End Of Month Certification Workflow

End Of Month Certification Workflow

A.      Policy of LSUHSC is to accurately bill for all Services


B.      LSUHSC Auditor Recommended to Chancellor and Dean that House Officer provide Certification of their Actual time worked.


C.      Chancellor & Dean Approve Implementation of the certification Reports signed by Program Director, Business Manager, Coordinator and all Residents/Fellows


Program Coordinators will:

·       Print End-of-the Month report on or after the date it is available and noted on the GME Calendar to run the EOM Report (Cannot print the report if payroll has nnot run for the month or processed by Payroll).

·       Review the data for accuracy, make corrections on the report and get all House Officer signatures/Adobe sign or approved method for responses. Approved methods are: Adobe Sign, Email responses, Outlook Voting, and other GME approved method. House Officers must receive a copy of the report they are certifying. If the Report is submitted to the GME Coordinator with missing House Officer signatures/responses, the Program Coordinator MUST send the missing respponses to the GME Coordinator ASAP.

·       Submit Signed (including attached House Officer responses) to the GME Coordinator by the deadline on the GME Calendar. If there are Combo Code/Account number changes made to this report a CSOF (Change in Source of Funds) PER 3 Must be submitted when the End-of-the Month report is submitted to the GME Office. See CSOF Training Guide.


All House Officers will:

·       Verify by signing/Adobe Sign next to their name on line on the EOM Report, or verify through Email or Outlook Voting or another GME approved method, that the Hospital rotation information, including leave, and any corrections made by the Program Coordinator are correct. If the information on the report is not correct, the House Office must notify the the Program Coordinator, or type the corecton in his/her response

·       Submit EOM Report Responses by Signing, Adobe Sign, Email, Outlook Voting and any other approved methode by their Program Coordinator’s deadline.

·       The EOM Reports must have these verifications attached to the EOM Report: Email responses, Outlook Voting, or another approved method that is not wet signature or Adobe sign.


GME Coordinator will:

·       Document date received EOM Reports, confirm that all House Officers have signed/Adobe sign or responded using the approved method used by the Program Coordinator. Confirm that a CSOF has been initiated and submitted by the Program Coordinator If any Combo code/Account Number corrections are needed.

·       Make all leave Corrections noted on the EOM Reports and confirm that corrections entered with a CSOF have updated Resident Scheduler correctly

·       Notify LSUHSC Accounting that all EOM Reports are received and corrections made and to begin the invoicing process. Invoicing can only start if all EOM Reports are received and all corrections entered in Resident Scheduler


D.      LSUHSC Accounting processes a Man Days report based on the data in Resident Scheduler for the month and sends to LCMC-UMC-N.O. , then Invoices are processed and sent to the various hospitals for  reimbursement payments

·       If the FTE number on the LCMC-UMC-N.O. Man days report for any program is over the Contract approved FTE, LCMC-UMC-N.O. contacts the School of Medicine’s DIO to explain. 

·       The DIO contacts the Program to explain

E.       Hospitals receive Invoices.  After reviewing Invoices received, if there are any discrepancies, the Hospital Contact person will notify LSUHSC Accounting, and LSUHSC Accounting will contact Department Business Manager, Program Coordinator, and GME Coordinator to resolve the Discrepancies 

F.       To resolve discrepancies, documentation may be required from the program coordinator to submit to the Hospital to justify the original data is correct. 

G.      If the information the Hospital contact person provides is correct, and different from the data in Resident Scheduler, the program coordinator will notify LSUHSC Accounting and the GME Coordinator of the correction.   

·       If the change is a project/account number change, a CSOF (Change in Source of Funds) electonic PER 3 must be submitted by the program Coordinator.

·       GME Coordinator approves the CSOF and confirms that the correction has updated Resident Scheduler and attaches a copy of the Executed CSOF to the EOM report

·      CSOFs must be executed to update Resident Scheduler. GME Coordinator will send Accounting a copy of the executed CSOF submitted to show corrections for months that have been invoiced.  

H.      LSUHSC Accounting processes revised invoices after receiving the executed/completed CSOF and sends the revised invoice to the Hospital

This process will have to be completed in a short period of time due to invoice processing deadlines and Contract language.  In the event that discrepancies are discovered after services are invoiced, those discrepancies may be referred to the DIO, the Dean and Chancellor’s Offices who will take whatever steps are appropriate to ensure resolution. 

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