 digit number required for all healthcare practitioners. Numbers are assigned and maintained by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
NPI (Terms and Abbreviations)
National Provider Identifier (Terms and Abbreviations)
NPI Request Instructions (Licenses)
National Provider Identifier (NPI) (Licenses)
Federal law now requires that all physicians who prescriptions for Medicare patients be enrolled in the Medicare PECOS system. Enforcement of the requirement has been pushed back to January 1, 2019. However, House Officers who have not yet registered should still register.
PECOS Enrollment for Ochsner Rotators (Licenses)
PECOS (Terms and Abbreviations)
Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (Terms and Abbreviations)
Check Medicare / PECOS Enrollment Status (Licenses)
Medicare / PECOS Enrollment (Licenses)
The U. S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 established the five schedules of controlled substances, and they are enumerated in 21 USC 812 as well as 21 CFR 1308. The Louisiana version of the controlled substances schedules are enumerated in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, more specifically in La R.S. 40:964, as well as the relevant section of the administrative code, more specifically at LAC 46:LIII.2703. For a current list of controlled substances, you may consult any of several websites, including the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) site at, or the Board of Pharmacy's site at You may also consult the Board's publication, Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Laws and Regulations.
CDS (Terms and Abbreviations)
Controlled Dangerous Substance (Terms and Abbreviations)
Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS) License (Licenses)
Recently Updated Items
LSU GME Knowledge Base
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