End of the Month Certification Report

End of the Month Certification Report

The End of the Month Certification Report (EOM) is required every month.  The report includes all House Officers scheduled for the month with a signature line after their name, and a cover Signature page for Program Director, Business Manager and Program Coordinator signatures.  Program Coordinators are responsible for running the report in Resident Scheduler, reviewing, distributing the report to all House Officers for review and signature/Email/voting response certifying the hospital rotation and any leave noted is correct for the month.  The Program Coordinator is responsible for submitting the End of the Month Report with the signed Cover Signature page and all House Officer signatures/responses/voting option responses to the GME Office.

Signed reports with the cover signature page, all house officer signatures/responses/voting option responses and PER 3s, if account code changes are needed, via campus mail or EMail to Yolanda Lundsgaard, in the GME Office by the due date each month.  <Insert Calendar>

NOTE:  Original PER 3s are needed. If a copy of a PER 3 is sent via EMail, the Original PER 3 MUST be sent to the GME Office too.  <Insert Link to PER 3 Instructions - Change Source of Funds after Payroll has run >

All House Officers MUST certify/acknowledge the information on the EOM Report.  Coordinator gets the House Officers to certify/acknowledge that the rotation and any leave noted on the Report is correct by:

  • Signing the report.  The signature MUST clearly identify the House Officer that signed for the name listed on the report,  (For example, if the House Officer does not sign on the line next to his/her name or his/her signature overlaps another house Officer signature, it must be clear on the report who signed).  If the information is not correct, the House Officer must notify the Coordinator and the Coordinator will write the correction on the report.
  • Responding by Email that the information on the Attached report is correct or not correct.  The language printed at the bottom of the Report can be used in the body of the Email sent to the House Officers for the House Officer to certify /acknowledge the information is or is not correct.  If the information is not correct, the House Officer states this in his/her EMail response and the Coordinator writes the correction on the report.
  • Using the Outlook Voting Option “Yes” if the information on the report is correct; or “No/Reject” if the information is not correct.  If the information is NOT correct, and the House Officer responds No/Reject, he/she must provide the coordinator with the correction and the Coordinator writes the correction on the report.
  • If Combination Code (Account Number) changes are needed, a PER 3 is required to make the change.  The signed Original PER 3 must be submitted with the EOM Report.  A copy of the PER 3 should be scanned with the EOM Report if the report is submitted via Email.  Coordinator MUST send the Original PER 3 to the GME Office as soon as possible.  Electronic PER 3s are not accepted for House Officer Resident Scheduler corrections.
  • Off-Cycle House Officer:  House Officers that Terminate off-Cycle or terminate on June 30, MUST certify their Resident Scheduler rotation for that month.  If the House Officer will not be able to sign the EOM report for that month, or respond by email or voting option, then he/she MUST sign a copy of the BOM report for that month, or send an Email response for the assignment noted on the BOM report for that month.  The page or pages that are signed or the Email/Voting option responses to the BOM report for that month, MUST be submitted with the EOM report for that month by the due date. 
  • After receiving all House Officer signatures/responses, Coordinator attaches the Signature Form  to the EOM Report with the House Officer responses attached, (Email responses and/or Voting Option responses), Coordinator signs the report; then has the Program Director, and Business Manager sign the Report.  
  • Coordinator sends the Report with the Signed Signature Form and all House Officer signatures/responses, (Email responses and/or Voting Option responses), to Yolanda Lundsgaard in the GME Office.  The signed report can be submitted via campus mail; submitted by Email or brought to the GME Office.

NOTE:  If the deadline to submit the report to the GME Office is nearing, and the Coordinator has not received all House Officer signatures/responses or Program Director signature, the Coordinator must send the report with as many House Officer signatures/responses obtained by the Report deadline and then send the missing signatures/responses as soon as possible.  DO NOT SEND AN EOM REPORT BY THE DUE DATE WITH NO SIGNATURES or NO RESPONSES

  • This process must be completed in a short period of time due to the contractual requirements for Accounting to submit Invoices to the Hospitals.
  • Report Due Dates are important.
  • Invoicing CANNOT Start until ALL EOM reports are received and All corrections made by the GME Office in Resident Scheduler.  Waiting for some reports holds up Invoicing for all programs/hospitals.
  • Keith Schroth, in the Dean’s Office, is notified of reports received after the due date.
  • Keep Reports on file:  Coordinators must keep a copy of the completed EOM Reports on file.  Copies can be in paper or electronic format.

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