Financial Support for Residents & Fellows
For and in consideration of services rendered under this Agreement of Appointment, compensation will be provided in accordance with the pay scale determined by the managing entity of the Louisiana Public Hospital System. For a House Officer (level) [House Officer Level], the minimum salary will be $[House Officer Salary] and may be amended from time to time.
House Officer level and compensation is based on a resident successfully completing all requirements for academic promotion to the next PGY level. Residents not academically promoted or who must repeat all or part of a year prior to academic promotion will be paid at the current PGY level until academically promoted by the program.
Availability of housing, meals, lab coats, etc. will vary among the hospitals to which House Officers are assigned. House Officer work hours vary within acceptable ranges determined by House Officer Program. House Officers are paid on the 15th of the month and on the last working day of the month, calculated from the above salary expressed as hourly pay for a 7-day workweek of 8 hours per day.
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