Accreditation Timeline - May

    • Complete End of Year Program Evaluations - Residents & Faculty (June)
    • Collect all trainees & faculty Scholarly Activity for upcoming WebADS Update (June)

    • Organize Data for Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) - Annual Program Review
    • Submit any upcoming changes to Participating Sites to the GMEC for approval.
    • PEC - Review & Update Last Year's Program Improvement Action Plans
    • PEC - Develop New Program Improvement Action Plans
    • Analyze Institutional Graduate Exit Survey data (June/July)
    • ACGME Resident & Faculty Survey Results & Responses
    • Review Case Log Data & Upload Into WebADS
    • Coordinate residents end of year review for non-graduating residents
    • Upload Milestone Data
    • Enter all new house officers in WebADS after rollover (Late June)
    • Exit/Graduate all graduating house officers in WebADS after the rollover (Late June)
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