Appointments & Contracts Tab

Appointments & Contracts Tab

Appointments & Contracts Tab

All House Officers expected to be active for the academic year will be shown on this page.  Off-cycle house officers who will have 2 separate HO levels during the course of the year will be shown twice.

Print Appointment Form will create a PDF of the Appointment Form for the program which needs to be printed and submitted to the GME Office.

Download Malpractice Spreadsheet will download the Malpractice Spreadsheet in Excel to be submitted electronically for Malpractice verification.

Download LSBME Permit Renwal Spreadsheet will download the LSBME Permit Renewal Spreadsheet in Excel, to be submitted to the GME office.  (See LSBME Permit Renewal for additional information.)

Download All Program Letters for LSBME Spreadsheet will download a single PDF containing all of the Program Director Letters which need to be submitted to the LSBME with the spreadsheet.

 Click to View Screenshot

Appointments & Contracts Fields
  • HO Level - Indicates the HO Level for the House Officer for the academic year.
  • New Appt - Indicates a House Officer who will have their first appointment in the program during the academic year.
  • Re-Appt - Indicates a House Officer who will be continuing in the program for another year
  • Hold Over - Indicates a House Officer who is active for the prior academic year and is NOT promoting to a new level on July 1st
  • Apt Start - The start date for the appointment
  • Apt End - The end date for the appointment
  • Program Start - The start date for the House Officer's tenure in the program.
  • Expected Grad - The currently anticipated graduation date for the House Officer.
  • Salary - The annualized salary for the House Officer for their level during the year.
  • FMG - Indicates whether the House Officer is a Foreign Medical Grad (Y)
Appointments & Contracts Fields
  • Contract - This will vary depending on whether a House Officer is on-cycle or off-cycle. 
    • AY Appointment - Downloads the Appointment Packet for the given House Officer.  All HOs who are active for the academic year will have an appointment packet to be submitted before July 1st. The packet includes the Agreement of Appointment, Driver Safety Form, TB Form, Health Requirements Form, and  House Officer Manual Acknowledgement Form.
    • Off-Cycle - Downloads the Off-Cycle Appointment Packet for the given House Officer.
    • Available <date> - Indicates when an off-cycle packet will be available (60 days before the start of the appointment period)
    • Blank - For off-cycle House Officers, if their appointment date is close to July 1st, their updated Agreement of Appointment is included with the Appointment Packet.
  • LSBME Letter - Downloads the appropriate LSBME Letter (Promotion Letter or Incoming Letter) which is to be signed and submitted to the LSBME.

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