

LSUHSC House Officer Pay Period: House Officers are paid twice a month. House Officers receive their first check, which includes the first 15 days of the month, on the 15th of the month. If the 15th of the month is a weekend or a Bank Holiday, House Officers will receive their check on the last working day before the weekend or Bank Holiday.  House Officers receive their second check for the month, which includes the remainder of days in the month beginning with the 16th of the month through the last day of the month, on the last day of the month. If the last day of the month is a weekend or a Bank Holiday, House Officers will receive their check on the last working day of the month before the weekend or Bank Holiday.  House Officer payroll run dates and Paydays are included in the Payroll Calendar.

House Officer Payroll

House Officer Payroll includes the following to be completed by Program Administrators:

  1. Enter House Officer payroll Schedules in PeopleSoft-Resident Scheduler
    1. After schedules are entered, check Unassigned/Under-Assigned option in Resident Scheduler
      1. if names appear, they are not scheduled for the date range entered in the search
        1. Select Detail for the dates and/or precent of effort the House Officers are not scheduled for in the date range
      2. If no names appear, the House Officers are scheduled for the date range entered in the search
  2. Run and submit 2 reports to the GME Office
    1.  The Beginning of the Month Report (BOM) 
      1. Program Administrator runs the BOM report before the beginning of the month
        1. Program Administrator reviews the BOM Report - if everying is correct:
          1. Program Adminstrator signs the report and submits the report to the GME Office.
    2. The End of the Month Report (EOM)
      1. The EOM report can only run after payroll has processed and completed for the last payroll of the month - see run date on payroll calendar
        1. Program Administrator runs the report, reviews the report
          1. if leave is not included for house officers, program Adminstrator writes in the leave
          2. Program Administrator sends the EOM Report to all House Officers
            1. All House Officers must certify their time on the EOM report and respond if there are any corrections before the EOM Report is sent to the GME Office
              1. House Officers cerity thier time on the EOM Report:  house officers can sign the report with wet signature, or with Adobe Sign; house officers can respond to the email that included the repor, (es approve or no, and herer is the correction); or house officers can ceritfy by using any other GME Approved certification option.
              2. Program Administrators writes any corections noted by house officers on the EOM Report and submits the report to the GME Office
    3. Change in Source of Funds (CSOF)
      1. If the correction on the EOM Report changes the combo code/account number, an electronic retroactive Change in Source of Funds (CSOF) must be submitted at the time the EOM report is sent to the GME Office.   See CSOF Training Guide.

LSUHSC Pay Scale: 

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